Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017


Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017Gem Rock Auctions is specialist site for verified industry gemstone sellers. Since incorporation in 2005 we have sold just under 300,000 gemstones to 184 countries. We have compile this report based on the last 12 months of 50,000 gemstones sold. We have worked out percentages based on Dollar value sold.  No Reserve auctions has been the most popular category at 39.5% of sales. With over 1315 categories available we find our buyers really appreciate they diverse variety of gemstones. What surprised our researches is most purchases were in sub category’s (For example, Ruby Gemstone -> Burmese Rubies). This shows buyers are far more educated about gemstones than the industry give credit for. Sapphires is our largest category which has 33 sub categories and Garnets has 43 sub categories. Some go down three levels and when a buyer takes the effort to view, the percentage purchase was very high. Researchers also found that the majority of high end purchase were Certified Gemstones. We now have the world’s largest selection of certified Colored Gemstones online with over 4,800 gemstones to choose from. Another surprise was the popularity or rare gemstones. Researchers found when buyers searched these rare gemstones the percentage of purchase is highest of any category’s. New listings of Grandidierite were extremely popular Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017

Sapphire Gemstones

With 6700 stones offered for sale and with 22 different sub categories this is our most popular gemstone. We have every color and variety of Sapphire in our largest category hence it is the number one selling gemstone. As with other gemstones the variety of colours is popular. We see this trend to continuing through ought other gemstones. Faceted Sapphires are the most popular category and buyers source quality stones while matching the price. Higher end sapphires all tend to be certified. Heat treatment is considered normal for sapphires in the gemstone industry. Australian sapphires were the second most popular category as traditional blue colors and good cutting were in high demand. Blue sapphires were the third most popular and goes to show a healthy demand for traditional blue colours. Star sapphires have had steady sales and demand for better quality star patterns is increasing. All other categories had steady demand based on price and quality. Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017

Garnet Gemstones

3700 Garnets offered on Gem Rock Auctions in 17 categories, All varities of garnet had good following, and seems buyers greatly enjoy gemstones that offer different colours. Garnets offer the whole spectrum of colors. The stand out variety is Spessartite Garnets. Certified strong red to orange hues were in high demand. Rhodolite Garnets were the second most popular garnet and have the most stone listed on Gem Rock Auctions. Color Change garnets were third strongest in demand. We do not have many listed so it was surprising that it is the third most popular garnet. Demantoid Garnets were Forth most popular garnet which is interesting as these olive-green color garnets are so different to the purple red Rhodolite garnets .  Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017


There are 1,200 stones offered on Gem Rock Auctions, with 800 colored diamonds. Gem Rock Auctions has always concentrated more on colored Diamonds than White Diamonds. As with other gemstones the Varity of colours is popular, and we see this trend to continue. Pink Diamonds are the most popular and have a good reputation as unique rare diamonds. Several sales were small Argyle pink diamonds and it is getting harder to find natural pink that is not colour enhanced. White Diamonds were steady in second place with traditional diamonds required for engagement or wedding rings. Blue Diamonds are the third most popular due to several expensive sales. Most are HPHT and Irradiation treated. Natural Blue Diamonds are some of the rarest and most expensive gemstones around so finding a treated stone offers good value. Red, Yellow, Black and Champagne colour diamonds all had steady buyers. Learn more about colored diamonds before buying as product knowledge is helpful with treatments on diamonds. Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017

Tanzanite Gemstones

We have 1,400 stones offered on Gem Rock Auctions. The popularity of this stone has been on a roller coaster for prices, but prices have stabilized for this quality gemstone. The stunning Violet Blue colours are so intoxicating and makes a beautiful settings in white gold. This has helped its popularity. Faceted Tanzanite gemstones take the majority of sales. Specimens are collectible and mineral collectors consider a tanzanite specimen a ‘must have’ in their collection. Please view one of our seller’s article Tanzanian Gem Show And Arusha Mine Tours Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017


3,400 Rubies offered for sale on Gem Rock Auctions. Interesting statistics for Ruby sales. The majority of purchases were for Faceted Stones and mostly all top rubies were sold with Certificates. Many buyers were interested in the quality and cut of the stone as well as where it was mined. Afghanistan Rubies were twice in demand compared to Mozambique or Myanmar Ruby’s. Many buyers prefer heated only ruby’s and lower sales with glass filled or fissure rubies. All price points had good following. Be sure to read u about the different types of treatments so you have product knowledge before you buy one of these ruby gemstones. How Do They Treat Ruby Gemstones.

Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017

Gemstone Jewelry

Demand has been strong for Gemstone jewelry that has a combination of mixed gemstones. This goes hand in hand with publicity in Gemstone magazine that colour is back in fashion for gemstones. Everyone wants to find pleasure in jewelry and colour makes people happy, so we expect demand to increase for Jewelry. Multiple gemstone  Rings saw a huge demand with over 44% rings of having multiple gemstones. The 40 odd gemstone categories all had steady demand Gemstone Pendants While Mixed gemstones are popular demand has really been across the board with a huge selection gemstones and relates closely to birthstones. Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017

Emerald Gemstones

1,500 stones offered on Gem Rock Auctions. The popularity of this stone has been gradually increasing. Buyers do not mind the oil treatments that most emeralds have. Columbian Emeralds are the most popular due to their reputation. And three times more popular than Africa Emeralds. Australian Emeralds have just been listed and will be interesting to see results next year. Certified faceted Emeralds have steady sales. Reports of large deposits found in Africa has not resulted in volume listings so 21018 will be an interesting year for Emeralds. Zambian Emeralds: What You Need To Know Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017

Rare Gemstones

Another surprise was the popularity or rare gemstones. Researchers found when buyers searched these rare gemstones the percentage of purchase is the highest of any category. New listings of Grandidierite were extremely popular Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017

Spinel Gemstones

Only 850 Spinel gemstones listed on Gem Rock Auctions and with only 6 sub categories buyers clearly state they enjoy this faceted gemstone spinel.  At present there is only 135 spinel stones certified and many buyers consider this gemstone good value for many as it offers so many colour variations from deep colours to majestical bright colours. We are looking forward to 2018 and hope miners find new fields as more buyers would enjoy owing one these spinel gemstones. The Mahenge Spinel is the variety that made demand explode for this gemstone. Please read as to why this is so! Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017

Aquamarine Gemstones    

Over 1,000 Aquamarine gemstones listed on Gem Rock Auctions. Buyers enjoy this Stone as it offers so many large stones suitable to make that fabulous ring. Cutting technique is very important in this stone and buyers prefer master cut fine faceted stones and interesting also buyers enjoy the opposite Square, Octagon, emerald cuts Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017

Other Gemstones

We have over 98,000 gemstones in over 1300 categories on Gem Rock Auctions. Gemstones over all these categories have steady sales, with so many categories and sub categories we cannot show all varieties. Maybe this helps explain the reason why gemstones are so popular as they appeal to large cross section of the population. Not just as gemstones for jewelry, but collectors wanting unique Gems to mineral and specimen collectors. Hobby collectors are also buying gemstones as we can see so many people want to add to their collections. But we do not see any set pattern. As some buyers like to buy a certain colour or variety gemstones, others like a colour of the stone or shape. It is Interesting how specific these new collectors are for gems they desire, and they do frequent the site regularly and use item watch to help in searching price points. Gemstone buyers have so much more product knowledge now and more sophisticated buying patterns than several years ago. Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017

Treatment and Certified Gemstones

We have 4,800 Certified Gemstones on Gem Rock Auctions compared to year ago when we have only 2,000. Researchers were excited to see 26.7% total sales were Certified Gemstones. Certified gemstones are less than 5% of total gemstones listed show it shows they are by far the most in demand in any category. It is by far the most clicked on variant on Gem Rock Auctions and does show its most important to our buyers but what is absolutely fascinating is that we sold 4750 certified gemstones in 12 months. This is due to many No reserve auctions now including certified gemstones. Statistically Certified gemstones are our top search criteria, our top sales and top category for most items sold on a % basis. Also, the majority of low end stones or minerals do not require certificate so now a MAJORITY of certified gems over $300 are certified. Certified Gemstones do give buyers more confidence and our approved gem testing laboratories are also required to be approved by our Gemstone Sheriff program. Over 10 years ago we realized how important classification, certified and treatments were to the gemstone industry and this had helped make Gem Rock Auctions a market leader in this industry. Interesting the category Filled cavities or Fissure Cobalt was second highest average price after Certified Gemstones. Buyers have more confidence when all listings are described accurately, and treatments do not deter buyers as long as it is clearly stated in the description.

Buyers should carefully study our approved laboratories as not all can do tests accurately  Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017


Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017Gem Rock Auctions is specialist site for verified industry gemstone sellers. Since incorporation in 2005 we have sold just under 300,000 gemstones to 184 countries. We have compile this report based on the last 12 months of 50,000 gemstones sold. We have worked out percentages based on Dollar value sold.  No Reserve auctions has been the most popular category at 39.5% of sales. With over 1315 categories available we find our buyers really appreciate they diverse variety of gemstones. What surprised our researches is most purchases were in sub category’s (For example, Ruby Gemstone -> Burmese Rubies). This shows buyers are far more educated about gemstones than the industry give credit for. Sapphires is our largest category which has 33 sub categories and Garnets has 43 sub categories. Some go down three levels and when a buyer takes the effort to view, the percentage purchase was very high. Researchers also found that the majority of high end purchase were Certified Gemstones. We now have the world’s largest selection of certified Colored Gemstones online with over 4,800 gemstones to choose from. Another surprise was the popularity or rare gemstones. Researchers found when buyers searched these rare gemstones the percentage of purchase is highest of any category’s. New listings of Grandidierite were extremely popular Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017

Sapphire Gemstones

With 6700 stones offered for sale and with 22 different sub categories this is our most popular gemstone. We have every color and variety of Sapphire in our largest category hence it is the number one selling gemstone. As with other gemstones the variety of colours is popular. We see this trend to continuing through ought other gemstones. Faceted Sapphires are the most popular category and buyers source quality stones while matching the price. Higher end sapphires all tend to be certified. Heat treatment is considered normal for sapphires in the gemstone industry. Australian sapphires were the second most popular category as traditional blue colors and good cutting were in high demand. Blue sapphires were the third most popular and goes to show a healthy demand for traditional blue colours. Star sapphires have had steady sales and demand for better quality star patterns is increasing. All other categories had steady demand based on price and quality. Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017

Garnet Gemstones

3700 Garnets offered on Gem Rock Auctions in 17 categories, All varities of garnet had good following, and seems buyers greatly enjoy gemstones that offer different colours. Garnets offer the whole spectrum of colors. The stand out variety is Spessartite Garnets. Certified strong red to orange hues were in high demand. Rhodolite Garnets were the second most popular garnet and have the most stone listed on Gem Rock Auctions. Color Change garnets were third strongest in demand. We do not have many listed so it was surprising that it is the third most popular garnet. Demantoid Garnets were Forth most popular garnet which is interesting as these olive-green color garnets are so different to the purple red Rhodolite garnets .  Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017


There are 1,200 stones offered on Gem Rock Auctions, with 800 colored diamonds. Gem Rock Auctions has always concentrated more on colored Diamonds than White Diamonds. As with other gemstones the Varity of colours is popular, and we see this trend to continue. Pink Diamonds are the most popular and have a good reputation as unique rare diamonds. Several sales were small Argyle pink diamonds and it is getting harder to find natural pink that is not colour enhanced. White Diamonds were steady in second place with traditional diamonds required for engagement or wedding rings. Blue Diamonds are the third most popular due to several expensive sales. Most are HPHT and Irradiation treated. Natural Blue Diamonds are some of the rarest and most expensive gemstones around so finding a treated stone offers good value. Red, Yellow, Black and Champagne colour diamonds all had steady buyers. Learn more about colored diamonds before buying as product knowledge is helpful with treatments on diamonds. Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017

Tanzanite Gemstones

We have 1,400 stones offered on Gem Rock Auctions. The popularity of this stone has been on a roller coaster for prices, but prices have stabilized for this quality gemstone. The stunning Violet Blue colours are so intoxicating and makes a beautiful settings in white gold. This has helped its popularity. Faceted Tanzanite gemstones take the majority of sales. Specimens are collectible and mineral collectors consider a tanzanite specimen a ‘must have’ in their collection. Please view one of our seller’s article Tanzanian Gem Show And Arusha Mine Tours Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017


3,400 Rubies offered for sale on Gem Rock Auctions. Interesting statistics for Ruby sales. The majority of purchases were for Faceted Stones and mostly all top rubies were sold with Certificates. Many buyers were interested in the quality and cut of the stone as well as where it was mined. Afghanistan Rubies were twice in demand compared to Mozambique or Myanmar Ruby’s. Many buyers prefer heated only ruby’s and lower sales with glass filled or fissure rubies. All price points had good following. Be sure to read u about the different types of treatments so you have product knowledge before you buy one of these ruby gemstones. How Do They Treat Ruby Gemstones.

Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017

Gemstone Jewelry

Demand has been strong for Gemstone jewelry that has a combination of mixed gemstones. This goes hand in hand with publicity in Gemstone magazine that colour is back in fashion for gemstones. Everyone wants to find pleasure in jewelry and colour makes people happy, so we expect demand to increase for Jewelry. Multiple gemstone  Rings saw a huge demand with over 44% rings of having multiple gemstones. The 40 odd gemstone categories all had steady demand Gemstone Pendants While Mixed gemstones are popular demand has really been across the board with a huge selection gemstones and relates closely to birthstones. Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017

Emerald Gemstones

1,500 stones offered on Gem Rock Auctions. The popularity of this stone has been gradually increasing. Buyers do not mind the oil treatments that most emeralds have. Columbian Emeralds are the most popular due to their reputation. And three times more popular than Africa Emeralds. Australian Emeralds have just been listed and will be interesting to see results next year. Certified faceted Emeralds have steady sales. Reports of large deposits found in Africa has not resulted in volume listings so 21018 will be an interesting year for Emeralds. Zambian Emeralds: What You Need To Know Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017

Rare Gemstones

Another surprise was the popularity or rare gemstones. Researchers found when buyers searched these rare gemstones the percentage of purchase is the highest of any category. New listings of Grandidierite were extremely popular Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017

Spinel Gemstones

Only 850 Spinel gemstones listed on Gem Rock Auctions and with only 6 sub categories buyers clearly state they enjoy this faceted gemstone spinel.  At present there is only 135 spinel stones certified and many buyers consider this gemstone good value for many as it offers so many colour variations from deep colours to majestical bright colours. We are looking forward to 2018 and hope miners find new fields as more buyers would enjoy owing one these spinel gemstones. The Mahenge Spinel is the variety that made demand explode for this gemstone. Please read as to why this is so! Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017

Aquamarine Gemstones    

Over 1,000 Aquamarine gemstones listed on Gem Rock Auctions. Buyers enjoy this Stone as it offers so many large stones suitable to make that fabulous ring. Cutting technique is very important in this stone and buyers prefer master cut fine faceted stones and interesting also buyers enjoy the opposite Square, Octagon, emerald cuts Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017

Other Gemstones

We have over 98,000 gemstones in over 1300 categories on Gem Rock Auctions. Gemstones over all these categories have steady sales, with so many categories and sub categories we cannot show all varieties. Maybe this helps explain the reason why gemstones are so popular as they appeal to large cross section of the population. Not just as gemstones for jewelry, but collectors wanting unique Gems to mineral and specimen collectors. Hobby collectors are also buying gemstones as we can see so many people want to add to their collections. But we do not see any set pattern. As some buyers like to buy a certain colour or variety gemstones, others like a colour of the stone or shape. It is Interesting how specific these new collectors are for gems they desire, and they do frequent the site regularly and use item watch to help in searching price points. Gemstone buyers have so much more product knowledge now and more sophisticated buying patterns than several years ago. Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017

Treatment and Certified Gemstones

We have 4,800 Certified Gemstones on Gem Rock Auctions compared to year ago when we have only 2,000. Researchers were excited to see 26.7% total sales were Certified Gemstones. Certified gemstones are less than 5% of total gemstones listed show it shows they are by far the most in demand in any category. It is by far the most clicked on variant on Gem Rock Auctions and does show its most important to our buyers but what is absolutely fascinating is that we sold 4750 certified gemstones in 12 months. This is due to many No reserve auctions now including certified gemstones. Statistically Certified gemstones are our top search criteria, our top sales and top category for most items sold on a % basis. Also, the majority of low end stones or minerals do not require certificate so now a MAJORITY of certified gems over $300 are certified. Certified Gemstones do give buyers more confidence and our approved gem testing laboratories are also required to be approved by our Gemstone Sheriff program. Over 10 years ago we realized how important classification, certified and treatments were to the gemstone industry and this had helped make Gem Rock Auctions a market leader in this industry. Interesting the category Filled cavities or Fissure Cobalt was second highest average price after Certified Gemstones. Buyers have more confidence when all listings are described accurately, and treatments do not deter buyers as long as it is clearly stated in the description.

Buyers should carefully study our approved laboratories as not all can do tests accurately  Gemstone Trends Worldwide 2017


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