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03/06/2024 03:34 pm

45-70 Million Years Shark & Marine Fossils Display Frame

BE 146
Afmetingen (mm)
25.000 x 20.000 x 10.000mm
Gewicht (cts)

Good selection of Teeth from 15 species Shark, Stingray, reptile  , dating from 45m to 70m years ago.

A really nice educational display piece, and also a handy reference to identify other similar finds

The region around Khouribga, Morocco is known as the phosphate plateau. The phosphate mines have exposed a wealth of marine fossils dating from the Cretaceous to Eocene ages (70-45 million years ago).

 Shark teeth and other fossils from this location are a creamy white to butterscotch colored.

The phosphate plateau is now entering commercial mining and reports are that billion dollars’ worth of phosphate deposits which is in high worldwide demand for fertilizer

Only 50 cases available in stock

Display case is 25 x 20 cm

Sorry no combined shipping due to weight

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FedEx wordt verdisconteerd tot $39.00 bij bestellingen met 2 of meer artikelen
Registered Shipping $9.00 / :dagen dagen $16.00 / :dagen dagen
Registered Shipping wordt verdisconteerd tot $9.00 bij bestellingen met 2 of meer artikelen
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Registered Shipping wordt verdisconteerd tot $16.00 bij bestellingen met 2 of meer artikelen

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:stad land
17210e feedback

  • yandorama

    Very nice Spinosaurus tooth fossil. Giving it to my Grandson in a little treasure chest for his birthday. He's into dinosaurs big time, so he'll really love it. Thanks much.

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Vermeldingstype : Standard
Product-ID : 1963632
Openingsbod : $22
Begint : 21st May 2024 01:27 pm AEST
Loopt af : 4th June 2024 08:34 am AEST
* Alle prijzen zijn in:valuta