What Is The Coupon Discount Rewards Program?
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The member rewards coupons are automatically credited to your account once you have made a purchase. The amount of the coupon varies based on the schedule below:

  • Spend $20 and receive $1.00 coupon
  • Spend $50 and receive $2.50 coupon
  • Spend $200 and receive $10.00 coupon
  • Spend $500 and receive $20.00 coupon
  • Spend $1000 and receive $50.00 coupon


  1. Maximum of one coupon per buyer per 30 day period

  2. Coupon is available immediately after eligible payment and is valid for up to 30 days

  3. Coupon value must be less than or equal to the purchase price of the item excluding taxes, shipping and insurance costs.

  4. Coupons are not transferable and cannot be shared across multiple accounts

  5. Each coupon can only be used once

  6. Coupons can only be redeemed using Paypal via the checkout - manual payments (Paypal or Direct Deposit) are not eligiBble

  7. Not all sellers partake in this promotion. You can see which sellers participate by looking under their profile for the ‘Member Reward’ icon


  • 消费 20 美元并获得 1.00 美元的优惠券
  • 消费 50 美元并获得 2.50 美元的优惠券
  • 消费 200 美元并获得 10.00 美元的优惠券
  • 消费 500 美元并获得 20.00 美元的优惠券
  • 消费 1000 美元并获得 50.00 美元的优惠券


  1. 每位买家每 30 天最多可使用一张优惠券

  2. 符合条件的付款后可立即使用优惠券,有效期最长为 30 天

  3. 优惠券价值必须小于或等于商品的购买价格,不包括税费、运费和保险费。

  4. 优惠券不可转让,不能跨多个账户共享

  5. 每张优惠券只能使用一次

  6. 优惠券只能通过结帐使用 Paypal 兑换 - 手动付款(Paypal 或直接存款)不符合条件

  7. 并非所有卖家都参与此促销活动。您可以通过在他们的个人资料下查看“会员奖励”图标来查看哪些卖家参与

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