Jet Gemstone: Properties, Meanings, Value & More
Jet 寶石:屬性、含義、價值等
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jet gemstoneJet is a stark black or dark brown, lustrous gemstone with historical significance in jewelry and decor, though it’s not as popular today. Unlike most gems, jet isn’t a mineral or crystal, but it can still be faceted and carved into beautiful shapes.

Ever heard the phrase “jet black” before? It originated in reference to black jet stones!

Are jet stones rare? High-quality jet gemstones are rare, particularly the famous variety from Whitby, England.

By the end of this guide, you’ll know how to identify jet gemstones, what they’re made of, and what makes jet so special.

jet gemstone

About Jet Stone

First, is jet a precious stone? No, jet is a semi-precious gemstone, though it’s been beloved for centuries.

Jet (or “lignite”) is a plant-based mineraloid, meaning it’s mineral-like. It’s also an organic gemstone alongside amber, pearl, and coral, as jet forms from wood decomposition. In fact, jet used to be called “black amber.”

The most similar gemstone to jet, however, is shungite, as both are black, carbon-based, and lightweight mineraloids.

jet vs black onyx gemstonePictured above: Black onyx

Jet vs Onyx

At first glance, you may mistake jet for another gemstone: onyx, specifically black onyx. Are jet and onyx the same? No, jet and onyx are different.

How do you identify a jet gemstone vs an onyx gemstone?

Here are the differences:

  • Classification: Onyx is a mineral; jet is a mineraloid.

  • Composition: Onyx is a chalcedony variety (microcrystalline quartz) while jet is mostly composed of carbon.

  • Color Source: Most solid black onyx has been dyed. Jet’s black color is natural.

  • Hardness: Onyx is harder, ranking at 7 on the Mohs hardness scale compared to jet ranking at 2.5 to 4.

  • Weight: Onyx is noticeably heavier than jet, with a density of 2.72 to 2.85 compared to jet’s density of 1.3 to 1.4.

  • Streak: Onyx has a white streak in powdered form; jet has a brown streak.

That said, the similarities between the two mean you can use jet as an alternative mystical December birthstone. Jet itself is a zodiac stone for the sign Capricorn.

Jet Specifications & Characteristics

Since jet isn’t a mineral, its composition varies. But it’s always rich in carbon, with sulfur and iron as common impurities. Most jet stones are about 75 percent carbon, 12 percent oxygen, and 13 percent sulfur and hydrogen.

Sources differ on whether jet is a type of coal. Some call it an anthracite coal, others call it a subbituminous (lignite) coal. Others say it’s not coal but simply fossilized wood or a rock.

Regardless, the stone has two forms, hard and soft, that differ in the type of water involved in their formation. The terms could be considered misnomers, however, as both forms have the same Mohs hardness — soft jet is just more sensitive to temperature changes.

Jet is piezoelectric, meaning rubbing it can make it electrically charged.

Here’s a list of jet’s properties:

  • Mohs hardness: 2.5-4

  • Color: Black or dark brown

  • Crystal structure: None

  • Luster: Vitreous, resinous, or waxy; Sometimes metallic inclusions of pyrite

  • Transparency: Semitranslucent to opaque

  • Refractive index: 1.66

  • Density: 1.30-1.40

  • Cleavage: None

  • Fracture: Conchoidal or uneven

  • Streak: Brown

  • Luminescence: None

  • Pleochroism: None

Types of Jet

Jet has some trade names distinguished by where it came from, such as:

  • Acoma Jet: Soft; Mined near Acoma Pueblo region of New Mexico, USA; Common in Southwestern Native American jewelry

  • Erzurum Stone / Oltu Stone: Mined in eastern Turkey

  • Spanish Jet: Higher sulfur content; Harder but more brittle; Mined in Spain

  • Whitby Jet: Lower sulfur content; Mined in Whitby, England

Whitby jet is by far the most renowned type, known as the highest-quality jet available. These jet stones are found in the Whitby Mudstone Formation and formed roughly 180 million years ago from a tree similar to the Araucaria araucana (or “monkey puzzle”) tree.

In fact, most of the jet used historically was Whitby jet.

whitby jet gemstone antiquesPictured above: At an Antiques Fair at the NEC, the amazing exhibition of historic Whitby Jet objects and jewellery displayed by the W. Hamond company | Image credit: the justified sinner, Flickr

Jet Meaning & History

Jet stone’s spiritual meaning today is one of strength, protection, and purification. It’s often believed to bring good luck and mental clarity during stressful times.

Ancients believed jet stones provided protection from the evil eye, which represents a belief that someone’s ill intent towards you (often from envy) carries metaphysical consequences.


Archeological remains of jet gemstone jewelry have dated back to Neolithic times (10,000 BC to 2,200 BC) in ancient Britain and the Bronze Age (3,300 BC to 1,200 BC) in Roman, Viking, and Saxon artifacts.

For centuries, jet was called “lignite,” derived from the Greek gagates lithos, meaning “stone of Gages.” Gages was a Lycia river and town in Asia Minor.

Ancient Romans (625 BC to 476 AD) used Whitby jet in rings, pendants, hair pieces, and decor, believing the stone provided mystical protection.

Folks in Medieval times (476 AD to 1450 AD) first called jet “black amber” or “gagates” in Materia Medica lapidary texts. The term “jet” came soon after, derived from the 12th-century French term jaiet.

Jet popularity soared in the Victorian Era (1837 to 1901).

Whitby jet was introduced to the public at the Great Exhibition of 1851, becoming a staple souvenir for tourists that led to the first Whitby jet store opening in 1860. But most of its popularity came after Queen Victoria wore carved jet mourning jewelry following Prince Albert’s death in 1861.

Nowadays, what are the benefits of jet stones?

historical jet gemstone jewelry broochImage credit: Auckland Museum

Jet Healing Properties

Today, jet as a healing stone goes beyond a mourning accessory. Like other black gemstones, jet offers protection, grounding, and positivity, especially when used as a root chakra stone.

Physical Healing

Touted physical jet gemstone benefits include treating:

  • Migraines

  • Inflammation

  • Menstrual cramps

  • Hormone imbalance

Emotional Healing

Emotionally, jet can help you gain clarity on habits or thought patterns that don’t benefit you. It’s also said to provide emotional strength and turn negative energies (internal or external) into positive ones.

jet gemstone carving of bear

Jet Gemstone Properties

Is jet stone valuable? Jet’s value depends on its properties, namely color, cut, luster, and authenticity. Carat weight isn’t as important, since jet is lightweight enough to be fashioned into virtually any size.


Jet’s color can range from brown to black, with stark black jet stones being most valuable. Some specimens even display the structure of the wood they formed from.


Jet can be cut into faceted shapes, but it’s more often carved. Simple carvings are easy, but intricate carvings require greater skill. Cameo and intaglio carvings are common, especially in antique jet jewelry.

Other options include cabochons, beads, or inlay.


Jet usually polishes well, with a bright luster. But jet gems with greater luster are more valuable.


Jet’s rarity means simulants are common. In fact, “French jet” is actually a black glass. Typical jet simulants are:

Now, how does real jet form?

rough jet gemstone specimenImage credit: Geni | Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International, 3.0 Unported, 2.5 Generic, 2.0 Generic and 1.0 Generic license

Jet Formation & Sources

Jet formation takes thousands to millions of years. Part of a tree branch — usually from the Araucariaceae family of Jurassic and Cretaceous times— sinks to the bottom of a body of water, where it’s covered by sediment.

Over centuries, the woody material is gradually compressed, degraded, and heated, compacting into a fossilized material.

The type of water matters, too. Hard jet forms in salt water, while soft jet forms in fresh water.

Mining Locations

England is the top source for high-quality jet gemstones, with Spain in second for commercial production.

Other jet sources include:

  • Austria

  • Cambodia

  • Canada

  • France

  • Germany

  • India

  • Italy

  • Luxembourg

  • Mongolia

  • Poland

  • Portugal

  • Russia

  • Turkey

  • USA (Colorado, New Mexico, Utah)

Sources aside, how much is jet worth? It’s more affordable than you’d think.

black jet gemstone beads carved

Jet Gemstone Price & Value

Is jet expensive? Not as expensive as you’d think. While carved antique jet jewelry can go for $300 to $1,000, most jet gemstones are around $0.40 per carat ($2 per gram).

Here at Gem Rock Auctions, you can find large jet carvings for around $0.30 per carat.

Our jet beads are available for under $1 per carat ($14 to $50 for a set).

Modern Whitby jet jewelry can be pricier, given its quality, with pendants costing around $100 to $150.

Jet Care and Maintenance

Last, we’ll discuss gemstone care.

Are jet gemstones fragile? Jet is fairly fragile, with a brittle tenacity (easily broken or crushed) and pretty low hardness. We recommend getting protective settings for jet jewelry, especially more vulnerable types like jet rings or bracelets.

You can clean jet with warm water, mild soap, and a soft toothbrush. Store it separately from other gemstones.

Keep jet gemstones away from:

  • Perfumes or cosmetics

  • Harsh chemicals

  • Mechanical cleaning systems (e.g. steam, ultrasonic)

Feel Like a Jet Setter in Jet Jewelry!

Jet gemstones may not hold the popularity they did in Victorian times, but this subtle black gemstone is the perfect jewelry piece. Not only can it provide positivity and protection, its lustrous, neutral appearance complements any outfit!

Buy jet gemstones today!

噴氣寶石 Jet 是一種純黑色或深棕色、有光澤的寶石,在珠寶和裝飾中具有歷史意義,儘管它在今天並不流行。與大多數寶石不同,黑玉不是礦物或水晶,但它仍然可以被刻面和雕刻成美麗的形狀。

以前聽說過“jet black”這個詞嗎?它起源於黑色墨玉石!








噴氣 vs 黑瑪瑙寶石上圖:黑瑪瑙

Jet 與 Onyx

乍一看,您可能會將黑玉誤認為是另一種寶石: 瑪瑙,特別是黑瑪瑙。 jet 和 onyx 是一樣的嗎?不,jet 和 onyx 是不同的。



  • 分類:瑪瑙是一種礦物; jet 是一種類礦物。

  • 成分:瑪瑙是一種玉髓品種( 微晶石英),而黑玉主要由碳組成。

  • 顏色來源:大多數純黑瑪瑙都經過染色。 Jet 的黑色是自然的。

  • 硬度:Onyx 硬度更高, 莫氏硬度為 7,而噴氣硬度為 2.5 至 4。

  • 重量:Onyx 明顯比噴氣重,密度為 2.72 至 2.85,而噴氣的密度為 1.3 至 1.4。

  • 條紋: 瑪瑙粉末狀有白色條紋;噴氣機有一條棕色條紋。

也就是說,兩者之間的相似性意味著您可以使用黑玉作為替代神秘的十二月生日石。 Jet 本身就是摩羯座生肖石


由於噴氣不是礦物,因此其成分各不相同。但它總是富含碳,硫和鐵是常見的雜質。大多數黑玉石含有大約 75% 的碳、12% 的氧以及 13% 的硫和氫。



Jet 是壓電的,這意味著摩擦它可以使其帶電。

以下是 jet 的屬性列表:

  • 莫氏硬度:2.5-4

  • 顏色: 黑色或深棕色

  • 晶體結構: 無

  • 光澤: 玻璃狀、樹脂狀或蠟狀;有時為黃鐵礦金屬包裹體

  • 透明度:半透明到不透明

  • 折射率:1.66

  • 密度:1.30-1.40

  • 乳溝:無

  • 斷裂: 貝殼狀或不均勻

  • 條紋:棕色

  • 發光: 無

  • 多色性:無


Jet 有一些商品名稱,以其來源來區分,例如:

  • Acoma Jet :柔軟;在美國新墨西哥州的 Acoma Pueblo 地區附近開採;常見於美國西南部原住民珠寶

  • Erzurum Stone / Oltu Stone :在土耳其東部開採

  • Spanish Jet : 含硫量較高;更硬但更脆;在西班牙開採

  • Whitby Jet : 較低的硫含量;在英國惠特比開採

Whitby jet 是迄今為止最著名的機型,被譽為目前質量最高的噴氣機。這些黑玉石是在惠特比泥岩組中發現的,大約在 1.8 億年前由一種類似於南洋杉(或“猴子拼圖”)樹的樹形成。


惠特比噴射寶石古董上圖:在 NEC 的古董展上,W. Hamond 公司展示了歷史悠久的惠特比噴氣機物品和珠寶的驚人展覽 |圖片來源:正義的罪人, Flickr





黑玉寶石首飾的考古遺跡可追溯到古代英國的新石器時代(公元前 10,000 年至公元前 2,200 年)和羅馬、維京和撒克遜手工藝品的青銅時代(公元前 3,300 年至公元前 1,200 年)。

幾個世紀以來,jet 被稱為“褐煤”,源自希臘語 gagates lithos,意思是“Gages 的石頭”。蓋奇斯是小亞細亞的利西亞河和城鎮。

古羅馬人(公元前 625 年至公元 476 年)在戒指、吊墜、髮飾和裝飾品中使用惠特比黑玉,他們相信這種寶石可以提供神秘的保護。

中世紀(公元 476 年至公元 1450 年)的人們首先在本草寶石文獻中稱噴氣為“黑琥珀”或“gagates”。 “jet”一詞緊隨其後,源自 12 世紀的法語術語 jaiet。

在維多利亞時代(1837 年至 1901 年),噴氣式飛機的受歡迎程度飆升。

Whitby jet 在 1851 年的大展覽中向公眾推出,成為遊客的主要紀念品,導致 1860 年第一家 Whitby jet 商店開業。但它的大部分流行是在維多利亞女王在阿爾伯特親王去世後佩戴雕刻的噴氣機哀悼珠寶之後1861 年。







  • 偏頭痛

  • 月經來潮

  • 荷爾蒙失調


在情感上,jet 可以幫助您弄清對您不利的習慣或思維模式。據說它還可以提供情感力量並將負能量(內部或外部)轉化為正能量。



玉石值錢嗎? Jet 的價值取決於它的特性,即顏色、切工、光澤和真實性。克拉重量並不重要,因為噴氣鑽石重量輕,幾乎可以製成任何尺寸。



Jet 可以切割成刻面形狀,但更常用於雕刻。簡單的雕刻很容易,但複雜的雕刻需要更高的技巧。浮雕和凹版雕刻很常見,尤其是在古董噴氣式珠寶中。



Jet 通常拋光良好,具有明亮的光澤。但光澤度更大的墨玉更有價值。


Jet 的稀有性意味著模擬物很常見。事實上,“法國噴氣式飛機”實際上是一種黑色玻璃。典型的射流模擬物是:


粗糙的噴射寶石標本圖片來源:精靈 | Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International、3.0 Unported、2.5 Generic、2.0 Generic 和 1.0 Generic 許可證








  • 奧地利

  • 柬埔寨

  • 加拿大

  • 法國

  • 德國

  • 印度

  • 意大利

  • 盧森堡

  • 蒙古

  • 波蘭

  • 葡萄牙

  • 俄羅斯

  • 火雞

  • 美國(科羅拉多州、新墨西哥州、猶他州)




飛機貴嗎?沒有你想像的那麼貴。雖然雕刻的古董噴墨珠寶售價 300 美元到 1,000 美元,但大多數噴墨寶石的價格約為每克拉 0.40 美元(每克 2 美元)。

Gem Rock Auctions ,您可以以每克拉 0.30 美元左右的價格找到大型噴氣式雕刻品。

我們的噴射珠每克拉售價不到 1 美元(一套 14 到 50 美元)。

鑑於其質量,現代惠特比噴氣式首飾可能價格更高,吊墜的價格約為 100 至 150 美元。



噴氣寶石易碎嗎? Jet 相當脆弱,具有脆韌(容易折斷或壓碎)和相當低的硬度。我們建議為噴墨首飾設置保護裝置,尤其是噴墨戒指或手鐲等更易損壞的類型。



  • 香水或化妝品

  • 刺激性化學品

  • 機械清潔系統(例如蒸汽、超聲波)

戴上 Jet Jewelry 感覺就像一名 Jet Setter!



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