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Current Bid
25/10/2018 07:04 pm

LIQUIDATION PRICE 5 sesame seed jasper strand beads GOGO 1809

Dimensions (mm)
50.000 x 20.000 x 8.000mm
Weight (cts)

natural bead strands large size40 cm length appor
natural stone  with good polish
5 items as per images 

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FedEx $12.00 / 3 days $39.00 / 10 days
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Registered Shipping $9.00 / 7 days $16.00 / 21 days
Registered Shipping is discounted to $9.00 on orders with 2 or more items
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Registered Shipping is discounted to $16.00 on orders with 2 or more items

Inspired by the abundance and beauty of the earth's most natural treasure, Pamella Regan-Fox established GoGoanna in 1989. We are merchants of colored gemstones, pearls and devote our life to trading in over 20 countries with the view of locating truly exceptional and unusual pieces. In Australia we also travel extensively to source the best opals, colored diamonds, parti-colored sapphires, chrysoprase and pearls, which we showcase on our international travels. GoGoanna's gems, from alexandrite to zircon, are eagerly sought by leading international jewelry artists and designers who are looking for that extraordinary stone with an unusual cut and color. Among our elite clients are presidents, politicians, sultans, royalty, music moguls, film stars and sports celebrities. We pride ourselves in our collection of connoisseur collector stones GoGoanna's main strength is its passion for the industry. "Working in gemology presents an opportunity to discover that special stone whether it be the lustrous creation of the humble oyster or the fierce beauty of gemstones produced by volcanoes."
Bellevue Hill, Australia
561 Feedback

Bids History (1)
Purchased from this seller previously
5 years ago

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Shipping Details

$16.00 21 days via Registered Shipping
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  • paypal
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Listing Type : Standard
Product ID : 719883
Starting Bid : $89
Starts : 26th October 2018 11:05 am AEST
Ends : 26th October 2018 12:04 pm AEST
* All prices are in USD