Ulexite Gemstone: Properties, Meanings, Value & More
Ulexite 寶石:特性、含義、價值等
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ulexite gemstoneUlexite is a rare, lesser-known mineral that’s commonly colorless to white and popular among collectors. Another name for ulexite is “television stone” or “TV rock” — though it’s a mineral, not a rock — for its ability to reflect images underneath it onto its surface.

Is ulexite a gemstone? It can be used as a gemstone, particularly specimens that display chatoyancy (the “cat’s eye” effect). However, it’s too fragile for jewelry use.

In this guide, we’ll go over all of ulexite’s properties, history, benefits, and prices. Let’s crack in!

ulexite gemstone

What Is Ulexite Stone?

Ulexite is a semi-precious gemstone with many monikers. Besides “television stone,” some of ulexite’s nicknames include:

  • Cotton-ball borax

  • Franklandite

  • Hayesine / Hayesite

  • Raphite

  • Stiberite

  • Tinkalzit

  • Boronatro-calcite

  • Natronborocalcite / Natroborocalcite

  • Borocalcite

Despite the many mentions of calcite above, ulexite is more often confused with selenite. Though they look similar, there are some key differences between ulexite vs selenite:

  • Composition: Selenite is a variety of the sulfate mineral gypsum, and ulexite is a borate mineral.

  • Hardness: Selenite has a Mohs hardness of 2, while ulexite has a hardness of 1 to 2.5.

  • Rarity: Selenite is a pretty common mineral, while ulexite is rare.

  • Density: Selenite has a higher density of 2.3-2.9 compared to ulexite’s density of 1.65-1.95.

One type of selenite called satin spar can actually display a “TV stone” effect similar to ulexite, but its fibers are so coarse that the image transmitted isn’t very sharp.

Ulexite Uses

Industrially, what is the mineral ulexite used for?

Most of ulexite’s uses come from its boron content. Boron is quite rare but important to many industries. Some uses for boron or boron compounds extracted from ulexite include:

  • Fiberglass

  • Heat-resistant borosilicate glass (e.g. Pyrex, headlights)

  • Eye drops

  • Soaps & detergents

  • Tile glazes

  • Metal alloy production

  • Fire retardants

  • Metal hardener in military vehicles

  • Fertilizer

  • Pesticide / insecticide

  • Wood preservation

Another benefit of ulexite is that it forms calcium carbonate (calcite) as a by-product after dissolving in a carbonate solution. This calcium carbonate by-product can be used in many ways, from coating printing paper to relieving heartburn as an antacid.

ulexite gemstone crystal spray specimenImage credit: Rock Currier | Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license

Ulexite Specifications & Characteristics

As a hydrated sodium and calcium borate, ulexite’s formula is NaCaB5O9 – 5H2O or NaCa[B5O6(OH)6] · 5H2O or NaCaB5O6(OH)6.5H2O. Ulexite’s “TV stone” quality is technically a fiber optic effect.

The reason for this fiber optic effect is because ulexite’s display something called total internal reflection. That means light travels along the length of each fiber. Slow rays are internally reflected and fast rays are refracted, polarizing the light.

As far as magnetism, ulexite is not magnetic. Ulexite is also not piezoelectric, unlike the borate mineral boracite.

Ulexite is usually found as masses that may be lens-like, nodular, or rounded. Small rounded ulexite masses that are loose are often called “cotton balls.” Some ulexite specimens even resemble clam shells, fittingly nicknamed “clam shell” ulexite.

Ulexite crystals are rarer but can form stunning arrays of needle-like fibers radiating from a central point or pointing in random directions. Distinct crystals are often elongated but even rarer.

Here are ulexite’s properties listed:

  • Mohs hardness: 1-2.5

  • Color: Colorless, white, gray

  • Crystal structure: Triclinic

  • Luster: Vitreous (glassy) or silky; May be vitreous on cleavage piece ends and silky on sides

  • Transparency: Transparent to translucent

  • Refractive index: 1.496-1.519

  • Density: 1.65-1.95

  • Cleavage: Perfect, 1-direction; Good, 1-direction; Poor, 1-direction

  • Fracture: Uneven/irregular

  • Streak: White

  • Luminescence: Fluorescence & phosphorescence sometimes present; Yellow, greenish-yellow, blue-green, cream, or white in SW-UV

  • Pleochroism: None

  • Birefringence: 0.023-0.029

  • Dispersion: None

  • Optical effects: Possible chatoyancy

ulexite gemstone television stone fiber optics effectImage credit: Anders Sandberg, Flickr

Ulexite Meaning & History

Unsurprisingly, ulexite’s spiritual meaning ties into its physical properties. Ulexite is a stone of visualization and imagery, whether that means inspiring imaginative ideas or inducing psychic visions of other dimensions.

It’s also said to help you interpret your dreams and understand your spiritual path.


The first person to make an accurate chemical analysis of ulexite is the stone’s namesake: 19th-century German chemist and politician Georg Ludwig (G.L.) Ulex. Ulex published his analysis in 1849, calling the mineral “boronatro-calcite.”

Mineralogists only became widely aware of ulexite in 1840. The original specimens of ulexite were found in the Iquique Province of Tarapacá, Chile.

Before Ulex’s analysis, other mineralogists like Augustus Allen (A.A.) Hayes and Johann Freidrich Ludwig (J.F.L.) Hausmann had also analyzed the mineral, calling it “hydrous borate of lime” or “hydroborocalcite,” respectively.

British-Canadian chemist and geologist Henry How discovered borate minerals in Canadian evaporate deposits in 1857, one of which was ulexite but How called it “natro-boro-calcite.”

The name “ulexite” didn’t catch on until around 1918.

The “TV stone” nickname didn’t come until 1956, when Australian sailor John Marmon noticed the optical property in fibrous ulexite aggregates. This characteristic is typically seen in synthetic fibers, not minerals.

The mechanisms behind this characteristic were first explained in 1963 by E.J. Weichel-Moore and R.J. Potter.

The crystallography of ulexite was first explored by American mineralogist Joseph Murdoch in 1940, re-examined by American geologists Joan R. Clark and Louis Christ in 1959, and finally described correctly in 1964 by Clark and Daniel E. Appleman.

In 1991, American geologist George Donald Garlick first noticed another interesting characteristic: ulexite’s ability to display concentric circles of light when held up to a bright light or shining a laser pointer at an oblique angle through the stone.

Ulexite Healing Properties

You can use ulexite as a healing stone. Its white color means it has the purifying and clarifying properties of white gemstones. It’s also a powerful third eye and crown chakra stone, the energy centers of spiritual awareness and ascension.

Physical Healing

Physically, ulexite is said to treat or help with:

  • Eyesight issues

  • Headaches

  • Nervous system function

  • Memory loss

  • Difficulties focusing

Emotional Healing

Ulexite gemstone benefits emotionally are said to include boosting creativity, helping you think for yourself, and assisting in problem-solving. For students or those in highly intellectual jobs, ulexite is believed to help you process complex ideas and remember them.

Spiritually, ulexite is a stone for assisting in visualization and revelation. Crystal healers recommend it for clarifying and manifesting your desires.

ulexite gemstone faceted

Ulexite Gemstone Properties

Though ulexite gemstones are rare, they’re still graded on standard properties like color, cut, clarity, and carat weight.


Ulexite is only found in white, colorless, or gray hues. The best ulexite color is fully colorless and transparent or pearly white. Most ulexite stones are milky.


Ulexite is almost never faceted, given its softness, perfect cleavage, and rarity. Fibrous specimens that display chatoyancy, the “cat’s eye” effect, must be cut as cabochons. Many ulexite specimens are sold uncut.

Clarity & Transparency

Clarity describes the visible inclusions in a gemstone. Fewer inclusions mean higher value in ulexite, as they can affect the transparency and thus, the “TV stone” effect.

Carat Weight & Size

Larger ulexite stones of good quality can cost more, but you can find ulexite nodules weighing multiple pounds.

rough ulexite crystal specimenImage credit: Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0

Ulexite Formation & Sources

Borate minerals like ulexite are rare (since boron is rare) and usually only form in arid conditions (very dry with little rain), often areas where volcanism is common.

These minerals form when pyroclastic rocks leach solutions containing boron. The solutions run into basins and evaporation occurs, causing borate deposition in stratified layers.

Ulexite is usually found in evaporite deposits like salt playas and dry saline lakes. Playas are dry, flat areas at the bottom of undrained desert basins where water may briefly fill the area.

The mineral is usually found with borax, colemanite, and other borate minerals.

Mining Locations

The primary source of ulexite is Boron, California. Other significance sources are:

  • Argentina

  • Chile

  • Kazakhstan

  • Nevada, USA

  • Peru

  • USSR

ulexite gemstone tumbled fluorescent stonesImage credit: Cran Cowan, Flickr

Ulexite Price & Value

Ulexite can be affordable, but its price varies by the form, size, and seller.

You can find small, clear ulexite crystals or slabs for under $10.

Large crystal specimens with attractive or rare habits (like radiating needle-like crystals) can cost upwards of $200.

Cat’s eye ulexite cabochons are usually $120 to $200 each or $25-$105 per carat.

Ulexite Care and Maintenance

Before we discuss gemstone care, is ulexite poisonous? Ulexite is considered non-hazardous with low acute oral and dermal toxicity. It’s not flammable, explosive, or combustible.

If you’re curious, ulexite doesn’t have a taste, unlike the alkaline flavor of similar borate minerals.

You’ll want to keep ulexite away from water and household chemicals. It will decompose slightly in cold water but quicker in hot water.

Don’t use ultrasonic cleaners on ulexite. Store it in dry conditions separately from other gems.

ulexite gemstone television stone transparency effect

Image credit: Brandon Cripps, Flickr

Uncover Your True Self with Ulexite!

Ulexite may not be a well-known gem, but its popularity has been increasing as of late. Collectors love its unique optical properties and gorgeous natural shapes, while crystal healers love its purported ability to help you understand and harness your true power.

Either way, ulexite doesn’t fail to impress!

Buy ulexite gemstones today!

鈉鈣石寶石 Ulexite 是一種鮮為人知的稀有礦物,通常為無色至白色,深受收藏家歡迎。鈉硼解石的另一個名稱是“電視石”或“電視岩”——雖然它是一種礦物,而不是岩石——因為它能夠將其下方的圖像反射到其表面上。




什麼是 Ulexite Stone?

Ulexite 是一種具有許多綽號的半寶石。除了“電視石”,鈉硼解石的一些別名還包括:

  • 棉球硼砂

  • 富蘭克蘭石

  • 海因/海因

  • 拉菲特

  • 輝銅礦

  • 廷卡爾齊特

  • 硼硼方解石

  • Natronborocalcite / 鈉硼鈣石

  • 硼鈣石


  • 成分:亞硒酸鹽是一種硫酸鹽礦物石膏,而鈉硼解石是一種硼酸鹽礦物。

  • 硬度:亞硒酸鹽的莫氏硬度為 2,而鈉硼解石的硬度為 1 至 2.5。

  • 稀有性:亞硒酸鹽是一種非常常見的礦物,而鈉鈣解石則很罕見。

  • 密度:亞硒酸鹽的密度更高,為 2.3-2.9,而方解石的密度為 1.65-1.95。


Ulexite 用途



  • 玻璃纖維

  • 耐熱硼矽酸鹽玻璃(例如 Pyrex、車頭燈)

  • 眼藥水

  • 肥皂和洗滌劑

  • 瓷磚釉

  • 金屬合金生產

  • 阻燃劑

  • 軍用車輛中的金屬硬化劑

  • 肥料

  • 農藥/殺蟲劑

  • 木材防腐


鈉硼解石寶石晶體噴霧標本圖片來源:Rock Currier | Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported 許可證

Ulexite 規格和特性

作為水合硼酸鈉和硼酸鈣,鈉硼解石的分子式為 NaCaB5O9 – 5H2O 或 NaCa[B5O6(OH)6] · 5H2O 或 NaCaB5O6(OH)6.5H2O。 Ulexite 的“電視石”質量在技術上是一種光纖效應。



Ulexite 通常被發現為塊狀,可能是透鏡狀、結節狀或圓形。鬆散的小圓形鈉硼解石塊通常稱為“棉球”。一些鈉硼解石標本甚至類似於蛤殼,恰如其分地稱為“蛤殼”鈉硼解石。

Ulexite 晶體較為稀有,但可以形成令人驚嘆的針狀纖維陣列,從中心點輻射或指向隨機方向。獨特的晶體通常被拉長,但更為罕見。


  • 莫氏硬度:1-2.5

  • 顏色: 無色, 白色, 灰色

  • 晶體結構: 三斜晶系

  • 光澤:玻璃狀(玻璃狀)或絲狀;乳溝末端可能是玻璃質的,側面可能是絲質的

  • 透明度: 透明到半透明

  • 折射率:1.496-1.519

  • 密度:1.65-1.95

  • 乳溝:完美,1 向;好,1-方向;差,1方向

  • 骨折:不均勻/不規則

  • 條紋:白色

  • 發光:有時會出現熒光和磷光;在 SW-UV 中呈黃色、黃綠色、藍綠色、奶油色或白色

  • 多色性:無

  • 雙折射:0.023-0.029

  • 色散:無

  • 光學效果: 可能的貓眼

鈉硼解石寶石電視石纖維光學效應圖片來源:安德斯桑德伯格, Flickr

Ulexite 意義和歷史

不出所料,鈉硼解石的精神意義與它的物理特性息息相關。 Ulexite 是一塊可視化和圖像的石頭,無論這意味著激發想像力還是誘導其他維度的心理願景。



第一個對鈉鈣解石進行準確化學分析的人與石頭同名:19 世紀的德國化學家和政治家喬治·路德維希 (GL) Ulex。 Ulex 於 1849 年發表了他的分析,稱這種礦物為“硼酸方解石”。

直到 1840 年,礦物學家才廣泛了解鈉解石。在智利塔拉帕卡的伊基克省發現了鈉解石的原始標本。

在 Ulex 進行分析之前,其他礦物學家如 Augustus Allen (AA) Hayes 和 Johann Freidrich Ludwig (JFL) Hausmann 也分析了這種礦物,分別稱其為“含水硼酸石灰”或“氫硼鈣石”。

英裔加拿大化學家和地質學家 Henry How 於 1857 年在加拿大蒸發沉積物中發現了硼酸鹽礦物,其中一種是方解石,但 How 將其稱為“鈉硼方解石”。

“ulexite”這個名字直到 1918 年左右才流行起來。

“電視石”的綽號直到 1956 年才出現,當時澳大利亞水手約翰·馬蒙 (John Marmon) 注意到纖維鈉硼解石聚集體的光學特性。這種特性通常出現在合成纖維中,而不是礦物中。

1963 年,EJ Weichel-Moore 和 RJ Potter 首次解釋了這一特性背後的機制。

美國礦物學家約瑟夫·默多克 (Joseph Murdoch) 於 1940 年首先探索了鈉硼解石的晶體學,1959 年,美國地質學家瓊·克拉克 (Joan R. Clark) 和路易斯·克里斯特 (Louis Christ) 對其進行了重新檢驗,最終在 1964 年由克拉克 (Clark) 和丹尼爾·E. 阿普爾曼 (Daniel E. Appleman) 進行了正確描述。

1991 年,美國地質學家喬治·唐納德·加里克 (George Donald Garlick) 首次注意到另一個有趣的特徵:當用強光照射或用激光筆以斜角照射時,鈉硼解石能夠顯示同心圓光。

Ulexite 治療特性




  • 視力問題

  • 頭痛

  • 神經系統功能

  • 記憶喪失

  • 難以集中註意力


據說 Ulexite 寶石在情感上的好處包括提高創造力、幫助您獨立思考以及協助解決問題。對於學生或從事高智力工作的人來說,鈉硫化鈉被認為可以幫助您處理複雜的想法並記住它們。



Ulexite 寶石屬性



Ulexite 僅以白色、無色或灰色調存在。最好的鈉硼解石顏色是完全無色透明或珍珠白色。大多數鈉硼解石都是乳白色的。

Ulexite 幾乎從不刻面,因為它柔軟、完美的解理和稀有性。顯示貓眼效果的纖維標本必須切割成凸圓形。許多鈉硼解石標本未切割就出售。





粗鈉硼解石晶體標本圖片來源:Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0

Ulexite 的形成和來源



Ulexite 通常存在於鹽灘和乾鹽湖等蒸發岩礦床中。 Playas 是不排水的沙漠盆地底部乾燥平坦的區域,水可能會短暫地充滿該區域。




  • 阿根廷

  • 智利

  • 哈薩克斯坦

  • 美國內華達州

  • 秘魯

  • 蘇聯

鈉硼解石寶石滾磨熒光石圖片來源:Cran Cowan, Flickr

Ulexite 價格和價值

Ulexite 可以負擔得起,但其價格因形狀、尺寸和賣家而異。

您可以以低於 10 美元的價格找到小而透明的鈉鈣解石晶體或板。

具有吸引人或稀有習性的大型晶體標本(如輻射狀針狀晶體)的價格可能高達 200 美元以上。

貓眼鈉硼鈉石凸圓面通常每顆 120 到 200 美元,或每克拉 25-105 美元。

Ulexite 保養和維護

在我們討論寶石護理之前,鈉硼解石有毒嗎? Ulexite 被認為是無害的,具有低急性口服和皮膚毒性。它不易燃、易爆或可燃。





圖片來源:Brandon Cripps, Flickr

用 Ulexite 發現真實的自我!

Ulexite 可能不是眾所周知的寶石,但最近它的受歡迎程度一直在增加。收藏家喜歡它獨特的光學特性和華麗的自然形狀,而水晶治療師喜歡它據稱可以幫助您理解和利用您的真正力量的能力。



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