Emerald Inclusions - What The Inner World of Emeralds Can Tell You
祖母绿内含物 - 祖母绿的内在世界可以告诉你什么
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Ever wondered what make Emeralds look the way they do? A large part of it is down to something called “inclusions”. These are basically the result of a material being trapped in the stone during its formation. Inclusions are considered to be flaws in other stones like diamonds which require complete clarity, but they are appreciated in the Emerald business and add to the stone’s charm and natural beauty. So here is a list of the most common inclusions found in emeralds.


Also known as feathers, fissures are a very common inclusion in emeralds. They are found in emeralds all over the world and so are not seen as undesirable unless they are large in quantity. They look like small cracks or fractures in the emerald – hence the name fissure – and occur naturally in the mineral, sometimes permeating throughout the gemstone. An overabundance of fissures, however, can compromise the durability of the stone and lead to chipping, so this is something to be cautious about.

Almost every Emerald that has ever been pulled from the ground will contain some sort of Fissure or tiny fractures. These inclusions are natural and are part of the Emerald but it is always desirable to reduce the visual impact of these fissures. That is why Emeralds are routinely treated using natural oil which hides the fissures.

emerald inclusions - fissures

Single-Phase Inclusion

Single-phase inclusion are rarer than the other two that we will talk about simply because it is not a common feature of Colombian emeralds. Single-phase inclusion can, however, be seen in Musakashi emeralds, which come from an emerald mine of the same name in Zambia. This inclusion looks like a collection of crystals in the stone and is the result of a mineral inclusion, as opposed to a liquid or a gas.

emerald inclusions

Two-Phase Inclusion

Two-phase inclusion can be found in Colombian emeralds as well as those from other regions. In a two-phase inclusion, we have a gas bubble trapped in liquid, which differs from the single-phase inclusion by not containing a mineral element. These inclusions are often characterised by their jagged appearance.

emerald 2 phase inclusions

Three-Phase Inclusion

Three-phase inclusions are like a combination of single- and two-phase inclusions; they are often jagged-edged, and consist of a combination of liquid, gas, bubbles, halite salt (another name for rock salt) and crystals. These inclusions can be described as a pea-pod which is pointed at both ends; the pod is the liquid, gas bubble have formed inside and there is a crystal element also. Three-phase inclusions are especially common in Colombian emeralds – and as Colombia is the foremost emerald exporter in the world, this type of inclusion can be seen in many stones in circulation today.

emerald 3 phase inclusions

Other Features

Along with the inclusions being discussed below, the following are examples of what one can expect to see in an emerald:

  • Veils – these are small bubble-like inclusions which form a layer which can vary in width and length. In emeralds, these are often formed from liquid and can have a jagged appearance.
  • Growth tubes – this inclusion features a series of tubes running parallel to each other.
  • Negative crystals - these are distinctive crystal shapes but are actually a cavity in the rock, therefore it is an outline and not a solid substance within the rock.
  • Tremolite – this inclusion is very much like that of the growth tubes, except the tubes do not run parallel but rather branch off in different directions.







祖母绿内含物 - 裂缝


单相内含物比我们将要讨论的其他两种更罕见,因为它不是哥伦比亚祖母绿的共同特征。然而,在来自赞比亚同名祖母绿矿的 Musakashi 祖母绿中可以看到单相包裹体。这种内含物看起来像石头中的晶体集合,是矿物内含物的结果,而不是液体或气体。




祖母绿 2 相包裹体






  • 面纱——这些是小的气泡状内含物,形成一个宽度和长度可以变化的层。在祖母绿中,这些通常由液体形成,并且可能具有锯齿状外观。
  • 生长管——这种内含物具有一系列相互平行的管。
  • 负晶体——这些是独特的晶体形状,但实际上是岩石中的一个空腔,因此它是一个轮廓,而不是岩石中的固体物质。
  • 透闪石——这种夹杂物与生长管的夹杂物非常相似,只是管子不是平行的,而是在不同的方向分支。


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