Anhydrite (Angelite) Gem: Properties, Meaning & Value Guide
硬石膏 (Angelite) 寶石:特性、意義和價值指南
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anhydrite gemstoneAnhydrite is a pale, translucent crystal also known as angelite. Is anhydrite a gemstone? It sure is! You’ll usually see it in carvings more than faceted jewelry, though.

On that note, is anhydrite rare or common? As a mineral, it’s somewhat common but hard to find because it easily alters into a different mineral. Gem-quality anhydrite is very rare.

What color is anhydrite? Usually, the crystals and gems for sale are glacier-blue or lilac, with snowy specks. When transparent, the stone can also be colorless or purple. Translucent stones can be white, tan, gray, rose, or lilac.

Interested in shopping for anhydrite jewelry? Check out this guide to learn what to look for, along with anhydrite’s healing uses, meaning, prices, and more!

anhydrite angelite gemstone

About Anhydrite Stone

Anhydrite is a soft-colored semi-precious gemstone. Though some consider “angelite” a synonym, others consider angelite a bluish-gray anhydrite variety from Peru. 

When referred to as a variety, angelite may also be called “blue anhydrite.” For this article, we’ll use “angelite” as a synonym for anhydrite in a broad sense but as a variety name when discussing gemstone specifics.

Astrologically, the crystal is a zodiac stone for Aquarius. The benefits of angelite for Aquarius encompass easing tension and stubbornness, replacing these feelings with empathy and inner peace. 

Outside of astrology and gemstone purposes, what is anhydrite used for? Industrial uses for anhydrite include:

  • Drying additive in varnish, cement, paint, and plaster

  • Ingredient (with gypsum) for wallboards and plaster

  • Source of sulfur for making sulfuric acid

  • Calcium-rich ingredient in soil treatments (when crushed)

Many industrial uses for anhydrite match those of gypsum. In fact, anhydrite is even better than gypsum for soil treatments because its lack of water means it has more calcium to give. But chemically, these two stones are basically siblings!

selenite gypsum gemstonePictured above: Gypsum selenite

Anhydrite vs. Gypsum

Remember how we mentioned that anhydrite often alters into a different mineral? That mineral is gypsum

Gypsum has the same composition as anhydrite with the addition of water. Therefore, when anhydrite gets wet, it changes into gypsum. Conversely, gypsum that becomes dehydrated can turn into anhydrite, though this is less common in nature.

Both anhydrite and gypsum are often white, with a white streak and glassy luster. 

However, there are a few key differences between anhydrite vs. gypsum:

  • Rarity: Gypsum is much more common than anhydrite.

  • Hardness: Gypsum is slightly softer (2 on the Mohs scale) than anhydrite (3-3.5).

  • Water Content: As mentioned, gypsum contains water while anhydrite doesn’t. 

Notably, a powder called “refined gypsum” is actually anhydrous (without water) and composed of about 30 percent calcium and 23.5 percent sulfur. For reference, pure gypsum has about 23 percent calcium and almost 19 percent sulfur. 

Speaking of mineral properties… 

anhydrite gemstone rough specimen

Anhydrite Specifications & Characteristics

The anhydrite mineral is a calcium sulfate with the formula CaSO4. Do anhydrite crystals have water? Nope, they’re anhydrous — this comes from the Greek anhydros, meaning “waterless.” Hence, the name!

Like the angel of its moniker, this stone is quite delicate. It’s very soft, only at 3-3.5 on the Mohs mineral hardness scale. Plus, its cleavage can split easily in 3 directions, so a sharp blow from any of these angles means a shattered or fragmented gem.

In fact, one nickname for anhydrite is “cube spar.” This moniker comes from the fact that the stone’s 90-degree cleavage angles can split, showing forms inside resembling cubes. However, anhydrite is orthorhombic, not cubic.

The mineral’s crystals are thick, prismatic, or tabular (thin, 4-sided). More often, anhydrite forms as fibrous veins that break into fragments along cleavages. It also commonly forms masses that are nodular (rounded with bulbous surfaces), massive, or grainy.

Here are the remaining anhydrite mineral properties:

  • Mohs hardness: 3-3.5

  • Color: Transparent stones - colorless, light blue, or violet; Translucent to opaque stones - white, tan, gray, rose, or mauve

  • Crystal structure: Orthorhombic

  • Luster: Pearly on [010], vitreous to greasy on [001], vitreous on [100]; Massive varieties - vitreous (glassy)

  • Transparency: Transparent to opaque

  • Refractive index: 1.57-1.61

  • Density: 2.9-3.0

  • Cleavage: Perfect, 3-directions, parallel to symmetry planes

  • Fracture: Uneven, splintery, or conchoidal

  • Streak: White

  • Luminescence: Sometimes fluorescent when heated; German material fluoresces red in LW-UV

  • Pleochroism: Present in violet crystals - violet, lilac/rose, and light yellow/colorless

anhydrite angelite gemstone cabochons

Types of Anhydrite

There are three anhydrite types with trade names that aren’t necessarily varieties, but they’re important to know when shopping for this gem. We’ll also clear up confusion about angelite vs. celestite. 


anhydrite angelite gemstone carving of turtle

Angelite (also called angeline or angel stone) is a trade name for opaque sky-blue, gray-blue, or lilac anhydrite stones. They’re often speckled in white and may have dark red to brown flecks.

Bowel Stone

A much less celestial trade name, “bowel stone” refers to anhydrite in a folded concretion (compact mass). The folds resemble the folded intestines or bowels inside the human body. Sometimes, contorted concretions are called “tripe stones,” after the lining of a cow stomach is called tripe.


Vulpinite is a whitish-gray textured anhydrite from Volpino, Italy. This stone has a granular and scaly, yet marble-esque texture. It’s more popular locally in Volpino.

Blue “Egyptian” Anhydrite

blue egyptian anhydrite gemstone ancient jarImage credit: Jar for Eye Paint (kohl) with Attached Stand, circa 1878 –1749 B.C.| Metropolitan Museum of Art

Blue “Egyptian” anhydrite is the most mysterious type. Ancient Egyptians used both white and polished blue anhydrite for ornamental purposes, but it’s still unclear where they got the blue material. 

Angelite vs. Celestite

Celestite, or celestine, is a commonly clear to pale blue crystal. That means it shares both a similarly ethereal name and appearance with angelite. 

But are celestite and angelite the same? Nope. They’re both orthorhombic, transparent to translucent, and 3-3.5 on the Mohs scale, but they’re entirely different minerals.

How are angelite (anhydrite) and celestite different?

  • Composition: Angelite is a calcium sulfate, while celestite is a strontium sulfate.

  • Density: Angelite is less dense (2.9-3.0) than celestite (3.9-4.0). 

Despite the differences, angelite’s meaning is quite similar to that of celestite.

ancient anhydrite gemstone carving of horusImage credit: Miniature Cippus (magical stela) with Horus in profile wearing gazelle head on the forehead MET DP112604 | Metropolitan Museum of Art

Anhydrite Meaning & History

Nicknamed the “Stone of Awareness,” angelite symbolizes love, light, and spiritual awareness. Some believe the stone was gifted to humanity by angels, leading to the second nickname “Stone of Angelic Connection.”

The anhydrite crystal spiritual meaning isn’t all in the clouds, though — it’s believed to have balancing abilities, keeping you grounded while your spirit soars and explores.


Uses of anhydrite go back to antiquity. In ancient Egypt, white and blue anhydrite were popular for creating decor and ornamental items, like a 1938-1700 BCE pot for holding the eye cosmetic kohl currently in the Brooklyn Museum. 

Anhydrite’s first discovery occurred in Austria at the Hall salt mine in 1794. Though gypsum was closer to the surface (around groundwater), anhydrite was deeper. German geologist Abraham Gottlob Werener named it “anhydrite” in 1804. 

One obsolete name is muriacite, derived from the mistaken belief that it was a chloride (or muriate) mineral.

In the 20th century, one notable instance of anhydrite were the carvings of English sculptor Ophelia Gordon Bell. Commissioned by the United Sulphuric Acid Corporation, Bell created a relief carving of an anhydrite kiln made from anhydrite.

Discovery of Angelite

American gemologists John Ilmarii Koivula and R.C. Kammerling discovered angelite much later. Angelite’s discovery occurred in Machu Picchu, Peru, during the 1987 Harmonic Convergence, a global event of meditation for world peace. 

The event was planned to coincide with a purportedly supernatural prophecy surrounding a rare (and real) alignment of 8 planets into a “grand trine.” (Think Hands Across America, but with more astrology and global participation.)

Much of angelite’s spiritual meaning ties to its discovery during this event. On that topic, what is angelite good for? 

anhydrite angelite healing crystal ball

Anhydrite Healing Properties

A gemstone’s coloring can influence its healing stone properties. Colorless to white anhydrite have the cleansing, intellect-boosting, and purifying properties of white gemstones

Blue gemstones like angelite are great for soothing and promoting communication. As such, angelite chakra stones are best for opening the throat chakra, allowing authentic understanding and expression of one’s self. 

For physical and emotional healing, what does an anhydrite crystal do?

Physical Healing

Crystal healers use anhydrite for aiding with:

  • Throat infections

  • Heart and circulation issues

  • Headaches

  • Immune system function

  • Thyroid issues

  • Concentration troubles

Emotional Healing

Emotionally, anhydrite benefits can promote:

  • Self-awareness

  • Inner peace

  • Self-expression

  • Sense of purpose

Additionally, the crystal is said to dispel any anger or worries, replacing it with acceptance, empathy, and self-understanding. It can aid mindfulness and living in the moment. 

anhydrite angelite gemstone cabochons

Anhydrite Gemstone Properties

The objective value of anhydrite comes down to its color, cut, clarity, and transparency. 


Anhydrite stones almost always have soft, light hues. The most valuable colors are pink, violet, or blue shades. 

The white center and flecks on angelite occur because of gypsum or quartz inclusions, while other possible rust to brown speckling comes from hematite. The darker hues may lower angelite’s value. 


Because it’s rare and difficult to cut precisely, faceted anhydrite isn’t common. Vulpinite and angelite are often cut as cabochons. Angelite, however, is most commonly carved. Peruvian carvings of angelite range from animal figurines and wands to eggs and spheres. 

Clarity & Transparency

Clarity describes the number of visible inclusions in a gem, so it affects transparency. Anhydrite with higher transparency and better clarity is more valuable. 

Common inclusions in anhydrite include intergrown crystals and multiphase cavities, or areas containing inclusions with different forms (i.e. liquid, solid, vapor). 

anhydrite gemstone angelite raw crystal

Anhydrite Formation & Sources

Anhydrite is an evaporite, meaning a sedimentary mineral that forms when water evaporates from a marine or non-marine deposit. Usually, the mineral starts as gypsum which then dehydrates into anhydrite. 

The mineral occurs in sedimentary deposits, igneous rocks, salt dome caps, and salt basins. It’s often around beds of gypsum, limestones, or basalt cavities. 

Mining Locations

Where is anhydrite found? Besides the early sources of Austria and Peru, anhydrite now also comes from:

  • Britain

  • Egypt

  • Germany

  • Libya

  • Mexico

  • Poland

  • USA (New York)

anhydrite angelite gemstone carving sphere ball

Anhydrite Price & Value

Despite its rarity, anhydrite comes at affordable prices!

Wholesale rates for anhydrite cabochons are around $0.10 per carat. Carvings range by artisanship and size, but they’re generally around $5 to $40 each. Prices for angelite raw are only $0.02-$0.10 per carat. 

A beaded angelite bracelet ranges from $5 to $30 typically, though some reach around $60. Angelite pendants range from $5 to $90 depending on the seller, and beaded necklaces are a bit pricier at $60 to $150. 

Once you find your favorite, how do you take care of angelite? 

Anhydrite Care and Maintenance

Proper gemstone care for anhydrite is of utmost importance. For one, it will absorb water quickly and easily, so it must be kept away from any kind of moisture or humidity. Plus, its softness and perfect cleavages make it easily susceptible to scratches and breakage.

We recommend only wearing anhydrite earrings or necklaces to avoid damage. For beaded strands, there must be substantial knots or protection between each bead. Always get anhydrite jewelry with protective settings.

It’s best to wear necklaces over fabric, rather than directly on skin, to prevent moisture from sweating. You can clean it with a soft, dust-free, and dry cloth. 

anhydrite angelite gemstone bracelet beaded

Get Your Own Angel Stone!

Despite being fairly modern to most, anhydrite has become a stone of the heavens. This rarity reflects the clear skies of new opportunity, helping you embrace your true self while keeping you grounded to enjoy every moment!

Buy anhydrite gemstones today!







硬石膏是一種顏色柔和的半寶石。雖然有些人認為“angelite”是同義詞,但其他人認為 angelite 是來自秘魯的藍灰色硬石膏品種。

當被稱為品種時,angelite 也可以稱為“藍色硬石膏”。在本文中,我們將使用“angelite”作為廣義硬石膏的同義詞,但在討論寶石細節時作為品種名稱。

占星學上,水晶是水瓶座的生肖石。 angelite 對水瓶座的好處包括緩解緊張和固執,用同理心和內心平靜取代這些感覺。


  • 清漆、水泥、油漆和石膏中的干燥添加劑

  • 牆板和石膏的成分(含石膏)

  • 制硫酸的硫源

  • 土壤處理中的富含鈣的成分(粉碎時)








  • 稀有度:石膏比硬石膏更常見。

  • 硬度:石膏比硬石膏(3-3.5)稍軟(莫氏硬度為2)。

  • 含水量:如前所述,石膏含有水,而硬石膏不含。

值得注意的是,一種名為“精製石膏”的粉末實際上是無水的(不含水),由約 30% 的鈣和 23.5% 的硫組成。作為參考,純石膏含有約 23% 的鈣和近 19% 的硫。




硬石膏礦物是一種硫酸鈣,分子式為 CaSO4。硬石膏晶體有水嗎?不,它們是無水的——這來自希臘語anhydros ,意思是“無水”。由此得名!

就像它的綽號天使一樣,這塊石頭非常精緻。它非常柔軟, 莫氏礦物硬度只有 3-3.5。此外,它的乳溝很容易在 3 個方向上裂開,因此從任何一個角度猛烈一擊都意味著寶石破碎或碎裂。

事實上,硬石膏的一個暱稱是“立方晶石”。這個綽號來自這樣一個事實,即石頭的 90 度解理角可以分裂,在類似立方體的內部顯示出形狀。然而,硬石膏是正交的,而不是立方的。

礦物的晶體是厚的、棱柱狀的或板狀的(薄的,4 面的)。更常見的是,硬石膏以纖維狀脈的形式形成,沿著解理分裂成碎片。它還通常形成結節狀(球形表面呈圓形)、塊狀或顆粒狀的腫塊。


  • 莫氏硬度:3-3.5

  • 顏色:透明寶石——無色、淺藍色或紫色;半透明至不透明的寶石 - 白色、棕褐色、灰色、玫瑰色或淡紫色

  • 晶體結構: 正交

  • 光澤:在 [010] 上呈珠光,在 [001] 上呈玻璃狀至油膩,在 [100] 上呈玻璃狀;大量品種 - 玻璃質(玻璃狀)

  • 透明度:透明到不透明

  • 折射率:1.57-1.61

  • 密度:2.9-3.0

  • 解理:完美,3 方向,平行於對稱平面

  • 骨折:不均勻、分裂或貝殼狀

  • 條紋:白色

  • 發光:加熱時有時會發出熒光;德國材料在 LW-UV 中發出紅色熒光

  • 多色性:存在於紫色晶體中 - 紫羅蘭色、淡紫色/玫瑰色和淺黃色/無色

硬石膏 angelite 寶石 凸圓形









Vulpinite 是一種來自意大利沃爾皮諾的灰白色紋理硬石膏。這種石頭具有顆粒狀和鱗片狀,但具有大理石般的質地。它在沃爾皮諾當地更受歡迎。


藍色埃及硬石膏寶石古老的罐子圖片來源:眼睛顏料罐 (kohl) 附支架,約公元前 1878 – 1749 年|大都會藝術博物館



天青石或天青石是一種通常清澈至淡藍色的晶體。這意味著它與 angelite 有著相似的空靈名稱和外觀。

但是天青石和天使石是一樣的嗎?沒有。它們都是正交的、透明到半透明的,莫氏硬度為 3-3.5,但它們是完全不同的礦物質。


  • 成分: Angelite是硫酸鈣,而天青石是硫酸鍶。

  • 密度: Angelite 的密度 (2.9-3.0) 低於天青石 (3.9-4.0)。


荷魯斯古代硬石膏寶石雕刻圖片來源:微型 Cippus(神奇石碑),側面有荷魯斯,前額戴瞪羚頭 MET DP112604 |大都會藝術博物館





硬石膏的用途可以追溯到古代。在古埃及,白色和藍色的硬石膏在製作裝飾和裝飾物品時很受歡迎,例如公元前 1938-1700 年用於盛裝眼部化妝品的壺,目前在布魯克林博物館。

硬石膏的第一次發現是 1794 年在奧地利的霍爾鹽礦。雖然石膏離地表更近(在地下水附近),但硬石膏更深。 1804 年,德國地質學家亞伯拉罕·戈特洛布·韋勒納將其命名為“硬石膏”。

一個過時的名稱是 muriacite,源於錯誤地認為它是一種氯化物(或氯化物)礦物。

在 20 世紀,一個著名的硬石膏實例是英國雕塑家 Ophelia Gordon Bell 的雕刻品。受聯合硫酸公司委託,貝爾創作了一幅由硬石膏製成的硬石膏窯的浮雕。


美國寶石學家 John Ilmarii Koivula 和 RC Kammerling 很晚才發現了天使石。 Angelite 的發現發生在秘魯馬丘比丘的 1987 年和諧會聚期間,這是一場為世界和平而進行的全球性冥想活動。

該事件計劃與一個據稱超自然的預言相吻合,該預言圍繞著 8 顆行星罕見(且真實)排列成“大三角”。 (Think Hands Across America,但有更多的占星術和全球參與。)

angelite 的大部分精神意義都與它在這次事件中的發現有關。關於那個話題,angelite 有什麼用?








  • 喉嚨感染

  • 心臟和循環問題

  • 頭痛

  • 免疫系統功能

  • 甲狀腺問題

  • 注意力問題



  • 自我意識

  • 內心的平靜

  • 自我表達

  • 目標感


硬石膏 angelite 寶石 凸圓形





angelite 上的白色中心和斑點是由於石膏或石英夾雜物而產生的,而其他可能的銹色至棕色斑點則來自赤鐵礦。較深的色調可能會降低天使的價值。

由於稀有且難以精確切割, 刻面硬石膏並不常見。 Vulpinite 和angelite 通常被切割成凸圓形。然而,天使石最常被雕刻。秘魯的天使雕刻品從動物雕像和魔杖到雞蛋和球體。




硬石膏 寶石 angelite 未加工 水晶






  • 英國

  • 埃及

  • 德國

  • 利比亞

  • 墨西哥

  • 波蘭

  • 美國(紐約)

硬石膏 angelite 寶石 雕刻 球體 球



硬石膏凸圓形寶石的批發價格約為每克拉 0.10 美元。雕刻品因工藝和尺寸而異,但通常每件約為 5 至 40 美元。 angelite raw 的價格僅為每克拉 0.02-0.10 美元。

串珠天使手鍊的價格通常在 5 美元到 30 美元之間,但也有一些達到 60 美元左右。根據賣家的不同,Angelite 吊墜的價格從 5 美元到 90 美元不等,串珠項鍊的價格在 60 美元到 150 美元之間。






硬石膏 angelite 寶石手鍊串珠




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