$913.00 USD

26.10 Cts Commercial Parcel parti green Sapphire GOGO 1583

Abmessungen (mm)
5.000 x 5.000 x 3.000mm
Gewicht (cts)

natural sapphire parcel as per images

3-5 mm

Natural Sapphire

Sapphire History

The Greeks used sapphire to curry favour with the god Apollo and wore it while visiting the Oracle of Delphi. Sapphire is associated with Abraham in the Judeo-Christian tradition and was one of the twelve precious stones incorporated into the breastplate of the High Priest of Israel.

Since medieval times, sapphire has been associated with the majesty and tranquility of the heavens. Because they believed it symbolized heaven, clergy in the Middle Ages wore blue sapphires. Kings and queens wore it to attract wealth and for protection. It was thought by many to dispel evil thoughts and to bring peace and amiability to its wearer as well as ward off illness and overcome poisons.

It is a varietiey of the mineral corundum, the birthstone for September and modern gift to commemorate a 45th wedding anniversary.

Sapphire Metaphysical Properties

Sapphire is said to be the wisdom stone, stimulating concentration, enhancing creativity and promoting purity and depth of thought.

It is believed to focus and calm the mind as well as remove unwanted thoughts, depression and mental tension. It is known as the stone of new love and commitment and is claimed to be useful in encouraging faithfulness and loyalty. Sapphire is thought to bring peace of mind, serenity and prosperity.

This sapphire parcel was mined from alluvial or weathering deposits in NSW, Australia and purveyed on location.

Mineral InformationAluminum oxide, corundum group
Chemical CompositionAI2O3
Hardness9 (Mohs)
Specific Gravity3.99 - 4.00
Refractive Index1.766 - 1.774

Versandanbieter Versand nach:Land Versand in den Rest der Welt
FedEx $12.00 / :Tage Tage $39.00 / :Tage Tage
FedEx erhält bei Bestellungen mit 2 oder mehr Artikeln einen Rabatt auf $12.00
Rest der Welt
FedEx erhält bei Bestellungen mit 2 oder mehr Artikeln einen Rabatt auf $39.00
Registered Shipping $9.00 / :Tage Tage $16.00 / :Tage Tage
Registered Shipping erhält bei Bestellungen mit 2 oder mehr Artikeln einen Rabatt auf $9.00
Rest der Welt
Registered Shipping erhält bei Bestellungen mit 2 oder mehr Artikeln einen Rabatt auf $16.00

Inspired by the abundance and beauty of the earth's most natural treasure, Pamella Regan-Fox established GoGoanna in 1989. We are merchants of colored gemstones, pearls and devote our life to trading in over 20 countries with the view of locating truly exceptional and unusual pieces. In Australia we also travel extensively to source the best opals, colored diamonds, parti-colored sapphires, chrysoprase and pearls, which we showcase on our international travels. GoGoanna's gems, from alexandrite to zircon, are eagerly sought by leading international jewelry artists and designers who are looking for that extraordinary stone with an unusual cut and color. Among our elite clients are presidents, politicians, sultans, royalty, music moguls, film stars and sports celebrities. We pride ourselves in our collection of connoisseur collector stones GoGoanna's main strength is its passion for the industry. "Working in gemology presents an opportunity to discover that special stone whether it be the lustrous creation of the humble oyster or the fierce beauty of gemstones produced by volcanoes."
:Stadt Land
:gesamtes Feedback

  • ybd04

    Very nice! I could not find anything like this online elsewhere. Thank you!

  • markmobsby

    Paid and shipped - no feedback left after 100 days

  • milarea

    Paid and shipped - no feedback left after 100 days

  • nomixmokes

    Paid and shipped - no feedback left after 100 days

  • markmobsby

    Paid and shipped - no feedback left after 100 days

Gutscheincode GOGDEAL
Gültig bis
26th Sep 2024


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Auflistungstyp : Standard
Produkt ID : 632411
Beginnt : 17th September 2024 06:51 am PDT
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