Proteus Garnet Gemstone: Properties, Meanings & Value
Proteus 石榴石寶石:屬性、意義和價值
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proteus garnet gemstoneProteus is a variety of the gemstone garnet that’s been treated to have a metallic coating and dual appearance in different types of lighting. Reflected light makes proteus garnets look metallic and dark gray, while transmitted light makes them look dark red.

The term “proteus” was originally a marketing term for what was believed to be the first treated garnets commercially available as gems.

Today, proteus garnets are no longer commercially sold, at least for now. But they’re still relevant to the modern history of garnet gemstones.

Today, we’ll fill you in on all the proteus garnet facts, from the history and meaning of these gems to their benefits and properties.

proteus garnet gemstone

About Proteus Stone

Proteus is a semi-precious gemstone in the garnet family. The proteus garnets created were of the garnet species pyrope, almandine, or a mixture of these two.

Garnets are January birthstones as well as zodiac stones for Capricorn and Aquarius signs. Garnet is also the traditional 2nd wedding anniversary gem.

Almandine garnets, specifically, are the state gemstone of Connecticut, USA, the “Constitution State.”

Outside the gem world, garnets have various industrial uses.

Because of its superior Mohs hardness among garnets, almandine is great for abrasives. These abrasives may be used in sandpaper or replace silica for sandblasting.

Industrial-grade garnets produced for abrasives may be called “rock garnet.” Some unexpected applications for abrasive garnet are woodworking and water filtration.

Additionally, garnets can help geologists study the temperatures and pressures that rocks form under in a field called geothermobarometry. They can similarly indicate geological timelines when used as a geochronometer or thermochronometer.

Proteus Specifications & Characteristics

The term “garnet” actually describes a large, complex group of gemstones split into two series (pyralspite and ugrandite) and species within each series. Pyralspite has the species pyrope, almandine, and spessartite. Ugrandite has the species uvarovite, grossular, and andradite.

Each species can have its own varieties, many of which are hybrids, like the pyrope-almandine hybrid rhodolite.

Proteus garnets are in the pyralspite series, which are iron-rich and have the formula [Mg,Fe,Mn]3Al2(SiO4)3.

What is a pyrope garnet? Or almandine garnet?

Pyrope garnet is a magnesium aluminum silicate with the formula Mg3Al2Si3O12 or Mg3Al2(SiO4)3 in pure form, though no pyrope is pure. Almandine garnet is an iron aluminum silicate with the formula Fe3Al2Si3O12 or Fe3Al2(SiO4)3.

Here are the proteus crystal’s properties:

Mineral family: Pyrope-almandine garnet

Mohs hardness: 6.5-7.5

Color: Dark red in transmitted light; Metallic dark gray in reflected light

Crystal structure: Isometric (cubic)

Luster: Metallic

Transparency: Subtransparent to opaque

Refractive index: 1.73-1.83

Density: 3.65-4.30

Cleavage: None

Fracture: Conchoidal

Streak: White; Coating may come off as metallic gray

Luminescence: None

Pleochroism: None

Birefringence: None

Dispersion: 0.022-0.027

Next, we’ll look at proteus garnet’s meaning symbolically.

Proteus Meaning & History

The meaning of proteus garnets matches the meaning of garnets like red pyrope garnets and other varieties. Garnets traditionally symbolize friendship, passion, and commitment.

Ancients believed garnets lit the way for travelers, protecting them from harm. Medieval physicians used the stone to treat the Black Plague, resolve conflicts, and encourage fidelity. Christian clergy during this time saw garnets as symbols of the blood and sacrifice of Christ.

Proteus_ofte_272.jpgImage credit: Dolan Clark | Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license

Proteus in Mythology

The name "proteus garnets" is a reference to the Greek mythological figure, Proteus.

According to mythology, Proteus was a prophetic seaman or sea god (depending on the story). He’s one of the gods Homer called the “old man of the sea.”

Though Proteus could see the past, present, and future, he’s better known for his ability to shapeshift. In fact, he’d often shapeshift to avoid telling others of his knowledge.

This shapeshifting ability is what led to proteus garnet’s name, as the stone has a dual appearance in different lighting.

The figure’s shapeshifting also led to the word protean, which means “versatile” or “able to change frequently or easily.”

Protean also appears in various works of literature throughout history. 16th-century German alchemist Heinrich Khunrath described Protean as representing the subconscious mind and anima mundi, a belief that all living things are connected.

Shakespeare used Proteus in Henry VI Part 3 to highlight Richard III’s devious plans for attaining the crown.

Even famous 20th-century Swiss psychologist Carl Jung used Proteus to represent the unconscious and compared him to alchemy figure Mercurius, who he called “a world creating soul.”

Etymology-wise, Proteus comes from the Greek prōtos, meaning “first.” This also connects to the way proteus garnet was marketed as the first treated garnet.

History of Proteus Garnets

Garnets are one of the gem species (like spinels) that don’t tend to respond to typical treatments like irradiation or heat treatments, so treated garnets weren’t really an option for many years.

However, the first report of successfully treated garnets was published in the 1975 issue of Gems & Gemology. The gem, thought to be a cuprite initially, was actually an almandine garnet with a “sputter” coating — meaning it had a thin film deposited onto it — resulting in a metallic luster.

In 1994, Austrian-American chemist Dr. Kurt Nassau successfully made a purple-colored rhodolite take on a “hessonite-type brownish color” by heating it to around 600°C. The stone had a metallic coating that was likely due to iron oxidation.

In 2007, German gem carver Gerhard Becker tried heat treatments on purple Brazilian rhodolite garnets. He heated them in a furnace at increasing temperature increments, cooling and analyzing the stones in between each increase.

At 700°C, the stones started changing color, further changing color up to 900°C and eventually developing a metallic coating resembling hematite. This coating could be polished away.

proteus garnet healing stones

Proteus Healing Properties

Proteus garnets, like any garnet or any gem for that matter, can be used as healing stones. The deep red coloring makes these gems helpful for increasing vitality and passion, like other red gemstones. The gray metallic luster also grants them the benefits of gray gemstones such as offering balance and stability.

Physical Healing

Purported physical benefits of proteus garnets include increasing:

  • Strength & endurance

  • Fertility & libido

  • Blood circulation

  • Iron absorption

  • Immune system function

It’s also said to help with:

  • Arthritis

  • Sore throat

  • Inflamed or burned skin

  • Digestive issues

  • Immune system function

Emotional Healing

Emotionally, proteus garnets can help lift you up when you feel anxious or despondent. They’re also believed to boost feelings of motivation, resilience, and connection with others.

Chakra Healing

Chakra healing involves opening or balancing blocked energy centers (chakras) to allow energy to flow freely throughout the entire system.

Proteus garnets are great root chakra stones, the center of physical needs and connection. When this chakra is blocked, you may feel fearful, frustrated, or on high-alert. Opening it with proteus garnet brings feelings of safety, energy, and stability.

Proteus Gemstone Properties

Since proteus garnets aren’t commercially available anymore, they aren’t graded. However, you can check out our guides on almandine and pyrope garnets to see how factors like inclusions, color, faceted cuts vs cabochon cuts, and carat weight affect these garnets’ value.

pink pyrope proteus garnet gemstone rough crystal

Proteus Formation & Sources

Before this stone becomes a “proteus garnet” through treatments, it starts as a pyrope-almandine garnet.

Pyrope and almandine garnets form when aluminum-rich, sedimentary rocks undergo metamorphism from pressure and heat, altering the minerals inside into new minerals like garnet.

Because garnets are so tough, they’re one of the only minerals left behind after intense weathering. Almandine-pyrope garnets are mostly found in metamorphic rocks like mica schists.

Mining Locations

According to the International Gem Society, only some almandine-pyrope garnets mined in the US will accept the treatments and become proteus garnets.

The only other garnets known to be heat-treated are demantoid garnets, but this treatment simply enhances their color.

pyrope rhodolite grape garnet gemstone facetedPictured above: Rhodolite garnet

Proteus Garnet Price & Value

Proteus garnets aren’t sold anymore, though they may be created again to be sold at some point. Since they’re treated and darker in color, they’d likely be lower in price than other red garnets like pyrope.

The pyrope garnet price per carat differs significantly based on variety and quality, ranging from $5 to $6,000 per carat. You can see specific prices of pyrope varieties in our Pyrope Info Guide and browse our pyrope garnets for sale like rhodolite, Malaya garnet, color-changing garnet, and more.

Proteus Garnet Care & Maintenance

Garnet gemstone care is pretty straightforward. You may want to opt for protective settings in a more vulnerable garnet ring to prevent scratches, though.

You can clean garnets gently with mild soap, warm water, and a soft toothbrush. Don’t use mechanical or steam cleaners. Store garnets in a cool, dry place away from other gems.

Intrigued by Proteus Garnets?

Proteus garnets are rare and unique, capable of showing an effect most garnets can’t. Though proteus garnets aren’t available now, you can find similar garnets to suit your fancy like color-changing garnets or dark red Mozambique garnets.

Find gorgeous garnets today!

變形石榴石寶石 Proteus 是石榴石的一種,經過處理後具有金屬塗層並在不同類型的照明下呈現雙重外觀。反射光使變形石榴石看起來呈金屬色和深灰色,而透射光使它們看起來呈深紅色。






Proteus 是石榴石家族中的一種半寶石。所創造的變形石榴石屬於石榴石品種鎂鋁榴石、鐵鋁榴石或這兩者的混合物。

石榴石是一月生日石,也是摩羯座水瓶座生肖石。石榴石也是傳統的結婚 2 週年紀念寶石。






Proteus 規格和特性

“石榴石”一詞實際上描述了一大群複雜的寶石,分為兩個系列(黃銅礦和硬榴石)以及每個系列中的種類。黃銅礦有鎂鋁榴石鐵鋁榴石錳鋁榴石等種類。 Ugrandite 有uvarovitegrossular和 andradite 的種類。


變形石榴石屬於黃銅礦系列,富含鐵,分子式為 [Mg,Fe,Mn]3Al2(SiO4)3。


鎂榴石石榴石是一種純矽酸鋁鎂,分子式為 Mg3Al2Si3O12 或 Mg3Al2(SiO4)3,但沒有一種鎂鋁榴石是純的。鐵鋁榴石石榴石是一種鐵鋁矽酸鹽,化學式為 Fe3Al2Si3O12 或 Fe3Al2(SiO4)3。


礦物系列: 鎂鋁榴石-鐵鋁榴石石榴石



晶體結構: 等距(立方)

光澤: 金屬

透明度: 亞透明到不透明




斷口: 貝殼狀


發光: 無





Proteus 的意義和歷史



Proteus_ofte_272.jpg圖片來源:Dolan Clark | 知識共享署名-相同方式共享 4.0 國際許可


“proteus 石榴石”這個名字是對希臘神話人物 Proteus 的引用。

根據神話,Proteus 是預言性的海員或海神(取決於故事)。他是荷馬稱為“海中老人”的眾神之一。

雖然 Proteus 可以看到過去、現在和未來,但他以變形能力而聞名。事實上,他經常變形以避免告訴別人他的知識。



Protean 也出現在歷史上的各種文學作品中。 16 世紀的德國煉金術士 Heinrich Khunrath 將 Protean 描述為代表潛意識和 anima mundi,一種認為所有生物都是相互聯繫的信念。

莎士比亞在亨利六世第 3 部分中使用 Proteus 來突出理查三世獲得王冠的狡猾計劃。

就連 20 世紀著名的瑞士心理學家卡爾·榮格 (Carl Jung) 也用普洛透斯 (Proteus) 來代表無意識,並將其與煉金術人物麥丘利 (Mercurius) 相提並論,他稱之為“創造世界的靈魂”。

在詞源上,Proteus 來自希臘語 protos,意思是“第一”。這也與變形石榴石作為第一種經過處理的石榴石的銷售方式有關。



然而,關於成功處理石榴石的第一份報告發表在 1975 年的《寶石與寶石學》(Gems & Gemology) 雜誌上。這顆寶石最初被認為是赤銅礦,實際上是一顆帶有“濺射”塗層的鐵鋁榴石石榴石——這意味著它上面沉積了一層薄膜——從而產生金屬光澤。

1994 年,美籍奧地利化學家 Kurt Nassau 博士將紫色的紅榴石加熱到 600°C 左右,成功地使它呈現出“ 金黃榴石型褐色”。這塊石頭有一層金屬塗層,這可能是由於鐵氧化造成的。

2007 年,德國寶石雕刻師 Gerhard Becker 嘗試對紫色的巴西紅榴石進行熱處理。他在爐子中以遞增的溫度對它們進行加熱,在每次升溫之間冷卻並分析寶石。

在 700°C 時,寶石開始變色,在高達 900°C 時進一步變色,最終形成類似赤鐵礦的金屬塗層。該塗層可以被拋光掉。


Proteus 治療特性




  • 力量與耐力

  • 生育力和性慾

  • 血液循環

  • 鐵吸收

  • 免疫系統功能


  • 關節炎

  • 咽喉痛

  • 皮膚發炎或燒傷

  • 消化問題

  • 免疫系統功能





Proteus 石榴石是偉大的根脈輪寶石,是身體需求和聯繫的中心。當這個脈輪被阻塞時,您可能會感到恐懼、沮喪或高度警覺。用變形石榴石打開它會帶來安全、活力和穩定的感覺。

Proteus 寶石屬性

由於變形石榴石不再在市場上銷售,因此不對它們進行分級。但是,您可以查看我們的鐵鋁榴石和鎂鋁榴石指南,了解內含物、顏色、 刻面切割凸圓形切割以及克拉重量等因素如何影響這些柘榴石的價值。


Proteus 的形成和來源








Proteus 石榴石的價格和價值

Proteus 石榴石不再出售,儘管它們可能會在某個時候再次被創造出來出售。由於它們經過處理且顏色較深,因此它們的價格可能低於鎂鋁榴石等其他紅色柘榴石。

鎂鋁榴石石榴石的每克拉價格因品種和質量的不同而有很大差異,從每克拉 5 美元到 6,000 美元不等。您可以在我們的鎂榴石信息指南中查看鎂榴石品種的具體價格,並瀏覽我們待售的鎂鋁榴石柘榴石,如紅榴石馬來亞柘榴石變色柘榴石等。

Proteus 石榴石保養與維護






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