About Us
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From the earliest days of our business in 2004 we have gone from a ‘one man show’ to a international specialist team which continues to grow our Opal, Gemstone and Jewelry business.  We are lucky enough to have years of experience in our team members from many industries and backgrounds allowing us to draw on that expertise and combine it with our passion for Opals and Gemstones. 


Founder & CEO

About Us - Wayne Sedawie

Wayne Sedawie was introduced to Opals in 1992 by his brother Paul from Seda Opals, who mines at Lightning Ridge in New South Wales, Australia. After meeting his mate Chris from Opal Rush, Wayne was hooked on Opals. Over the years he has had shares in Opal mines, operated Opal cutting factories and jewelry factories overseas and has cut over 200,000 Opals himself. His growing passion for Opals made him realise he needed to bring these amazing stones to the people of the world. 

About Us - Paul Sedawie

In September 2004 Wayne founded Opal Auctions. The goal was to offer Opals direct from Opal miners and wholesalers direct to opal buyers all over the world. 13 years later over 330,000 Opals have new homes in over 184 countries. 

About Us - Estela Sedawie

In 2007 Wayne and his wife Estela started Gem Rock Auctions with the same principles and goals, to bring approved Verified Sellers to offer genuine gemstones to the world.

IT Department

About Us - Steve Thomas

Steve joined us in 2005 and now has over 12 years’ experience in making sure our websites and servers are up 24/7. He is now also in charge of our specialist IT team who work on server upgrades, compliance issues, security, website development and maintenance. Our websites get 2-3,000 request per minute and over 34 million-page views per annum and need constant monitoring. To further his skills Steve completed an Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect course - Associate in 2017.

Adrian joined us in 2005 for a few years and then travelled the world working in New York and Sydney. He has recently returned to our IT team and is now in charge of our Mobile App development.

Business Development

About Us - Ross Sedawie

Ross has been responsible for our business development, SEO, content creation and advertising strategy since 2013.  As a trained Engineer and Gemologist, Ross monitors market trends in both the Opal and Gemstone industries and is constantly developing new strategies for our business. His focus for 2018 will be targeted advertising for our websites.

Terese has worked on many project for our business since 2013.  Her qualifications as an IT Business Analyst with a minor in Accounting, along with over 12 years of experience working for large corporations has brought a professional edge to our business. 

Her focus for 2018 includes SEO, content creation and our online presence.

Shipping Department

About Us - Silvia Palmero

Silvia has been in charge of shipping from our head office now for over 10 years and has shipped hundreds and thousands of packages. Her Switzerland efficiency is paramount for our buyers to receive their parcel quickly and efficiently. Many buyers will have had contacted her in regard to their items and shipping. 

Marketing Department

About Us - Summer

Summer handles our social sites in China and our Opal website in China. She also assists with photography. 

Sheriff Department

We have several international Gemologists who maintain our Gemstone and Opal Sheriff programs. They are based in Australia and USA. This department makes sure that our Opal and gemstones are verified and authenticated. We handled over 17,000 requested audit last year and they have been great asset for our customers. 

Customer Service & Support

Iris has worked with us for 3 years and many of you would have received messages from her over the years. She is in charge of our support tickets for both our customers and sellers. If anyone has a problem Iris can fix it. 

Verified Sellers

Our business wouldn’t exist without our 130+ Verified Sellers. They are truly the heart and soul of our Opal & Gemstone family. 

从 2004 年我们业务的最初阶段开始,我们已经从一个“单人秀”发展成为一个国际专家团队,继续发展我们的蛋白石、宝石和珠宝业务。我们很幸运,我们的团队成员拥有来自许多行业和背景的多年经验,使我们能够利用这些专业知识并将其与我们对蛋白石和宝石的热情结合起来。


关于我们 - Wayne Sedawie

Wayne Sedawie 于 1992 年被他来自 Seda Opals 的兄弟 Paul 介绍给 Opals,后者在澳大利亚新南威尔士州的 Lightning Ridge 开采。在 Opal Rush 遇到他的伙伴 Chris 后,Wayne 迷上了 Opals。多年来,他参股了欧泊矿山,在海外经营着欧泊切割厂和珠宝厂,亲手切割了超过20万颗欧泊。他对蛋白石日益增长的热情使他意识到他需要将这些神奇的宝石带给世界人民。

关于我们 - Paul Sedawie

2004 年 9 月,韦恩创立了 Opal Auctions。目标是直接向世界各地的蛋白石买家提供来自蛋白石矿工和批发商的蛋白石。 13 年后,超过 330,000 颗蛋白石在超过 184 个国家/地区拥有新家。

关于我们 - Estela Sedawie

2007 年,Wayne 和他的妻子 Estela 以相同的原则和目标创办了 Gem Rock Auctions,让经过认证的卖家向世界提供真正的宝石。


关于我们 - 史蒂夫·托马斯

Steve 于 2005 年加入我们,现在在确保我们的网站和服务器 24/7 全天候运行方面拥有超过 12 年的经验。他现在还负责我们的专业 IT 团队,负责服务器升级、合规问题、安全、网站开发和维护。我们的网站每分钟收到 2-3,000 个请求,每年页面浏览量超过 3400 万,需要持续监控。为了进一步提高他的技能,Steve 于 2017 年完成了亚马逊 AWS 认证解决方案架构师课程 - Associate。

Adrian 于 2005 年加入我们,工作了几年,然后周游世界,在纽约和悉尼工作。他最近回到了我们的 IT 团队,现在负责我们的移动应用程序开发。


关于我们 - Ross Sedawie

自 2013 年以来,罗斯一直负责我们的业务发展、搜索引擎优化、内容创作和广告策略。作为一名训练有素的工程师和宝石学家,罗斯监控蛋白石和宝石行业的市场趋势,并不断为我们的业务制定新战略。他 2018 年的工作重点是为我们的网站投放有针对性的广告。

自 2013 年以来,Terese 为我们的企业从事过许多项目。她拥有 IT 业务分析师的资格,辅修会计,以及超过 12 年的大型公司工作经验,为我们的业务带来了专业优势。

她 2018 年的重点包括搜索引擎优化、内容创建和我们的在线业务。


关于我们 - Silvia Palmero

Silvia 从我们的总部负责运输已经超过 10 年,已经运送了成百上千个包裹。她在瑞士的效率对于我们的买家快速高效地接收包裹至关重要。许多买家会就他们的物品和运输与她联系。


关于我们 - 夏季

Summer 于 6 个月前加入我们,负责处理我们在中国的社交网站和我们在中国的 Opal 网站。她还协助拍照。


我们有几位国际宝石学家维护我们的宝石和蛋白石警长计划。他们位于澳大利亚和美国。该部门确保我们的蛋白石和宝石经过验证和鉴定。去年我们处理了超过 17,000 项要求的审计,它们对我们的客户来说是一笔宝贵的财富。


Iris 已经与我们合作了 3 年,多年来你们中的许多人都会收到她的信息。她负责我们的客户和卖家的支持票。如果有人遇到问题,Iris 可以解决。


没有我们的 130 多个经过验证的卖家,我们的业务就不会存在。它们确实是我们 Opal & Gemstone 家族的核心和灵魂。

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