Gaspeite Gemstone: Properties, Meaning, Value & Healing Uses
Gaspeite 寶石:特性、意義、價值和治療用途
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gaspeite gemstoneGaspeite (gasp-ee-ite) is a brightly colored yellow to green gemstone related to calcite. It’s also spelled gaspéite, paralleling the different spellings of the gem’s first source: the Gaspe (or Gaspé) Peninsula in Canada. 

This isn’t the only stone we can thank the Great White North for — other gemstones first discovered in Canada include ammolite, labradorite, and the extremely rare poudretteite. 

Speaking of, is gaspeite stone rare? Yes, gaspeite is rare, only mined from a few locales, with only two significant deposits currently. It’s also not well-known and has only started gaining popularity in recent times.

Is your interest piqued? Come along to learn everything about gaspeite properties, jewelry, healing powers, and more!

gaspeite gemstone

What Is Gaspeite Gemstone?

Gaspeite is a commonly apple-green semi-precious gemstone beloved for intricate carvings. It has brown veining or splotches, making it resemble green turquoise. 

As a turquoise simulant, gaspeite can substitute in place of this traditional December birthstone. Those born under Virgo are graced with a gaspeite zodiac stone

One trade name for gaspeite is “Allura,” though it’s not common. 

Some stones in a series with gaspeite (discussed next) often have trade names with “lemon” or “citron” before “magnesite” or “chrysoprase” — though chrysoprase is a separate stone.

Besides ornamental and gemstone uses, gaspeite is a minor source of nickel.  

Gaspeite Specifications & Characteristics

The mineral gaspeite is a nickel carbonate (NiCO3). However, the more accurate chemical formula is (Ni,Mg,Fe)CO3, as it’s almost always found with magnesium and iron replacing part of its nickel content.

Gaspeite is in the calcite mineral group, which encompasses similar carbonates that form a solid solution series — meaning they share the same crystal system and base formula, but each one has different elements substituted in their individual formula.

In the entire calcite solution series, gaspeite represents the nickel-rich portion.

Magnesite (magnesium carbonate) is closely related, forming a smaller solution series with gaspeite and siderite (iron carbonate). Minerals with varied amounts of these elements are “intermediate” members and make popular jewelry stones.

Here are all the gaspeite properties:

  • Mohs hardness: 4.5-5

  • Color: Yellow, yellow-green, or bright green; Usually brown patterns

  • Crystal structure: Trigonal

  • Luster: Dull to vitreous (glassy)

  • Transparency: Translucent (crystals); Opaque (masses)

  • Refractive index: 1.61-1.83

  • Density: 3.71-3.91 (denser with higher nickel content)

  • Cleavage: Good, 1-direction on [1011] (crystals)

  • Fracture: Uneven/Irregular

  • Streak: Yellow-green

  • Luminescence: Not fluorescent naturally; Resin-coated stones often fluoresce strongly - light blue and bright green under SW-UV & LW-UV

The specifications between crystals and masses in the list above has to do with the various forms gaspeite can take.

How Do You Identify Gaspeite?

There are a few ways to distinguish gaspeite from other minerals. For one, you can look for one of its crystal habits:

  • Crystal aggregates (multiple visible crystals grown together)

  • Compact, radiating crystal clusters with kidney-shaped terminations

  • Cryptocrystalline (compact with crystals too small to distinguish)

  • Botryoidal concretions (rounded masses resembling grape clusters)

  • Lumpy masses filling rock fractures

However, these shapes exist in other gemstones. More precise identification tests include:

  1. Color: Look for a bright green or yellow-green base with light brown inclusions.

  2. Effervescence: With a rough specimen, you can scratch it against a streak plate to produce powder. Then, drop a solution of water and hydrochloric acid (5 percent) onto the powder and look at it closely. True gaspeite will show bubbles forming. 

  3. Refractive Index: With a Refractometer, look for a reading between 1.61 and 1.83. Rotating a polaroid plate in front of the refractometer (with the stone below) should cause a “birefringence blink” where the refractive-index shadow on the stone appears to jump.

Sale GreenTurquoise Pendant ,Handmade Gemstone ,Turquoise Pendant B635Pictured: Turquoise

Gaspeite vs. Green Turquoise

Many confuse gaspeite with greener turquoise stones. However, there are important distinctions between the two:

  • Hardness: Gaspeite is slightly softer than turquoise, which has 5-6 hardness.

  • Density: Gaspeite’s density is significantly higher than the 2.6-2.8 density of turquoise. 

  • Color: Undertones are bluer in turquoise and more yellow in gaspeite. 

You’ll often see gaspeite and turquoise together in Southwestern jewelry. Southwestern-style jewelry originates from traditional Native American designs and usually incorporates elements like leather, sterling silver, and inlay designs. 

Some organic gems like coral and jet are also common in Southwestern jewelry. Modern designs may incorporate lapis lazuli or tiger’s eye

gaspeite gemstone cabochons

Gaspeite Meaning & History

Interpretations of gaspeite’s spiritual meaning tie to spirituality, protection, and releasing the past. Among indigenous Australian tribes, gaspeite is a lucky talisman used to facilitate the spiritual, sometimes out-of-body experiences anthropologists call “vision quests.” 

Wait, is gaspeite from Australia? Yes, gaspeite comes from Australia, though it wasn’t the first source.

The discovery of gaspeite happened in 1966 at the Gaspe Peninsula (near the Saint Lawrence River) in Quebec, Canada. Members of the New Jersey Zinc Exploration Co. Ltd. made the discovery. 

Mineralogy researchers J.L. Rodda and D.W. Kohls published a description of the new mineral and its name in the 1966 edition of American Mineralogist

In the 1970s, gaspeite was used for various Southwestern jewelry, particularly on Native American reservations. The stone remained largely unknown outside of these groups until the 1990s, particularly in 1994 when it featured in jewelry at the annual Gem and Mineral Show in Tucson, Arizona, USA.

Gaspeite also features in various crystal healing collections, but what does it do? 

gaspeite gemstone earrings

Gaspeite Healing Properties

All gemstones can possess properties as healing stones based on their colors and energies. Like other yellow gems, yellow gaspeite inherently represents joy, intelligence, and hope. Green gaspeite crystal healing similarly ties to the widespread green gem uses of connecting to nature, providing balance, and promoting optimism.

Since most gaspeite crystals have yellow and green tones, they can all be used as chakra stones for both the heart chakra (green) and solar plexus chakra (yellow). 

What about gaspeite uses for physical and emotional healing? 

Physical Healing

As a newer stone, not many healing properties have been attributed to gaspeite yet. The stone is said to lower stress, aid with weight loss, and help with diseases of the heart or lungs. 

Emotional Healing

Gaspeite is said to facilitate self-healing from deep emotional wounds. Crystal healers believe the stone gives you the courage to face the issues head-on while protecting you from being consumed by the powerful emotions. From there, gaspeite purportedly helps you process the pain and start healing. 

gaspeite gemstone cabochons parcel

Gaspeite Gemstone Properties

Browsing for your own gaspeite stone for sale? First, you’ll want to know what value factors (or gemstone properties) to look for. 

Gaspeite is commonly cut into large finished stones, so carat weight doesn’t play a significant role in gaspeite value. The factors that do play a role are color, cut, and treatments. 


Gaspeite can display many shades of green, but the most common are yellow-green, grass-green, and olive. It’s almost always found with brown veining or mottling, whether the base color is yellow or green. 

Both colors are caused by the amount of nickel in the stone, while the brown portions are leftover portions of the rock gaspeite formed inside.

Stones with more saturated or uniform coloring carry higher value. 


Gaspeite’s low Mohs hardness scale ranking makes it ill-suited for faceted cuts. The material is great for carvings, cabochons, and beads, all of which make gorgeous gaspeite jewelry like pendants or bracelets. 

Other common cuts for gaspeite or intermediate gaspeite-magnesite materials are tumbled stones and inlay work. Pieces with more intricate craftsmanship command higher prices. 


Because gaspeite is a soft gem, some jewelers apply a coating treatment to make the stone stronger and more wearable. This coating is often a form of resin and can make the stone appear fluorescent, despite natural gaspeite lacking fluorescence.

Resin-treated gaspeite looks glossier than untreated gaspeite. Like most gems, treatments will lower gaspeite’s value. 

gaspeite gemstone rough specimen

Gaspeite Formation & Sources

Most gaspeite forms as a secondary mineral, or a mineral that forms due to the rock around it being changed by outside forces. Intense exposure to natural forces (weathering) is usually the cause. 

Miners find gaspeite in nickel-rich deposits, usually inside rocks like siliceous dolomite or kambaldaite. Some scientists theorize South African gaspeite formed when nickel-rich meteorite transformed. 

Speaking of locations, where are gaspeite minerals found?

Mining Locations

Though the first source, Canada, still produces gaspeite, the majority of this mineral currently comes from Western Australia. 

Minor amounts come from:

  • Greece

  • Italy

  • Japan

  • New Mexico, USA

  • South Africa

Will the price of gaspeite make you gasp? Probably not, but we’ll go over prices next!

Gaspeite Price & Value

Despite its rarity, gaspeite is a pretty affordable gemstone! At wholesale, cabochons range from $0.50 per carat to just under $2.50 per carat. 

Rough specimens have a broader range, from $0.15 to $5 per carat. Lastly, gaspeite beads are the highest (though still inexpensive) at $0.80 to $2 per carat, though the highest-quality pieces reach $5.50 per carat. 

gaspeite gemstone rough polished

Gaspeite Care and Maintenance

Choosing safer jewelry is the first step for gemstone care. Pendants, earrings, and pins are less vulnerable to damaging impacts. You can still wear a gaspeite ring, but we recommend one with tall protective settings

For multi-gemstone beaded jewelry, choose gems with similar hardness to gaspeite (like apatite) or have separations between the beads so they don’t touch. 

Gaspeite has fairly low hardness and good cleavage, so it can split and scratch pretty easily. Additionally, it’s sensitive to acids, so proper cleaning and storage should keep it away from these types of chemicals. 

Wondering how to safely clean gaspeite? Use a soft, dust-free cloth that’s slightly damp to gently wipe down the surface. Pat it dry with a similar but dry cloth. 

Store gaspeite in a velvet pouch or fabric-lined container away from other gems. 

Enjoy Glitz and Glam with Gaspeite!

Since the 1990s, gaspeite has seen a slow but steady rise in popularity. Still, most people have never heard of this bright little gem, and scientists have more to discover about it. This makes gaspeite even more exceptional, perfect for anyone just as alluring and unique as the crystal itself!

Buy gaspeite gemstones today!

氣體寶石 Gaspeite (gasp-ee-ite) 是一種顏色鮮豔的黃色至綠色寶石,與方解石有關。它也拼寫為 gaspéite,與寶石的第一個產地的不同拼寫平行:加拿大的加斯佩(或加斯佩)半島。


話說,gaspeite 石稀有嗎?是的,gaspeite 很稀有,僅從少數地方開採,目前只有兩個重要礦床。它也不出名,最近才開始流行。

你的興趣被激起了嗎?一起來了解關於 gaspeite 特性、珠寶、治療能力等的一切!


什麼是 Gaspeite 寶石?

Gaspeite 是一種常見的蘋果綠色半寶石,深受複雜雕刻的喜愛。它有棕色的紋理或斑點,使它看起來像綠松石。

作為綠松石仿品,加斯佩石可以替代這種傳統的十二月生日石。出生在處女座下的人都擁有 gaspeite 生肖石

gaspeite 的一個商品名稱是“Allura”,儘管它並不常見。

與 gaspeite 系列中的一些石頭(接下來討論)通常在“菱鎂礦”或“綠玉髓”之前具有“檸檬”或“香櫞”的商品名稱 - 儘管綠玉髓是一種單獨的石頭。


Gaspeite 規格和特性

礦物 gaspeite 是碳酸鎳 (NiCO3)。然而,更準確的化學式是 (Ni,Mg,Fe)CO3,因為它幾乎總是用鎂和鐵替代其部分鎳含量。

Gaspeite 屬於方解石礦物組,它包含形成固溶體系列的類似碳酸鹽——這意味著它們具有相同的晶系和基本式,但每一種都在其各自的式中取代了不同的元素。



以下是 gaspeite 的所有屬性:

  • 莫氏硬度:4.5-5

  • 顏色:黃色、黃綠色或亮綠色;通常為棕色圖案

  • 晶體結構: 三角

  • 光澤: 暗淡至玻璃狀(玻璃狀)

  • 透明度:半透明(水晶);不透明(質量)

  • 折射率:1.61-1.83

  • 密度:3.71-3.91(鎳含量越高密度越大)

  • 解理:良好,[1011] 上的 1 方向(晶體)

  • 骨折:不均勻/不規則

  • 條痕:黃綠色

  • 發光:自然不發熒光;樹脂塗層寶石通常在短波紫外線和長波紫外線下發出強烈的熒光 - 淡藍色和亮綠色

上面列表中晶體和質量之間的規格與 gaspeite 可以採用的各種形式有關。

您如何識別 Gaspeite?

有幾種方法可以將 gaspeite 與其他礦物區分開來。首先,您可以尋找它的一種水晶習性:

  • 晶體聚集體(多個可見晶體生長在一起)

  • 具有腎形末端的緊湊型輻射狀晶體簇

  • 隱晶質(緻密的晶體太小而無法區分)

  • 葡萄狀結核(類似葡萄串的圓形團塊)

  • 填充岩石裂縫的塊狀物質


  1. 顏色:尋找帶有淺棕色內含物的亮綠色或黃綠色底色。

  2. 泡騰:對於粗糙的樣品,您可以將其在條紋板上刮擦以產生粉末。然後,將水和鹽酸(5%)的溶液滴到粉末上並仔細觀察。真正的 gaspeite 會顯示氣泡形成。

  3. 折射率:使用折射計,尋找 1.61 和 1.83 之間的讀數。旋轉折光儀前的偏光板(石頭在下方)應該會導致“ 雙折射閃爍”,石頭上的折射率陰影似乎跳躍。

銷售綠色綠松石吊墜,手工寶石,綠松石吊墜 B635圖為:綠松石

Gaspeite 與綠色綠松石

許多人將 gaspeite 與更綠色的綠松石混淆。但是,兩者之間存在重要區別:

  • 硬度:Gaspeite 比綠松石稍軟,硬度為 5-6。

  • 密度:Gaspeite 的密度明顯高於綠松石的 2.6-2.8 密度。

  • 顏色:綠松石的底色更藍,加斯佩特的底色更黃。

您經常會在 Southwestern 珠寶中同時看到 gaspeite 和綠松石。西南風格的珠寶起源於傳統的美洲原住民設計,通常結合皮革、純銀和鑲嵌設計等元素。


gaspeite 凸圓形寶石

Gaspeite 的意義和歷史

對 gaspeite 精神意義的解釋與靈性、保護和釋放過去有關。在澳大利亞土著部落中,gaspeite 是一種幸運的護身符,用於促進精神體驗,有時是靈魂出竅的體驗,人類學家稱之為“視覺探索”。

等等,gaspeite 是澳大利亞產的嗎?是的,gaspeite 來自澳大利亞,儘管它不是第一個來源。

1966 年在加拿大魁北克省的加斯佩半島(靠近聖勞倫斯河)發現了加斯佩特。新澤西鋅勘探有限公司的成員做出了這一發現。

礦物學研究人員 JL Rodda 和 DW Kohls 在 1966 年版的美國礦物學家中發表了對這種新礦物的描述及其名稱。

在 20 世紀 70 年代,gaspeite 被用於各種西南珠寶,特別是在美洲原住民保留地。直到 1990 年代,這顆寶石在這些群體之外基本上不為人知,特別是在 1994 年,當時它在美國亞利桑那州圖森市舉行的一年一度的寶石和礦物展上展出了珠寶。

Gaspeite 還出現在各種水晶治療系列中,但它有什麼作用?

gaspeite 寶石耳環

Gaspeite 治療特性

根據其顏色和能量,所有寶石都可以具有治療寶石的特性。與其他黃色寶石一樣,黃色石榴石本身就代表著歡樂、智慧和希望。綠色 gaspeite 水晶療愈同樣與綠色寶石廣泛用於連接自然、提供平衡和促進樂觀有關。

由於大多數 gaspeite 晶體具有黃色和綠色調,因此它們都可以用作心輪(綠色)和太陽神經叢脈輪(黃色)的脈輪石

gaspeite 用於身體和情感治療的用途如何?


作為一種較新的石頭,尚未將許多治療特性歸因於 gaspeite。據說這種石頭可以減輕壓力,幫助減輕體重,並有助於治療心臟或肺部疾病。


據說 Gaspeite 有助於從深層情感創傷中自我修復。水晶治療師相信,這種石頭可以讓您有勇氣直面問題,同時保護您不被強烈的情緒所吞噬。據稱,從那裡開始,gaspeite 可以幫助您處理疼痛并開始癒合。

gaspeite 凸圓形寶石包裹

Gaspeite 寶石特性

正在瀏覽您自己的待售 gaspeite 石材?首先,您需要了解要尋找的價值因素(或寶石特性)。

Gaspeite 通常被切割成大塊成品寶石,因此克拉重量對 Gaspeite 的價值影響不大。確實起作用的因素是顏色、剪裁和處理。


Gaspeite 可以顯示多種綠色陰影,但最常見的是黃綠色、草綠色和橄欖色。無論基色是黃色還是綠色,它幾乎總是帶有棕色脈紋或斑點。



Gaspeite 的低莫氏硬度等級使其不適合刻面切割。這種材料非常適合雕刻、 凸圓形寶石和珠子,所有這些都可以製作出華麗的 gaspeite 珠寶,如吊墜或手鐲。

gaspeite 或中間 gaspeite-magnesite 材料的其他常見切割是滾磨石和鑲嵌工作。工藝更複雜的作品價格更高。


由於 gaspeite 是一種柔軟的寶石,一些珠寶商採用塗層處理使寶石更堅固、更耐磨。這種塗層通常是樹脂的一種形式,可以使寶石呈現熒光,儘管天然氣石缺乏熒光。

經過樹脂處理的 gaspeite 看起來比未經處理的 gaspeite 更有光澤。與大多數寶石一樣,處理會降低 gaspeite 的價值。

gaspeite 寶石原石標本

Gaspeite 的形成和來源

大多數 gaspeite 形成為次生礦物,或由於周圍的岩石被外力改變而形成的礦物。強烈暴露於自然力(風化)通常是原因。

礦工在富含鎳的礦床中發現 gaspeite,通常在鎳鎳礦、矽質白雲石或 kambaldaite 等岩石中。一些科學家推測南非的 gaspeite 是在富鎳隕石轉變時形成的。



雖然第一個來源加拿大仍然生產 gaspeite,但目前這種礦物的大部分來自西澳大利亞。


  • 希臘

  • 意大利

  • 日本

  • 美國新墨西哥州

  • 南非


Gaspeite 價格和價值

儘管稀有,但 gaspeite 是一種非常實惠的寶石!批發時,凸圓形寶石的價格從每克拉 0.50 美元到略低於每克拉 2.50 美元不等。

毛坯標本的範圍更廣,從每克拉 0.15 美元到 5 美元不等。最後,gaspeite 珠子是最高的(儘管仍然便宜),每克拉 0.80 到 2 美元,但質量最高的珠子達到每克拉 5.50 美元。

gaspeite 寶石粗拋光

Gaspeite 保養和維護

選擇更安全的首飾是寶石護理的第一步。吊墜、耳環和別針不易受到破壞性影響。您仍然可以佩戴 gaspeite 戒指,但我們建議您佩戴防護等級較高的戒指。


Gaspeite 具有相當低的硬度和良好的解理性,因此很容易分裂和劃傷。此外,它對酸很敏感,因此適當的清潔和存放應使其遠離這些類型的化學品。

想知道如何安全地清潔 gaspeite?使用微濕的柔軟無塵布輕輕擦拭表面。用類似但乾燥的布將其拍幹。

將 gaspeite 存放在天鵝絨袋或襯有織物的容器中,遠離其他寶石。

與 Gaspeite 一起享受 Glitz 和 Glam!

自 1990 年代以來,gaspeite 的受歡迎程度緩慢但穩步上升。儘管如此,大多數人從未聽說過這種明亮的小寶石,科學家們還有更多關於它的發現。這使得 gaspeite 更加與眾不同,非常適合任何人,就像水晶本身一樣誘人和獨特!

立即購買 gaspeite 寶石!

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