Brookite Gemstone: Properties, Meanings, Value & More
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brookite gemstoneBrookite is a metallic gemstone commonly found in shades of brown like reddish-brown or yellowish-brown. The mineral is closely related to rutile and anatase.

Is brookite rare or common? Brookite as a mineral isn’t super rare, but crystals suitable for becoming gemstones are quite rare. More often, you’ll see cut gemstones of brookite in quartz.

Despite its rarity, brookite has some impressive traits as a gemstone — its colorful sparkle, or “fire,” is almost 200 percent greater than that of diamonds! Plus, it can have a submetallic or adamantine (diamond-like) luster.

Eager to learn more? Read on to find out all of brookite’s properties, prices, benefits, and history!

brookite gemstoneImage credit: Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0

What Is A Brookite Crystal?

Brookite is a rare semi-precious gemstone found in brown and rarely blue hues.

Other monikers for brookite are:

  • Jurinite

  • Pyromelane

  • Acide Titanique

Astrologically, brookite is lucky for Cancer signs.

Industrially, what is brookite used for?

Brookite Uses

Brookite isn’t used commercially as much as rutile or anatase. Nevertheless, brookite does have benefits and scientists have created synthetic brookite for research into these applications.

Synthetic brookite can be used for:

  • Paints

  • Orthopedic implants (anti-corrosive and biocompatible coatings)

  • Research into photocatalytic properties

Photocatalysis is when a material can absorb photons after being exposed to light underwater, exciting its own electrons and causing the electrons to split the water into hydrogen and oxygen. This property has important uses like cleaning oil spills, disinfecting water, and purifying air.

Minerals like brookite can be processed for the many applications of titanium dioxide, like:

  • Pigment – Often in paints, toothpastes, and foods

  • Thin-Film Deposition – Reflective coating for dielectric mirrors or decorative gems like mystic topaz

  • Sunscreen – Strong UV-light absorption & resistance to discoloration under UV-light; Often combined with zinc oxide

  • Ceramic Glazes – Makes it opaque and aids crystallization during cooling

  • Cosmetics – Oil and water dispersible

Shifting back to brookite, it’s time to go over its mineral properties.

twinned brookite gemstone crystal on quartzPictured above: Interpenetrating twinned brookite crystal with doubly-terminated quartz on one side | Image credit: Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0

Brookite Specifications & Characteristics

As one of the three — or four, depending on who you ask — mineral forms of titanium dioxide, brookite’s formula is TiO2. The other two are rutile and anatase, which we’ll compare to brookite in the next section. A possible fourth is the monoclinic akaogiite.

Common impurities in brookite minerals include iron, tantalum, and niobium.

Brookite only forms crystals but in various shapes: tabular, prismatic, pyramidal, and pseudo-hexagonal. Many are elongated with longitudinal striations.

Some notable properties include brookite’s extremely high refractive index (over-the-limit on a refractometer) and dispersion — both higher than diamond.

Brookite properties listed:

  • Mohs hardness: 5.5-6

  • Color: Brown, deep red, reddish-brown, yellowish-brown, black, rarely blue; Hourglass-shaped color zoning possible in blue crystals

  • Crystal structure: Orthorhombic

  • Luster: Submetallic, sub-vitreous, vitreous, sub-adamantine, adamantine

  • Transparency: Transparent to opaque

  • Refractive index: 2.583-2.740

  • Density: 4.08-4.18

  • Cleavage: Indistinct/poor on {120}, in traces on {001}

  • Fracture: Subconchoidal or irregular/uneven

  • Streak: White, grayish-white, or yellowish-white

  • Luminescence: None

  • Pleochroism: Present; Very weak to strong in yellowish-brown to reddish-brown to orange or golden-brown

  • Birefringence: 0.117-0.157

  • Dispersion: 0.131 (very strong)

brookite and rutile in quartz crystal gemstonePictured above: Quartz crystal with silvery rutile needles and red brookite blades | Image credit: Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0

Difference Between Anatase, Rutile, and Brookite

Now let’s see how brookite properties compare to anatase and rutile:

  • Rarity: Anatase - Rarest; Brookite - Rare; Rutile - Most Common (including for gems)

  • Crystal System: Brookite - Orthorhombic; Rutile & Anatase - Tetragonal

  • Optic Character: Brookite - Biaxial; Rutile - Uniaxial (usually); Anatase - Biaxial or Uniaxial

  • Hardness: Brookite & Anatase - 5.5 to 6; Rutile - 6 to 6.5

  • Dispersion: Brookite Lowest - 0.131; Anatase Higher - 0.214 (0), 0.259 (e); Rutile Highest - 0.280-0.330

  • Density: Anatase - 3.79-3.97; Brookite - 4.08-4.18; Rutile - 4.20-4.30 (tantalum-bearing up to 5.60)

  • Birefringence: Anatase - 0.046-0.073; Brookite - 0.117-0.157; Rutile - 0.287

Types of Brookite

The important types of brookite to know are:


Arkansite is a black, opaque variety of brookite named for its discovery in Arkansas, USA. The lustrous black appearance of these sharp, bipyramidal crystals comes from iron and niobium substituting for titanium.

This brookite variety has also been found in Siberia, Russia.

Platinum Quartz

“Platinum quartz,” or sometimes “dragonflies in quartz,” is more of a trade name than a variety. It refers to quartz crystals (mostly from Brazil) containing inclusions of brookite blades and needle-like rutile that resemble insects.

This stone differs from “platinum aura quartz,” a diffusion-treated quartz stone similar to mystic quartz. (Note: Neither contains platinum).

Speaking of mystic phenomena, let’s look at brookite’s metaphysical properties next.

Brookite Meaning & History

Metaphysically, brookite symbolizes spiritual ascension, higher realms, and new beginnings. Some associate brookite crystals with the mantra “this too shall pass,” representing the inherent but often relieving fact that nothing in life is permanent.


Brookite was first discovered in Wales, UK, around 1809. The brookite crystals from this type locality were transparent to translucent, red to brown, and bladed with long striations.

French mineralogist Armand Lévy named the mineral “brookite” in 1825 to honor English textile trader and crystallographer Henry James Brooke.

Brooke’s contributions to the field include discovering 12 minerals, which include arfvedsonite, thomsonite, and annabergite, along with co-authoring Elementary Introduction to Mineralogy in 1852.

Though some of the finest brookite crystals have been found in Snowdonia (Wales), arguably even better specimens emerged in the late 1900s in the Alps of France and Switzerland. Pakistan deposits appeared in 2004, producing some of the best specimens since.

American mineralogist Charles Upham Shepard discovered arkansite in 1846. Shepard thought it was a new mineral, but Welsh mineralogist William Hallowes Miller reported in 1849 that arkansite was identical to brookite.

Nevertheless, A.A. Konev, E.I. Vorobyev, and K.A. Lazebnik discovered more arkansite specimens in Russia in 1996.

brookite healing crystal in quartzPictured above: Quartz crystal with brookite inclusions | Image credit: Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0

Brookite Healing Properties

As a predominantly brown healing stone, brookite possesses the grounding, balancing, and stabilizing properties inherent to brown gemstones. In energy healing, brookite crystals are great root chakra stones.

What is brookite good for physically?

Physical Healing

Physically, brookite is said to help with issues related to:

Emotional Healing

Emotionally, brookite crystal benefits those struggling to focus or move on. It can help you be present in the moment and handle difficult changes in life.

brookite gemstone crystalsImage credit: Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0

Brookite Gemstone Properties

Besides rarity, brookite gemstone value depends on color, cut, transparency, and carat weight.


Brown hues are more common in brookite, so rare blue coloring can be quite valuable. Brighter colors (such as deep garnet-like reds) can fetch higher prices, as most brookites are very dark, masking their dispersion.


Since most brookite crystals aren’t cuttable, faceted stones are rare and valuable, especially if the strong dispersion and luster are optimized.

Brookite can be cut as cabochons, but you’re more likely to find brookite in quartz gemstones. Many brookite crystals are sold uncut.


Brookite crystals are usually only transparent in small fragments, and dark colors can make them appear opaque. Higher transparency will lend higher value.

As an inclusion in quartz, brookite can increase a quartz’s value, especially in transparent quartzes with intertwined brookite inclusions.

Carat Weight

Not only is transparency rare, but transparent brookites are always under 1-2 carats. Larger brookite stones are opaque.

brookite crystal specimen on chlorite quartzPictured above: Brookite with quartz specimen

Brookite Formation & Sources

Brookite forms as an accessory mineral in alpine veins of gneiss and schists rocks. It also forms in hydrothermal veins, contact metamorphic zones, and sometimes igneous rocks. It’s commonly found as detritus, meaning it broke off its parent rock due to weathering.

Brookite is often entirely encased by quartz. It can also grow together with rutile, but brookite will revert to a rutile structure when heated above around 750°C.

Mining Locations

Where is brookite found in the world? The top sources for gem-quality brookites are Arkansas (USA), Switzerland, and Pakistan.

Other significant sources include:

  • Brazil

  • France

  • Russia

  • Spain

  • UK (England & Wales)

  • USA (California, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, North Carolina)

brookite gemstone crystal specimenPictured above: Tabular brookite crystal | Image credit: Amgueddfa Cymru, Flickr, CC-BY-SA-2.0

Brookite Price & Value

Faceted brookite gemstones range from around $20 to $450 per carat. Quartz stones with brookite inclusions are around $10 per carat when faceted.

Brookite in quartz cabochons are even more affordable, typically around $3 per carat.

Crystal specimens can range more broadly. Quartz crystals with brookite inclusions start around $10 and can reach $1,850. Deep red brookite crystals are generally priciest, ranging from $17 to $3,000.

Brookite Care and Maintenance

Before we wrap up, you’ll want to know proper gemstone care.

While brookites have greater wearability than anatase or rutile, they still have mid-range hardness. If you want to sport brookite every day, we recommend a brookite in quartz bracelet or brookite jewelry with protective settings.

Clean brookite stones with mild soap, warm water, and soft toothbrush. Don’t use mechanical systems like steam or ultrasonic cleaners.

Store the stone separately from other gems to avoid scratches.

mahogany brookite gemstone crystals with quartzPictured above: Three brookite blades with hourglass-like interior zoning on matrix with clear quartz| Image credit: Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0

Hooked on Brookite Crystals?

Brookite gemstones may be rare, but there are plenty of gorgeous pieces at affordable prices. Plus, faceted brookite is a must-have for any collection.

If you’re worried about wearability or simply finding brookite jewelry you like, you can always opt for some gorgeous quartz with brookite inclusions!

Buy brookite gemstones today!



儘管稀有,但板鈦礦作為寶石具有一些令人印象深刻的特性 - 它的彩色閃光或“火彩”幾乎比鑽石高出 200%!此外,它還可以具有亞金屬或金剛(類金剛石)光澤。


板鈦礦寶石圖片來源:Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0




  • 胡里尼特

  • 吡咯烷

  • 酸性泰坦尼克號






  • 塗料

  • 骨科植入物(防腐和生物相容性塗層)

  • 光催化性能研究



  • 顏料——通常存在於油漆、牙膏和食品中

  • 薄膜沉積——介電鏡或神秘黃玉等裝飾性寶石的反射塗層

  • 防曬霜——對紫外線有很強的吸收能力,在紫外線下不易變色;常與氧化鋅結合

  • 陶瓷釉- 使其不透明並有助於冷卻過程中的結晶

  • 化妝品——油水分散性


石英上的孿晶板鈦礦寶石晶體上圖:一側為雙端石英的互穿孿晶板鈦礦晶體 |圖片來源:Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0


作為二氧化鈦的三種或四種礦物形式之一,板鈦礦的分子式是 TiO2。另外兩種是金紅石銳鈦礦,我們將在下一節中將其與板鈦礦進行比較。第四種可能是單斜晶系 akaogiite。





  • 莫氏硬度:5.5-6

  • 顏色: 棕色、深紅色、紅棕色、黃棕色、黑色,很少有藍色;藍色晶體可能出現沙漏形色域

  • 晶體結構: 斜方晶系

  • 光澤:亞金屬、亞玻璃、玻璃、亞金剛、金剛

  • 透明度: 透明到不透明

  • 折射率:2.583-2.740

  • 密度:4.08-4.18

  • 乳溝:在 {120} 上不明顯/較差,在 {001} 上有痕跡

  • 斷口:亞貝殼狀或不規則/不均勻

  • 條痕:白色、灰白色或黃白色

  • 發光: 無

  • 多色性:存在;非常弱到強,呈黃棕色到紅棕色到橙色或金棕色

  • 雙折射:0.117-0.157

  • 色散:0.131(非常強)

石英晶體寶石中的板鈦礦和金紅石上圖:帶有銀色金紅石針和紅色板鈦礦刀片的石英晶體 |圖片來源:Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0



  • 稀有度:銳鈦礦 - 最稀有;板鈦礦 - 稀有;金紅石 - 最常見(包括寶石)

  • 晶體系統:板鈦礦 - 正交晶系;金紅石和銳鈦礦 - 四方晶系

  • 光學特性:板鈦礦 - 雙軸;金紅石 - 單軸(通常);銳鈦礦 - 雙軸或單軸

  • 硬度:板鈦礦和銳鈦礦 - 5.5 至 6;金紅石 - 6 至 6.5

  • 分散:板鈦礦最低 - 0.131;高銳鈦礦 - 0.214 (0), 0.259 (e);金紅石最高 - 0.280-0.330

  • 密度:銳鈦礦 - 3.79-3.97;板鈦礦 - 4.08-4.18;金紅石 - 4.20-4.30(含鉭高達 5.60)

  • 雙折射:銳鈦礦 - 0.046-0.073;板鈦礦 - 0.117-0.157;金紅石 - 0.287

arkansite 各種板鈦礦寶石上圖:板鈦礦的 Arkansite 品種 |圖片來源:Ra'ike, CC-BY-SA-3.0




Arkansite 是一種黑色、不透明的板鈦礦,因在美國阿肯色州發現而得名。這些鋒利的雙錐形晶體的黑色光澤外觀來自鐵和鈮替代鈦。



“鉑金石英”,有時也稱為“石英中的蜻蜓”,與其說是一個品種,不如說是一個商品名稱。它指的是石英晶體(主要產自巴西), 內含板鈦礦葉片和類似昆蟲的針狀金紅石包裹體

這種石頭不同於“鉑金光環石英”,一種類似於神秘石英的擴散處理石英石。 (注意:兩者均不含鉑金)。





板鈦礦於 1809 年左右首次在英國威爾士被發現。來自該類型產地的板鈦礦晶體呈透明至半透明、紅色至棕色,並帶有長條紋。

1825 年,法國礦物學家 Armand Lévy 將這種礦物命名為“板鈦礦”,以紀念英國紡織品貿易商和晶體學家 Henry James Brooke。

Brooke 對該領域的貢獻包括發現 12 種礦物,其中包括arfvedsonitethomsonite和 annabergite ,以及在 1852 年與人合著了《礦物學入門》

儘管在斯諾登尼亞(威爾士)發現了一些最好的板鈦礦晶體,但可以說在 1900 年代後期在法國和瑞士的阿爾卑斯山出現了更好的標本。巴基斯坦礦床出現於 2004 年,生產了一些自那以後最好的標本。

美國礦物學家 Charles Upham Shepard 於 1846 年發現了 arkansite。Shepard 認為這是一種新礦物,但威爾士礦物學家 William Hallowes Miller 於 1849 年報告說 arkansite 與板鈦礦相同。

儘管如此,AA Konev、EI Vorobyev 和 KA Lazebnik 於 1996 年在俄羅斯發現了更多的方鎂石標本。

石英中的板鈦礦癒合水晶上圖:含有板鈦礦夾雜物的石英晶體 |圖片來源:Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0






  • 想像

  • 平衡大腦的大腦半球

  • 循環

  • 低能量

  • 不育症

  • 電磁輻射



板鈦礦寶石晶體圖片來源:Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0





由於大多數板鈦礦晶體不可切割, 刻面寶石非常稀有且有價值,特別是如果強烈的色散和光澤得到優化。






不僅透明度很少見,而且透明的板鈦礦總是在 1-2 克拉以下。較大的板鈦礦寶石是不透明的。




板鈦礦通常完全被石英包裹。它也可以與金紅石一起生長,但板鈦礦在加熱到 750°C 左右以上時會恢復為金紅石結構。




  • 巴西

  • 法國

  • 俄羅斯

  • 西班牙

  • 英國(英格蘭和威爾士)

  • 美國(加利福尼亞州、緬因州、馬薩諸塞州、紐約州、北卡羅來納州)

板鈦礦寶石晶體標本上圖:板狀板鈦礦晶體 |圖片來源:Amgueddfa Cymru, Flickr CC-BY-SA-2.0


刻面板鈦礦寶石的價格從每克拉 20 美元到 450 美元不等。帶有板鈦礦內含物的石英石在刻面時的價格約為每克拉 10 美元。

凸圓面石英中的板鈦礦更實惠,通常每克拉 3 美元左右。

晶體標本的範圍更廣。含有板鈦礦內含物的石英晶體起價約為 10 美元,最高可達 1,850 美元。深紅色板鈦礦晶體通常最貴,價格從 17 美元到 3,000 美元不等。






桃花心木板鈦礦寶石晶體與石英上圖:三個板鈦礦葉片在透明石英基體上具有沙漏狀內部分區|圖片來源:Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0


Brookite 寶石可能很少見,但有很多價格實惠的華麗作品。此外,刻面板鈦礦是任何收藏品的必備品。



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