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21/01/2020 07:37 am


Afmetingen (mm)
7.000 x 5.000 x 3.000mm
Gewicht (cts)
Certified Gemstones

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This is a well cut stone that was cut in Tanzania by experienced cutters ready to be set in jewellery.They are natural stones heat treated.

ideal for re seller or jeweller

Popular Lilac/purple colour 

Mohs scale 6.5 to 7

Grading VVS

Weight of stone 0.75 cts app 

size of stone 7 x 5 mm app 

We have some rough Tanzanite specimens in our sister stores QUALITY ROUGH and MINERAL GEM WORLD where you can see how hard it is to cut clean stones like this out of rough.




Tanzanite is an extraordinary gemstone. It occurs in only one place worldwide -Tanzair africa. Its blue, surrounded by a fine hint of purple, is a wonderful colour. Thanks to its unusual aura and the help of the New York jeweller's Tiffany, it has rapidly become one of the most coveted gemstones in the world.

Tanzanite is a blue variety of the gemstone zoisite. It consists of calcium aluminium silicate and is not particularly hard, having a value of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale. For that reason, it should always be worn carefully and never placed in an ultrasonic bath for cleaning or brought into contact with acids.

The deep blue of the tanzanite is fantastic, and runs from ultramarine blue to light violet-blue. The most coveted colour is a blue surrounded by a delicate hint of purple, which has a particularly wonderful effect in sizes of over 10 carats. The well developed polychromaticity of the tanzanite is typical: depending on the angle from which you look at it, the stone may appear blue, purple or brownish-yellow. Having said that, most raw crystals are somewhat spoiled by a brownish-yellow component, though it can be made to disappear by the cutter if he heats the stone carefully in an oven to approximately 500°. During the procedure he must pay careful attention to the moment at which the colour turns to blue. This burning is a method of treatment which is regarded as customary in the trade, but the raw stones must be as free of inclusions as possible, since otherwise fissures may occur. In fact working with tanzanite can sometimes give even the most experienced cutter a bit of a headache, the cleavage of this gemstone being very pronounced in one direction. This exclusive gemstone is cut in every imaginable shape from the classical round shape to a number of imaginative designer cuts.

Type 1 Gemstones
The following gemstones are typically inclusion free, even minor inclusions detract from their value.
Diamond, Amethyst, Beryls(Aquamarine,Morganite), Citrine, Smoky Quartz, topaz, Chrysoberyl, Kunzite, Tanzanite, green Tourmaline, and Blue Zircon
IF Internally flawless under extreme magnification (Very rare)
F Flawless
VVS Minute inclusions under 10x; invisible to the unaided eye
VS Minor inclusions under 10x; usually invisible to the unaided eye
SI1 Noticeable inclusions under 10x; usually visible to the unaided eye
SI2 Noticeable inclusions under 10x; usually quite visible to the unaided eye
I1 prominent- moderate affect on appearance or durability
I2 prominent - severe affect on appearance or durability
I3 prominent- severe affect on beauty, transparency or durability
Type 2 Gemstones
Gemstones that normally have small inclusions that do not detract from value.
Alexandrite, Andalusite, Iolite, Peridot, Rhodolite, Ruby, Sapphire, Spinel, Tourmaline, Garnet, Amethyst, Red Zircon, Tsavorite; Blue, Orange, Purple, Fluorite.Yellow and Parti-colored Tourmaline
F Flawless
VVS Minor inclusions under 10x; usually invisible to the unaided eye
VS Noticeable inclusions under 10x; often invisible to the unaided eye
SI1 Obvious inclusions under 10x; visible to the unaided eye
SI2 Obvious inclusions under 10x; very apparent to the unaided eye
I1 prominent - moderate affect on appearance or durability
I2 prominent - severe affect on appearance or durability
I3 prominent - severe affect on beauty, transparency or durability

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Registered Shipping $9.00 / :dagen dagen $16.00 / :dagen dagen
Registered Shipping wordt verdisconteerd tot $9.00 bij bestellingen met 2 of meer artikelen
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Registered Shipping wordt verdisconteerd tot $16.00 bij bestellingen met 2 of meer artikelen

Welcome to the Sedagems store, home to exquisite gemstones curated by Paul Sedawie, a distinguished member of the International Coloured Stone Association (ICA) and president of the Opal Association. With a rich background as an opal miner, Paul now traverses Australia and the globe in search of rare and intriguing gemstones and fossils. As a testament to our commitment to quality, all stock at Paul Sedawie's collection comes with a money-back guarantee, ensuring your satisfaction with every purchase.
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18683e feedback

  • danicapalmer

    Paid and shipped - no feedback left after 60 Days

  • murroy

    Very nice stone. One of the nicest examples of a Rubellite I have seen. Thank you!

  • dcallan

    well packed and fast shipping

  • thelesterfamily

    Recommend this seller love this parcel of sweet opal brilliance, can't wait to work with these

  • mineralman333

    The FedEx parcel arrived in only 5 days with no issues. The video and product description was accurate. A very unique and wonderful tektite. Super happy with my purchase. I will definitely come back again.

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Vermeldingstype : Standard
Product-ID : 260562
Openingsbod : $30
Begint : 20th January 2020 03:00 pm AEST
Loopt af : 22nd January 2020 01:37 am AEST
* Alle prijzen zijn in:valuta