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Current Bid
03/06/2017 12:01 pm

Rare Chatoyant Malachite Oval Cab 5.98ct

Dimensions (mm)
8.000 x 17.000 x 4.000mm
Weight (cts)








ID #1.1420
WhatRare Chatoyant Malachite Oval Cab 5.98ct
CT Weight5.98ct
OriginBisbee AZ USA

Fox Hop is small company located in Denver, Colorado USA with just two American stone cutters with over 27 years in the business. Most stones on our auctions have be cut by us on precision machines; not in some cutting factory. Why does that matter you might ask? Well American cutters in general have a much higher standard in regards to the quality of rough material used, precise cutting and we spend that extra time to get the best polish on each and every stone. Since we buy the best rough material from our reliable sources around the world and cut everything ourselves we can guarantee that all stones are real and untreated unless noted. In addition, when we cut a stone we learn everything about that stone (inclusions, cracks, color banding and treatments). This allows you the luxury of knowing that what is listed and stated about this stone is accurate.

Since we are not a factory we usually cut between 1 to 5 stones a day. We do a lot of custom cutting and stone repair work as well. Our inventory of quality rough material is vast and we have a WHOLE LOT of it. More that we can cut in our entire lives. We have almost every kind of material from Alexandrite to Zircon and everything in between.

If there is something you cannot find on this auction site please let us know. We have a very large inventory not listed on this auction site and we call always pull stock for you and list it on this site. We also have the ability to cut you a custom stone with a short turn around time at very reasonable price.

If this situation occurs please note that we would do all of those personal sales through this auction site in the form of a private auction. This is a secure and trusted auction site and it protects both the sellers and buyers from fraud.

Shipping provider Shipping to United States of America Shipping to rest of world
Standard Shipping - Tracked $10.20 / 7 days $45.00 / 12 days
FedEx $31.00 / 2 days $45.00 / 8 days

Boyd Fox, Owner of Fox Hop Jewelry(FHJ). Master Gemstone Cutter and GIA Gemologist. Due to PayPal changing their fees, all return items will be refunded minus the PayPal transaction fee. This pertains to all FHJ listings on this site.
Spring Branch, United States of America
614 Feedback

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  • caneeves

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  • chriszhu

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  • mrfecteau

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Bids History (5)

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8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago

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Shipping Details

$45.00 12 days via Standard Shipping - Tracked
Ships from:
United States of America

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  • paypal


Listing Type : Standard
Product ID : 421882
Starting Bid : $1
Starts : 3rd June 2017 09:37 am AEST
Ends : 4th June 2017 05:01 am AEST
* All prices are in USD