MOHS Hardness Scale
Échelle de dureté MOHS pour les pierres précieuses
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mohs hardness scale for gemstonesThe Mohs hardness scale is a relative measure of a mineral or gemstone’s resistance to being scratched. As a principal tool in gemology, the Mohs scale is important for identifying gemstones and preventing them from becoming damaged.

Where did the mineral hardness scale’s name come from? 

German mineralogist and geologist, Freidrich Mohs, created the Mohs scale in 1812. At the time, most mineral classification was limited to chemical composition. While ancient scholar, Theophrastus, compared gem hardness first in 300 BC, Mohs created the first official classification list.

Mohs established 10 rankings: 1 as the lowest and 10 as the highest. It was common knowledge that the diamond was the hardest stone in the world, so he used it to represent 10. From there, he gathered 9 more readily available minerals with varied hardness levels to establish each ranking.

While the Mohs scale of hardness isn’t perfect, it’s a handy and essential tool for any gemologist or enthusiast. 

In this guide, we’ll break down why the Mohs scale is important, how you can use it, and where each gemstone falls on it — from the softest minerals to the hardest. To begin though, here's a quick overview of the MOHS Hardness Scale:

  • 1: Talc

  • 2: Gypsum

  • 3: Calcite

  • 4: Fluorite

  • 5: Apatite

  • 6: Feldspar

  • 7: Quartz

  • 8: Topaz

  • 9: Corundum

  • 10: Diamond

Now, onto the rest!

mohs hardness scale

What Is A Mineral’s Hardness?

You know hardness relates to scratching, but how do we define a scratch? 

The Mohs hardness scale definition of “scratch” is a permanent, visible defect (or “dislocation”). If a stone’s toughness (covered next) is more elastic and goes back to its original shape and appearance after, then that isn’t a scratch in Mohs scale terms. 

When Mineral A can scratch Mineral B, Mineral A will rank higher than Mineral B. 

So, is an 8-level mineral twice as hard as a 4-level mineral? No, but that’s a common misconception! In actuality, the Mohs scale is a qualitative ordinal scale.

A quali-what now? A “qualitative” scale uses traits to describe something uncountable, rather than a numerical measurement. “Ordinal” scales are ordered by rank. Each level is simply higher or lower than another — you can’t precisely compare them with numbers. 

In basic terms, the 1-10 on the scale could be replaced with A-J and essentially function the same. 

For perspective, sapphire hardness ranks at 9, but sapphires are 2-times harder than topaz (8 on the Mohs hardness scale) and 4-times softer than diamond (10). 

white opal cabochon

Unique Hardness Levels

The basic 1-10 Mohs hardness scale numbers don’t apply to all minerals, and there are some irregularities you may come across. 

First, you may see in-between values like emerald’s hardness at 7.5. 

Intermediate rankings are simply more specific rankings on the scale. In emerald’s case, it’s lower than the blue topaz hardness of 8 but higher than the rose quartz hardness of 7.

Another irregularity you might see is a hardness range

For example, opal hardness is 5 to 6.5. Why? Opals have varied water content, making their composition inconsistent. Since chemical composition can affect the hardness, three different opals could be 5, 6, and 6.5, respectively.

Another factor that can affect gemstone’s Mohs hardness is weathering. If environmental forces (e.g. wind, rain, bacteria, etc.) wear down a mineral, it may become softer.  

Lastly, you may see different hardness levels on the same crystal. 

Kyanite crystals, for example, have a hardness of 5 on one axis and 7 on the perpendicular axis. The different hardness levels occur because one axis has weaker molecular bonds than the other.

mohs hardness vs toughness with diamond vs jadeite jade gemstone

Hardness vs. Toughness

Most people have heard diamonds are the strongest stone, but is that true? Diamond’s Mohs scale ranking is 10, making it the hardest mineral in the world. 

However, hardest doesn’t mean unbreakable, because the Mohs scale is not a toughness scale. 

Toughness (or tenacity) describes a mineral’s resistance to breaking or chipping. 

Diamonds have brittle toughness, meaning they’re easily broken. There’s a common saying: A steel hammer can’t scratch a diamond, but it can break a diamond.

Let’s compare diamonds to jadeite jade. The hardness of jade is 6.5-7, so it’s easier to scratch than diamond. However, jade is tougher than diamond, so it’s easier to break a diamond than it is to break a jade.

vickers hardness tester vs mohs hardnessImage: Vickers hardness tester

Mohs vs. Other Hardness Scales

The Mohs scale is not the only gemstone hardness scale. Alternative scales include Rockwell, Vickers, Knoop, Shore, and Brinell. Each scale is most useful for specific types of material. The most popular are Rockwell and Vickers. 

The Rockwell test uses a “differential-depth machine” to reveal indentation hardness. It measures how deep an indentation goes, based on leaving on a preliminary load, slightly increased load, then a major load. It’s the most accurate hardness test but requires advanced equipment. 

The Vickers test is a microhardness or micro-indentation test, best for thin or small specimens. The Vickers process also measures indentation depth but much smaller indentations. However, the test requires smooth, polished specimens, advanced equipment, and calculations.

The Mohs test is most often used by gemologists and enthusiasts because it’s more accessible, it doesn’t require advanced equipment or calculations, and it’s the easiest to understand. 

Back to the Mohs mineral scale, let’s see where every gemstone ranks!

Mohs Scale of Hardness Chart

The softest mineral on the Mohs scale is talc. From there, we have the standard reference for softest to hardest minerals:

mohs mineral hardness scale chart

Of course, there are more than ten types of minerals. Plus, non-gemstone items like metal, fingernails, pennies, and glass also have hardness measurements. 

Let’s look at a complete hardness scale — minerals, gemstones, and other items included — from softest to hardest:

  • 1: Talc

  • 1 - 2: Graphite, Molybdenite, Pyrophyllite

  • 1 - 3: Bauxite

  • 1 - 5.5: Limonite

  • 1.5 - 2.5: Sulfur

  • 2: Gypsum, Sylvite, Glauconite

  • 2 - 2.5: Halite, Cinnabar, Chlorite, Fingernail

  • 2 - 3: Muscovite

  • 2.5 - 2.75: Galena

  • 2.5 - 3: Silver, Gold, Copper, Chalcocite, Biotite

  • 2.5 - 3.5: Barite

  • 3: Calcite, Copper sheet

  • 3 - 3.25: Bornite

  • 3 - 3.5: Witherite, Anhydrite

  • 3 - 4: Vanadinite

  • 3 - 5: Serpentine

  • 3.5 - 4: Sphalerite, Rhodochrosite, Pyrrhotite, Malachite, Dolomite, Cuprite, Chalcopyrite, Azurite

  • 3.5 - 4.5: Siderite

  • 3.5 - 5: Magnesite

  • 4: Fluorite

  • 4 - 7: Glass, Nail

  • 4.5 - 7: Kyanite

  • 4.5 - 5.5: Wollastonite

  • 5: Apatite

  • 5 - 5.5: Titanite, Monazite

  • 5 - 6: Uraninite, Turquoise, Ilmenite, Hornblende, Enstatite

  • 5 - 6.5: Magnetite, Knife blade, Steel file

  • 5 - 7: Streak plate

  • 5.5 - 6: Sodalite, Nepheline, Chromite, Augite, Arsenopyrite

  • 5.5 - 6.5: Hematite, Rhodonite, Diopside

  • 6: Feldspar

  • 6 - 6.5: Rutile, Pyrite, Prehnite, Nephrite Jade

  • 6 - 7: Zoisite, Epidote, Cassiterite

  • 6 - 7.5: Marcasite

  • 6.5 - 7: Spodumene, Olivine (Peridot), Jadeite, Jade, Chalcedony

  • 6.5 - 7.5: Sillimanite, Garnet

  • 7: Quartz

  • 7 - 7.5: Tourmaline, Staurolite, Cordierite (Iolite)

  • 7.5: Zircon, Euclase

  • 7.5 - 8: Beryl

  • 8: Topaz, Spinel

  • 8.5: Chrysoberyl

  • 9: Corundum (Ruby, Sapphire)

  • 10: Diamond

mohs hardness scale for gemstonesmohs hardness scale for gemstones list

Don’t see a certain gemstone on the list? Check for its mineral family! 

For instance, jasper hardness is 6.5-7, the same as all chalcedony gems. Some families are more complex, like feldspar. Labradorite hardness, for example, is 6-6.5, unlike the standard 6 of most feldspars. 

labradorite feldspar gemstone parcel with mohs hardness of 6 to 6.5

Why Is the Mohs Scale Important? 

Let’s say you’re going on a trip and bringing some gemstone jewelry — maybe an amethyst necklace, diamond earrings, and fluorite ring. You put all the jewelry into one pouch and toss it in your suitcase. But oh no! Upon unpacking, you see your fluorite and amethyst gems are scratched up. 

The above scenario is one example of why knowing the hardness of any precious or semi-precious gemstone is helpful for all jewelry lovers. Had you known the hardness of amethyst is lower than diamond, and both are harder than fluorite, you could've prevented scratches by storing them separately. 

Another area that gem hardness knowledge is crucial is lapidary work (gem cutting). 

Lapidarists can’t just choose the most beautiful faceted cut — they have to plan their cut according to the gem’s hardness, toughness, and cleavage. Perfect cleavage, low toughness, and low hardness can make polishing and shaping a gem tricky, so proper lapidary technique and expertise are crucial.

The third important use for the Mohs hardness scale is identification. 

Say you’re a rock or gem enthusiast hunting for gems (or “rockhounding”) in California, USA. You spot a green mineral you think could be jade — a valuable gem! Hoping to cash it in, you take it to a gemologist. Your hopes sink as the gemologist reveals it’s not jade but verdite, another green gemstone with a much lower value. 

You would have spared yourself the rollercoaster of emotions if you’d brought along your own hardness testing tools!

gypsum crystal with mohs hardness of 2

How to Test Mineral Hardness

Hardness testing is an easy first step for identification in the field. What tools are used to test a mineral’s hardness? 

A standard Mohs hardness test kit has a divided container with 9 spaces, each holding rough crystals of the first 1-9 hardness minerals: talc, gypsum, calcite, fluorite, apatite, feldspar, quartz, topaz, and corundum. Diamonds are expensive, so they’re typically left out. 

Another option is a set of sharp, metal hardness picks. These double-ended picks are often color-coded and labeled with each hardness ranking. Hardness picks are more compact and better at making precise, less conspicuous scratches. But, they’re pricier than standard testing kits.

Hardness Test Step-by-Step

Ready to become a Mohs hardness tester? Let’s begin!

Gather your testing kit, unknown mineral specimen, Mohs hardness chart, and a notepad to record results. If you’re indoors, conduct the test on a work table (not nice furniture) with a sturdy covering like rubber. 

Step 1: Scratch the specimen with your fingernail. 

Fingernails are 2-2.5 hardness, so if it leaves a scratch, you’ve narrowed the options down to minerals between 1-2.5. From there, scratch with gypsum, then talc.

No scratch? Move to step 2.

Step 2: Scratch the specimen with gypsum or a 2-level hardness pick. 

Hold the unknown specimen with one hand as it rests on the table. You may want to keep the bottom (or any inconspicuous, flat area) of the specimen face-up to be scratched. 

Take the testing mineral or hardness pick and put the sharp edge against the specimen. Keeping the specimen in place, firmly drag the testing mineral across the specimen. For safety, drag it away from your body. 

Wipe away any gemstone dust produced and check for a scratch. It should have a visible divot, so use a magnifying glass if needed. 

Still no scratch? Go to step 3. 

Step 3: Continue testing with each successive mineral or hardness pick. 

Follow the instructions of step 2 but with your 3-level material, then 4-level material, and so on until you see a scratch. 

When you do see a scratch, note which mineral made the scratch and its hardness. You can double-check by dragging the specimen against your mineral, which shouldn’t leave a scratch. From there, you can refer to your Mohs hardness chart to see what mineral your specimen could be. Still unclear? Conduct other identification tests to narrow it down.

Pro Tips for Testing

Here are some more tips for ensuring a proper hardness test:

  • Always check for a divot in the scratch, not just a streak. 

  • Try to choose at least medium-sized specimens to test. 

  • If you suspect an unknown specimen may have undergone weathering, find a broken piece with the best luster to scratch.

  • Inclusions or surface blemishes may cause confusing results. If you think this may be the case, scratch a different area of the specimen.

  • Don’t forget you can always do a scratch test more than once!

With that, you’re all set to test away!

mohs scale hardness of 7 is quartz crystal

Not Too Hard, Right?

The benefits of knowing Mohs hardness rankings go beyond gemology experts or students. Any jewelry buyer can keep their gemstones shining by taking the gemstone hardness scale into account when storing jewels. 

Once you start testing, who knows? Maybe you’ll discover gemology is your true calling! If you want to know more about gemstone testing, learn about the four essential testing tools

Find all the gemstones, supplies, and jewelry you’ll need here at Gem Rock Auctions!


L’échelle de dureté MOHS commence par le talc (1) qui est le minéral le plus mou et se termine par le diamant ( 10) est le minéral le plus dur. Il est universellement utilisé dans le monde entier pour distinguer les minéraux. En termes simples: plus le nombre est élevé, plus le minéral est dur.





















L'échelle MOHS a été créée en essayant de gratter un minéral avec un autre, puis en enregistrant quel minéral a laissé une égratignure. Par exemple, le corindon (saphir et rubis) a été utilisé pour gratter l’ apatite . Le corindon a laissé une éraflure à la surface de l'Apatite. Ce minéral devrait donc être placé plus haut sur l'échelle.

Le nombre le plus important sur cette échelle de 7. Pourquoi? 7 est la dureté du quartz, qui est le minéral le plus dur qui naît couramment dans l'air. Il est important que les bijoux contenant des pierres précieuses atteignent 7 ou plus en raison de la quantité de poussière et d'impuretés dans l'air. Si la poussière contient de minuscules particules de quartz, tous les minéraux inférieurs au quartz de l'échelle MOHS seront rayés.

Échelle de dureté MOHS

Alors, imaginez que vous avez une belle bague Apatite et que vous remarquez qu'il y a de la poussière dessus. Vous attrapez un chiffon et commencez à le nettoyer. Il y a de fortes chances pour qu'il y ait dans la poussière quelque chose de plus dur que l'Apatite (5). Cela signifie que lorsque vous essuyez la bague de poussière, cela éraflera la pierre précieuse Apatite.

C'est pourquoi il est toujours conseillé de laver vos bijoux à l'eau tiède avant de les essuyer. De cette façon, la poussière sera en grande partie éliminée et vous réduirez le risque de rayures.

Classification de la famille des pierres précieuses

Les pierres précieuses énumérées ici montrent toutes les couleurs de l'arc-en-ciel. Même avec une telle variété de couleurs, de motifs et de formes, ils peuvent être divisés en 16 familles différentes en fonction de leur composition chimique. La dureté MOHS est indiquée pour chacune des pierres précieuses les plus courantes.

Nom de pierre précieuse Gravité spécifique Dureté de Mohs Index de réfraction Famille de pierres précieuses
Achorite 3,03 - 3,25 7.0 - 7.5 Mohs 1.610-1.661 Tourmaline
Agate 2,65 7.0 Mohs 1,530 - 1,550 Quartz
Alexandrite 3,68 - 3,78 8.5 Mohs 1,746 - 1,755 Chrysobéryl
Almandine 3,50 - 4,30 6,5 - 7,5 Mohs 1,750 - 1,830 Grenat
Spinelle almandine 3,58 - 4,06 8.0 Mohs 1,708 - 1,735 Spinelle
Almandine-Spessartine 3,50 - 4,30 6,5 - 7,5 Mohs 1,750 - 1,830 Grenat
Amazonite 2,55 - 2,76 6.0 - 6.5 Mohs 1,518 - 1,526 Feldspath
Améthyste 2,65 7.0 Mohs 1,532 - 1,554 Quartz
Andradite 3,50 - 4,30 6,5 - 7,5 Mohs 1,880 - 1,940 Grenat
Bleu vert 2,63 - 2,91 7,5 - 8,0 Mohs 1.567-1.590 Béryl
Balas Ruby 3,58 - 4,06 8.0 Mohs 1,708 - 1,735 Spinelle
Opale noire 1,98 - 2,25 5.5 - 6.5 Mohs 1,440 - 1,460 Opale
Pierre de sang 2,65 7.0 Mohs 1,535 - 1,539 Quartz
Emeraude Brésilienne 3,03 - 3,25 7.0 - 7.5 Mohs 1,610 - 1,640 Tourmaline
Cairngorm 2,65 7.0 Mohs 1,540 - 1,550 Quartz
Cornaline 2,65 7.0 Mohs 1,530 - 1,550 Quartz
Oeil de chat 3,68 - 3,78 8.5 Mohs 1,746 - 1,755 Chrysobéryl
Calcédoine 2,65 7.0 Mohs 1,544 - 1,553 Quartz
Chlorspinel 3,58 - 4,06 8.0 Mohs 1,712 - 1,717 Spinelle
Pyrope Chrome 3,50 - 4,30 6,5 - 7,5 Mohs 1.730 - 1.760 Grenat
Chrysobéryl 3,68 - 3,78 8.5 Mohs 1,746 - 1,755 Chrysobéryl
Chrysoprase 2,65 7.0 Mohs 1,530 - 1,550 Quartz
Citrine 2,65 7.0 Mohs 1,532 - 1,554 Quartz
Grenat à changement de couleur 3,50 - 4,30 6,5 - 7,5 Mohs 1.730 - 1.760 Grenat
Démantoïde 3,50 - 4,30 6,5 - 7,5 Mohs 1.880 - 1.900 Grenat
diamant 3,51 10 Mohs 2,417 diamant
Dravite 3,03 - 3,25 7.0 - 7.5 Mohs 1.610-1.661 Tourmaline
émeraude 2,63 - 2,91 7,5 - 8,0 Mohs 1,560 - 1,605 Béryl
Feldspath 2,55 - 2,76 6.0 - 6.5 Mohs 1,518 - 1,572 Feldspath
Opale de feu 1,98 - 2,25 5.5 - 6.5 Mohs 1.430 - 1.460 Opale
Grenat 3,50 - 4,30 6,5 - 7,5 Mohs 1.730 - 1.760 Grenat
Ghanospinel 3,58 - 4,06 8.0 Mohs 1,712 - 1,747 Spinelle
Goshénite 2,63 - 2,91 7,5 - 8,0 Mohs 1,570 - 1,600 Béryl
Quartz vert 2,65 7.0 Mohs 1.540-1.550 Quartz
Grossulaire 3,50 - 4,30 6,5 - 7,5 Mohs 1,880 - 1,940 Grenat
Heliodore 2,63 - 2,91 7,5 - 8,0 Mohs 1,570 - 1,600 Béryl
Héliotrope 2,65 7.0 Mohs 1,535 - 1,539 Quartz
Hessonite 3,50 - 4,30 6,5 - 7,5 Mohs 1.730 - 1.760 Grenat
Jacinthe 4,60 - 4,70 7.5 Mohs 1.777 - 1.987 Zircon
Indicolite 3,03 - 3,25 7.0 - 7.5 Mohs 1,610 - 1,640 Tourmaline
Jade 2,90 - 3,10 6.0 Mohs 1,640 - 1,667 Jade
Jadéite 3,23 - 3,43 6,5 - 7,0 Mohs 1,640 - 1,667 Jade
Jargon 4,60 - 4,70 7.5 Mohs 1.777 - 1.987 Zircon
Jaspe 2,65 7.0 Mohs 1,540 - 1,550 Quartz
Labradorite 2,55 - 2,76 6.0 - 6.5 Mohs 1,560 - 1,572 Feldspath
Lapis lazuli 2,70 - 2,90 5.0 - 5.5 Mohs 1.500 - 1.550 Lapis lazuli
Malaia 3,50 - 4,30 6,5 - 7,5 Mohs 1,880 - 1,940 Grenat
Matura Diamond 4,60 - 4,70 7.5 Mohs 1.777 - 1.987 Zircon
Pierre de lune 2,55 - 2,76 6.0 - 6.5 Mohs 1,518 - 1,526 Feldspath
Morganite 2,63 - 2,91 7,5 - 8,0 Mohs 1,585 - 1,594 Béryl
Morion 2,65 7.0 Mohs 1,540 - 1,550 Quartz
Néphrite 2,90 - 3,10 6.0 Mohs 1.600 - 1.641 Jade
Onyx 2,65 7.0 Mohs 1,531 - 1,539 Quartz
Opale 1,98 - 2,25 5.5 - 6.5 Mohs 1,440 - 1,460 Opale
Orthoclase 2,55 - 2,76 6.0 - 6.5 Mohs 1,518 - 1,526 Feldspath
Péridot 3,22 - 3,45 7.0 Mohs 1,635 - 1,690 Péridot
Péristérite 2,55 - 2,76 6.0 - 6.5 Mohs 1,560 - 1,572 Feldspath
Praziolite 2,65 7.0 Mohs 1,540 - 1,550 Quartz
Pyrope 3,50 - 4,30 6,5 - 7,5 Mohs 1.730 - 1.760 Grenat
Pyrope-Almandine 3,50 - 4,30 6,5 - 7,5 Mohs 1.730 - 1.760 Grenat
Pyrope-Spessartine 3,50 - 4,30 6,5 - 7,5 Mohs 1.730 - 1.760 Grenat
Quartz 2,65 7.0 Mohs 1,544 - 1,553 Quartz
Béryl Rouge 2,63 - 2,91 7,5 - 8,0 Mohs 1,570 - 1,598 Béryl
Rhodolite 3,50 - 4,30 6,5 - 7,5 Mohs 1,740 - 1,770 Grenat
Cristal de roche 2,65 7.0 Mohs 2.000 Quartz
Quartz rose 2,65 7.0 Mohs 1,540 - 1,550 Quartz
Rubellite 3,03 - 3,25 7.0 - 7.5 Mohs 1,610 - 1,640 Tourmaline
Rubicelle 3,58 - 4,06 8.0 Mohs 1,712 - 1,717 Spinelle
Rubis 3,96 - 4,05 9.0 Mohs 1,757 - 1,779 Corindon
Saphir 3,96 - 4,05 9.0 Mohs 1,757 - 1,779 Corindon
Spinelle Saphir 3,58 - 4,06 8.0 Mohs 1,712 - 1,747 Spinelle
Sibérie 3,03 - 3,25 7.0 - 7.5 Mohs 1,625-1,675 Tourmaline
Quartz fumé 2,65 7.0 Mohs 1,540 - 1,550 Quartz
Spessartine 3,50 - 4,30 6,5 - 7,5 Mohs 1,790 - 1,810 Grenat
Spinelle 3,58 - 4,06 8.0 Mohs 1,712 - 1,717 Spinelle
Sunstone 2,55 - 2,76 6.0 - 6.5 Mohs 1,560 - 1,572 Feldspath
Topaze 3,50 - 3,60 8.0 Mohs 1,607 - 1,627 Topaze
Topazolite 3,50 - 4,30 6,5 - 7,5 Mohs 1,880 - 1,940 Grenat
Tourmaline 3,03 - 3,25 7.0 - 7.5 Mohs 1,603 - 1,655 Tourmaline
Tsavorite 3,50 - 4,30 6,5 - 7,5 Mohs 1,739 - 1,744 Grenat
Turquoise 2,60 - 2,80 5.0 - 6.0 Mohs 1,610 - 1,650 Turquoise
Uvarovite 3,50 - 4,30 6,5 - 7,5 Mohs 1,740 - 1,870 Grenat
Verdilite 3,03 - 3,25 7.0 - 7.5 Mohs 1.612-1.638 Tourmaline
Eau opale 1,98 - 2,25 5.5 - 6.5 Mohs 1,440 - 1,460 Opale
Opale Blanche 1,98 - 2,25 5.5 - 6.5 Mohs 1,440 - 1,460 Opale
Zircon 4,60 - 4,70 7.5 Mohs 1.777 - 1.987 Zircon


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