Scolecite Gemstone: Properties, Meanings, Value & More
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scolecite gemstoneScolecite (pronounced SKOHL-uh-site) is a gemstone in the zeolite family beloved by collectors for its unique crystal habits and revered by crystal healers for its calming and cleansing energies. 

Among every crystal worldwide, none will have precisely the same formation as scolecite, making this a truly unique stone. Another fascinating property of scolecite is its ability to produce a temporary electrical charge under heat (pyroelectricity) or mechanical pressure (piezoelectricity). 

Want to know more? Tag along as we break down everything you need to know about the scolecite gemstone, from its properties to its prices. 

scolecite gemstone

About Scolecite Stone

Scolecite is a semi-precious gemstone that’s commonly white or colorless, though it can be a few other colors. It may also be spelled “scoulerite,” though this spelling is more dated, or scolésite. 

In terms of names, though, scolecite has quite a few other monikers:

  • Ellagite

  • Mésotype

  • Lime Mesotype

  • Weissian

  • Episcolecite / Episkolecite

  • Acicular stone

At first glance, you may mistake scolecite for selenite. But how do you distinguish scolecite vs. selenite

For one, selenite is a hydrous calcium sulfate while scolecite is a hydrous calcium silicate. Selenite is also much more abundant than scolecite. The easiest identification technique, though, is hardness. 

As a gypsum variety, selenite is extremely soft, ranking at only 2 on the Mohs mineral hardness scale. That means virtually any material except for talc will scratch selenite. In contrast, scolecite ranks at 5 to 5.5, about the same as a knife or glass plate. 

Scolecite Specifications & Characteristics

Scolecite is a hydrous calcium aluminum tectosilicate. The formula may be written as CaAl2Si3O10 · 3H2O, though the International Mineralogical Association (IMA) writes it as Ca(Si3Al2)O10 · 3H2O. Sodium and potassium impurities may be present. 

The scolecite mineral is part of the zeolite family, a group of tetrahedral aluminosilicates with a microporous structure. The family also includes thomsonite, natrolite, and mesolite

Natrolite and mesolite both have the same structure as scolecite, but mesolite and natrolite are orthorhombic while scolecite is monoclinic.

pink and white scolecite gemstone cabochon

What Does Scolecite Look Like? 

Scolecite joins mesolite and natrolite in commonly forming needle-like (acicular) or fibrous crystal aggregates. 

Other shapes you’ll see scolecite form into are slim prismatic crystals (often in sprays or radiating clusters) or crystal twins. 

Twinned scolecite crystals may be contact twins (where they split off from a centerpoint to create two mirror-image crystals) or penetration twins (where they grow into each other, sharing a common but irregular center). One example of penetration twins you may know is the cross-shaped staurolite (a.k.a. “fairy cross”) crystal. 

Now, what is the streak of scolecite? It depends on what type of streak we’re talking about. The color of scolecite’s streak powder is colorless or white. On the other hand, in tumbled stones created from clusters of radiating needle-like crystals, you may still see streaks of the needles. 

Below are the remaining scolecite properties: 

  • Mineral family: Zeolite

  • Mohs hardness: 5 to 5.5

  • Color: Colorless, white, pink, salmon, purple, yellow, red, green

  • Crystal structure: Monoclinic; Pseudotetragonal (crystals)

  • Luster: Vitreous (glassy); Silky (when fibrous)

  • Transparency: Transparent to opaque

  • Refractive index: 1.509-1.525

  • Density: 2.16-2.40

  • Cleavage: Perfect on {110} and {110}

  • Fracture: Irregular/uneven

  • Streak: White

  • Luminescence: Sometimes fluorescence - Yellow to brown in LW-UV & SW-UV

  • Pleochroism: None

  • Birefringence: 0.007-0.012

  • Dispersion: Strong

Types of Scolecite

Though scolecite doesn’t have any specific varieties, you may see the term “peach scolecite” sometimes. So, what is peach scolecite? 

Peach scolecite is the name for peach-colored stilbite containing scolecite. Metaphysically, peach scolecite is believed to provide you with greater joy, creativity, and wisdom. 

Speaking of which, let’s look at scolecite’s spiritual meaning!

white scolecite gemstone carved pair for earrings

Scolecite Meaning & History

Scolecite’s meaning ties to many internal processes or feelings like inner peace, introspection, and self-healing. Somewhat similarly, the white scolecite meaning is one of profound spiritual love that envelopes your entire spirit immediately.

Astrologically, scolecite is a lucky zodiac stone for Capricorn. It also corresponds to the wind (or air) element, which is associated with intellect and exploration. 

Ever heard of yin and yang? If so, you may know they represent the balance and synergy of seemingly opposite forces, like light and dark. Scolecite corresponds to the Yin side, embodying receptive, feminine, and more mysterious energy.

Unsurprisingly, Yang is all about light, high energy, and masculine energies. Any introverts know the feeling of being in a crowded or high-energy environment and feeling the need to be alone and recharge. That said, you don’t have to be an introvert to take advantage of the self-care and introspection that scolecite’s Yin energy promotes.


The name “scolecite” comes from the Greek term skolex, meaning “worm.” This refers to the fact that scolecite will curl up like a worm under a blowpipe flame.

Two German chemists made the first discovery and description of scolecite in 1813: Adolph Ferdinand Gehlen and Johann Nepomuk von Fuchs. They published their findings in the Schweiz Journal of Chemistry and Physics. The discovery occurred in Kaiserstuhl, Germany.  

In the early 1800s, mineralogists were studying and breaking down the zeolite family. The natrolite group at the time (natrolite, mesolite, thomsonite, and scolecite) was initially named for containing fibrous forms of zeolite. Abraham Gottlob Werner suggested Faserzeolithe for example, while Rene Just Haüy suggested mesotype. 

When Fuchs and Gehlen discovered scolecite, they named it “skolezit” at first, then adjusted the name to “scolecite” later.

In the present day, what is scolecite good for? Besides being a great accessory, it’s great for crystal healing.

scolecite healing crystal ball

Scolecite Healing Properties

As with all gemstones, scolecite can be used in various ways as a healing stone. Some of the stone’s healing properties tie to its color. 

Pink scolecite, like other pink gemstones, is great for promoting self-love and acceptance. Meanwhile, white or colorless scolecite offers the cleansing and purifying properties of other white gems. In fact, scolecite’s cleansing properties are analogous to similar-looking selenite. 

Now, what about scolecite uses for physical, emotional, and chakra healing? 

Physical Healing

The purported physical benefits of using scolecite include better blood circulation, clear breathing, and healthier sleep patterns, particularly if you suffer from insomnia. 

This crystal is also used to help with:

  • Parasites

  • Immune system function

  • Nervous system issues

Additionally, crystal healers recommend scolecite for helping to heal illnesses in the lungs, intestines, or eyes.

Emotional Healing

Emotionally, scolecite can provide emotional balance and relaxation, especially if you need re-centering after a hectic day. The crystal is overall incredibly calming, so its often used for treating anxiety disorders or panic attacks. 

Chakra Healing

Chakra healing is an ancient process of resolving negative symptoms associated with a blocked chakra (energy center) by opening and rebalancing it. Various gems can be used as different chakra stones. So, what chakra is scolecite associated with?

Scolecite is great for opening the third eye chakra, located in the center of your forehead. This chakra governs intuition and spiritual exploration. Using scolecite to open the chakra allows you to broaden your perspective and understanding of both the world and yourself. 

white scholecite gemstone cabochon parcel

Scolecite Gemstone Properties

The value of a scolecite gemstone comes down to where it falls in the categories of color, cut, clarity, and transparency. 


Most scolecite specimens are white or colorless, though the stone’s color range also includes shades of pink, purple, yellow, green, and gray. These other hues are caused by different mineral inclusions or elemental impurities. 

Unlike many stones where the rarest color is the most valuable, the most valuable scolecite color is usually snow white. That said, lower-quality scolecites can still be white, just less attractive shades.


Scolecite may occasionally be faceted, usually into rectangular shapes. More often, the stone becomes cabochons, tumbled stones, or carvings. Popular metaphysical carvings include scolecite spheres, pendulums, and towers. 

Collectors may also seek out raw scolecite specimens that have attractive crystal habits like sprays or twins. 

Clarity & Transparency

Clarity describes the amount of visible inclusions in a gemstone. Inclusions can also affect transparency. Scolecite is usually translucent, but transparent specimens are most valuable. Value increases with higher transparency. 

You’ll usually see scolecite as an inclusion in other gems, though, like quartz geodes or fluorite.

Inclusions sneak into stones while they’re forming, which brings us to our next topic!

white scolecite crystal spray

Scolecite Formation & Sources

Scolecite is a secondary mineral, meaning it forms when other minerals are altered by conditions like weathering, heat, pressure, and hydrothermal alteration.

Minerals in the zeolite family often follow a sequence, altering from one mineral to the next due to external conditions — though the sequence depends on the rocks. 

Within volcanic rocks that are high or low in silica, scolecite forms from mesolite. Depending on the conditions, these scolecites may eventually turn into chabazite

The difference between the processes for low-silica vs. high-silica volcanic rocks is the beginning of each sequence. The sequence in rocks rich in silica start with clay that turns to quartz, while rocks low in silica start with cowlesite that turns to levyne. 

You’ll usually find scolecite within basalt rock cavities or alpine-type clefts (open, vertical fractures containing crystals). They also form inside the cavities of granite and syenite rocks. 

Mining Locations

Where is scolecite found? Scolecite forms in multiple continents around the world, including Asia, Europe, North America, and Africa. 

The main source of scolecite today is India. However, Iceland boasts deposits of rare types of scolecite crystals. 

Additional notable sources of scolecite include:

  • Brazil

  • Czechia

  • Russia

  • Scotland

  • South Africa

  • Spain

  • Switzerland (including the Swiss Alps)

Of course, price is a huge factor, so we’ll cover that next. 

pink orange scolecite gemstone cabochon

Scolecite Price & Value

Good news: Most scolecite gemstones are quite affordable. The priciest option is faceted scolecite gems, which typically fetch around $200 per carat. 

Scolecite cabochon prices range from $0.15-$4 per carat at wholesale. Carved scolecite items like pendulums and towers are usually $5 to $25 each.

Most rough scolecite crystals are $10 to $30 each at wholesale, though large crystal specimens from retail sellers can reach close to $2,000. 

Lastly, we’ll discuss gemstone care

Scolecite Care and Maintenance

Maintaining scolecite’s appearance starts with choosing the right product, particularly for jewelry. Given its perfect cleavage and mid-range hardness, we recommend opting for scolecite jewelry with protective settings, especially vulnerable options like rings or bracelets. 

You can clean scolecite with a mixture of lukewarm water and mild soap, using a soft toothbrush dipped in the solution to gently scrub the stone. Rinse off any soap residue, then dry the stone with a soft, dust-free cloth. 

Be sure to keep scolecite away from any acids, as it will dissolve. Store the stone separately from other gems to avoid scratches. 

pink scolecite gemstone cabochon

Ready to Score Some Scolecite? 

Whether you’ve heard of scolecite before or not, this is certainly an underrated gem. From its gorgeous pastel or snowy hues to its many spiritual benefits, scolecite may just be the perfect stone for you. 

Buy scolecite gemstones today!

スコレサイトの原石スコレサイト (SKOHL-uh-siteと発音) はゼオライト ファミリーの宝石で、そのユニークなクリスタルの習慣のためにコレクターに愛され、その鎮静と浄化のエネルギーのためにクリスタル ヒーラーに崇められています。

世界中のあらゆる結晶の中で、スコレサイトとまったく同じ形状のものはなく、これは本当にユニークな石です。スコレサイトのもう 1 つの魅力的な特性は、熱 (焦電性) または機械的圧力 (圧電性) の下で一時的に電荷を生成する能力です。




スコレサイトは半貴石で、通常は白または無色ですが、他のいくつかの色の場合もあります。 「scoulerite」と綴ることもできますが、この綴りはより古い、または scolésite です。


  • エラグ石

  • メソタイプ

  • ライムメソタイプ

  • ワイシアン

  • エピスコレサイト / エピスコレサイト

  • 針状石



石膏の一種であるセレナイトは非常に柔らかく、 モース鉱物硬度スケールでわずか 2 にランクされています。これは、タルク以外の実質的にすべての材料が亜セレン酸を傷つけることを意味します.対照的に、スコレサイトは5から5.5にランクされ、ナイフやガラス皿とほぼ同じです.


スコレサイトは含水カルシウムアルミニウムテクトシリケートです。この化学式は CaAl2Si3O10 · 3H2O と表記される場合がありますが、国際鉱物学会 (IMA) では Ca(Si3Al2)O10 · 3H2O と表記されています。ナトリウムとカリウムの不純物が存在する場合があります。






スコレサイトが形成される他の形状は、スリムなプリズム状の結晶 (多くの場合、スプレーまたは放射状のクラスター) または双晶です。

双晶スコレサイト結晶は、接触双晶 (中心点から分裂して 2 つの鏡像結晶を作成する) または浸透双晶 (共通だが不規則な中心を共有して互いに成長する) である可能性があります。あなたが知っているかもしれない貫通双生児の一例は、十字形のスタウロライト(別名「妖精の十字架」) 結晶です。



  • ミネラルファミリー:ゼオライト

  • モース硬度:5~5.5

  • :無色、白、ピンク、サーモン、紫、黄、赤、緑

  • 結晶構造: 単斜晶系;擬正方晶(結晶)

  • 光沢: ガラス質 (ガラス質);シルキー(繊維状の場合)

  • 透明度: 透明から不透明

  • 屈折率:

  • 密度: 2.16-2.40

  • 劈開: {110} と {110} に最適

  • 骨折:不規則・不均一

  • ストリーク: ホワイト

  • 発光: 時々蛍光 - LW-UV & SW-UV で黄色から茶色

  • 多色性: なし

  • 複屈折:0.08~0.010

  • 分散: 強い







スコレサイトの意味は、内なる平和、内省、自己治癒などの多くの内部プロセスまたは感情に結びついています。同様に、白いスコレサイトの意味は、あなたの精神全体を即座に包み込む深いスピリチュアルな愛の 1 つです。

占星術では、スコレサイトは山羊座の幸運の星座石です。また、知性と探求に関連する風 (または空気) 要素にも対応します。





1813 年に 2 人のドイツの化学者、アドルフ フェルディナンド ゲーレンとヨハン ネポムク フォン フックスがスコレサイトを最初に発見し、記述しました。彼らは、 Schweiz Journal of Chemistry and Physics に調査結果を発表しました。発見はドイツのカイザーシュトゥールで行われました。

1800 年代初頭、鉱物学者はゼオライト ファミリーを研究し、分解していました。当時のナトロライト群 (ナトロライト、メソライト、トムソナイト、スコレサイト) は当初、繊維状のゼオライトを含むことから名付けられました。たとえば、Abraham Gottlob Werner は Faserzeolithe を提案し、Rene Just Haüy はメソタイプを提案しました。





すべての宝石と同様に、スコレサイトはヒーリング ストーンとしてさまざまな方法で使用できます。石の治癒特性のいくつかは、その色に結びついています。






  • 寄生虫

  • 免疫系機能

  • 神経系の問題





チャクラヒーリングは、ブロックされたチャクラ(エネルギーセンター)に関連する負の症状を開き、バランスを取り戻すことによって解決する古代のプロセスです.さまざまな宝石をさまざまなチャクラ ストーンとして使用できます。では、スコレサイトはどのチャクラに関連付けられているのでしょうか?


ホワイト ショーレサイト ジェムストーン カボション パーセル






スコレサイトは時折ファセットカットされることがあり、通常は長方形になります。多くの場合、石はカボション、タンブル ストーン、または彫刻になります。人気のある形而上学的な彫刻には、スコレサイトの球体、振り子、塔などがあります。






ホワイト スコレサイト クリスタル スプレー






スコレサイトは通常、玄武岩の岩の空洞または高山型の裂け目 (結晶を含む開いた垂直の割れ目) 内で見つかります。また、花崗岩や閃長岩の空洞の内部にも形成されます。





  • ブラジル

  • チェコ

  • ロシア

  • スコットランド

  • 南アフリカ

  • スペイン

  • スイス(スイスアルプスを含む)


ピンク オレンジ スコレサイト ジェムストーン カボション


朗報: ほとんどのスコレサイトの宝石は、非常に手頃な価格です。最も高価なオプションは、ファセットカットされたスコレサイト宝石で、通常、1 カラットあたり約 200 ドルで取引されます。

スコレサイト カボションの価格は、卸売価格で 1 カラットあたり 0.15 ~ 4 ドルです。振り子や塔などのスコレサイトの彫刻品は通常、それぞれ 5 ドルから 25 ドルです。

スコレサイト原石の結晶のほとんどは、卸売りでそれぞれ 10 ドルから 30 ドルですが、小売業者からの大きな結晶標本は 2,000 ドル近くに達することもあります。

最後に、 宝石のお手入れについて説明します。


スコレサイトの外観を維持することは、特にジュエリーの場合、適切な製品を選択することから始まります。完璧な劈開と中程度の硬度を考えると、特にリングやブレスレットのような脆弱なオプションで、保護設定のあるスコレサイト ジュエリーを選択することをお勧めします。







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