What Is Nephrite Jade? Meaning, History, Value, And Price!
Što je nefritski žad? Značenje, povijest, vrijednost i cijena!
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what is nephrite jadeJade is one of the most universally popular materials in the world, but did you know it comes in two different minerals? You may have seen jade trinkets, jewelry, and carvings before, but the signature green color you’re used to is actually “imperial jade,” or jadeite. What is nephrite jade?

Nephrite jade is quite different than jadeite and comes in a variety of beautiful colors including yellow, gray, black, and green.

As a jewelry material, Nephrite is ideal because it’s durable and gem-quality. Keep reading as we highlight the meaning, value, price, and uniqueness of the alluring Nephrite jade.

What Is Nephrite Jade?

Nephrite jade is a mineral composed of highly dense, fibrous crystal masses. As one of the oldest gemstones in the world, it’s a sacred material in Chinese cultures and traditions. For many centuries, people confused nephrite and jadeite as the same mineral, when in fact, they are very different chemically.

Nephrite jade is a soft, fibrous crystal that’s most popularly used in carvings, jewelry, and decor. Of the two forms of jade, Nephrite is by far the most common and popular. That’s in large part because there are Nephrite deposits throughout China. When you see Chinese jade, you are looking at Nephrite because there actually aren’t any jadeite deposits in China.

There’s been some dispute as to whether or not nephrite is real jade. This is primarily because of the surge of demand for the high-quality, jadeite jade.

Rest assured, although they are different, both types of jade are real.

Nephrite Jade Meaning And Symbolism

The meaning of the word “Jade” is a Spanish translation of the phrase “Piedra de Ijada,” which means “stone for pain in the side.” The reason jade has this name is because Nephrite was used for centuries as a healing crystal for body pain.

When the Spanish colonized Latin America, they saw indigenous people holding jade at their sides in order to heal from illness. Nephrite means “kidney,” and for centuries, it was believed to cure people of kidney disease.

Until 1863, Nephrite jade was believed to be the only form of jade. The discovery of jadeite jade solidified that there were, in fact, two types of jade. This is an important detail in the history of jade, which is studded with captivating symbolism.

One of the most interesting stories of jade folklore is the story of the Storm God. As the legend goes, when man first wandered the earth without artillery, clothing, or protection, he was exposed and unable to protect himself from predators. The Storm God, feeling sad for the helpless primitive man, built him jade axes from rainbows. Pretty cool, right?

Fast forward to today, and jade is the official “stone of dreams.” Not only will it help you manifest dreams into fruition, but jade has many other healing properties. Nephrite jade is used in crystal healing for restoration and treatment for joint pain and bacterial infections.

Of course, this gorgeous gemstone is also used for accessorizing! Let’s have a look at the many uses of Nephrite jade.

What Is Nephrite Jade Used For?

We talked about its healing properties, but what else is the material used for? Excellent question! Let’s explore.


Thanks to its beautiful coloring, Nephrite jade is commonly incorporated into jewelry designs. Nephrite jewelry includes rings, beaded bracelets, tumbled pendants, raw stones, anklets, earrings, and necklaces.

The most popular style of Nephrite jewelry is beaded, but there are also intricate carvings. Some designs feature other gemstones like pearls. Often, nephrite is set against sterling silver metal, or earthy designs featuring leather rope.


Nephrite jade carvings are a popular style of decor, trinkets, and religious talismans. For thousands of years, jade carvings have adorned Chinese culture and heritage. In Chinese, the character “Yu” directly translates to the English word, “Jade.”

Nephrite Jade is embedded in Chinese history and culture, and the medals for the 2008 Beijing Olympics were mounted with Nephrite.

Because this material is integral to Chinese heritage, it’s commonly present in home decor. Intricate nephrite carvings depict Chinese themes of life, history, culture, and religion, including Buddha, horses, and fish.


We briefly discussed the healing properties of Nephrite jade, but let’s explore how you can use it. If you need help realizing your dreams, you can use the healing stone to minimize negative energy. This will alleviate space for you to welcome inspirational and uplifting energy in your life. When you feel positive, you’ll gain the motivation to approach your destiny.

Additionally, Nephrite jade invites calmness by stilling the mind and all the noise of life around you. In this quiet space, you’ll gain clarity, confidence, and sensory capabilities to tap into a deeper level of self-awareness.

Is Nephrite Jade Valuable?

It sure is! However, as with all gemstones, there are degrees of value with Nephrite jade. Currently, green Nephrite is highly valuable, but that wasn’t always the case. In fact, up until the 18th century, the most valuable form was white nephrite. That was the case until Burmese “imperial” jadeite jade overthrew white jade.

Because Nephrite jade is so common, it’s not as valuable as jadeite jade, which is very rare. Of course, the value of the gem depends on the quality of the mineral itself. Wondering about the value of Nephrite jade? The average price costs around $100-$1,000 USD per pound.

Of course, if you’re looking to buy nephrite jewelry, you can choose beautiful pieces for $30-$60 USD.

Jade might be one of the most affordable gemstones available, but it’s also one of the oldest and most sacred! With folklore stretching back to the origins of humankind and a centuries-old presence in Chinese culture, it’s easy to see why everyone wants a piece of Jade!


što je nefritni žad Žad je jedan od najpopularnijih materijala na svijetu, ali jeste li znali da dolazi u dva različita minerala? Možda ste prije vidjeli drangulije, nakit i rezbarije od žada, ali prepoznatljiva zelena boja na koju ste navikli zapravo je "carski žad" ili jadeit. Što je nefritni žad?

Nefritni žad je sasvim drugačiji od jadeita i dolazi u raznim prekrasnim bojama uključujući žutu, sivu, crnu i zelenu.

Kao materijal za nakit, nefrit je idealan jer je izdržljiv i kvalitete dragulja. Nastavite čitati dok ističemo značenje, vrijednost, cijenu i jedinstvenost privlačnog nefritskog žada.

Što je nefritski žad?

Nefritni žad je mineral sastavljen od vrlo gustih, vlaknastih kristalnih masa. Kao jedan od najstarijih dragulja na svijetu, to je sveti materijal u kineskim kulturama i tradicijama. Stoljećima su ljudi brkali nefrit i jadeit kao isti mineral, dok su zapravo kemijski vrlo različiti.

Nefritni žad je mekani, vlaknasti kristal koji se najčešće koristi u rezbarijama, nakitu i dekoraciji. Od dva oblika žada, nefrit je daleko najčešći i najpopularniji. To je velikim dijelom zato što postoje nalazišta nefrita diljem Kine. Kad vidite kineski žad, gledate u nefrit jer u Kini zapravo nema nalazišta jadeita.

Bilo je nekih rasprava oko toga je li nefrit pravi žad ili nije. To je prije svega zbog porasta potražnje za visokokvalitetnim jadeit žadom.

Budite uvjereni, iako su različite, obje vrste žada su prave.

Nefrit Žad Značenje i simbolika

Značenje riječi "žad" je španjolski prijevod izraza "Piedra de Ijada", što znači "kamen za bol u boku". Razlog zašto žad nosi ovo ime je taj što se nefrit stoljećima koristio kao ljekoviti kristal za tjelesne bolove.

Kad su Španjolci kolonizirali Latinsku Ameriku, vidjeli su domorodačke ljude kako drže žad na boku kako bi se izliječili od bolesti. Nefrit znači "bubreg" i stoljećima se vjerovalo da liječi ljude od bolesti bubrega.

Do 1863. vjerovalo se da je nefritski žad jedini oblik žada. Otkriće jadeit žada potvrdilo je da zapravo postoje dvije vrste žada. To je važan detalj u povijesti žada koji je prošaran zadivljujućom simbolikom.

Jedna od najzanimljivijih priča folklora od žada je priča o Bogu Oluje. Kako kaže legenda, kad je čovjek prvi put lutao zemljom bez artiljerije, odjeće ili zaštite, bio je izložen i nije se mogao zaštititi od grabežljivaca. Bog Oluje, tužan za bespomoćnim primitivnim čovjekom, napravio mu je sjekire od žada od duge. Prilično cool, zar ne?

Brzo naprijed do danas, i žad je službeni "kamen snova". Ne samo da će vam pomoći ostvariti snove, nego žad ima i mnoga druga ljekovita svojstva. Nefritni žad koristi se u liječenju kristalima za obnovu i liječenje bolova u zglobovima i bakterijskih infekcija.

Naravno, ovaj prekrasni dragi kamen također se koristi za dodatke! Pogledajmo mnoge upotrebe nefritnog žada.

Za što se koristi nefritni žad?

Razgovarali smo o njegovoj ljekovitosti, ali za što još služi materijal? Izvrsno pitanje! Idemo istraživati.


Zahvaljujući svojoj prekrasnoj boji, nefritski žad često se ugrađuje u dizajn nakita. Nakit od nefrita uključuje prstenje, narukvice od perli, prevrnute privjeske, neobrađeno kamenje, narukvice, naušnice i ogrlice.

Najpopularniji stil nakita od nefrita su perle, ali postoje i složene rezbarije. Neki dizajni sadrže drugo drago kamenje poput bisera. Često se nefrit postavlja nasuprot srebrnog metala ili zemljanih dizajna s kožnim užetom.


Rezbarije od nefritskog žada popularan su stil dekoracije, sitnica i vjerskih talismana. Tisućama godina rezbarije od žada ukrašavaju kinesku kulturu i baštinu. Na kineskom, znak "Yu" izravno se prevodi na englesku riječ "žad".

Nefritni žad ugrađen je u kinesku povijest i kulturu, a medalje za Olimpijske igre u Pekingu 2008. bile su pričvršćene nefritom.

Budući da je ovaj materijal sastavni dio kineske baštine, često je prisutan u uređenju doma. Zamršene rezbarije od nefrita prikazuju kineske teme iz života, povijesti, kulture i religije, uključujući Budu, konje i ribe.


Ukratko smo razgovarali o ljekovitim svojstvima nefritnog žada, ali istražimo kako ga možete koristiti. Ako vam je potrebna pomoć u ostvarenju vaših snova, možete upotrijebiti ljekoviti kamen kako biste umanjili negativnu energiju. Ovo će vam osloboditi prostor za dobrodošlicu inspirativnoj i uzdižućoj energiji u vašem životu. Kada se osjećate pozitivno, dobit ćete motivaciju pristupiti svojoj sudbini.

Dodatno, nefritski žad poziva na smirenost umirujući um i svu buku života oko vas. U ovom tihom prostoru steći ćete jasnoću, samopouzdanje i osjetilne sposobnosti za dopiranje do dublje razine samosvijesti.

Je li nefritski žad vrijedan?

Sigurno jest! Međutim, kao i sa svim dragim kamenjem, nefritski žad ima određene stupnjeve vrijednosti. Trenutačno je zeleni nefrit vrlo vrijedan, ali to nije uvijek bio slučaj. Zapravo, sve do 18. stoljeća najvrjedniji oblik bio je bijeli nefrit. Tako je bilo sve dok burmanski "carski" žadeit nije svrgnuo bijeli žad.

Budući da je nefritski žad tako čest, nije toliko vrijedan kao jadeitni žad, koji je vrlo rijedak. Naravno, vrijednost dragulja ovisi o kvaliteti samog minerala. Pitate se o vrijednosti nefritskog žada? Prosječna cijena košta oko 100-1000 USD po funti.

Naravno, ako želite kupiti nakit od nefrita, možete odabrati prekrasne komade za 30-60 USD.

Žad je možda jedan od najpristupačnijih dostupnih dragulja, ali je također jedan od najstarijih i najsvetijih! Uz folklor koji se proteže sve do podrijetla čovječanstva i stoljetnu prisutnost u kineskoj kulturi, lako je shvatiti zašto svatko želi komad žada!


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Wonderful. Marvelous. Thank you. Nephrite Jades lore & history have made me feel better just reading about it. John Hughes

16th May 2021

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