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25/05/2024 11:06 pm

INVESTMENT QUALITY Rich Color Fancy Cut Amethyst, Brazil mined (GIA Alumni)

Dimensiones (mm)
14.300 x 13.400 x 10.100mm
Peso (cts)
Fancy, Asscher, Emerald

Beautiful Investment quality fancy cut amethyst mined from Brazil, a true work of art deep rich color, great for jewellery or collectors. Perfect size for a statement ring, not too big not too small.

Measurements - 14.3*13.4*10.1
Clarity - eye clean, we use a macro lens in some pictures/videos so inclusions are less visible in real life, beautiful wisps on the bottom, but not visible to the naked eye without zooming in or using a strong light.
Color - rich purple.
Treatments - Unknown, but amethyst is commonly heated, however this piece is 100% natural, no dye no glass, 100% earth mined.
Origin - Brazil

We have used natural and led light and in some pics macro lens to make the gemstone more visible, no editing of photos or videos, color may vary depending on your screen.

Shipping - fully tracked and insured, customs may apply.

We are GIA alumni, currently studying in colored stones and certified in colored stones grading (with 100% mark) from GIA Lab London, Colored stones essentials, and jewellery essentials.

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Standard Shipping - Tracked $0.00 / :días días $0.00 / :días días

Gem Candy London based in UK provides you stones at affordable prices, a lot of our stones are sourced direct from mines, which we have visited, cut in house by our own lapidary, and we have GIA Alumni on site, experts in colored stones, colored stone grading, who are passionate about the stones we provide, making sure every stone is authentic and exactly what is shown on the site. We specialize in Himalayan gemstones, KPK region Pakistan , to Afghanistan. We are also partnered with Imtisal Talha Jewelers who can make any gemstone into a a piece of jewellery. We have had many talks from the London Gem show where we where invited to speak about mining Emeralds in SWAT valley, and have sold privately and online to many clients over the years, and now provide this excellence to buyers from Gem Rock Auctions. Stay Blessed and stay gem positive!
:Ciudad, País
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The Verified Seller responsible for this item has diligently provided us with accurate and comprehensive information, encompassing crucial details such as weight, dimensions, and treatment. It is important to reiterate our commitment to upholding the highest standards of integrity and transparency in the gemstone industry. As part of our policy, we strictly permit the sale of exclusively natural gemstones that have been sourced directly from the Earth. However, in the event that a gemstone has undergone any form of treatment, it is mandatory for the seller to provide full disclosure regarding the treatment process. Furthermore, we would like to emphasize that man-made gemstones, including simulants and imitations, are strictly prohibited on our platform. We prioritize the promotion of authentic, natural gemstones to ensure a genuine and trustworthy marketplace for our valued customers. Should you have any further inquiries or require additional assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out. We are here to assist you and provide a seamless experience on Gem Rock Auctions.

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Descripción general

Tipo de listado : Premium
ID del Producto : 2461341
PVP estimado : $1,200.00
Precio inicial : $1
Empieza : 19th May 2024 04:06 pm AEST
Finaliza : 26th May 2024 04:06 pm AEST
* Todos los precios están en :moneda