Phosphosiderite Gemstone: Properties, Meanings, Value & More
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phosphosiderite gemstoneReady for a rare gem whose name rolls right off the tongue? Meet phosphosiderite.

Pronounced faws-fawsi-der-ayte, phosphosiderite is a funky-looking crystal (with an equally funky-sounding name) that’s probably flown under your radar as you ventured into the world of gemstones. However, this obscure crystal deserves a spot on your list.

What is phosphosiderite stone? It’s a (typically) purple to purplish-red mineral made of phosphate and iron.

An interesting thing about phosphosiderites is that they share the same composition, but they tend to have varying characteristics and occur in all kinds of eye-catching colors. 

In addition to its unique appearance, phosphosiderite stone is known to possess vibrant energies that aid in your wellness — especially in spiritual growth.

To learn more about what phosphosiderite stone is, including its meanings, uses, and more, continue reading our Phosphosiderite Gemstone Guide! 

phosphosiderite gemstone

About Phosphosiderite Stone

Phosphosiderite was only discovered in the late 19th century, making it a relative newcomer to the world of gemstones. 

The name phosphosiderite relates to the stone’s mineral makeup. It derives from Latin phospho (for “phosphate”) and sídēros (for “iron”). 

It’s also known as piedra voga, meaning “pink stone,” and la rosa voca, meaning “pink rock.” Phosphosiderite was once called “metastrengite,” but this pseudonym is mostly obsolete.

Some crystals can be used as zodiac stones to balance certain astrological signs. The zodiac phosphosiderite is attuned to Pisces. 

So how can you tell if phosphosiderite is real? Closely observing its mineral traits will tell you everything you need to know!

Phosphosiderite Specifications & Characteristics

Phosphosiderite is a dimorph of strengite, a fairly rare iron phosphate mineral.

Some argue that from a technical standpoint, phosphosiderite isn’t truly a gemstone — it’s moreso just a mineral. 

Crystals occur in an array of colors ranging from opaque to transparent. The most common being purple, such as orchid-purple or lavender, often with hues of red or pink mixed in, as well.

Occasionally, phosphosiderite stones occur with yellow veining along their surface. The fine lines of yellow can vary showing darker or heavier lines and patches. As a result, there’s been some debate over whether phosphosiderite is a hydrated aluminum phosphate variety, like variscite. However, this has yet to be substantiated, so we’ll let you make of it what you will.

Here’s an overview of phosphosiderite’s mineral data:

  • Chemical formula: FePO4 · 2H2O

  • Mineral family: Phosphates

  • Composition: Phosphate, iron, hydrogen, oxygen

  • Mohs hardness: 3.5 to 4

  • Tenacity: Brittle

  • Color: Purple to reddish-violet, pink, brownish-yellow, green, colorless

  • Crystal structure: Monoclinic

  • Luster: Vitreous

  • Dispersion: Strong

  • Transparency: Transparent to translucent

  • Refractive index: 1.70 to 1.74

  • Density: 2.74 to 2.76

  • Cleavage: {010} Distinct; {001} Indistinct

  • Fracture: Uneven

  • Streak: White

  • Luminescence: None 

  • Pleochroism: Present; Usually rose to red to colorless

  • Varieties: Vilateite (manganese-bearing phosphosiderite)

lepidolite vs phosphosiderite gemstonePictured above: Lepidolite

Phosphosiderite vs. Lepidolite

Phosphosiderite’s pretty purples are easy to confuse for other similarly-colored crystals, like lepidolite. They do share other similarities, as well. For instance, they both have monoclinic crystal structures and are relatively soft. 

However, in terms of phosphosiderite vs lepidolite, there are a few key differences that can help you distinguish the two minerals.

With regards to color, lepidolite is more similar to amethyst than phosphosiderite. It also exhibits fluorescence, whereas phosphosiderite does not. Lepidolite is also made of mica, while phosphosiderite is composed of iron and phosphorus. Another distinction is that phosphosiderite is slightly harder than lepidolite. 

Moving on, let’s explore some of phosphosiderite’s etymology. 

carved phosphosiderite gemstone necklace with beads

Phosphosiderite History

Phosphosiderite was originally discovered by a French mineralogist, Alfred Lewis Oliver Legrand Des Cloizeaux, in 1858. However, it was first classified as a "type I hurealite" upon discovery (which isn’t an accurate description). 

It wasn’t until 1890 that phosphosiderite earned its formal name — thanks to German authors Willy Bruhns and Karl Heinrich Emil Georg Busz. As mentioned earlier, they named phosphosiderite after its composition: phosphate and iron.

Ancient healers believed phosphosiderite could absorb negative energies, diluting them and releasing them to the world as positive energy. They also believed it could heal diseases, particularly chronic health problems.

Speaking of healing…

phosphosiderite healing stone beaded bracelet

Phosphosiderite Healing Properties

Most gems can be used as healing stones to improve your physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. 

Phosphosiderite is often referred to as a “jewel nugget of healing and hope.”  It’s believed to contain a lovely healing and calming vibration that helps the body at every level. Simply touching the stone's surface is thought to draw you to its tranquil energy and instantly boost your overall being. 

First, let’s see how phosphosiderite benefits your physical body.

Physical Healing

It’s been said that phosphosiderite has the propensity to cure any physical troubles, especially regarding skin and hair.

The mineral’s revitalizing energies may improve mental and motor function, especially when it pertains to the abdominal region. 

Struggle with insomnia? Phosphosiderite helps you shut down and relax so that you slip into a blissful slumber at bedtime.

Emotional Healing

Phosphosiderite is believed to plant seeds of hope when it is needed most. It produces calmness, comfort, and poise. It roots out excess worry and reinstates the steadiness.

Ever feel like you missed out on moments of happiness because you were too caught up with the stresses of life? Phosphosiderite can help you feel joy in every phase of life, even the difficult ones. 

Meditating with phosphosiderite can help you see the bigger picture. It stimulates greater visions for yourself and others, helping you see possibilities you never knew existed. 

Chakra Healing

Some minerals can help balance one or more of your chakras. Chakras are energy centers along the body that govern your mind, body, and soul in specific ways. 

You can use phosphosiderite as a chakra stone to balance all seven energy points. However, it especially attunes to the third eye chakra.  

Your third eye chakra is located on your forehead, between your eyebrows. It’s associated with intuition and foresight. Phosphosiderite uses its energy to awaken your third eye and enhance your awareness of the world around you and the celestial realm (or the realm of spirits). 

Spiritual Healing

Phosphosiderite is a crystal with an intense focus on the deeper aspects of life, revealing hidden lessons and opening your eyes to truths beyond what you can see with the physical eye.

Spiritually, it’s known to help you connect to other realms or planes of existence. It stimulates communications with higher levels of consciousness, helping you become more closely connected to humanity and everything that exists in the universe.

Shifting gears, what determines phosphosiderite’s worth? Let’s talk grading.

phosphosiderite gemstone cabochons

Phosphosiderite Gemstone Properties

Experts assess each gem’s physical characteristics to determine its worth. For phosphosiderite, they look at color, cut, clarity, and weight.


Like many semi-precious gemstones, phosphosiderite doesn't occur in just one color. Its most common hue is purple. It tends to lean slightly red or pink, better describing it as violet or orchid purple. 

Rarer occurrences include dark purples, more akin to a deep plum, rose red, soft peachy pink, and reddish-brown. Sometimes, you can even find moss green or orange phosphosiderite.

Occasionally, colorless specimens also occur. In these, pleochroism is often present, causing flashes of pinks or reds depending on the angles at which you hold the stone. 


Collectors are particularly keen on phosphosiderite in its rough (or uncut) form. This is because rough specimens can be just as striking as faceted ones.

Rough phosphosiderite tends to be transparent or translucent. The specimens themselves tend to be relatively small, coming in below 2.5 cm in many cases.

Thanks to its spectacular colors, phosphosiderite is magnificent when faceted or cut into cabochons. Due to the mineral’s softness, it takes a skilled lapidary to do it correctly. 

Carvings, like phosphosiderite spheres, hearts, and other shapes, are also popular. 


Some colorless specimens can display dazzling fire, making for stunning gem cuts.

Commonly, inclusions of cacoxenite produce spidery, yellow streaks, but they aren’t always visible in phosphosiderite cut for jewelry and seem to have little effect on price.

Carat Weight

Phosphosiderite that occurs in massive form is usually used to produce cabochons.

Colorless phosphosiderite tends to be extremely small.


You won’t find fake phosphosiderite specimens often, but you may come across treated specimens. Sometimes, phosphosiderite is coated with paraffin or resins to enhance shine and stability. 

…But before phosphosiderite ever makes it to grading, it has to form!

phosphosiderite gemstone rough slab

Phosphosiderite Formation & Sources

Phosphosiderite forms in the oxidized zone of phosphorus-bearing ore deposits. It’s an alteration product of triphylite in granitic pegmatites, soils, and replacement minerals in bones and shells.

Phosphosiderite is often associated with other phosphate minerals, such as members of the apatite group, lithiophilite, strengite, and rockbridgeite.

Geographically, where does phosphosiderite occur?

Mining Locations

The most beautiful phosphosiderite specimens come from the Bull Moose pegmatite in South Dakota (USA). Much of it also comes from France, Germany, Portugal, Chile, and Argentina. 

Other notable localities include:

  • Australia

  • Austria

  • Belgium

  • Bolivia

  • Brazil

  • Cameroon

  • Canada

  • China

  • Colombia

  • Czech Republic

  • Europe

  • Finland

  • Hungary

  • Ireland

  • Italy

  • Japan

  • Liberia

  • Madagascar

  • Morocco

  • Mozambique

  • Namibia

  • New Zealand

  • Poland

  • Russia

  • Rwanda

  • South Africa

  • Spain

  • Sweden

  • Switzerland

  • United Kingdom

Luckily, you won’t have to break the bank or travel far to snag some phosphosiderite. 

phosphosiderite gemstone beads for earrings

Phosphosiderite Price & Value

Despite phosphosiderite’s rarity, it’s a relatively affordable crystal. 

Rough phosphosiderite will only cost you between you $0.04 to $0.10 per gram, more or less. Some higher-end pieces can vary between $0.24 to $083 per gram.

Phosphosiderite carvings, like phosphosiderite towers, spheres, clouds, and other shapes, are very popular and generally vary in price between $20 to $80. 

More intricate or higher-quality pieces can average around $90 to $200 but have garnered prices as high as $900. 

Along with the mineral being a bit rare, specimens aren't usually consistent in appearance — so you’re more likely to find phosphosiderite jewelry for sale by independent designers rather than chain jewelry stores

Faceted phosphosiderite bracelets and necklaces can generally be found for around $4 to $20. Higher-end pieces can fetch prices as high as $1300. 

Phosphosiderite cabochons generally range between $0.25 to $1.96 per carat, for low to mid-quality pieces. Higher quality cabochons generally sell for about $3.56 to $5 per carat.

Getting your crystals is just the first step. You’ll need to master proper gemstone care to ensure your phosphosiderite lasts forever!

Phosphosiderite Care and Maintenance

With phosphosiderite grading 3.5 to 4 on the Mohs scale, the mineral is quite soft. It’s also quite brittle so you’ll want to handle it carefully.

To clean your phosphosiderite stones, carefully rinse them with cool to room temperature water, mild soap, and a soft, non-abrasive cloth or soft-bristled brush. Dry it gently and thoroughly before storing it in a cool, dry place.

Avoid your phosphosiderite coming into contact with:

  • Heat

  • Harsh cleaners

  • Abrasive chemicals

  • Ultrasonic cleaners

  • Harder minerals

As a delicate mineral, you’ll want to opt for phosphosiderite jewelry with protective settings. Always remove your jewelry before any rigorous or impact-prone activities.

Although it has some potential for aluminum toxicity, phosphosiderite is safe to handle. However, you should never use it in crystal elixirs, consume, or ingest it in any way. 

Find Your Higher Self with Phosphosiderite

That wraps up our comprehensive guide to phosphosiderite stones! It may be one of the new kids on the block in the world of crystals, but we like to think it’s finally getting the attention it deserves.

Its lovely energy is truly transcendent, allowing you to see yourself, the world, and beyond in ways you never thought possible. On the flip side, if you’re obsessed with adding rare and obscure crystals to your collection (like we are), this is one mineral you won’t want to pass up! 

Buy phosphosiderite gemstones today!


faws-fawsi-der-ayteと発音されるフォスフォシデライトは、宝石の世界に足を踏み入れたときに、おそらくあなたのレーダーの下を飛んでいるファンキーな外観の結晶 (ファンキーな響きの名前を持つ) です。ただし、このあいまいなクリスタルは、リストに載せる価値があります。



そのユニークな外観に加えて、ホスホシデライト ストーンは、健康、特に精神的な成長を助ける活気に満ちたエネルギーを持っていることが知られています。

ホスホシデライト石とは何か、その意味、用途などについて詳しく知るには、引き続きホスホシデライト ジェムストーン ガイドをお読みください!



ホスホシデライトは 19 世紀後半に発見されたばかりで、宝石の世界では比較的新しい存在です。

ホスホシデライトという名前は、石のミネラル構造に関連しています。ラテン語のphospho (「リン酸塩」) とsídēros (「鉄」) に由来します。

「ピンクの石」を意味するピエドラ ヴォーガ、「ピンクの岩」を意味するラ ロサ ボカとも呼ばれます。ホスホシデライトはかつて「メタストレンジャイト」と呼ばれていましたが、この仮名はほとんど時代遅れです。

一部のクリスタルは、特定の占星術の兆候のバランスを取るためのゾディアック ストーンとして使用できます。星座のホスホシデライトは魚座に同調しています。








  • 化学式:FePO4・2H2O

  • ミネラルファミリー: リン酸塩

  • 組成: リン酸、鉄、水素、酸素

  • モース硬度:3.5~4

  • 粘り強さ: もろい

  • : 紫~赤紫、ピンク、黄褐色、緑、無色

  • 結晶構造: 単斜晶系

  • 光沢: ガラス質

  • 分散: 強い

  • 透明度: 透明から半透明

  • 屈折率:1.70~1.74

  • 密度: 2.74 ~ 2.76

  • 劈開: {010} 明確。 {001} 不明瞭

  • 骨折:不均一

  • ストリーク: ホワイト

  • 発光: なし

  • 多色性: 現在;通常、赤から無色に上昇

  • 品種:ビラタイト(マンガン含有ホスホシデライト)

レピドライトとホスホシデライトの宝石上の写真: レピドライト

ホスホシデライト vs. レピドライト


ただし、ホスホシデライトとレピドライトに関しては、2 つの鉱物を区別するのに役立つ重要な違いがいくつかあります。



彫刻が施されたフォスフォシデライト ジェムストーン ネックレス ビーズ付き


フォスフォシデライトは、1858 年にフランスの鉱物学者、アルフレッド ルイス オリバー ルグラン デ クロワゾーによって最初に発見されました。しかし、最初は発見時に「タイプ I ヒューレアライト」に分類されました (これは正確な説明ではありません)。

ホスホシデライトが正式な名前を獲得したのは 1890 年のことで、ドイツの作家ウィリー・ブルンスとカール・ハインリッヒ・エミール・ゲオルク・ブスのおかげです。前述のように、彼らはリン酸塩と鉄の組成にちなんでホスホシデライトと名付けました。



ホスホシデライト ヒーリング ストーン ビーズ ブレスレット


ほとんどの宝石は、身体的、感情的、精神的な健康を改善するためのヒーリング ストーンとして使用できます。












一部のミネラルは、1 つまたは複数のチャクラのバランスをとるのに役立ちます。チャクラは体に沿ったエネルギー センターであり、特定の方法で心、体、魂を支配します。

ホスホシデライトをチャクラ石として使用して、7 つのエネルギー ポイントすべてのバランスを取ることができます。しかし、それは特に第三の目のチャクラに同調します。













コレクターは、原石 (またはカットされていない) の形のホスホシデライトに特に熱心です。これは、粗い標本がファセット標本と同じくらい印象的である可能性があるためです。

粗いホスホシデライトは、透明または半透明になる傾向があります。標本自体は比較的小さい傾向があり、多くの場合 2.5 cm 未満になります。

その見事な色のおかげで、フォスフォシデライトは、 ファセットカットカボションカットの際に見事な輝きを放ちます。鉱物の柔らかさのため、熟練した宝石職人が正しく行う必要があります。




一般に、カコクセナイトのインクルージョンはクモのような黄色の筋を生成しますが、ジュエリー用のホスホシデライト カットでは常に見えるとは限らず、価格にほとんど影響を与えないようです。













最も美しいホスホシデライト標本は、サウスダコタ州 (米国) のブル ムース ペグマタイトから産出されます。その多くは、フランス、ドイツ、ポルトガル、チリ、アルゼンチンからも来ています。


  • オーストラリア

  • オーストリア

  • ベルギー

  • ボリビア

  • ブラジル

  • カメルーン

  • カナダ

  • 中国

  • コロンビア

  • チェコ共和国

  • ヨーロッパ

  • フィンランド

  • ハンガリー

  • アイルランド

  • イタリア

  • 日本

  • リベリア

  • マダガスカル

  • モロッコ

  • モザンビーク

  • ナミビア

  • ニュージーランド

  • ポーランド

  • ロシア

  • ルワンダ

  • 南アフリカ

  • スペイン

  • スウェーデン

  • スイス

  • イギリス





粗いホスホシデライトの費用は、1 グラムあたり 0.04 ドルから 0.10 ドルの間で、多かれ少なかれかかります。一部の高級品は、1 グラムあたり 0.24 ドルから 083 ドルの間で変動します。

フォスフォシデライトの塔、球体、雲、その他の形状のようなフォスフォシデライトの彫刻は非常に人気があり、一般的に価格は 20 ドルから 80 ドルの間で変動します。

より複雑な、またはより高品質の作品は、平均で約 90 ドルから 200 ドルですが、900 ドルもの高値をつけています。

鉱物が少し希少であることに加えて、標本は通常、外観が一貫していないため、チェーンの宝石店ではなく、独立したデザイナーが販売しているホスホシデライト ジュエリーを見つける可能性が高くなります。

ファセット フォスフォシデライト ブレスレットとネックレスは、通常、約 4 ドルから 20 ドルで見つけることができます。ハイエンドの作品は、1300ドルもの高値で取引できます。

フォスフォシデライト カボションは通常、低品質から中品質のもので、1 カラットあたり 0.25 ドルから 1.96 ドルの範囲です。高品質のカボションは、通常、カラットあたり約 3.56 ドルから 5 ドルで販売されています。



モース スケールで 3.5 から 4 に等級付けされたホスホシデライトで、鉱物は非常に柔らかいです。また、かなり脆いので、慎重に扱いたいと思います。



  • 過酷なクリーナー

  • 研磨剤

  • 超音波洗浄機

  • より硬い鉱物

デリケートな鉱物であるため、保護設定のあるホスホシデライト ジュエリーを選択することをお勧めします。激しい活動や衝撃を与えやすい活動の前には、必ずジュエリーを外してください。




その素敵なエネルギーは真に超越的であり、自分自身、世界、そしてその先のことを、これまで不可能だと思っていた方法で見ることができます。反対に、(私たちのように)コレクションに希少であいまいな結晶を追加することに夢中になっている場合、これは見逃せない鉱物の 1 つです。


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