How to tell the difference between Turquoise and dyed Howlite
Kako razlikovati tirkiznu i obojenu haulitu
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natural turquoiseDid you know that 90% of the Turquoise on the market is actually dyed Howlite? Howlite is an absorbent white mineral that can be dyed in almost any color imaginable. So how do you tell the difference? The ideas we will discuss for telling them apart are:

  • Appearance – Real Turquoise has a unique and identifiable look

  • Color stability – Can the color be removed?

  • Price – If it looks too good to be true it probably is

History of Turquoise

The Egyptians were fond of Turquoise, as where the Chinese. In fact Turquoise has been discovered that was carved by Chinese artisans over 3,000 years ago. The Persians (modern day Iran) had the biggest Turquoise market on the planet. 2,000 years ago they were trading in this beautiful gemstone that was pulled from the nearby mountains. The Persians believed that the blue color of Turquoise represented the heavens. You will notice in present day Iran that many of the temples and places of worship will have Turquoise embedded into the entrance.

The native American Indians also had an eye for Turquoise. There is evidence that the Navajo Indians had Turquoise mines that are ancient. The Navajo Indians made the Turquoise a central focus of some of their beliefs. One of the beliefs was that Turquoise thrown into a river can cause it to rain.

Why Did Dyed Howlite Come Into Focus?

Like all things with gemstones and cheaters, it is far more profitable to sell something that looks like Turquoise. Something that is much cheaper to produce. Throughout history the finest color of Turquoise has always been the Persian Turquoise. An incredible robins egg blue color that is unmistakable for any other gemstone. This color was sought after by Kings, Queens and rulers of Empires. This of course made this particular color of Turquoise extremely expensive and hard to find.

robins eggs and turquoise

The beauty of Howlite is that it can be dyed any color imaginable. The most common color you will see it dyed is of course the Robins egg blue. The same blue that the Persian Turquoise is known for. This way the cheaters can sell the imitation Turquoise for a high price and get the most profit.

The other benefit of using Howlite is the natural webbing or matrix that occurs in this mineral. It is almost identical to the webbing in natural Turquoise. Since this webbing is basically impossible to manufacture it is easier to use an existing mineral that has the same properties. Below is a side by side picture of white Howlite (this is how it looks naturally), natural Turquoise and dyed Howlite. You can see how similar the webbing and matrix look.

how to tell the difference between turquoise and dyed howlite

How To Tell The Difference

Observations of Physical Appearance

Firstly, lets get a grasp on how this mineral forms. The main element that causes the blue color is Copper, so we need some of that. Next up is a mixture of water, aluminium and phosphorus. Once all of those ingredients are together in the same place at the same time the formation of Turquoise can occur. The different amounts of these elements can change the properties of Turquoise dramatically.

  • The color can range from a vibrant blue to a green to brownish green

  • The MOHS hardness of the mineral ranges from 4.5 to 6.

It is very rare to find Turquoise with a perfectly uniform and evenly distributed color. The old stones coming from Persia certainly had even color but that is why they are worth thousands of dollars. Stones that are very uniform in color are more than likely dyed.

The matrix is the most obvious inclusion in Turquoise. So where does it come from? It is the left over remains from the host rock in which the Turquoise grew. The webbing can be black, brown, yellow or a host of other colors. Over long periods of time this matrix erodes away. When this happens the matrix and the Turquoise are at different heights and this creates a type of over growth.

This is the first physical observation you can make. If you have a rough natural piece, use your finger nail to rub along the surface of the stone. If your nail gets caught on where the Turquoise meets the webbing, then this is a good indication of natural Turquoise.

The next observation you can make is about the hardness of the mineral. Howlite has a hardness of about 3.5 while most Turquoise is between 5 – 6. While this is not an easy way to tell the difference, if your stones scratch easily then they are more than likely dyed Howlite.

Color Stability

This next test is known as a ‘destructive test’. If your Turquoise is dyed this test may damage the stone. All you need is some acetone (nail polish remover) and a cotton bud or a piece of tissue. Acetone is extremely handy for checking if anything has been dyed. Simply place some acetone on a cotton bud and wipe an area of the stone. Choose an area that is insignificant such as the back of the stone or right on the edge. Once you have wiped the stone the cotton bud should turn blue and the stone should appear to have a whiter patch or an area of lighter color.

The dye used on Howlite only penetrates the surface of the stone. The inside is still white while the outside is a vibrant blue. Some very cheap dyes will actually run with a bit of water added to it. These are the cheapest versions and many people complain about their pieces losing color during raining days.

surface dyed howlite Turquoise imitation


Lastly there is one way to tell if your Turquoise is natural or dyed. That is the price. If it seems too good to be true, then it probably is. Take for example a strand of perfectly matching amazing blue Turquoise beads. In nature it would be very difficult to find a bunch of Turquoise beads that have exactly the same color.

The biggest piece of advice to give when buying Turquoise is to try and find someone you trust. Ask them where the stones come from, get a feel for how much knowledge they have. A place like Gem Rock Auctions monitors the active auctions to make sure all of the Turquoise on the site has the correct treatments labeled.


prirodni tirkiz Jeste li znali da je 90% tirkizne boje na tržištu zapravo obojeno haulitom ? Howlite je upijajući bijeli mineral koji se može obojiti u gotovo bilo koju boju koju možete zamisliti. Pa kako prepoznati razliku? Ideje o kojima ćemo razgovarati da ih razlikujemo su:

  • Izgled – Prava tirkizna ima jedinstven izgled i prepoznatljiv

  • Stabilnost boje – Može li se boja ukloniti?

  • Cijena – ako izgleda predobro da bi bilo istinito, vjerojatno i jest

Povijest tirkiznog

Egipćani su voljeli tirkiz , kao i Kinezi. U stvari, otkriven je tirkiz koji su izrezbarili kineski obrtnici prije više od 3000 godina. Perzijanci (današnji Iran) imali su najveće tirkizno tržište na planeti. Prije 2000 godina trgovali su ovim prekrasnim dragim kamenom koji je izvučen iz obližnjih planina. Perzijanci su vjerovali da plava boja tirkiza predstavlja nebo. Primijetit ćete u današnjem Iranu da će mnogi hramovi i bogomolja imati tirkiznu boju na ulazu.

Indijanci Indijanaca također su imali oko za tirkiz. Postoje dokazi da su Indijanci Navajo imali drevne rudnike tirkiza. Indijanci Navajo učinili su tirkiz središnjim fokusom nekih svojih vjerovanja. Jedno od vjerovanja bilo je da tirkiz bačen u rijeku može uzrokovati kišu.

Zašto je obojeni haulit došao u fokus?

Kao i sve stvari s dragim kamenjem i varalicama, daleko je isplativije prodati nešto što izgleda kao tirkiz. Nešto što je mnogo jeftinije za proizvodnju. Kroz povijest je najbolja boja tirkiza uvijek bila perzijska tirkizna. Nevjerojatna crvendaćeva jaje plava boja koja je nepogrešiva za bilo koji drugi dragi kamen. Ovu boju tražili su kraljevi, kraljice i vladari carstava. To je naravno učinilo ovu boju tirkizne izuzetno skupom i teško ju je pronaći.

crvendaće jaja i tirkiz

Ljepota Howlita je u tome što se može obojiti u bilo koju boju koju možete zamisliti. Najčešća boja koju ćete vidjeti obojanu je naravno Robinsovo jaje plavo. Ista plava po kojoj je poznata perzijska tirkiz. Na taj način varalice mogu po visokoj cijeni prodati imitaciju tirkizne boje i dobiti najveću dobit.

Druga prednost korištenja Howlita je prirodna mreža ili matrica koja se javlja u ovom mineralu. Gotovo je identična mrežici u prirodnoj tirkiznoj boji. Budući da je ovu traku u osnovi nemoguće proizvesti, lakše je koristiti postojeći mineral koji ima ista svojstva. Ispod je jedna do druge slika bijelog Howlite-a (ovako izgleda prirodno), prirodnog tirkiznog i obojenog Howlite-a. Možete vidjeti koliko slično izgledaju remen i matrica.

kako razlikovati tirkiznu boju od obojenog haulita

Kako prepoznati razliku

Promatranja fizičkog izgleda

Prvo, shvatimo kako nastaje ovaj mineral. Glavni element koji uzrokuje plavu boju je Bakar, pa nam treba nešto od toga. Sljedeća je mješavina vode, aluminija i fosfora. Nakon što su svi ti sastojci zajedno na istom mjestu u isto vrijeme, može doći do stvaranja tirkizne boje. Različite količine ovih elemenata mogu dramatično promijeniti svojstva tirkizne boje.

  • Boja može varirati od jarke plave do zelene do smećkastozelene

  • Tvrdoća minerala po MOHS-u kreće se od 4,5 do 6.

Vrlo je rijetko pronaći tirkiz sa savršeno ujednačenom i ravnomjerno raspoređenom bojom. Staro kamenje koje je dolazilo iz Perzije sigurno je imalo ujednačenu boju, ali zato vrijedi tisuće dolara. Kamenje vrlo ujednačene boje je više nego vjerojatno obojeno.

Matrica je najočitija inkluzija u tirkiznoj boji. Pa odakle dolazi? To su ostaci stijene domaćina u kojoj je izrastao tirkiz. Mreža može biti crna, smeđa, žuta ili u nizu drugih boja. Tijekom dugog vremenskog razdoblja ova matrica erodira. Kada se to dogodi, matrica i tirkizna su na različitim visinama i to stvara neku vrstu prekomjernog rasta.

Ovo je prvo fizičko promatranje koje možete napraviti. Ako imate grubi prirodni komad, noktom protrljajte površinu kamena. Ako vam se nokat zakači na mjestu gdje se tirkizna susreće s remenom, onda je to dobar pokazatelj prirodne tirkizne boje.

Sljedeće zapažanje koje možete napraviti odnosi se na tvrdoću minerala. Howlite ima tvrdoću od oko 3,5 dok je većina tirkizne boje između 5 – 6. Iako ovo nije lak način da se razlikuje, ako se vaše kamenje lako ogrebe onda je više nego vjerojatno obojeno u haulit.

Stabilnost boje

Ovaj sljedeći test poznat je kao 'destruktivni test'. Ako je vaša tirkizna boja, ovaj test može oštetiti kamen. Sve što trebate je malo acetona (odstranjivač laka za nokte) i pamuk ili komadić maramice. Aceton je izuzetno zgodan za provjeru da li je nešto obojeno. Jednostavno stavite malo acetona na vatu i obrišite dio kamena. Odaberite područje koje je beznačajno, kao što je stražnja strana kamena ili desno na rubu. Nakon što ste obrisali kamen, pamučni pupoljak bi trebao postati plav, a kamen bi trebao izgledati kao da ima bjelju mrlju ili područje svjetlije boje.

Boja koja se koristi na Howlitu prodire samo u površinu kamena. Unutrašnjost je još uvijek bijela dok je izvana živoplava. Neke vrlo jeftine boje zapravo će raditi s malo vode dodane u njih. Ovo su najjeftinije verzije i mnogi se žale da im komadi gube boju tijekom kišnih dana.

površinski obojeni haulit imitacija tirkizne boje


Na kraju, postoji jedan način da saznate je li vaša tirkizna prirodna ili obojena. To je cijena. Ako se čini predobro da bi bilo istinito, onda vjerojatno jest. Uzmimo za primjer pramen savršeno prikladnih nevjerojatnih plavih tirkiznih perli. U prirodi bi bilo vrlo teško pronaći hrpu tirkiznih perli koje imaju potpuno istu boju.

Najveći savjet koji možete dati kada kupujete Tirkiz je da pokušate pronaći nekoga kome vjerujete. Pitajte ih odakle dolazi kamenje, osjetite koliko znanja imaju. Mjesto kao što je Gem Rock Auctions nadzire aktivne aukcije kako bi se uvjerio da sav tirkiz na web-mjestu ima ispravne označene tretmane.


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14 ljudi smatraju ovaj članak korisnim



Just back from the 2017 Tucson gems show and I think some of the busiest vendors were selling Turquoise
South West Turquoise Mines materials from famous mines such as Big nugget, Howbay,Stormy mountain were selling well, and so many natural stones were offered for sale with net price tags for $80 to $100 and vendors would not discount.
Just around the corner I found Asian sellers with treated turquoise stone for $20.00 and at end of the show they had hardly sold any, and had sign pick from $10.00
I asked was it dyed howlite and vendor had never heard of howlite.
It was good to see demand for quality Turquoise

21st Feb 2017

Wonderful presentation,  I have been telling my clients for years to watch for this type of Misrepresentation of the Turquoise,  I always tell my howlite clients how the gem is often used and dyed to look like Turquoise.  Love your Presentation and thought this was very informative for those who love gems and want to learn every fact they can possibly find,  'that is fact'.
Karen Del G

19th Apr 2016

Extremely useful information, Ross.  Now I am sure that the Sleeping Beauty turquoise I purchased from a well-known television and online jewelry retailer is a howlite. I have suspected the legitimacy of the turquoise ever since I received it three years ago.

19th Apr 2016

Beautiful Look

20th Jan 2016

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