What is the Refund or Exchange Policy?
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All sellers on this site offer an exchange policy which states that in 7 days if the buyer is not 100% satisfied with their purchase they may exchange the product.Returned items must be 100% complete, contain ALL original boxes and packing materials, accessories and documentation provided by the manufacturer. The customer is responsible for shipping charges on returned items. We strongly recommend that you fully insure your return shipment in case it is lost or damaged and you use a carrier that can provide you with proof of delivery for your protection.

With over 85,000 items shipped worldwide we have an outstanding reputation with our loyal customers.

While all sellers are required to offer this exchange policy as part of their participation in this site, please note that they are free to set their own shipping and insurance rates, and shipping policies. You can review each sellers policies by viewing their “extended profile” on the Verified Sellers page.



すべての販売者は、このサイトへの参加の一環としてこの交換ポリシーを提供する必要がありますが、独自の配送料と保険料、および配送料ポリシーを自由に設定できることに注意してください。 [確認済みの販売者]ページで「拡張プロファイル」を表示すると、各販売者のポリシーを確認できます。

このテキストは機械翻訳されました。 オリジナルを表示しますか?


