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21/02/2024 12:50 am

23.5 Cts Nigerian Moss aquamarine GG 2321

Afmetingen (mm)
10.000 x 8.000 x mm
Gewicht (cts)
Certified Gemstones







Aquamarine is generally a medium dark blue coloured stone. Aquamarine comes from Brazil, Madagascar, Russia and the USA. Specimens from China and Columbia are more of a yellowish tint.

Aquamarine is a highly sought-after precious Gem, which for centuries has been widely used in the creation and encrustation of jewellery and everyday items.

Sailors legend believes mermaid’s have tails made out of aquamarine, the lucky stone ensured the sailors a safe return. Aquamarine is the birthstone for March.

Metaphysically speaking the benefits of these stones have been known to be such things as Bringing into line the aesthetic and mental bodies. It helps in honouring spiritual experiences as their own and using those experiences to further their own growth.

Physically these stones are believed to benefit us in ways such as: Purifying the physical body by strengthening the organs, it builds up and flushes the lymphatic system. It also Lessens fear and stimulates self expression also known to assist one to talk compassionately and to feel safe through the changes of life. 

Its Chemical Composition number is (SiO3)6 and its hardness ratio is 7.5.

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gem traders
gem traders
Gem Traders has cemented its position in the Australian market as a premier destination for gemstones, offering a diverse range of precious treasures. In an endeavor to enrich its offerings, Gem Traders seamlessly integrated opals into its collection, complementing its existing array of gems. Among the opals, Gem Traders showcases a splendid selection of Boulder Opals and opal doublets, each exuding its own unique charm and allure. These opulent gems seamlessly blend with Gem Traders' mainstay gemstones, creating a harmonious symphony of colors and textures. In addition to opals, Gem Traders boasts an impressive inventory of other gemstones, including Rubies, Sapphires, Amethyst, Chrysoprase, Garnets, and intricately carved gemstones. Each gemstone is meticulously curated to ensure unparalleled quality and beauty, catering to the discerning tastes of gemstone connoisseurs across Australia and the world. Gem Traders invites enthusiasts to explore its treasure trove of gemstones, where every stone tells a story of natural wonder and timeless elegance. Whether you're drawn to the captivating hues of opals or the radiant sparkle of Rubies and Sapphires, Gem Traders offers a breathtaking selection to satisfy every gemstone aficionado's desires.
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17210e feedback

  • mortrnm

    Paid and shipped - no feedback left after 100 days

  • yandorama

    Very nice Spinosaurus tooth fossil. Giving it to my Grandson in a little treasure chest for his birthday. He's into dinosaurs big time, so he'll really love it. Thanks much.

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Vermeldingstype : Standard
Product-ID : 411314
Openingsbod : $99
Begint : 15th February 2024 02:00 pm AEST
Loopt af : 21st February 2024 06:50 pm AEST
* Alle prijzen zijn in:valuta