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Current Bid
31/10/2018 01:04 pm

6.65ct Oregon Sunstone with light Schiller~Precision/Custom Cut

Dimensions (mm)
12.800 x 12.800 x 8.400mm
Weight (cts)
No Treatment

Natural Oregon Sunstone

  • Grading: VS
  • Design:  Round Brilliant
  • Color: Yellow with light Schiller
  • Origin: Plush, Oregon
  • Treatment: None at all
  • Hardness: 6.2-7.5
  • Refractive Index: 1.525–1.58
  • Cut: Custom precision cut by Doug

    (Award-winning gemstone faceter/Certified Master Faceter)

Oregon sunstone, also known as heliolite (from Greek helios, meaning “sun”, and lithos, meaning “stone”). Oregon Sunstones are comprised of the mineral feldspar and were formed through volcanic action. Feldspar crystals are found in several locations throughout the globe. The pink Schiller, red, bi-colored and green varieties are currently found only in Oregon. The color appears to vary depending on both the amount and the size of individual copper particles present in the stone. A stone with “Shiller” is any stone that is translucent to opaque due to Schiller inclusions of copper and lead. Some of the better quality Schiller variety have an iridescent or aventurescence shimmer effect, which is caused by light reflecting from minute parallel metallic platelets suspended in the Sunstone… When they are viewed in just the right direction, a metallic shimmer flashes from within the stone. Some stones are dichroic, in that they show two different colors when viewed from different directions. Oregon sunstone is its state gemstone.

*CARE (Oregon Sunstone)*

Warm, soapy water is always a safe sunstone cleaning method. Ultrasonic and steam cleaners should be avoided. Feldspars are rapidly attacked by hydrochloric acid, so cleaning products containing bleach should also be avoided.


IF – Internally flawless; free of inclusions 

VVS – Very, very slight inclusions; microscopic inclusions barely       seen under a loupe with 10x magnification 

VS – Very Slight inclusions; visible inclusions that can be seen under magnification and sometimes also with the unaided eye. 

SI – Small inclusions; inclusions that are obvious under magnification and to the unaided eye. 

I – Heavy or large inclusions obvious to the naked eye

I work exclusively with a precision machine when faceting gemstones. This allows extra brilliance and appeals only seen in precision cut gems. Gemstones are cut at their correct refractive index using digital precision, this facilitates making the correct facet angles allowing the maximum amount of light to enter and reflect back up through the table. This allows optimum brilliance according to each gemstone’s individual refractive index. Special care in polishing ensures that the faceted gem is showcased in all its brilliance. The introduction of precision faceting machines has revolutionized the art of gem cutting allowing the gem cutter to unveil the inner beauty of every single gemstone as it has never been done before. The cut of a gem is one of the main values of a gemstone and each gemstone requires special attention in order to unveil its potential beauty. If you’re looking for that extra special stone, I hope you find it here. Sincerely, Doug

“Light reflects off of Jewels, But, “It” comes from above.”

Shipping provider Shipping to United States of America Shipping to rest of world
Standard Shipping - Tracked $5.00 / 7 days $12.00 / 21 days

Welcome to DougPamGems. As a professional cutter specializing in opals (Topshelfopals), I have now ventured into the world of "other" gemstones. Precision faceting is my new-found love. As with opals, my goal is to reveal as much whimsical wonder and beauty as a piece of rough can produce. It is my goal to allow these heavenly treasures to lead and guide me, to shape and polish these colorful rustic stones into pure eye candy, to allow them to come into fruition as objects of beauty to pleasure and inspire others like myself. As an award-winning faceter and member of the USFG, You can rest assured that your gemstone has been cut and polished with love, excitement, anticipation and professional skill. Sincerely, Doug
Crestview, United States of America
98 Feedback

  • bbmsvl

    Absolutely stunning and beautiful! Thank you for a great gem.

  • kelvin30

    Thanks again Doug!!

  • iona

    A Man who gives us wonderful stones! We thank you!

  • gakarax

    Very beautiful gem!

  • rgt4

    Paid and shipped - no feedback left after 100 days

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Shipping Details

$12.00 21 days via Standard Shipping - Tracked
Ships from:
United States of America

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  • paypal


Listing Type : Standard
Product ID : 822757
Starting Bid : $1
Starts : 25th October 2018 06:03 am AEST
Ends : 1st November 2018 06:04 am AEST
* All prices are in USD