Creedite Gemstone: Properties, Meanings, Value & More
Creedite の宝石: 特性、意味、価値など
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creedite gemstoneCreedite is a fluoride mineral found in white/colorless, orange, rose, or purple coloring. The stone is better known as a collector’s mineral than a jewelry gemstone.

Is creedite rare? Yes, creedite is a rare mineral and even rarer gemstone, since cuttable material is scarce. In fact, it’s estimated that fewer than 12 creedite gems have been faceted.

Despite its rarity, creedite makes a beautiful display piece and powerful healing stone for various maladies.

What is the meaning of the gemstone creedite? That’s what we’ll be answering today!

In this guide, we’ll go over all of creedite’s properties as a mineral and gemstone, along with creedite uses, prices, history, and more.

creedite gemstoneImage credit: Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0

About Creedite Stone

Creedite is a semi-precious gemstone, though it’s rarely cut as a gemstone. The mineral also goes by the moniker belyankite (not to be confused with belyankinite).

What is creedite used for celebrating?

Though not a traditional birthstone, orange creedite is believed to benefit those born between August 22 and September 22 (Virgo) and purple creedite is said to benefit those born from December 21 to January 19 (Capricorn).

Creedite Specifications & Characteristics

Creedite has a fairly complex formula that can be written as Ca­3AI2(SO4)(F,OH)10 · 2H2O or Ca3SO4Al2F8(OH)2 · 2H2O. The official formula given by the International Mineralogical Association (IMA) is Ca3Al2(SO4)(OH)2F8 · 2H2O.

The creedite mineral can be classified as a complex aluminum salt, hydroxylhalide, and calcium aluminum sulfate fluoro-hydroxide mineral. Talk about a mouthful!

In terms of crystal habits, creedite usually occurs as radial aggregates of needle-like crystal sprays. Other creedite aggregates are granular.

The stone can also occur in druzy or as anhedral to subhedral crystals in a matrix — anhedral meaning no discernible crystal faces and subhedral meaning only partial or incomplete crystal faces. Less often, it forms blade-like, short prismatic crystals.

Here are creedite’s properties listed:

Mohs hardness: 3.5-4

Color: Colorless, white, rose, lilac, purple, violet, orange

Crystal structure: Monoclinic

Luster: Vitreous (glassy)

Transparency: Transparent to opaque

Refractive index: 1.461-1.485

Density: 2.71-2.73

Cleavage: Perfect on {100}

Fracture: Conchoidal

Streak: White

Luminescence: Fluorescence present; Medium white to cream in SW-UV, bright white to cream in LW-UV

Pleochroism: None

Birefringence: 0.024

Dispersion: Moderate to strong

Moving on from mineralogy, what is the spiritual meaning of creedite?

purple creedite gemstone crystal specimenImage credit: Didier Desouens | CC-BY-SA-3.0

Creedite Meaning & History

Creedite is said to be a very spiritual stone, symbolizing light and universal wisdom. Purple and orange creedite crystals possess fire energy, which emulates warmth, charisma, and passion.

Spiritual practitioners often use creedite for facilitating meditation or out-of-body experiences, along with channeling spirits to interpret the meaning of messages like those in tarot readings.

The crystal is associated with two goddesses: Gaia and Sophia.

Gaia or (Gaea) is the Greek goddess of Earth, considered the first deity in Greek mythology and the mother of all life. Her role of bringing calm to a chaotic world is symbolic of Mother Nature’s power.

Sophia is a goddess of wisdom and a personification of contradiction. She appears in various philosophies and religions like Platonism and Christianity, as well as Dianic Wicca. She is more of a personification of ideas than a goddess. Sophia may represent divine wisdom, contradiction, finding yourself, or feminist spirituality.


Creedite was first discovered in Colorado, USA, in 1916. The specific location was the Colorado Fluorspar Co. Mine in Creede Quadrangle, hence the mineral’s name.

American geologists Esper Signius (E.S.) Larsen, Jr. and Roger C. Wells published the discovery in the 1916 edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Larsen pioneered age estimation and optical microscopy techniques. The mineral esperite is named after him.

Other sources in the US appeared later in Nevada, Arizona, and California.

The first non-American source of creedite was Bolivia in 1983. Italy became the first European source in 1988.

Also in the 1980s, creedite popped up in Chihuahua, Mexico, and some of the best, cuttable crystals have come from this source.

yellow creedite healing crystal starburstImage credit: Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0

Creedite Healing Properties

Creedite can be a powerful healing stone. Purple creedite, like other purple gemstones, can offer spiritual wisdom and relief from insomnia. Orange creedite joins other orange gems in bringing creativity and charisma. Colorless creedites can bring the cleansing and purifying properties of colorless gems.

What is creedite good for physically?

Physical Healing

Physically, creedite crystals are said to treat problems relating to:

  • Immune system function

  • Vitamin absorption

  • Bone fractures

  • Torn muscles

  • Irregular heartbeat

  • Nerve damage

Emotional Healing

Emotionally, creedite benefits are said to include:

  • Facilitating understanding and accepting of life lessons

  • Balancing emotions

  • Soothing feelings of depression or lack of purpose

  • Promoting sense of responsibility and self-discipline

  • Encouraging you to leave toxic relationships/friendships

Chakra Healing

Chakra healing involves opening or balancing energy centers (chakras) in your body to resolve the negative symptoms associated with energy blockage.

Creedite is a chakra stone for opening and balancing all the chakras, but it’s particularly effective on the upper energy centers: the throat, third eye, and crown chakras.

These chakras are focused on spirituality, like gaining spiritual insight (third eye) and reaching spiritual enlightenment (crown). Using creedite to open these chakras can expand your awareness, facilitate communication with higher beings, and encourage spiritual ascension.

white creedite crystal cluster starburstImage credit: Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0

Creedite Gemstone Properties

Besides rarity, other factors for creedite’s value include color, cut, clarity, transparency, and carat weight. The gem isn’t known to receive treatments or be available in synthetic forms.


Creedite can be colorless, white, rose, lilac, purple, or orange. Purple and bright orange hues are generally more valuable. The very few creedites that have been faceted are purple or orange.


A combination of creedite’s hardness being low on the Mohs scale, its cleavage being perfect, and the mineral rarely forming facetable crystals means creedites are almost never faceted. Only a few faceted gems are known.

Cuttable crystals are also quite rare, so most creedite material is sold uncut as rough specimens.

Clarity & Transparency

Clarity describes the degree of visible inclusions in a gem, which also affects its transparency. Common inclusions in creedite include fluorite and limonite. Creedite can be transparent to opaque.

Material with greater transparency and fewer visible inclusions is more valuable, like the transparent, facetable material from Chihuahua, Mexico.

Carat Weight & Size

The few faceted creedites out there are quite small, under 1-2 carats.

Single, prismatic creedite crystals can grow up to 1 inch long, and those in aggregates can be up to 8 cm. However, creedite is usually found in radial aggregates measuring 2-3 mm.

orange creedite crystal specimen on fluoritePictured above: Clear and rust-colored creedite crystals on fluorite matrix | Image credit: Orbital Joe, Flickr, CC-BY-SA-2.0

Creedite Formation & Sources

Typically, creedite forms when fluorite deposits undergo intense oxidation. As such, it’s usually found in fluorite-rich hydrothermal deposits, often near low-grade metamorphic rocks on a calcite-fluorite-quartz matrix or sulfide-matrix.

It can also occur in skarns, which are lime-bearing metamorphic rocks formed when limestone or dolomite undergoes alteration via metasomatism.

Typical association minerals (besides fluorite and quartz) are kaolinite, spangolite, woodwardite, carbonates, and cyanotrichite. Less often, it’s associated with limonite, kaolinite, hemimorphite, smithsonite, hydrozincite, and aurichalcite.

Mining Locations

Where is creedite found? The top sources for gem-quality material are in Chihuahua and Durango, Mexico. The Hall Molybdenum Mine in Nevada, USA, also produces fine specimens.

Other significant sources of creedite specimens include:

  • Bolivia

  • China (colorless)

  • Kazakhstan (purple)

  • USA (Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico)

Now, how much does creedite cost?

large orange creedite crystal balls cabinet specimenImage credit: Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0

Creedite Price & Value

Before we discuss pricing, it’s important to note that cut creedite gemstones are difficult to find. Most are in mineral collections. It’s easier to find rough, uncut creedite crystal aggregates.

The few faceted creedites are at least around $200 per carat (though the item price may be lower, since they’re generally under 1 carat).

Radial creedite crystal aggregates will cost you anywhere from $15 to $875, depending on the size and quality.

The most expensive specimens are those with bright orange crystals on a valuable gemstone matrix like blue topaz ($4,000), small purple creedite balls on a fluorite matrix ($800 to $2,200), or well-formed orange creedite crystals on fluorite ($2,200).

Creedite Care and Maintenance

In terms of safety, there’s no creedite toxicity to worry about. However, the stone requires gentle gemstone care.

Unfortunately, creedite isn’t durable enough for jewelry. It’s only advisable to use creedite for display purposes.

Creedite has perfect cleavage, low hardness, and solubility in acids. Therefore, you should handle it gently, keep it away from acids, and store it separately from other gems (to avoid scratches).

Clean creedite with distilled water, mild soap, and a soft toothbrush. Dry it with a lint-free, microfiber cloth — dust often contains quartz particles, which could scratch the stone.

violet creedite gemstone rosette crystal clusterImage credit: Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0

Captivated by Creedite’s Charm?

You may not have heard of creedite before now, but this underrated gem is a rare treasure. The gorgeous array of white or orange or purple crystal clusters are perfect for bringing some captivating charm into your home.

Buy creedite gemstones today!

クレディトは、白/無色、オレンジ、バラ、または紫の色で見られるフッ化物鉱物です。この石は宝石としてよりも、 コレクターの鉱物としてよく知られています。

クレディトは珍しいですか?はい、クリードダイトは希少な鉱物であり、切断可能な材料が希少であるため、さらに希少な宝石です。実際、ファセット加工が施されたクレディット宝石は 12 個未満と推定されています。




クレディトの宝石画像クレジット: Rob Lavinsky、 iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0




伝統的な誕生石ではありませんが、オレンジ色のクレディットは8月22日から9月22日(乙女座)に生まれた人に利益をもたらすと考えられており、紫色のクレディトは12月21日から1月19日( 山羊座)に生まれた人に利益をもたらすと言われています。


Creedite は、Ca3AI2(SO4)(F,OH)10・2H2O または Ca3SO4Al2F8(OH)2・2H2O と書くことができるかなり複雑な式を持っています。国際鉱物学会 (IMA) によって与えられた公式式は、Ca3Al2(SO4)(OH)2F8・2H2O です。




creedite のプロパティは次のとおりです。



結晶構造: 単斜晶系

光沢: ガラス質(ガラス質)



密度: 2.71-2.73

谷間: {100} で完璧

骨折: 貝殻状


発光: 蛍光が存在します。 SW-UVでは中程度の白からクリーム色、LW-UVでは明るい白からクリーム色

多色性: なし

複屈折: 0.024

分散性: 中~強


紫色のクリード石の宝石の結晶標本画像クレジット: Didier Desouens | CC-BY-SA-3.0


クレディットは光と普遍的な知恵を象徴する、非常にスピリチュアルな石であると言われています。紫とオレンジのクレディット クリスタルは、暖かさ、カリスマ性、情熱をエミュレートする火のエネルギーを持っています。


このクリスタルは、ガイアとソフィアという 2 人の女神に関連付けられています。




クリードダイトは、1916 年に米国コロラド州で最初に発見されました。特定の場所はクリード クアドラングルのコロラド フロースパー社鉱山であったため、この鉱物の名前が付けられました。



アメリカ以外で最初のクレダイトの供給源は 1983 年にボリビアでした。イタリアは 1988 年にヨーロッパで最初の供給源となりました。

また、1980 年代には、メキシコのチワワでクレディトが出現し、最高の切断可能な結晶の一部がこの源から産出されています。

イエロー クレディト ヒーリング クリスタル スターバースト画像クレジット: Rob Lavinsky、 iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0


Creedite は強力な治癒石です。紫色のクレディットは、他の紫色の宝石と同様に、精神的な知恵と不眠症の緩和をもたらします。オレンジ クレディトは、他のオレンジ色の宝石に加わり、創造性とカリスマ性をもたらします。無色のクレジットは、無色の宝石の浄化と浄化の特性をもたらすことができます。




  • 免疫系の機能

  • ビタミンの吸収

  • 骨折

  • 引き裂かれた筋肉

  • 不整脈

  • 神経損傷



  • 人生の教訓の理解と受け入れを促進する

  • 感情のバランスを取る

  • 憂鬱な気持ちや目的のなさを和らげる

  • 責任感と自己規律の促進

  • 有害な関係や友人関係から離れるように勧める





ホワイトクレディトクリスタルクラスタースターバースト画像クレジット: Rob Lavinsky、 iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0


希少性の他に、クレディトの価値を決めるその他の要素には、色、カット、透明度、透明度、カラット重量が含まれます。この宝石が処理を受けているか、 合成の形で入手できるかは知られていません。









数少ないファセットカットのクレジットは非常に小さく、1 ~ 2 カラット未満です。

単一の角柱状のクリードダイト結晶は長さ 1 インチまで成長することがあり、集合体の結晶は最大 8 cm まで成長することがあります。ただし、クリードダイトは通常、2 ~ 3 mm の放射状の骨材で見つかります。

蛍石上のオレンジ色のクレディット結晶標本上の写真: 蛍石母材上の透明でさび色のクレディット結晶 |画像クレジット: Orbital Joe、 Flickr CC-BY-SA-2.0


通常、クリードダイトは、蛍石鉱床が激しい酸化を受けると形成されます。そのため、通常は蛍石が豊富な熱水鉱床で、多くの場合、方解石- 蛍石 -石英マトリックスまたは硫化物 - マトリックス上の低グレードの変成岩の近くで見つかります。




クレディトはどこで見つかりますか?宝石品質の素材の主な産地はメキシコのチワワとデュランゴです。米国ネバダ州のホール モリブデン鉱山でも、優れた標本が生産されています。


  • ボリビア

  • 中国(無色)

  • カザフスタン(紫)

  • 米国 (アリゾナ、カリフォルニア、コロラド、ニューメキシコ)


大きなオレンジ色のクリード水晶玉のキャビネット標本画像クレジット: Rob Lavinsky、 iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0



いくつかのファセットカットのクレジットは、少なくとも 1 カラットあたり約 200 ドルです (ただし、通常は 1 カラット未満であるため、商品の価格はもっと低くなる可能性があります)。

放射状クレディット結晶集合体の価格は、サイズと品質に応じて 15 ドルから 875 ドルです。




残念ながら、クレディットは宝飾品として使用できるほど耐久性がありません。 creedite は表示目的でのみ使用することをお勧めします。

Creedite は完全な劈開性、低硬度、酸への溶解性を備えています。したがって、優しく扱い、酸から遠ざけ、(傷が付かないように)他の宝石とは別に保管してください。


バイオレットクリードダイト宝石ロゼットクリスタルクラスター画像クレジット: Rob Lavinsky、 iRocks.com – CC-BY-SA-3.0

Creedite の魅力に魅了されましたか?

これまで creedite について聞いたことがないかもしれませんが、この過小評価されている宝石は希少な宝物です。白、オレンジ、紫のクリスタルクラスターの豪華な配列は、あなたの家に魅惑的な魅力をもたらすのに最適です。


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