Thomsonite Gemstone: Properties, Meanings, Value & More
Thomsonite 寶石:屬性、含義、價值等
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thomsonite gemstoneThomsonite is a rare mineral in the zeolite family — the rarest, to be exact! It typically occurs in white, beige, pastel yellows, oranges, or grays, although most thomsonites display multiple hues in one gemstone!

Some variations of thomsonite occur in even more colors like varying shades of pinks, greens, and even black. It’s believed that over 170 different color and pattern variations have been observed!  

In non-secular terms, thomsonite’s meaning is one of balance, growth, and connection for all aspects — physical, emotional, and spiritual. Hello, positive vibes!

Intrigued by this not-so-common zeolite? Continue reading as we break down all there is to know about rare and captivating thomsonite in our Thomsonite Gemstone Guide!

thomsonite gemstone

About Thomsonite Stone

Thomsonite is a rare, semi-precious gemstone with a truly unique look. It’s also believed to be a powerful and transformative crystal for metaphysical healing. 

While it’s not an official birthstone, thomsonite is a supportive zodiac stone for Gemini signs. It’s believed to help balance their multifaceted personalities, allowing them to hone in on their truest self.

Thomsonite is moreso an ornamental crystal loved by in-the-know gem collectors. That’s not to say you won’t be able to score some thomsonite jewelry! However, your options may be a bit limited compared to more popular gems. 

Assessing a mineral’s physical traits helps you pinpoint exactly what crystal you’re working with. Now let’s learn how to identify thomsonite!

Thomsonite Specifications & Characteristics

Even though the name “thomsonite” is generally used without any further breakdown, this mineral is technically split in two subtypes: thomsonite-Ca, which is calcium-dominated, and the rarer thomsonite-Sr, which is strontium-dominated. The majority of thomsonite specimens are thomsonite-Ca. 

Thomsonite occurs in a variety of beautiful, pastel colors with unique patterns in all kinds of variations. In its purest form, however, thomsonite is snow-white or colorless. Its crystals are usually long and thin, almost blade-like. They generally form as a result of radial aggregates.

Fun fact: it’s also pyroelectric! That means thomsonite generates a (temporary) electric charge when heated. 

Thomsonite is often confused with stilbite, which has a different aggregate formation, and natrolite, which is usually less rounded.

Here’s an overview of thomsonite’s mineral data:

  • Chemical Formula: NaCa2Al5Si5O20 • 6(H2O)

  • Mineral family: Zeolite group  

  • Composition: Tectosilicates

  • Mohs hardness: 5 to 5.5

  • Color: Colorless, greenish, yellow, white, pink

  • Crystal structure: Orthorhombic

  • Luster: Vitreous to pearly

  • Transparency: Transparent to opaque

  • Refractive index: 1.51 to 1.56

  • Density: 2.3 to 2.4

  • Cleavage: {101} Perfect, {100} Good

  • Fracture: Conchoidal 

  • Streak: White

  • Luminescence: Fluorescent; Yellowish to blueish-white in SW-UV; Blue to blueish-white in LW-UV.

  • Pleochroism: Colorless

So how many different thomsonite varieties exist? 

Types of Thomsonite

There are a few different varieties of thomsonite — some rarer than others. 


Lintonite is a translucent green variety occurring in the Grand Marais area of Minnesota, on the shores of Lake Superior. It’s often mistaken for jade and used synonymously with “thomsonite”. 


Faroelite is a variety from the Faroe Islands of Denmark. It occurs in the form of botryoidal growths and translucent, waxy balls of thin fibers.


Strontium is a strontium-dominant variety of thomsonite that is extremely rare. It’s recently been discovered on Yukspor Mountain in the Kola Peninsula of Russia.

Ready to explore thomsonite’s journey through history? 

thomsonite mineral specimen with natrolite

Thomsonite Meaning & History

Like many other gems, thomsonite’s name pays homage to the discoverer: Dr. Thomas Thomson. He first described the mineral in 1840, after coming across a deposit in the Kilpatrick Hills of Scotland. 

It’s believed that Thomson first found, and subsequently analyzed, the mineral in a former county in west-central Scotland called Dumbaronshire (considered to be thomsonite’s true type locality). 

About three decades later, the Minnesota Geological Survey was established by Newton Winchell. In 1879, a pair of his students, young professors from the University of Minnesota, vacationed along the north shore of Lake Superior, studying rocks in the area. In 1888, they published a report that detailed the first mention of thomsonite in the United States. 

Remember when we mentioned thomsonite is actually regarded as a series of two minerals, defined by calcium and strontium end members? That’s because in 1997, the Zeolite Subcommittee of the International Mineralogical Association (IMA) decided to split it into two subspecies. 

In terms of healing, what is thomsonite stone used for today?

thomsonite healing crystal with stilbite

Thomsonite Healing Properties

Many crystals can be used as healing stones with a multitude of physical and non-physical benefits — thomsonite included. 

This crystal is particularly associated with growth and balance in all aspects of life. 

First, what is thomsonite good for physically?

Physical Healing

Physically, thomsonite is believed to clear brain fog improving focus.

It’s also said to facilitate healing of the heart and strengthening of the body’s electromagnetic field. 

Some say that thomsonite crystals help lower your body temperature if you’re running a high fever.

Emotional Healing

Emotionally, thomsonite benefits you by dissolving feelings of lethargy. It may also help remove any blockages to success in your life. 

Next time you feel like you’re stuck in a rut and having a hard time pulling yourself out of it, grab some thomsonite — You might just find that extra push you’ve been waiting for.

Chakra Healing

Some gems are especially attuned to your chakras (spiritual energy points along the center of your body). Crystal healers use thomsonite as a chakra stone for the heart chakra.

Your chakral heart governs love and acceptance. Thomsonite activates this chakra, dissolving emotional congestion. It also helps soothe heartaches by healing and balancing your emotions. 

So what is thomsonite worth? That all depends on grading! 

Thomsonite Gemstone Properties

Gemstone properties let you know how much a gemstone is worth. For thomsonite, the industry-standard properties all affect its value: color, clarity, cut, and carat weight.


Pure thomsonite is usually tan to white to translucent. Impurities of other compounds (like ferric/ferrous iron or copper) cause colorations within the gem, such as pink, red, or brown. 

Some variations also occur in green to blue to almost colorless. 

Generally, most thomsonite for sale contains multiple colors within the same piece. They tend to display banded, multi-colored, radiating rings. Those with green, gray, or black occurrences tend to be the most sought-after. 

Sometimes, albeit rare, thomsonite gems exhibit chatoyancy (the “cat’s eye” effect.) In other words, these gems display a crisp, vivid line of reflected light inside, similar to how a cat’s eye thins into a sharp slit under bright light. It’s an uncommon phenomenon, making these gems more valuable. 


The pattern, variety, and colors of inclusions within thomsonite are vast — the most common being copper or iron.

Typically, the more striking the contrast, the higher the value. 


Thomsonite’s hardness means cutting gems from it is a challenge. The lightest tap from a hammer can shatter a luxury specimen. It’s also susceptible to the frequencies of a grinding wheel, often causing gems to break apart. 

As a result, it takes a master lapidary with years of training and experience to cut thomsonite gems properly. This also makes cut thomsonites more expensive. 

You can find faceted thomsonite on the market, though these are considered a rarity. You’re much more likely to come across thomsonite cut en cabochon

Uncut (or raw) thomsonite is also widely available. Prices vary depending on what kinds of minerals are included within the stone, as well as size. 

Carat Weight & Size

Large deposits of thomsonite are rare. Most specimens aren’t much bigger than a pea, even in their most abundant locality. 

For the most part, thomsonite gems are sold in carats. 

However, raw thomsonite is usually sold in grams instead of carats. Occasionally, retailers will list both, along with the stone’s dimensions. 

Next, where to find thomsonite! 

thomsonite gemstone raw crystals

Thomsonite Formation & Sources

Thomsonite formed via lava flows as far back as the Keweenawan Period — that’s over 600 million years ago! 

The stone is usually found in lava cavities and amygdaloidal igneous rocks. Amygdaloids are vesicles and cavities on a rock that have filled with a secondary mineral long after lava has cooled (similar to the formation of chalcedony).

Gasses trapped inside the lava and seams between the lava flows turned into hollow openings (or amygdules) when the lava cooled down and hardened. Over hundreds of thousands of years, these hollow pockets filled and solidified, creating — you guessed it, thomsonite!​

Geographically, where is thomsonite found?

Mining Locations

Although thomsonite it’s rare, it’s actually found all over the world! The most notable localities are New Jersey (USA) and Nova Scotia. 

Other sources are:

  • Afghanistan

  • Algeria

  • Antarctica

  • Argentina

  • Australia

  • Austria

  • Bosnia

  • Bulgaria

  • Cambodia

  • Canada

  • Chile

  • China

  • Costa Rica

  • Czech Republic

  • Faroe Islands

  • Finland

  • France

  • Germany

  • Greenland

  • Hungary

  • Iceland

  • India

  • Iran

  • Israel

  • Italy

  • Japan

  • Jordan

  • Kenya

  • Korea

  • Madagascar

  • Mexico

  • Middle East

  • Mozambique

  • Myanmar

  • New Zealand

  • North America

  • Norway

  • Philippines

  • Poland

  • Portugal

  • Romania

  • Russia

  • Slovakia

  • Solomon Islands

  • South Africa

  • Spain

  • Sweden

  • Switzerland

  • Taiwan

  • Turkey

  • United Kingdom

  • Ukraine

  • United States

Not quite ready to add that many stamps to your passport? Let’s talk pricing so you can skip the airfare and order thomsonite straight to your door! 

thomsonite crystals in geodeImage credit: Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0

Thomsonite Value & Pricing

Not only is thomsonite the rarest of the zeolites, but thomsonite gemstones are said to be rarer than rubies, emeralds, sapphires, and even diamonds. As a result, thomsonite gems tend to fetch higher prices. However, it’s still a fairly accessible gem in comparison to some others.

Thomsonite cabochons generally cost between $1.60 and $4.70 per carat. 

Faceted thomsonite is considered extremely rare, driving up its price quite a bit. These gems can cost approximately $22 to $65 per carat.

Rough thomsonite is widely available and fairly affordable. On average, they cost between $0.45 and $2.00 per gram. Higher-quality specimens can be more expensive.

Thomsonite jewelry isn’t common, but you can find some quality pieces. Generally, thomsonite bracelets are priced between $20 and $80. Rings are approximately $150 to $340, but you can find some for as low as $50. Of course, prices can fluctuate depending on what metals and mix of gems are used within each design.

Let’s wrap things up by going over how to clean thomsonite!

Thomsonite Care and Maintenance

Caring for gemstones can be tricky. Luckily, thomsonite is a fairly low-maintenance gem. Nonetheless, you should always treat your crystals with special care. 

To clean your thomsonite, just use lukewarm water, mild soap, and a soft, non-abrasive cloth. Gently remove any debris or grime and pat gently to dry it. Avoid air-drying to prevent droplets from staining your gem.

Avoid wearing thomsonite jewelry during high-impact activities, and make sure your rings implement a protective setting.

To be safe, keep your thomsonite away from:

  • Harder gems and minerals

  • Harsh chemicals and acids

  • High-vibration cleaners (steam or ultrasonic)

  • Sudden temperature changes

When you’re done wearing or working with thomsonite, store it in a soft pouch or fabric-lined box separately from other gems for safe-keeping. 

Find Your Balance with Thomsonite!

If thomsonite’s spiritual meaning of balance and growth doesn’t speak to you, its one-of-a-kind appearance sure will. This not-so-common zeolite is an extraordinary crystal that’s been flying under the radar for far too long — Time to give it the attention it deserves!

Ready to add rare and beautiful thomsonite to your crystal collection?

Buy thomsonite and more transformative gemstones today!

湯姆遜石寶石 Thomsonite 是沸石家族中的一種稀有礦物——確切地說是最稀有的!它通常以白色、米色、淡黃色、橙色或灰色出現,儘管大多數 thomsonites 在一顆寶石中顯示出多種色調!

thomsonite 的一些變體以更多顏色出現,例如不同深淺的粉紅色、綠色甚至黑色。據信已觀察到超過 170 種不同的顏色和圖案變化!

在非世俗的術語中,thomsonite 的含義是平衡、成長和所有方面的聯繫——身體、情感和精神。你好,積極的氛圍!

對這種不常見的沸石感興趣嗎?繼續閱讀,因為我們在 Thomsonite 寶石指南中分解了所有關於稀有和迷人的 thomsonite 的知識!



Thomsonite 是一種稀有的半寶石,具有真正獨特的外觀。它也被認為是一種用於形而上學治療的強大且具有變革性的水晶。

雖然它不是官方的誕生石,但 thomsonite 是雙子座的支持生肖石。它被認為有助於平衡他們多方面的個性,讓他們磨練最真實的自我。

Thomsonite 更是一種深受知名寶石收藏家喜愛的觀賞水晶。這並不是說您無法獲得一些 thomsonite 珠寶!但是,與更受歡迎的寶石相比,您的選擇可能有點有限。


Thomsonite 規格和特性

儘管通常使用“thomsonite”這個名稱而沒有任何進一步的分類,但這種礦物在技術上分為兩種亞型: thomsonite-Ca ,以鈣為主,以及稀有的thomsonite-Sr ,以鍶為主。大多數 thomsonite 標本是 thomsonite-Ca。

Thomsonite 以各種美麗、柔和的顏色出現,並具有各種變化的獨特圖案。然而,在其最純淨的形式中,thomsonite 是雪白或無色的。它的晶體通常又長又薄,幾乎像刀片一樣。它們通常由徑向聚集體形成。

有趣的事實:它也是熱電的!這意味著 thomsonite 在加熱時會產生(臨時)電荷。

Thomsonite 經常與具有不同聚集體形成的輝沸石和通常不太圓潤的鈉沸石混淆。

以下是 thomsonite 礦物數據的概述:

  • 化學式:NaCa2Al5Si5O20 • 6(H2O)

  • 礦物家族:沸石組

  • 成分: 外矽酸鹽

  • 莫氏硬度: 5 to 5.5

  • 顏色: 無色, 綠色, 黃色, 白色, 粉紅色

  • 晶體結構: 正交

  • 光澤:玻璃質至珍珠色

  • 透明度:透明到不透明

  • 折射率: 1.51 to 1.56

  • 密度:2.3 到 2.4

  • 乳溝:{101} 完美,{100} 好

  • 骨折:貝殼狀

  • 條紋:白色

  • 發光:熒光;在 SW-UV 中呈淡黃色至藍白色;在 LW-UV 中呈藍色至藍白色。

  • 多色性:無色

那麼存在多少種不同的 thomsonite 品種?


thomsonite 有幾種不同的品種——有些比其他的更稀有。


Lintonite 是一種半透明的綠色品種,產於明尼蘇達州的 Grand Marais 地區,位於蘇必利爾湖畔。它經常被誤認為是,與“thomsonite”同義。



鍶是一種極為罕見的以鍶為主的thomsonite品種。它最近在俄羅斯科拉半島的 Yukspor 山上被發現。

準備好探索 thomsonite 的歷史之旅了嗎?

含鈉沸石的 thomsonite 礦物標本


與許多其他寶石一樣,thomsonite 的名字是為了向發現者致敬:Thomas Thomson 博士。他在 1840 年首次描述了這種礦物,當時他在蘇格蘭的基爾帕特里克山發現了一個礦床。


大約三十年後,明尼蘇達地質調查局由牛頓溫切爾成立。 1879 年,他的兩個學生、明尼蘇達大學的年輕教授沿著蘇必利爾湖北岸度假,研究該地區的岩石。 1888 年,他們發表了一份報告,詳細介紹了美國首次提到的 thomsonite。

還記得當我們提到 thomsonite 實際上被視為由鈣和鍶末端成員定義的兩種礦物質的系列嗎?那是因為在 1997 年,國際礦物學協會 (IMA) 的沸石小組委員會決定將其分成兩個亞種。

在癒合方面,今天使用的 thomsonite 石頭是什麼?

thomsonite 癒合水晶與輝沸石

Thomsonite 癒合特性

許多晶體可用作具有多種物理和非物理益處的治療石——包括 thomsonite。




在物理上,thomsonite 被認為可以清除腦霧,提高注意力。


有人說,如果你發高燒,thomsonite 晶體有助於降低你的體溫。


在情感上,thomsonite 通過消除嗜睡的感覺使您受益。它還可能有助於消除您生活中成功的任何障礙。

下次當你覺得自己陷入了一個陳規之中,難以擺脫困境時,抓住一些 thomsonite——你可能會發現你一直在等待的額外推動力。


有些寶石特別適合您的脈輪(沿著身體中心的精神能量點)。水晶治療師使用 thomsonite 作為心輪的脈輪石

你的脈輪之心掌管愛與接納。 Thomsonite 激活這個脈輪,化解情緒充血。它還有助於通過治愈和平衡您的情緒來緩解心痛。

那麼 thomsonite 的價值是多少?這一切都取決於分級!

Thomsonite 寶石屬性

寶石屬性讓您知道寶石的價值。對於 thomsonite,行業標準特性都會影響其價值:顏色、淨度、切工和克拉重量。


純 thomsonite 通常為棕褐色至白色至半透明。其他化合物的雜質(如三價鐵/亞鐵或銅)會導致寶石內部呈現粉色、紅色或棕色等顏色。


通常,大多數待售的 thomsonite 在同一塊中包含多種顏色。它們傾向於顯示帶狀、多色、輻射環。那些出現綠色、灰色或黑色的往往是最受歡迎的。



thomsonite 中夾雜物的圖案、種類和顏色非常豐富——最常見的是銅或鐵。


Thomsonite 的硬度意味著從中切割寶石是一項挑戰。錘子最輕的敲擊聲就可以打碎一件豪華的標本。它也容易受到砂輪頻率的影響,經常導致寶石碎裂。

因此,需要一位擁有多年培訓和經驗的寶石大師才能正確切割托姆索尼石寶石。這也使得切割的 thomsonites 更加昂貴。

您可以在市場上找到刻面thomsonite,儘管這些被認為是罕見的。你更有可能遇到 thomsonite cut en cabochon

未切割的(或未加工的)thomsonite 也廣泛可用。價格取決於石頭中包含的礦物質種類和大小。


大量的 thomsonite 礦床很少見。大多數標本都不比豌豆大多少,即使在它們最豐富的地方也是如此。

在大多數情況下,thomsonite 寶石以克拉為單位出售。

然而,未加工的 thomsonite 通常以克而不是克拉為單位出售。有時,零售商會列出兩者以及寶石的尺寸。

接下來,在哪裡可以找到 thomsonite!

thomsonite 寶石 未加工 晶體

Thomsonite 形成與來源

Thomsonite 通過熔岩流形成,可追溯到 Keweenawan 時期——那是 6 億多年前!



從地理上看,thomsonite 是在哪裡發現的?


雖然 thomsonite 它很少見,但實際上在世界各地都有發現!最著名的地方是新澤西州(美國)和新斯科舍省。


  • 阿富汗

  • 阿爾及利亞

  • 南極洲

  • 阿根廷

  • 澳大利亞

  • 奧地利

  • 波斯尼亞

  • 保加利亞

  • 柬埔寨

  • 加拿大

  • 智利

  • 中國

  • 哥斯達黎加

  • 捷克共和國

  • 法羅群島

  • 芬蘭

  • 法國

  • 德國

  • 格陵蘭

  • 匈牙利

  • 冰島

  • 印度

  • 伊朗

  • 以色列

  • 意大利

  • 日本

  • 約旦

  • 肯尼亞

  • 韓國

  • 馬達加斯加

  • 墨西哥

  • 中東

  • 莫桑比克

  • 緬甸

  • 新西蘭

  • 北美

  • 挪威

  • 菲律賓

  • 波蘭

  • 葡萄牙

  • 羅馬尼亞

  • 俄羅斯

  • 斯洛伐克

  • 所羅門群島

  • 南非

  • 西班牙

  • 瑞典

  • 瑞士

  • 台灣

  • 火雞

  • 英國

  • 烏克蘭

  • 美國

還沒準備好在你的護照上加那麼多郵票?讓我們談談定價,這樣您就可以跳過機票並直接訂購 thomsonite!

geode中的thomsonite晶體圖片來源:Rob Lavinsky,iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0

Thomsonite 價值和定價

thomsonite 不僅是沸石中最稀有的,而且據說 thomsonite 寶石比紅寶石祖母綠藍寶石甚至鑽石更稀有。因此,thomsonite 寶石的價格往往更高。然而,與其他一些寶石相比,它仍然是一個相當容易獲得的寶石。

Thomsonite 凸圓形寶石的價格通常在每克拉 1.60 美元到 4.70 美元之間。

刻面 thomsonite 被認為是極為罕見的,因此其價格大幅上漲。這些寶石的價格約為每克拉 22 至 65 美元。

粗糙的 thomsonite 廣泛可用且相當實惠。平均而言,它們的成本在每克 0.45 美元到 2.00 美元之間。更高質量的標本可能更昂貴。

Thomsonite 珠寶並不常見,但您可以找到一些優質珠寶。一般來說,thomsonite 手鍊的價格在 20 美元到 80 美元之間。戒指的價格約為 150 至 340 美元,但您可以找到一些低至 50 美元的戒指。當然,價格可能會根據每種設計中使用的金屬和寶石組合而波動。

讓我們總結一下如何清潔 thomsonite!

Thomsonite 保養和維護

照顧寶石可能很棘手。幸運的是,thomsonite 是一種維護成本相當低的寶石。儘管如此,您應該始終特別小心地對待您的水晶。

要清潔您的 thomsonite,只需使用溫水、溫和的肥皂和柔軟的非研磨布。輕輕去除任何碎屑或污垢,輕輕拍打使其乾燥。避免風乾以防止液滴弄髒您的寶石。

避免在高強度活動期間佩戴 thomsonite 首飾,並確保您的戒指採用保護性設置

為了安全起見,請讓您的 thomsonite 遠離:

  • 更硬的寶石和礦物

  • 苛刻的化學品和酸

  • 高振動清潔器(蒸汽或超聲波)

  • 突然的溫度變化

當您完成佩戴或使用 thomsonite 時,請將其與其他寶石分開存放在柔軟的小袋或織物襯裡的盒子中,以便妥善保管。

使用 Thomsonite 找到您的平衡點!

如果 thomsonite 的平衡和成長的精神意義沒有告訴你,它獨一無二的外觀肯定會。這種不常見的沸石是一種非凡的晶體,已經在雷達下飛行了太久——是時候給予它應有的關注了!

準備好為您的水晶系列添加稀有而美麗的 thomsonite 了嗎?

立即購買 thomsonite 和更具變革性的寶石!

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