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23/05/2024 12:15 pm

0.85CT Beautiful Natural Green Tourmaline: Enchanting Beauty of tourmaline.

Abmessungen (mm)
6.000 x 4.900 x 3.500mm
Gewicht (cts)
No Treatment
Octagonal, Emerald

Gemstone Information

- Type: Natural Tourmaline.

- Weight: 0.85CT

- Birth Stone: October

- Treatment: None

- Color: Green Tourmaline.

- Origin: Brazil

- Certificate: None

Green tourmaline, also known as green paraiba tourmaline, is a captivating gemstone renowned for its stunning range of hues that seamlessly blend blue and green tones. This gem derives its unique color from the presence of copper and manganese trace elements within its crystal structure. The teal variety is particularly prized for its vibrant and lively appearance, often exhibiting a mesmerizing play of colors reminiscent of tropical waters.

The teal color in tourmaline can range from a rich, deep blue-green to a more subtle, pastel shade, offering a diverse spectrum for gemstone enthusiasts to appreciate. The intensity of the color is influenced by factors such as the concentration of trace elements, the cut of the stone, and the lighting conditions in which it is viewed. In optimal lighting, teal tourmaline can radiate an ethereal glow, creating a sense of depth and brilliance.

One of the most sought-after teal tourmalines is the paraiba variety, named after the Brazilian state where it was first discovered in the late 20th century. Paraiba tourmalines are celebrated for their electric and neon-like colors, making them exceptionally rare and valuable. These gemstones have become highly coveted in the world of fine jewelry, adorning exquisite pieces that showcase the gem's unique beauty.

Teal tourmaline is often faceted into various shapes, including emerald cuts, oval cuts, and cushion cuts, enhancing its natural brilliance and allowing the play of colors to captivate the beholder. Its versatility in jewelry design makes it a popular choice for rings, earrings, and pendants, where it can be featured as a focal point or complemented by other gemstones.

Beyond its aesthetic allure, teal tourmaline is also believed to possess metaphysical properties. Some attribute it with qualities of promoting emotional balance, enhancing creativity, and fostering a sense of calmness. Whether admired for its breathtaking aesthetics or appreciated for its alleged metaphysical benefits, teal color tourmaline continues to be a gemstone that captures the imagination and admiration of gem enthusiasts worldwide.

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Auflistungstyp : Standard
Produkt ID : 2461671
Startgebot : $1
Beginnt : 20th May 2024 05:15 am AEST
Endet : 24th May 2024 05:15 am AEST
* Alle Preise verstehen sich in :Währung