Covellite Gemstone: Properties, Meanings, Value & More
Covellite 寶石:特性、含義、價值等
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covellite gemstone

Covellite is a rare and mesmerizing gemstone prized for its beautiful indigo hues and spellbinding iridescence.

But there's more to covellite than just its striking appearance…

This stone is considered a hub for emotional and spiritual elevation — bringing peace, clarity, and insight to anyone who gets their hands on it.

Ready to uncover the secrets of covellite? Join us as we highlight covellite’s properties, meanings, origins, and more in our Covellite Gemstone Guide.

covellite gemstone

About Covellite Stone

Covellite is a semi-precious gemstone named after its discoverer, Niccolo Covelli.

What are other names for covellite?

  • Covelline

  • Blue Copper

  • Indigo Copper

Covellite isn’t a traditional zodiac stone, but many crystal healers see it as a “Stone of Transformation” for those born under the Sagittarius sign in astrology.

So, how do you identify covellite from other gems? Its mineral traits will help you make the distinction.

Covellite Specifications & Characteristics

Covellite is a rare sulfide mineral and copper ore. It’s usually an alteration product of other copper sulfides, like chalcopyrite, chalcocite, and bornite (AKA peacock ore).

Does that mean that covellite is the same as peacock ore? While many tend to confuse covellite with peacock ore and chalcopyrite, some differences exist.

For one, covellite is much softer. Ranging between 1.5 to 2 on the Mohs hardness scale, you can scratch delicate covellite with a fingernail.

Covellite’s distinct blues, entrancing iridescent effect, and brassy inclusions (of chalcopyrite, pyrite, or bornite) also help distinguish it from other gems.

Rarely, small, metallic blue or purple inclusions of covellite in quartz can occur. These inclusions create striking and unique patterns that collectors highly prize.

Here’s an overview of covellite’s mineral traits:

  • Covellite Formula: CuS

  • Mohs hardness: 1½ to 2

  • Color: Blue to blue-black; usually iridescent

  • Crystal structure: Hexagonal

  • Luster: Metallic

  • Transparency: Opaque

  • Refractive index: 1.45 to 2.62

  • Density: 4.60 to 4.76

  • Cleavage: {0001} Perfect

  • Fracture: Irregular/Uneven

  • Streak: Lead-grey to black

  • Pleochroism: Present (Deep blue to blue-white)

Next, let’s peek into covellite’s past.

covellite gemstone rough slab

Covellite History

Covellite was discovered near Mount Vesuvius by Italian mineralogist Niccolo Covelli in 1790. Unfortunately, he passed before the stone could be recorded. However, French mineralogist Francois Sulpice Beudant officially named covellite in Covelli’s honor in 1832.

While copper minerals like covellite were important to early civilizations for making tools and weapons, there isn’t much evidence of covellite being used or valued in ancient cultures.

We do know that covellite’s use as a copper ore is centuries-old. The precise timeframe is difficult to pinpoint due to limited historical evidence. However, humans have mined copper for at least 10,000 years. Therefore, it’s likely that covellite was one of the minerals that early miners discovered and utilized.

Today, some parts of the world still mine covellite as a secondary copper source.

In terms of the metaphysical, covellite is a powerful healing stone for the mind, body, and spirit.

Covellite Healing Properties

Many believe covellite embodies potent metaphysical energy — capable of not only improving your emotional well-being but promoting spiritual growth, release, and transformation.

Emotional Healing

Emotionally, what is covellite used for?

Covellite’s harmonious energy fosters communication, self-awareness, and a positive outlook — making it your new secret weapon against emotional trauma.

This stone’s calming energy may also reduce anxiety, soothe subconscious fears, and promote a sense of tranquility.

Spiritual Healing

What is the spiritual meaning of covellite?

Covellite guides you to face your deepest fears and release past karma, allowing you to reconnect with your higher source.

Like many blue gems, you can use covellite as a chakra stone to balance your third eye (or Ajna) chakra. This energy point is your hub of perception, consciousness, and intuition.

Sometimes called a “Stone of Vision,” covellite strengthens your connection to inner wisdom. It helps you tap into psychic abilities, expanding your higher consciousness.

Moving on, how valuable is covellite? That depends on grading!

covellite gemstone cabochon

Covellite Gemstone Properties

Every gem is graded to determine its worth, rarity, and quality. For covellite, experts assess color, cut, clarity, and carat weight.


Typically, what color is covellite? This stone is famous for its deep blue color variations and oil-slick-like iridescence. While blue covellite is highly prized, the rarest and most valuable colors are purple, followed by green.

Covellite's color varies with copper sulfide content, creating its range of hues.

Its famous iridescence is due to diffraction, a phenomenon where light splits into different colors as it passes through the crystal lattice. This creates a stunning play of color shimmering and changing as the stone shifts angles.


Covellite is usually only faceted when specimens are of exceptional quality and have deep, rich colors. As such, faceted gems are incredibly valuable and hard to find.

Because of its softness and tendency to cleave, covellite is instead cut into cabochons — yielding gorgeous, metallic stones.

You’ll also find covellite sold in its rough, uncut form. Many agree that covellite’s deep blue hues and metallic luster are best appreciated in its natural form.


Covellite typically has mineral inclusions that may impact value. For instance, a covellite with a unique or visually-pleasing inclusion pattern (like dendritic inclusions) may be worth more than a stone with more common patterns.

The stone’s iridescent sheen is caused by thin layers of chalcocite and other copper sulfides forming on its surface. While this iridescence adds to the stone's beauty, it can also make seeing internal inclusions difficult.

The most valuable covellite is relatively free of visible inclusions and exhibits a deep, rich color and metallic luster.

Carat Weight & Size

Gem cutters usually cut cabochons from massive or foliated material. As a result, the covellite cabochons can be very large, up to several inches long.

In jewelry, the most common sizes of covellite typically range between 1 and 10 carats, with larger sizes being more uncommon.

Rough covellite, on the other hand, is sold in all kinds of sizes. You can find specimens weighing just a few grams or larger slabs weighing several pounds.

But before covellite makes it to appraisal, it needs to form.

covellite crystal specimen roughImage credit: James St. John, Flickr

Covellite Formation & Sources

As discussed earlier, covellite is a secondary mineral in oxidized zones of copper sulfide deposits.

Covellite forms due to the weathering and alteration of primary copper sulfide minerals. The presence of sulfur-rich solutions in the surrounding rock facilitates its formation.

Globally, where is covellite most commonly found?

Mining Locations

The finest covellite still comes from Italy, but Montana (USA) is another famous locality for this mineral.

Other notable sources of covellite include:

  • Argentina

  • Australia

  • Bosnia-Herzegovina

  • Germany

  • New Zealand

  • Philippines

  • Serbia

  • United States (Arkansas, California, Colorado, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming)

Ready to add some covellite to your collection? You’ll want to prep your budget first.

iridescent covellite gemstone specimen roughImage credit: James St. John, Flickr

Covellite Price & Value

Due to covellite’s rarity and prized appearance, it can be a pricy stone to acquire compared to more mainstream gems.

Here’s a brief rundown of what you can expect to spend:

Faceted covellite

Covellite is rarely faceted due to its softness and risk of damage, but you can find small faceted gems for sale. These small stones generally range between $50 to $150 per carat.


The most affordable cabochons are typically 1 to 2 carats, costing around $20-$50 per carat. Larger cabochons, over 10 carats, start at about $200 or more per carat.

Rough covellite

You’ll find rough covellite selling for around $10 to $30 per gram, depending on quality and size. Higher-quality specimens will fetch higher prices.

Covellite jewelry

Small, simple pieces generally cost a few hundred dollars, while larger, more elaborate pieces can cost you several thousand.

Covellite carvings

Covellite carvings can range from a few dollars to several hundred for larger, intricately-carved pieces.

Learning to care for your gemstones will keep your covellite beautiful for years.

Covellite Care and Maintenance

Every gem needs a little TLC to preserve its unique appearance — covellite is no different.

To clean your covellite, use a soft cloth, mild soap, and lukewarm water. Dry your covellite thoroughly and store it in an airtight container with a silica gel packet to absorb moisture.

Other things to keep your covellite away from include:

  • High heat or sudden temperature changes

  • Prolonged sun exposure

  • Harsh chemicals and detergents

  • Ultrasonic or steam cleaners

  • Harder gems and metals

Most lapidaries don’t recommend covellite for jewelry use, so they always suggest opting for protective settings if given a choice.

Stick to these tips, and your covellite will remain as mesmerizing as the day you purchased it.

bright blue covellite gemstone rough specimenImage credit: James St. John, Flickr

Shine Bright Like Covellite!

Covellite is a rare and enthralling crystal offering an equal blend of beauty and intrigue. Its deep blues and colorful shimmers make it a beautiful addition to any collection.

But this gem isn’t just visually stunning. Its unique and captivating appearance is paralleled by its soothing and mind-expanding energy.

Whether you're seeking inner peace or simply drawn to its mesmerizing beauty, covellite is a gem that truly stands out.

Buy covellite gemstones today!


Covellite 是一種罕見且迷人的寶石,因其美麗的靛藍色調和迷人的虹彩而備受推崇。

但是,covellite 不僅僅是其引人注目的外觀……





Covellite 是一種以其發現者 Niccolo Covelli 命名的半寶石

covellite 的其他名稱是什麼?

  • 柯維蘭

  • 藍銅

  • 靛藍銅

Covellite 不是傳統的生肖石,但許多水晶治療師將其視為占星術中出生在射手座的人的“轉化之石”。





其一,covellite 更柔軟。 莫氏硬度範圍在 1.5 到 2 之間,您可以用指甲刮擦精緻的銅藍。

銅藍獨特的藍色、迷人的虹彩效果和黃銅色內含物(黃銅礦、 黃鐵礦或斑銅礦)也有助於將其與其他寶石區分開來。

很少, 石英中會出現小的金屬藍色或紫色銅藍石夾雜物。這些內含物創造出引人注目且獨特的圖案,深受收藏家的青睞。


  • 銅藍配方:CuS

  • 莫氏硬度:1½ 至 2

  • 顏色:藍色至藍黑色;通常呈彩虹色

  • 晶體結構: 六方

  • 光澤: 金屬

  • 透明度: 不透明

  • 折射率:1.45 至 2.62

  • 密度:4.60 至 4.76

  • 乳溝:{0001} 完美

  • 骨折:不規則/不均勻

  • 條紋:鉛灰色至黑色

  • 多色性:存在(深藍色至藍白色)




Covellite 於 1790 年被意大利礦物學家 Niccolo Covelli 在維蘇威火山附近發現。不幸的是,他在石頭被記錄之前就過去了。然而,法國礦物學家 Francois Sulpice Beudant 於 1832 年正式以 Covellite 命名,以紀念 Covelli。


我們確實知道,銅藍被用作銅礦石已有數百年曆史。由於歷史證據有限,很難確定準確的時間範圍。然而,人類開採銅至少已有 10,000 年的歷史。因此,銅藍很可能是早期礦工發現和利用的礦物之一。



Covellite 癒合特性



從情感上講,covellite 有什麼用?

Covellite 的和諧能量促進溝通、自我意識和積極的前景——使其成為您對抗情緒創傷的新秘密武器。




Covellite 引導您面對最深的恐懼並釋放過去的業力,讓您與更高的源頭重新連接。



繼續,covellite 有多有價值?那要看等級!






Covellite 的顏色隨硫化銅含量的不同而變化,從而形成其色調範圍。


Covellite 通常僅在標本質量卓越且具有深而豐富的顏色時才會刻面。因此,刻面寶石非常有價值,而且很難找到。




Covellite 通常含有可能影響價值的礦物內含物。例如,具有獨特或視覺上令人愉悅的內含物圖案(如樹枝狀內含物)的銅藍可能比具有更常見圖案的寶石更有價值。





在珠寶中,最常見的銅藍尺寸通常在 1 到 10 克拉之間,更大的尺寸更為罕見。



銅藍晶體標本原石圖片來源:James St. John, Flickr

Covellite 的形成和來源







  • 阿根廷

  • 澳大利亞

  • 波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那

  • 德國

  • 新西蘭

  • 菲律賓

  • 塞爾維亞

  • 美國(阿肯色州、加利福尼亞州、科羅拉多州、南達科他州、猶他州、懷俄明州)


虹彩銅藍寶石標本原石圖片來源:James St. John, Flickr





Covellite 由於其柔軟性和損壞風險而很少刻面,但您可以找到出售的小刻面寶石。這些小寶石的價格一般在每克拉 50 到 150 美元之間。


最實惠的凸圓形寶石通常重 1 至 2 克拉,每克拉成本約為 20 至 50 美元。較大的凸圓形寶石,超過 10 克拉,起價約為每克拉 200 美元或更多。


您會發現粗銅藍的售價約為每克 10 到 30 美元,具體取決於質量和尺寸。更高質量的標本將獲得更高的價格。




Covellite 雕刻品的價格從幾美元到幾百美元不等,用於更大的、複雜的雕刻作品。



每顆寶石都需要一點 TLC 來保持其獨特的外觀——銅藍也不例外。

要清潔您的 Covellite,請使用軟布、溫和的肥皂和溫水。徹底乾燥您的銅藍,並將其存放在密封容器中,並用矽膠包吸收水分。

讓您的 Covellite 遠離的其他東西包括:

  • 高溫或溫度突然變化

  • 長時間暴露在陽光下

  • 刺激性化學品和清潔劑

  • 超聲波或蒸汽清潔器

  • 較硬的寶石和金屬



亮藍色銅藍寶石原石標本圖片來源:James St. John, Flickr


Covellite 是一種罕見而迷人的水晶,將美麗與魅力完美融合。它的深藍色和多彩的閃光使它成為任何系列的美麗補充。




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