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22/06/2024 09:56 am

Burma Sapphire 17.53 ct Royal Blue Untreated Mogok Mined

Dimenzije (mm)
16.600 x 13.250 x 9.860mm
Težina (cts)
No Treatment

In the heart of Myanmar lies Mogok, a region renowned for its exquisite blue sapphires. With a rich history dating back centuries, Mogok has captivated gem enthusiasts worldwide with its mesmerizing gems, particularly blue sapphires. In this comprehensive review, we delve into the allure of blue sapphires from Mogok, uncovering their unique characteristics and significance in the gemological world.

The Geological Marvel of Mogok

Mogok's geological landscape serves as the cradle of these stunning blue sapphires. Nestled amidst rugged terrain and lush greenery, the region boasts geological formations conducive to the formation of high-quality gemstones. The presence of corundum-rich deposits, coupled with tectonic activity over millions of years, has led to the creation of these coveted blue sapphires.

Unraveling the Mystique of Mogok Blue Sapphires

Mogok blue sapphires exhibit a distinctive allure, characterized by their intense hue, exceptional clarity, and remarkable brilliance. Renowned for their vivid blue coloration, these gems often display secondary hues of violet or green, adding depth and complexity to their beauty. Their superior transparency and minimal inclusions further enhance their desirability, making them prized possessions for collectors and connoisseurs alike.

The Influence of Mogok's Unique Geology on Sapphire Quality

The geological composition of Mogok plays a pivotal role in shaping the quality of its blue sapphires. The presence of trace elements, such as iron and titanium, imparts the characteristic blue coloration to the gems, while geological phenomena like metamorphism contribute to their clarity and durability. This unique combination of geological factors distinguishes Mogok blue sapphires, elevating them to the pinnacle of gemstone excellence.

Crafting Timeless Masterpieces: Mogok Blue Sapphire Jewelry

Mogok blue sapphires serve as the centerpiece of exquisite jewelry pieces, revered for their elegance and sophistication. Master artisans meticulously select and facet these gems to unleash their full potential, showcasing their unparalleled beauty in ornate settings crafted from precious metals. Whether adorning a regal tiara or a delicate pendant, Mogok blue sapphires exude timeless charm and allure, captivating admirers with their radiant splendor.

Preserving the Legacy: Sustainable Practices in Mogok

Amidst the allure of its gemstones, Mogok remains committed to sustainable practices aimed at preserving its natural heritage. From responsible mining techniques to community development initiatives, stakeholders in the region strive to strike a balance between economic prosperity and environmental conservation. By fostering sustainable practices, Mogok ensures that future generations can continue to marvel at the breathtaking beauty of its blue sapphires.

Conclusion: A Testament to Timeless Beauty

In conclusion, the blue sapphires from Mogok, Myanmar, stand as enduring symbols of natural beauty and craftsmanship. Their unparalleled allure, shaped by the region's unique geology and centuries-old traditions, continues to captivate gem enthusiasts worldwide. As we celebrate the magnificence of these gems, let us also embrace the importance of responsible stewardship, ensuring that the legacy of Mogok's blue sapphires endures for generations to come.

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Discover the brilliance of rare gemstones with Zayan Gems. Zayan Gems is a company that has been in the gemstone industry for 15 years, operating from Pakistan, Thailand, and Australia. They specialize in wholesaling both semi-precious and precious gemstones, in both cut and polished forms as well as rough specimens. The gemstones they source are exclusively from around the world, with a focus on Africa, Pakistan, Tajikstan, Afghanistan, and Kashmir. These areas are known for their high-quality gemstones and limited access, which allows Zayan Gems to offer their customers stones of "high to finest" quality at very attractive prices. The company's ties to these important mining and market environments are what sets them apart and allows them to offer such exceptional gemstones to their customers.
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:ukupne povratne informacije

  • ladyrose

    Love that sparkle. Perfect and fast shipping too

  • nameforrent

    Slightly darker than I expected, but still an extremely beautiful stone.

  • gemius

    excellent stone, top service! thank you!

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The Verified Seller responsible for this item has diligently provided us with accurate and comprehensive information, encompassing crucial details such as weight, dimensions, and treatment. It is important to reiterate our commitment to upholding the highest standards of integrity and transparency in the gemstone industry. As part of our policy, we strictly permit the sale of exclusively natural gemstones that have been sourced directly from the Earth. However, in the event that a gemstone has undergone any form of treatment, it is mandatory for the seller to provide full disclosure regarding the treatment process. Furthermore, we would like to emphasize that man-made gemstones, including simulants and imitations, are strictly prohibited on our platform. We prioritize the promotion of authentic, natural gemstones to ensure a genuine and trustworthy marketplace for our valued customers. Should you have any further inquiries or require additional assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out. We are here to assist you and provide a seamless experience on Gem Rock Auctions.

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$35.00 5 days putem FedEx
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Vrsta unosa : Standard
Identifikacijski broj proizvoda : 2452287
Procijenjeni RRP : $450,000.00
Početna ponuda : $1
Počinje : 9th June 2024 02:56 am AEST
Završava : 23rd June 2024 02:56 am AEST
* Sve cijene su u :valuti