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09/05/2024 12:00 pm

6.25CT Black Star Pair Unveiling the Timeless Beauty of Black Star Diopside

Dimensiones (mm)
9.800 x 7.800 x 4.400mm
Peso (cts)
No Treatment

Gemstone Information

- Type: Natural Black Star

- Weight: 6.25CT

- Birth Stone: May

- Treatment: Diopside

- Color: Jett Black Star

- Certificate: None

Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Black Star Diopside, a gemstone that transcends time with its eternal radiance. This unique gem, known for its deep black hue with a mesmerizing star-like pattern, captures the essence of a celestial night sky.

Unveiling the Intricacies:

Black Star Diopside, also called the "Night Sky Gem," derives its name from the Greek words 'di' and 'opsis,' meaning two and vision, emphasizing its double-rayed star effect. This celestial phenomenon, known as asterism, occurs due to needle-like inclusions of magnetite within the stone, reflecting light in a captivating pattern reminiscent of distant stars.

Colorful Symphony:

The gem's deep black color serves as a canvas for the brilliant starburst, creating a captivating contrast that symbolizes the cosmic beauty of the night sky. Occasionally, you may encounter specimens with undertones of green, enhancing the gem's allure and adding an extra layer of intrigue to its visual appeal.

Metaphysical Significance:

Beyond its aesthetic charm, Black Star Diopside is believed to possess metaphysical properties, such as promoting emotional well-being, enhancing intuition, and grounding one's energy. Its association with the night sky also invokes a sense of mystery and connection to the universe, making it a cherished gem for those seeking a deeper spiritual connection.

Jewelry Artistry:

Craftsmen and designers alike appreciate the versatility of Black Star Diopside. Its unique visual impact makes it a sought-after choice for creating exquisite jewelry pieces, ranging from statement rings to pendant necklaces. Whether set in silver or gold, the gem's timeless allure complements various styles, making it a versatile addition to any jewelry collection.

Embark on a journey through the cosmos with Black Star Diopside – a gem that transcends time, radiating an eternal brilliance that captivates both the eye and the soul."

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Descripción general

Tipo de listado : Standard
ID del Producto : 2450526
Precio inicial : $1
Empieza : 6th May 2024 05:00 am AEST
Finaliza : 10th May 2024 05:00 am AEST
* Todos los precios están en :moneda