Howlite Gemstone: Properties, Meanings, Value & More
Howlite 宝石:属性、意义、价值等
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howlite gemstoneHowlite is a white or light gray gemstone usually displaying gray, black, or brown marble-like patterns. At first glance, you may mistake real howlite for white marble — but howlite brings a whole new hand of cards to the table.

Howlite joins labradorite, IMAX, and basketball as one of many discoveries we can thank Canada for! First discovered in Nova Scotia, howlite crystals from Canada are still the finest in the world.

Is howlite stone rare? Nope, howlite is an abundant mineral and easy to get!

Okay, but is howlite a real gemstone? Absolutely! Dyed howlite is commonly sold as other gemstones, but natural howlite is a genuine gemstone, not just material used for imitations.

Today, you’ll learn the healing uses, meanings, value, and history of howlite gemstones! 

howlite gemstone

About the Howlite Stone

Howlite is a semi-precious gemstone commonly used to create carvings, decor, and jewelry. You can distinguish it by its chalky cream or grayish-white color and dark, web-like veins that may resemble cracks.

Howlite is a zodiac stone for Virgo and Gemini. For the overactive mind of Gemini, howlite offers peaceful balance — for Virgo’s self-critical nature, howlite offers calming, reassuring properties.

Astrology enthusiasts may have noticed Virgo and Gemini are both ruled by Mercury. However, howlite is more connected with the moon than Mercury, as the stone shares the moon’s calming, emotional attunement.

On to the geological side of howlite properties!

Mineral Characteristics

Howlite has a chemical composition of silicon, boron, and calcium. Because of the silicon present, some would classify howlite as a silicate mineral, but most classify it as a carbonate-class borate mineral.

Most borate minerals are rare, making abundant and commercially mined howlite unique. On the Mohs mineral hardness scale, howlite ranks at 3 to 3.5, similar to calcite or platinum.

What is the natural color of howlite? Howlite is naturally white to light gray, but you’ll often see it dyed in other colors, so let’s discuss that more below.

blue howlite cabochon

Types of Howlite & Misnomers

Howlite is often confused for similar-looking minerals like kaolinite or white jasper, sometimes called “howlite jasper” by error. However, howlite is better known for being dyed to imitate rarer gems like turquoise, lapis lazuli, or red coral.

You’ll often see misnomers like “howlite turquoise” or “white buffalo turquoise” that aren’t entirely accurate. Let’s break down the differences:

  • Howlite Turquoise, Blue Howlite, or Turquenite: Is blue howlite natural? Not quite. Often used to mislead customers, these are terms for dyed blue howlite gemstones resembling turquoise. You can tell the difference between turquoise and dyed howlite by their different hardness rankings and hues, as howlite blue is lighter. 

  • White Buffalo Turquoise: White buffalo, or white buffalo stone, isn’t exactly a misnomer for howlite. The white buffalo stone was believed to be turquoise but later classified as white calcite and quartz combination. Therefore, howlite and white buffalo shouldn’t be called “white buffalo turquoise.”

So wait, is howlite white buffalo? Technically no, as the two differ in composition and fluorescence. However, howlite carries some of white buffalo’s metaphysical meanings, which we’ll cover in a bit!

Before we do that, you can find the rest of howlite’s mineral properties listed below!

howlite carving of lizard for pendant

Howlite Specifications & Characteristics

  • Color: Colorless, white, or gray, though very rarely brown; Commonly shows inclusion patterns in gray, black and/or dark brown.

  • Crystal structure: Monoclinic

  • Luster: Dull to sub-vitreous and earthy.

  • Transparency: Translucent to opaque, rarely transparent

  • Refractive index: 1.58-1.61

  • Density: 2.45-2.59

  • Cleavage: Indistinct (none)

  • Fracture: Conchoidal, uneven; Porcelaneous types are almost even and smooth

  • Streak: White

  • Luminescence: Fluorescence sometimes present; Blue, yellowish-white, or orange in short-wave UV; Brownish-yellow in long-wave UV

Beyond the mineral side, what does howlite symbolize? 

howlite pendant with white agate and obsidian

Howlite Stone Meaning

American mineralogist James Dwight Dana named howlite in honor of the man who first described it: Canadian mineralogist Henry How.

As far as howlite’s spiritual meaning, white howlite symbolizes compassion, warmth, and open-minded thinking. Another howlite crystal meaning is one of purity and virtue. 

As mentioned, the white howlite meaning is often associated with white buffalo stone. White buffalo stone is a gem mined in Nevada, with spiritual significance to Native Americans, particularly the Lakota Sioux. 

All American buffaloes (which are really bison) are rare, but white buffaloes are even rarer, representing only 1 of every 10 million buffaloes. While all buffaloes represent abundance to native tribes, white buffaloes are sacred, often described as more sacred than any other living thing on Earth.

In Native American traditions, a white buffalo’s birth is the most meaningful prophetic symbol, signifying hope and prosperity on the horizon.
Given howlite’s crystal benefits, we’d say hope and prosperity are near with white howlite! So, what does howlite do in crystal healing?

howlite carved heart stones

Howlite Healing Properties

Howlite’s metaphysical properties make it a powerful healing stone. As a white gemstone, white howlite properties inherently represent clarity and spiritual awakening.

Like the properties of other blue gemstones, dyed blue howlite healing properties can bring bravery, truth, and stronger intuition. 

What are the howlite benefits for physical, emotional, and chakra healing?

Physical Healing

Howlite crystal properties for physical healing can include:

  • regulating calcium levels in the body, 

  • making your bones and teeth stronger, and 

  • easing insomnia. 

Treated blue howlite is also said to improve memory, particularly dream recall. You can also use blue howlite to help you focus during meditation and stay calm when communicating.  

howlite carved wing beads for earrings

Emotional Healing

Emotionally, howlite stone benefits anyone with an overactive mind, reportedly bringing greater levels of peace by helping you slow down to clear your head. 

If you find yourself prone to angry outbursts or at the whim of others’ outbursts, howlite can help by lessening anger and absorbing negativity directed at you. Other reported emotional howlite gemstone benefits include reducing self-centered thinking, raising self-awareness, and encouraging patience. 

Chakra Healing

Our chakras are our energy centers, balancing our bodies and emotions. You can practice howlite chakra healing for the crown chakra. The crown chakra, the swirling halo above your head, represents your connection to the broader spiritual realm. 

When your crown chakra is blocked, you may struggle with self-awareness or feel exhausted. Once opened with howlite, your crown chakra can help you connect to the universe and receive its wisdom. 

Speaking of wisdom, how do you know you’re paying the right price for howlite? Know which gemstone properties to look for!

howlite gemstone cabochon parcel

Howlite Gemstone Properties

Determining a gemstone’s value requires an expert evaluation of its gemstone properties, which may differ from one stone to the next. 

For howlite, the key factors include its color, cut, clarity, and treatments.


Natural howlite color is typically chalky or milky white, though it can be light gray, with black, gray, or dark brown veining. Typically, the veins seen are part of the host rock, the rock howlite grows around, forming a matrix (a fine-grained rock with larger-grained crystals nested within it, often forming veins or patterns). 

However, howlite may not have a matrix, displaying a solid white coloring. You can also dye howlite any color imaginable. The most common color for dyeing howlite is robin’s egg blue.

howlite beads necklace


Howlite’s lack of cleavage (also called indistinct cleavage) means you’ll rarely see it in faceted cuts. However, white, veined howlite makes intriguing cabochons or beads!

Other common cuts for howlite decor include spheres, ovals, egg shapes, and more. More intricate carvings like skulls, animals and other figurines are also common.


Clarity, defined as the amount and visibility of inclusions in a gem, is not as crucial as other factors to howlite’s value, but we should still discuss it. 

As an opaque gemstone, howlite doesn’t fall into a colored gemstone clarity category. Howlite can form transparent crystals, but these are exceptionally rare and would likely fall under Type III clarity. 

dyed blue howlite gemstone parcel


Howlite has a very porous texture, meaning it absorbs liquids easily. This property means dyeing is incredibly easy and effective, most commonly to imitate turquoise. Gem sellers often sell dyed blue howlite as “turquenite.” 

Darker blue dye used for howlite treatments can create a lapis lazuli imitation, while red dye can imitate red coral. Howlite may receive a resin coat after dyeing to help seal and hide the dye, along with increasing durability.

howlite gemstone carving of ganesha

Howlite History

Howlite’s history began in 1868 in Nova Scotia, Canada. The town of Windsor is known for being surrounded by gypsum deposits, and during the 1800s, miners worked on huge deposits containing gypsum, anhydrite, and salt.

Nearby at King’s College, Canadian chemist, geologist, and mineralogist Henry How taught natural history. When miners found something abnormal, they’d call in How. 

In 1868, miners told How about a new material in their quarry that was making gypsum mining more difficult, as it hindered the gypsum’s quality. Upon testing a sample, How discovered that it was a new mineral, calling it silico-boro-calcite. 

Not much later, American geologist and mineralogist James Dwight Dana produced and published descriptions of every known mineral. When adding How’s discovery, Dana changed its name to “howlite.” 

More howlite showed up at a different gypsum deposit a few years after the first discovery. How described these new specimens as white nodules “as large as a man’s head” in his reports. 

Fast forward to the mid-1900s, and more howlite appeared in Nova Scotia. However, this time, they were tan, brown, or colorless and formed prismatic crystals. These howlite crystals were small, measured 1-cm maximum, and formed in anhydrite.  

On that note, how is howlite formed?

howlite horse head carving pendant

Howlite Stone Origins & Sources

Howlite generally forms as irregular, large, white nodules, sometimes in a cauliflower-like shape. You will seldom (if ever) see crystal faces on howlite nodules, but enormous specimens are common. Miners in California, USA, have uncovered 100-lb (~45-kg) nodules! 

Most often, howlite forms in evaporite deposits within sedimentary rocks. “Evaporite” refers to any variety of salt or mineral found after a body of water evaporates. Evaporite deposits are often situated in marine basins where water evaporates more than it flows in. 

When volcanic activity causes water containing borate to flow into the basin, howlite forms in these deposits. The water evaporates, causing borate minerals to precipitate. Sediment often piles on top, leading to temperature and pressure changes that cause stratified borate beds to crystallize. 

Once uncovered, where is howlite found?

Mining Locations

Though first discovered in Canada, most howlite today comes from the US state of California, specifically Los Angeles, and Nevada. Tick Canyon, California, and Nova Scotia, Canada, are the only known sources for the rare transparent howlite crystals. 

Other howlite locales include:

  • Bolivia

  • Germany

  • Mexico

  • Pakistan

  • Russia

  • Serbia

  • Slovakia

  • Turkey

  • UK (England)

  • Yugoslavia

Now, how much is howlite worth?

dyed and faceted howlite gemstones

Howlite Price & Value

Howlite’s abundance means it comes at affordable price points. Howlite cabochons are usually just $0.30-$0.90 per carat!

Howlite jewelry is almost always under $50, though prices range up to $100. Higher prices are usually due to more intricate designs, and pricier additional materials like the metal used or other gemstones added. 

Howlite Care and Maintenance

Howlite is easily scratched, but breakage isn’t as common. To prevent scratching, we recommend protective settings for any howlite jewelry. 

Can howlite get wet? Howlite can get wet with little consequence, but only for a short period. To maintain its quality and durability, we recommend removing howlite accessories before showering, swimming, or doing any activities that lead to excessive sweating.

Natural howlite won’t fade color in the sun, though dyed howlite might, depending on the dye used. Be sure to avoid dyed howlite coming in contact with acetone, too.

For cleaning natural or treated howlite, we recommend using a soft cloth and warm, soapy water. Be sure to rinse away residue, then let the stone air dry. Paper towels or tissues could potentially scratch the stone. 

howlite carved fish and flower earrings

Howling for Howlite?

Congratulations, you know everything you need to know about howlite gemstones! Though commonly known as an “imitation stone,” howlite is more than a material to disguise. A howlite bracelet is a unique addition that will match any outfit, bringing you peace and clarity wherever you go!

Buy howlite gemstones today!

榴石宝石 Howlite 是一种白色或浅灰色宝石,通常呈现灰色、黑色或棕色大理石状图案。乍一看,您可能会将真正的 howlite 误认为是白色大理石——但 howlite 带来了全新的牌局。

Howlite 加入拉长石、IMAX 和篮球,这是我们要感谢加拿大的众多发现之一!最初在新斯科舍省发现的加拿大榴石晶体仍然是世界上最好的。





关于Howlite Stone

Howlite 是一种半宝石,通常用于制作雕刻、装饰和珠宝。您可以通过其白垩奶油色或灰白色以及可能类似于裂缝的深色网状静脉来区分它。

Howlite是处女座和双子座的生肖石。对于双子座的过度活跃的头脑,howlite 提供了和平的平衡——对于处女座的自我批评天性,howlite 提供了平静、令人放心的特性。





大多数硼酸盐矿物都是稀有的,这使得丰富的商业开采的榴石变得独一无二。在莫氏矿物硬度等级上,howlite 的等级在 3 到 3.5 之间,类似于方解石或铂。

howlite的自然颜色是什么? Howlite 自然是白色到浅灰色,但你经常会看到它染成其他颜色,所以让我们在下面进一步讨论。

蓝色 howlite 凸圆形

Howlite 的类型和用词不当

Howlite 经常与外观相似的矿物混淆,如高岭石或白碧玉,有时被错误地称为“howlite jasper”。然而,howlite 更为人所知的是被染色以模仿稀有宝石,如绿松石青金石红珊瑚

您经常会看到诸如“howlite turquoise”或“white buffalo turquoise”之类的误称,它们并不完全准确。让我们分解差异:

  • Howlite Turquoise、Blue Howlite 或 Turquenite :蓝色 howlite 是天然的吗?不完全的。通常用于误导客户,这些术语是对类似绿松石的染色蓝色 howlite 宝石的称呼。您可以通过它们不同的硬度等级和色调来区分绿松石和染色的howlite ,因为howlite blue更轻。

  • 白水牛绿松石:白水牛,或白水牛石,并不完全是howlite的误称。白色水牛石被认为是绿松石,但后来被归类为白色方解石和石英的组合。因此,howlitewhite buffalo不应该被称为“white buffalo turquoise”。

所以等等,howlite是白水牛吗?从技术上讲不是,因为两者的成分和荧光不同。然而,howlite 带有白水牛的一些形而上学含义,我们稍后会介绍!

在我们这样做之前,您可以找到下面列出的 Howlite 的其余矿物特性!


Howlite 规格和特点

  • 颜色:无色、白色或灰色,但很少有棕色;通常以灰色、黑色和/或深棕色显示夹杂物图案。

  • 晶体结构:单斜

  • 光泽:无光泽到亚玻璃质和泥土色。

  • 透明度:半透明到不透明,很少透明

  • 折射率: 1.58-1.61

  • 密度: 2.45-2.59

  • 乳沟:模糊(无)

  • 骨折:贝壳状,不均匀;瓷类几乎均匀光滑

  • 条纹:白色

  • 发光:有时会出现荧光;短波紫外线中的蓝色、黄白色或橙色;在长波紫外线中呈棕黄色

除了矿物方面,howlite 还象征着什么?

howlite 吊坠配白玛瑙和黑曜石

Howlite Stone的含义

美国矿物学家詹姆斯·德怀特·达纳 (James Dwight Dana) 命名 howlite 是为了纪念首先描述它的人:加拿大矿物学家亨利·豪 (Henry How)。



所有美洲水牛(实际上是野牛)都很罕见,但白色水牛更罕见,每 1000 万头水牛中只有 1 头。虽然所有水牛对土著部落来说都代表着丰富,但白水牛是神圣的,通常被描述为比地球上任何其他生物都更神圣。


howlite 雕刻的心形石头

Howlite 治疗特性

Howlite 的形而上学特性使其成为强大的治疗石。作为一种白色宝石,白色长石属性固有地代表着清晰度和精神觉醒。


Howlite 对身体、情感和脉轮治疗的好处是什么?


用于物理治疗的 Howlite 晶体特性可包括:

  • 调节体内钙水平,

  • 使您的骨骼和牙齿更强壮,并且

  • 缓解失眠。

据说经过处理的蓝色howlite也可以提高记忆力,尤其是梦境回忆。您还可以使用蓝色 howlite 帮助您在冥想期间集中注意力并在交流时保持冷静。



在情感上,howlite 石对任何头脑过度活跃的人都有好处,据报道,它可以帮助您放慢速度以清醒头脑,从而带来更大程度的平静。

如果您发现自己容易发怒或随从他人的突发奇想,howlite 可以通过减轻愤怒和吸收针对您的消极情绪来提供帮助。其他报告的情感宝石的好处包括减少以自我为中心的思维、提高自我意识和鼓励耐心。


我们的脉轮是我们的能量中心,平衡我们的身体和情绪。您可以为皇冠脉轮练习 howlite 脉轮治疗。顶轮,你头顶上的旋转光环,代表你与更广泛的精神领域的联系。

当你的顶轮被阻塞时,你可能会与自我意识作斗争或感到筋疲力尽。一旦用 howlite 打开,你的顶轮可以帮助你连接到宇宙并接受它的智慧。



Howlite 宝石属性





然而,howlite 可能没有矩阵,显示纯白色。您还可以将howlite 染成任何可以想象的颜色。染色howlite最常见的颜色是知更鸟的蛋蓝色。


Howlite 缺乏乳沟(也称为模糊乳沟)意味着您很少会在刻面切割中看到它。然而,白色的脉状howlite 可以制造出迷人的凸圆形珠子

howlite 装饰的其他常见切割包括球形、椭圆形、蛋形等。更复杂的雕刻,如头骨、动物和其他小雕像也很常见。


净度,定义为宝石中内含物的数量和可见度,并不像其他影响howlite 价值的因素那样重要,但我们仍然应该讨论它。

作为一种不透明的宝石,howlite 不属于有色宝石净度类别。 Howlite 可以形成透明晶体,但这些晶体非常罕见,可能属于 III 型透明度。



Howlite 具有非常多孔的质地,这意味着它很容易吸收液体。这种特性意味着染色非常容易和有效,最常见的是模仿绿松石。宝石卖家经常以“绿松石”的形式出售染色的蓝色howlite。

用于 howlite 处理的深蓝色染料可以模仿青金石,而红色染料可以模仿红珊瑚。 Howlite 可能会在染色后获得树脂涂层,以帮助密封和隐藏染料,同时增加耐用性。



Howlite 的历史始于 1868 年的加拿大新斯科舍省。温莎镇以被石膏矿床所包围而闻名,在 1800 年代,矿工们开采了含有石膏、硬石膏和盐的巨大矿床。

在国王学院附近,加拿大化学家、地质学家和矿物学家亨利豪教授自然历史。当矿工发现异常时,他们会打电话给 How。

1868 年,矿工们告诉 How 他们采石场中的一种新材料使石膏开采变得更加困难,因为它阻碍了石膏的质量。在测试样品后,How 发现它是一种新矿物,称之为硅硼方解石。

不久之后,美国地质学家和矿物学家詹姆斯·德怀特·达纳(James Dwight Dana)制作并发表了对每种已知矿物的描述。在添加 How 的发现时,Dana 将其名称更改为“howlite”。

在第一次发现几年后,更多的howlite出现在不同的石膏矿床中。 How 在他的报告中将这些新标本描述为“与人头一样大”的白色结节。

快进到 1900 年代中期,新斯科舍省出现了更多的榴辉石。然而,这一次,它们是棕褐色、棕色或无色并形成棱柱状晶体。这些榴石晶体很小,最大为 1 厘米,形成于无水石膏中。



Howlite Stone的起源和来源

Howlite通常形成不规则的大白色结节,有时呈花椰菜状。你很少(如果有的话)在howlite结核上看到水晶面,但巨大的标本很常见。美国加利福尼亚州的矿工发现了 100 磅(约 45 公斤)的结核!

大多数情况下,howlite 形成于沉积岩内的蒸发岩沉积物中。 “蒸发岩”是指在水体蒸发后发现的任何种类的盐或矿物质。蒸发岩沉积物通常位于海洋盆地中,水蒸发量大于流入量。





其他 howlite 语言环境包括:

  • 玻利维亚

  • 德国

  • 墨西哥

  • 巴基斯坦

  • 俄罗斯

  • 塞尔维亚

  • 斯洛伐克

  • 火鸡

  • 英国(英格兰)

  • 南斯拉夫



Howlite 价格与价值

Howlite 的丰富性意味着它以实惠的价格提供。 Howlite 凸圆形宝石通常每克拉仅 0.30 至 0.90 美元!

Howlite 珠宝几乎总是低于 50 美元,但价格高达 100 美元。更高的价格通常是由于更复杂的设计,以及更昂贵的附加材料,如使用的金属或添加的其他宝石。

Howlite 保养和维护

Howlite 很容易被划伤,但破损并不常见。为防止刮伤,我们建议对任何 howlite 首饰进行保护设置

howlite会被弄湿吗? Howlite 可能会被弄湿而不会产生什么后果,但只会持续很短的时间。为了保持其质量和耐用性,我们建议在淋浴、游泳或进行任何会导致出汗过多的活动之前取下 howlite 配件。


要清洁天然或处理过的 howlite,我们建议使用软布和温肥皂水。一定要冲洗掉残留物,然后让石头风干。纸巾或纸巾可能会划伤石头。

howlite 雕刻鱼和花耳环


恭喜,您了解了有关榴石宝石的所有知识!虽然通常被称为“仿石”,但榴石不仅仅是一种伪装材料。 Howlite 手链是一款独特的配饰,可搭配任何装束,无论您走到哪里,都能为您带来宁静和清晰!

立即购买howlite 宝石!

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