Cavansite Gemstone: Properties, Meanings, Value & More
Cavansite 寶石:屬性、含義、價值等
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cavansite gemstoneCavansite gemstone is a rare and unusual crystal! What color is cavansite? It typically occurs in vibrant, sparkling blue crystal aggregates, generally in the form of little pom-pom balls called rosettes. These rosettes only grow a few centimeters tall. 

Why is cavansite rare, though? Because it’s only found in trace amounts making production and excavation quite limited. This makes cavansite highly sought-after and valued. 

Known as a stone of revelation, the cavansite crystal meaning is one of spiritual elevation, perseverance, and clarity. It can be a powerful tool in your crystal arsenal during intense periods of transition (but more on that later.)

Curious to learn more about this mystical blue gem? Join us as we break down all there is to know in this Cavansite gemstone Guide! 

cavansite gemstone

About Cavansite Stone

So where does cavansite get its name? Here’s a hint: just look at its chemical makeup. This semi-precious gemstone is a calcium-vanadium-silicate, hence the name ‘ca-van-site.’

Are you a fan of British experimental pop? Popular Indie group, Heist, dedicated an entire album and title track to cavansite stone and its transformational vibes. 

On top of inspiring musical artists, cavansite is said to be a supportive and energizing zodiac stone for the Aquarius in astrology. It’s also tied to the number five in numerology. 

Interested in learning how to identify cavansite for yourself? Let’s talk about mineral traits! 

Cavansite Specifications & Characteristics

Cavansite’s intense, vivid color looks almost fake compared to the pastel crystals it usually sits beside in stores. The good news is that it's rarely faked. However, some unscrupulous sellers try to sell cavansite as pentagonite at higher mark-ups. 

You see, cavansite is a dimorph (two forms of the same mineral) of pentagonite. In fact, the two look almost identical. However, they have a very subtle difference. They both crystallize in the orthorhombic system and form spherulitic rosettes, but pentagonite usually ends with more individual elongated prismatic crystals. 

Here’s an overview of cavansite’s mineral data:

  • Formula: Ca(VO)Si4O10 · 4H2O

  • Mineral family: Silicate

  • Composition: Calcium, vanadium, silicon, hydrogen, oxygen

  • Mohs hardness: 3 to 4

  • Color: Varying shades of blue

  • Crystal structure: Orthorhombic

  • Luster: Vitreous to pearly

  • Transparency: Transparent

  • Refractive index: 1.54 to 1.55

  • Density: 2.21 to 2.31

  • Cleavage: {010} Good 

  • Fracture: Conchoidal

  • Streak: Bluish-white

  • Luminescence: None

  • Pleochroism: Visible; X = colorless; Y = blue; Z = colorless

Mineral traits? Check! The rest is history… or is it?  

Cavansite History

In the world of geology, cavansite is considered a newbie. It wasn’t officially recognized as a mineral species till 1967 after being discovered by a group of geologists in Malheur County, Oregon (USA). The quality of the deposit, though? Not so great. 

It wasn’t until the mid-1970s that cavansite was rediscovered in Poona, India. This time around, the strikingly beautiful blue mineral stirred up a whirlwind of hype, garnering it the attention it rightly deserved. To this day, specimens from this locality are considered the highest quality cavansite, yet they are incredibly scarce! 

Cavansite is one obscure gem! As a result, there hasn’t ever been much folklore surrounding it. 

However, it has inspired some thrilling literature. One book, The Cavansite Conspiracy by Manjiri Prabhu, details the suspenseful tale of the protagonist’s connection to the precious mineral’s mysterious theft from The Crystal Museum of Minerals. 

Moving on, what is cavansite used for in terms of the metaphysical?

cavansite healing stone sphere

Cavansite Healing Properties

Like many gems, cavansite can be used as a healing stone to aid your physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

So what does cavansite stone mean? As the Stone of Revelation, it’s believed to be especially supportive during major life changes. It’s also purported to promote internal and external healing in a myriad of ways. 

Do you practice manifestation? Cavansite may be the compass to your soul’s path. 

Continue reading to learn how cavansite can transform your mind, body, and spirit! 

Physical Healing

Physically, cavansite is said to promote full bodily recovery and rejuvenation. More specifically, it can remedy problems relating to your vision, kidneys, bladder, and throat problems. In fact, many say it’s known for its ability to cure sore throat. 

Cavansite can also help relieve tinnitus, a condition in which you experience constant ringing or other noises in one or both of your ears. 

Emotional Healing

Regarding your emotions, cavansite can help shift you into a happier, more relaxed, and balanced state of mind. 

What makes it so powerful for periods of change? Cavansite sharpens your focus, promotes optimism, helps you dispel negative influences, and form healthy relationships. 

Chakra Healing

You can use some crystals as chakra stones to activate and balance one of the seven energy points (or chakras) along the center of your body.  

Like many other blue gemstones, cavansite is especially attuned to the upper three chakras (crown, third eye, and throat). These energy points support the transmission, communication, and comprehension of your dreams.

Placing cavansite beside your bed can help you interpret your dreams. These interpretations help you discover more about your true self and your soul’s purpose.

Spiritual Healing

Cavansite’s spiritual meaning is about so much more than raising your vibrations. It’s actually considered both a psychic barrier and a healer. It allows you to employ your intuition and channeling abilities while simultaneously removing negative energy patterns.

The high vibrations that cavansite induces make it a powerful crystal for meditation and manifestation. It also provides spiritual protection — not just to you but to crystal healers during sessions, as well. 

blue cavansite gemstone rough specimen

Cavansite Gemstone Properties

Like every gemstone, cavansite has specific criteria that dictate its value. Color, cut, and carat weight all determine how cavansite specimens are graded. 


Most cavansite occurs in varying shades of blue, but some specimens have shades of green running through their designs, adding to their unique aesthetic. 

Its striking blue hue is thanks to its vanadium content. Trace inclusions of apophyllite are what attributes to the occasional green coloration.


Cavansite specimens are usually far too small for faceting and too tiny even for cabochons. So instead, it’s mostly sold as a rough mineral specimen. 

Fine specimens usually have a bursting, flower-like appearance. In fact, cavansite is more of a conglomeration of tiny crystal aggregates rather than a single individual crystal.

Carat Weight

Since you can only find cavansite in small amounts, large specimens are incredibly scarce, rarely surpassing four carats. 


Some sellers will apply an oiling treatment to cavansite crystals to enhance dull specimens and hide any visible scratches, scuffs, or imperfections. 

Best practice dictates that sellers disclose such treatments to buyers before purchase. 

Next, let’s explore how cavansite forms! 

cavansite gemstone raw crystals

Cavansite Formation & Sources

Cavansite typically occurs over a substrate (or bed) of other zeolite minerals such as apophyllite or stilbite. It’s found in cracks, cavities, and vesicles of basalt breccias and andesitic tuffs.

Mining for cavansite is no easy feat. Its small, jagged formations and softness make it a delicate and difficult specimen to collect. Large deposits are extremely rare — so rare that it’s only been discovered in five geographical locations. 

On that note, where is cavansite found?

Mining Locations

Today, the highest quality cavansite comes from Poona, India, which is also thought of as the primary source of cavansite. 

The other four deposits scattered across the world are:

  • Brazil

  • Iceland

  • New Zealand

  • United States

Ready to splurge on your own cavansite? You’ll want to get familiar with costs so you can plan a budget. 

cavansite gemstone faceted

Cavansite Price & Value

As we discussed earlier, you can only find cavansite in trace amounts making mining quite challenging. As a result, crystals are more costly than other gems within markets. Fortunately, you can still find some affordable options if you look around. 

Since cavansite crystal is rarely big enough to facet or cut, you’ll mainly find it sold as a rough mineral specimen, polished or unpolished. 

  • Rough cavansite generally sells for about $2.50 to $5.60 per carat. 

  • Mid-quality specimens range approximately between $6 and $12.50 per carat. 

  • Higher-end specimens can run you up to $2000 or more. 

Faceted cuts do exist, albeit extremely rare. If you’re lucky enough to find one, it can run you between $70 to $140 per carat.

Instead, cavansite jewelry usually contains uncut cavansite. Pieces vary depending on gem-quality and other metals used within each design. 

Cavansite crystal pendants (mainly for necklaces) generally cost around $55 to $150 for mid-range pieces. Lower-end pendants can range between $22 and $40. Higher-end pieces can run you between $200 and $400 but have fetched prices as high as $4490.

Cavansite rings are also widely available at a range of prices. You can find them costing between $43 to $300. Lower-quality rings can be found for $19 to $38. Higher-end pieces can garner prices starting at $9100 to over $20,000. 

Finally, cavansite bracelets, which aren’t quite as common, average around $210 to $505 per piece. Although, you can find some for as low as $28. 

Now that you know how to budget for cavansite, we’ll give you the low-down on how to care for your gemstones, so they last you a lifetime!

Cavansite Care and Maintenance

As you’ve learned, cavansite is relatively brittle and soft. As a result, water is likely to seep into microscopic cracks and widen them, causing bigger cracks or even breakage. In other words, you shouldn’t submerge cavansite crystals in water.

Instead, when cleaning your cavansite, use a crystal cleaner solution or a soft, non-abrasive cloth to gently dust away impurities. 

Because of its delicate nature, jewelry should always implement protective settings to secure your cavansite. Always remove it before doing anything too rigorous that could cause your cavansite gems to break or scuff. 

For safekeeping, avoid your cavansite coming into contact with:

  • Other gems and minerals

  • Abrasive fabrics

  • Harsh chemicals

  • Sudden temperature changes

  • Ultrasonic or steam cleaners

Store cavansite away from harder gems in a soft pouch or fabric-lined box and temperature-controlled space.

cavansite gemstone sphere carving

Can’t Get Enough of Cavansite? 

Change is inevitable — why not make use of cavansite’s powers and approach each of life’s transitions with a positive outlook and grounded spirit? 

Cavansite’s bold, blue color and unique, pom-pom ball-like appearance make for an eye-catching addition to every crystal enthusiast’s collection.

If you snag some cavansite jewelry, the stone’s pretty pop of color will complement any aesthetic. Who knows? Maybe cavansite will inspire you to take on a whole new persona! 

Buy cavansite gemstones today!

鈣鋁石寶石 Cavansite寶石是一種稀有且不尋常的晶體!鈣鋁石是什麼顏色?它通常出現在充滿活力、閃閃發光的藍色晶體聚集體中,通常呈稱為玫瑰花結的小絨球形式。這些蓮座叢只有幾厘米高。


Cavansite 水晶被稱為啟示之石,其含義是精神提升、毅力和清晰度之一。在緊張的過渡時期,它可以成為您水晶武器庫中的強大工具(稍後會詳細介紹)。

想了解更多關於這顆神秘藍色寶石的信息嗎?加入我們吧,我們會在這本 Cavansite 寶石指南中分解所有知識!


關於 Cavansite Stone

那麼,cavansite 的名字是從哪裡來的呢?這裡有一個提示:看看它的化學成分就知道了。這種半寶石是鈣釩矽酸鹽,因此得名“ca-van-site”。

你是英國實驗流行音樂的粉絲嗎?流行的獨立樂隊 Heist 將整張專輯和主打歌獻給了 Cavansite Stone 及其變革性的氛圍。



Cavansite 規格和特性

Cavansite 強烈、生動的顏色與它通常位於商店旁邊的柔和水晶相比,看起來幾乎是假的。好消息是它很少被偽造。然而,一些不法賣家試圖以更高的加價將鈣範石作為五角石出售。


以下是 cavansite 礦物數據的概述:

  • 分子式:Ca(VO)Si4O10 · 4H2O

  • 礦物族: 矽酸鹽

  • 成分:鈣、釩、矽、氫、氧

  • 莫氏硬度:3 至 4

  • 顏色:深淺不一的藍色

  • 晶體結構: 斜方晶系

  • 光澤: 玻璃光澤至珍珠光澤

  • 透明度: 透明

  • 折射率:1.54 至 1.55

  • 密度:2.21 至 2.31

  • 乳溝:{010} 好

  • 斷口: 貝殼狀

  • 條痕:藍白色

  • 發光: 無

  • 多色性:可見; X = 無色; Y = 藍色; Z = 無色



在地質學界,碳鈣石被認為是新手。直到 1967 年,一群地質學家在俄勒岡州(美國)馬盧爾縣發現它後,它才被正式認定為一種礦物。存款的質量呢?不太好。

直到 20 世紀 70 年代中期,人們才在印度浦那重新發現鈣範石。這一次,這種極其美麗的藍色礦物掀起了一陣炒作旋風,獲得了應有的關注。時至今日,來自該地區的標本被認為是最高品質的鈣鋁石,但它們卻極其稀少!

Cavansite 是一顆不起眼的寶石!因此,關於它的民間傳說一直不多。

然而,它激發了一些激動人心的文學作品。 Manjiri Prabhu 所著的《卡文斯特陰謀》一書詳述了主人公與水晶礦物博物館神秘失竊的珍貴礦物有關的懸疑故事。

繼續,在形而上學方面,cavansite 有什麼用?

Cavansite 癒合石球體

Cavansite 治療特性



你練習顯化嗎? Cavansite 可能是您靈魂之路的指南針。




Cavansite 還可以幫助緩解耳鳴,在這種情況下,您會在一隻或兩隻耳朵中聽到持續不斷的鈴聲或其他噪音。


關於您的情緒,cavansite 可以幫助您進入更快樂、更放鬆和平衡的心態。

是什麼讓它在變革時期如此強大? Cavansite 可以增強您的注意力,促進樂觀,幫助您消除負面影響並建立健康的人際關係。






Cavansite 的精神意義遠不止提高您的振動。它實際上被認為既是心理障礙又是治療者。它允許您運用直覺和引導能力,同時消除負能量模式。

Cavansite 引起的高振動使其成為冥想和表現的強大水晶。它還提供精神保護 - 不僅對您而且對治療期間的水晶治療師也是如此。


Cavansite 寶石屬性





Cavansite 標本通常對於刻面來說太小了,甚至對於凸圓形寶石來說也太小了。因此,它主要作為粗糙的礦物標本出售。



由於您只能找到少量的鈣鋁石,因此大型標本非常稀有,很少超過 4 克拉。





cavansite 寶石原料晶體

Cavansite 的形成和來源

Cavansite 通常出現在其他沸石礦物(如魚眼石或輝石)的基質(或床)上。它存在於玄武岩角礫岩和安山凝灰岩的裂縫、空腔和囊泡中。


關於這一點,cavansite 是在哪裡發現的?




  • 巴西

  • 冰島

  • 新西蘭

  • 美國

準備好揮霍自己的 cavansite 了嗎?您需要熟悉成本,以便制定預算。

cavansite 寶石刻面

Cavansite 價格和價值



  • 粗銅礦一般售價約為每克拉 2.50 美元至 5.60 美元。

  • 中等質量的標本價格大約在每克拉 6 美元到 12.50 美元之間。

  • 高端標本最高可達 2000 美元或更多。

刻面切割確實存在,儘管極為罕見。如果您幸運地找到一顆,它的價格在每克拉 70 到 140 美元之間。


Cavansite 水晶吊墜(主要用於項鍊)的中檔價格一般在 55 到 150 美元左右。低端吊墜價格在 22 美元到 40 美元之間。高端產品售價在 200 美元到 400 美元之間,但售價高達 4490 美元。

Cavansite 戒指也以各種價格廣泛供應。你會發現它們的價格在 43 美元到 300 美元之間。低質量的戒指售價 19 到 38 美元。高端產品的價格從 9100 美元到 20,000 多美元不等。

最後,不太常見的鈣鋁石手鍊平均每件約 210 至 505 美元。不過,您可以以低至 28 美元的價格找到一些。


Cavansite 保養和維護





  • 其他寶石和礦物

  • 磨砂布

  • 刺激性化學品

  • 突然的溫度變化

  • 超聲波或蒸汽清潔器


Cavansite 寶石球體雕刻

無法獲得足夠的 Cavansite?


Cavansite 大膽的藍色和獨特的絨球狀外觀為每位水晶愛好者的收藏增色不少。

如果您購買了一些鈣鋁石首飾,這種寶石漂亮的流行色會襯托出任何審美。誰知道?也許 Cavansite 會激發您展現全新的個性!


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