Siderite Gemstone: Properties, Meanings, Value & More
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siderite gemstoneSiderite (pronounced SYE-der-ite) is a tan gemstone popular with collectors for its interesting crystal shape and rare faceted options. 

Though faceted options are popular display pieces, the low hardness and perfect siderite cleavage makes cutting it tricky, so jewelry is less common. Their sweet honey color brings warmth to any room!

But what is siderite crystal and what makes it valuable? Come along as we cover everything you need to know about siderite gemstone healing traits, history, properties, prices, and more!

siderite gemstone

About Siderite Stone

Siderite is a semi-precious gemstone and iron carbonate mineral. Astrologically, siderite is a zodiac stone for Aquarius.

What is the other name for siderite? This stone may also go by “chalybite,” especially siderite from Cornwall, England. Plus, “siderite” is a type of iron meteorite unrelated to this mineral. 

The industrial siderite uses are more widespread than its gemstone uses. So, what is siderite used for? 

The primary use for siderite is as a source of iron, though it’s only around 50 percent iron. Luckily, it doesn’t contain phosphorus or sulfur, which makes sourcing iron easier. 

Additionally, siderite minerals may also be used for creating brown paint pigment and for creating steel (an iron and carbon alloy). Scientists have manufactured synthetic siderite for removing arsenic and fluoride from water, studying agriculture management, and creating lithium ion batteries. 

Siderite Specifications & Characteristics

Siderite is an iron carbonate in the calcite group of similar carbonate minerals. The siderite formula is FeCO3. It forms a series with rhodochrosite, with siderite on the iron-dominant end and rhodochrosite on the manganese-dominant end. 

Zinc-dominant smithsonite and magnesium-dominant magnesite are also in individual series with siderite. That said, siderite often has impurities of manganese, iron, and magnesium.

The unique crystal shape that collectors seek out in siderite is its rhombohedral form with curved faces. The mineral can also occur as granular, oolitic, or globular masses. Well-formed siderite crystals are rare. 

One aspect that’s helpful in identifying siderite is its magnetism. For one, it’s paramagnetic, so it becomes magnetic when heated. Secondly, siderite is antiferromagnetic, meaning atoms next to each other point opposite ways at low temperatures.

Additionally, siderite has a strong birefringence of 0.24 but lacks pleochroism.

The remaining siderite mineral properties are:

  • Mohs hardness: 3.5-4.5

  • Color: Shades of brown, reddish-brown, yellow, black, greenish-brown

  • Crystal structure: Hexagonal (Trigonal)

  • Luster: Vitreous, silky, pearly, or dull

  • Transparency: Transparent to opaque

  • Refractive index: 1.63-1.87

  • Density: 3.83-3.96

  • Cleavage: Perfect, rhombohedral, 1-direction on [1011]

  • Fracture: Conchoidal to uneven

  • Streak: White

  • Luminescence: None

Types of Siderite

Some types of siderite are only unique in their crystal habit while others are unique in their impurities. Below, we’ll break down each siderite variety.

  • Pelosiderite (Clay Ironstone): Any sedimentary or concretion siderite type, usually with clay minerals mixed in.

  • Oligonite (Oligon Spar): Manganese-rich variety, though still iron-dominant

  • Magniosiderite (Sideroplesite): Magnesium-rich variety, though still iron-dominant

  • Sphaerosiderite: Variety with radiating crystals forming spherical masses inside

  • Wood Iron: Fibrous variety

It’s important to note that “wood iron” is also the name of a fibrous goethite variety.

siderite crystal with chalcopyrite

Siderite Meaning & History

The siderite crystal symbolizes positivity, ingenuity, and passion. It’s largely associated with relaxation, and spiritual practitioners often recommend meditating with siderite to aid in falling asleep more easily.

The name “siderite” derives from the Greek sideros, meaning “iron,” after the stone’s composition. Austrian mineralogist Wilhelm Karl von Haidinger named siderite in 1845.

Similarly, the other name for siderite “chalybite” comes from the Greek term khálups, meaning “steel,” after its composition of carbon and iron. 

Though Haidinger was the first to describe siderite in 1845, the mineral has been used and known throughout the world since ancient times. 

In that vein, siderite is one of the minerals collected by researchers at the Switzerland research university ETH Zurich to determine what Earth’s climate was like during the Paleocene and Eocene eras.

Siderite’s use as an iron ore started around the 1800s, particularly following the techniques and machines created by Sir Thomas Buckler Lethbridge and steelmaker Charles Sanderson in 1838.

Switching gears, what is siderite crystal as a healing stone?

Siderite Healing Properties

The coloring and energies of gemstones influence their power as healing stones. Most siderites are brown, so they carry the grounding and stabilizing properties inherent to brown gemstones

What about siderite’s uses for emotional, physical, and chakra healing?

Physical Healing

Purported physical benefits of siderite include helping with:

  • Anemia

  • Absorbing nutrients

  • Weak, broken, or atrophied bones

Emotional Healing

Emotionally, siderite is purported to bring positivity, facilitate creative problem-solving, and encourage enthusiasm. Crystal healers highly recommend this crystal in the workspace or during job searches. 

Chakra Healing

Chakra healing is an ancient practice of bringing energy points (chakras) back into balance when they’re blocked, as the blockage causes negative symptoms. Siderite is a chakra stone for balancing the root chakra and solar plexus chakra. 

The root chakra governs fundamental needs of stability and connection. When it’s blocked, you may feel insecure and detached. 

The solar plexus chakra governs your self-esteem and confidence, so blockages result in feelings of self-doubt. 

Siderite opens both chakras, bringing in feelings of boosted confidence, connection with others, and security. 

siderite crystals inside quartz

Siderite Gemstone Properties

Siderite’s value as a gemstone is determined by where each individual stone falls on the categories of color, cut, clarity, and carat weight.


Siderite’s color goes from yellow to black, though it’s usually in between in pale shades of brown. The brownish hues likely come from its iron content. Black hues are caused by manganese impurities, and these varieties are called manganosiderite.


Besides its low ranking on the Mohs mineral hardness scale, siderite’s perfect cleavage also makes it difficult to facet. Plus, gem-quality crystals are rare, making faceted pieces even harder to come by.

That said, any faceted siderite gems can show attractive colors and some sparkle. Material that forms as masses may become cabochons


Clarity represents the amount of visible inclusions in a gemstone. Some common inclusions in siderite are jamesonite and fluid inclusions. More often, siderite is an inclusion in other stones like quartz

Visible inclusions only lower the value of transparent siderite. Inclusions and facet edges may appear doubled in faceted stones because of siderite’s strong birefringence. 

Carat Weight

Though rough siderite may be large, faceted specimens are almost always 1-5 carats. Any faceted stone above 1-2 carats is significantly more valuable. 

siderite rough gemstone with calcite and galena

Siderite Formation & Sources

Siderite forms in oxygen-deficient environments when ferrous iron reacts with carbonate ions. The mineral is a sedimentary precipitate, meaning it forms when the minerals in water precipitate. 

This mineral can also form inside metamorphic rocks. Most often, you’ll find siderite in sedimentary deposits, hydrothermal veins, and banded iron beds. 

Mining Locations

Where is siderite found? Some of the best siderite comes from Portugal and Brazil.

Additional sources for gem-quality siderite are:

  • Austria

  • Bolivia

  • Canada

  • Greenland

  • England

  • France

  • Germany

  • Italy

  • Namibia

  • South Africa

  • Switzerland

  • USA (Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, North Carolina)

Now, how much does siderite cost?

siderite rough crystal with pyrite

Siderite Price & Value

The most expensive siderites are faceted gems, as these are rare. Average prices for faceted siderite are $40-$55 per carat. A less expensive faceted option is quartz containing siderite, which fetches $15-$20 per carat. 

Rough siderite specimens at wholesale are always under $1 per carat, usually around $0.10-$0.20 per carat. 

Lastly, let’s discuss proper gemstone care.

Siderite Care and Maintenance

Siderite jewelry isn’t common because it’s so fragile, but if you do find jewelry options, you must handle them with delicacy to ensure they don’t become scratched or broken. Safer jewelry options are pendants, brooches, and earrings. 

You can clean siderite with the standard soft toothbrush dipped into a mixture of warm water and mild soap. Rinse the stone well, then dry it with a dust-free microfiber cloth. Avoid using steam or ultrasonic cleaners. 

Store your siderite stone away from other gems to avoid scratches.

Siderite: A Signature Stone for Any Collection!

Though its value is mostly in its industrial uses, siderite gemstones are a rare and beautiful addition to any mineral or gem collection. Their earthy hues are perfect for creating a deeper connection to nature and filling your space with grounding energies! 

Buy siderite gemstones today!

菱鐵礦寶石菱鐵礦(發音為 SYE-der-ite)是一種棕褐色寶石,因其有趣的晶體形狀和罕見的刻面選擇而深受收藏家歡迎。








菱鐵礦的主要用途是作為鐵的來源,儘管它只有大約 50% 的鐵。幸運的是,它不含磷或硫,這使得採購鐵更容易。



菱鐵礦是類似碳酸鹽礦物方解石族中的一種碳酸鐵。菱鐵礦分子式為 FeCO3。與菱錳礦構成系列,菱鐵礦在鐵為主端,菱鐵礦在錳為主端。




此外,菱鐵礦具有 0.24 的強雙折射,但缺乏多色性。


  • 莫氏硬度:3.5-4.5

  • 顏色:棕色、紅棕色、黃色、黑色、綠棕色

  • 晶體結構:六方晶系(三角晶系)

  • 光澤: 玻璃光澤、絲滑光澤、珍珠光澤或無光澤

  • 透明度: 透明到不透明

  • 折射率:1.63-1.87

  • 密度:3.83-3.96

  • 解理:完美,菱形,[1011] 上的 1 方向

  • 斷口: 貝殼狀到不均勻

  • 條紋:白色

  • 發光: 無



  • Pelosiderite(粘土鐵礦石) :任何沉積或結核菱鐵礦類型,通常混有粘土礦物。

  • 寡晶石 (Oligon Spar) :富含錳的品種,但仍以鐵為主

  • Magniosiderite(Sideroplesite) :富含鎂的品種,但仍以鐵為主

  • 球菱鐵礦:內部形成球形塊狀輻射晶體的品種

  • 木鐵:纖維品種





“菱鐵礦”這個名稱源自希臘語sideros ,意思是“鐵”,源自石頭的成分。奧地利礦物學家 Wilhelm Karl von Haidinger 於 1845 年命名菱鐵礦。

同樣,菱鐵礦的另一個名稱“鐵輝石”來自希臘語khálups ,意思是“鋼”,由碳和鐵組成。

雖然海丁格爾是 1845 年第一個描述菱鐵礦的人,但這種礦物自古以來就已在世界範圍內使用並廣為人知。


菱鐵礦作為鐵礦石的使用始於 1800 年代左右,尤其是在 1838 年 Thomas Buckler Lethbridge 爵士和鋼鐵製造商 Charles Sanderson 發明的技術和機器之後。







  • 貧血

  • 吸收營養

  • 骨骼脆弱、斷裂或萎縮



















雖然菱鐵礦原石可能很大,但刻面標本幾乎總是 1-5 克拉。任何超過 1-2 克拉的刻面寶石都更有價值。








  • 奧地利

  • 玻利維亞

  • 加拿大

  • 格陵蘭

  • 英國

  • 法國

  • 德國

  • 意大利

  • 納米比亞

  • 南非

  • 瑞士

  • 美國(亞利桑那、科羅拉多、康涅狄格、愛達荷、北卡羅來納)




最昂貴的菱鐵礦是刻面寶石,因為它們很罕見。刻面菱鐵礦的平均價格為每克拉 40-55 美元。一種較便宜的刻面選項是含菱鐵礦的石英,每克拉售價 15 至 20 美元。

菱鐵礦原石樣本的批發價格始終低於每克拉 1 美元,通常約為每克拉 0.10-0.20 美元。









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