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26/05/2024 04:43 pm

Beautiful Lot 5.005 ct Tourmaline, Kunar mine Afghanistan (GIA Alumni)

Dimenzije (mm)
10.000 x 10.000 x 10.000mm
Težina (cts)
No Treatment
Pear, Rectangle, Emerald, Cushion, Asscher, Square, Oval

Beautiful lot of tourmaline from the Kunar mine in Afghanistan.

The pink tourmalines are rare and one has a slight reddish pink to it, the blue is also rare and the full lot is full of gorgeous lots of luster and color. The greenish one has a slight bi color with blue, gorgeous. Amazing lot for any jeweller, collector, or gem lover. The prices of tourmaline are going up and it is harder to find good quality tourmaline with lots of luster in good prices, the sizes are also good, perfect for ladies or gents rings or jewellery. Total weight is 5.005 ct of full lot.

Inclusions are less visible in real, we use a macro lens with led and normal light to capture the image.

No editing of the photos, color may vary depending on your screen.

For dimensions please see the photo with the scale.

We are GIA alumni members

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Gem Candy London based in UK provides you stones at affordable prices, a lot of our stones are sourced direct from mines, which we have visited, cut in house by our own lapidary, and we have GIA Alumni on site, experts in colored stones, colored stone grading, who are passionate about the stones we provide, making sure every stone is authentic and exactly what is shown on the site. We specialize in Himalayan gemstones, KPK region Pakistan , to Afghanistan. We are also partnered with Imtisal Talha Jewelers who can make any gemstone into a a piece of jewellery. We have had many talks from the London Gem show where we where invited to speak about mining Emeralds in SWAT valley, and have sold privately and online to many clients over the years, and now provide this excellence to buyers from Gem Rock Auctions. Stay Blessed and stay gem positive!
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Vrsta unosa : Standard
Identifikacijski broj proizvoda : 2460280
Procijenjeni RRP : $2,300.00
Početna ponuda : $1
Počinje : 18th May 2024 09:43 am AEST
Završava : 27th May 2024 09:43 am AEST
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