Cassiterite Gemstone: Properties, Meanings, Value & More
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cassiterite gemstoneCassiterite is a lustrous mineral used to acquire tin for thousands of years. It’s also a gemstone with stunning dispersion (colorful sparkle) that handily beats out that of diamond

Is cassiterite rare or common? As a mineral, cassiterite is common and found all over the world. However, facetable, gem-quality crystals are very rare and typically tiny. 

Both industrially and gemologically, cassiterite has beneficial attributes that make it an underrated delight, especially for collectors. This guide will teach you everything you need to know about cassiterite jewelry, gemstones, uses, and prices!

cassiterite gemstone

About Cassiterite Stone

Cassiterite is a semi-precious gemstone, though its dispersion (fire) is almost double the dispersion of the precious gemstone diamond. It’s a zodiac stone for Sagittarius and ties to 2 and 8 in numerology. 

The most common nickname for cassiterite is tinstone, but some other monikers are:

  • Tin spar

  • Ruby tin

  • Nadelzinners (Frisian for “tin ore” or “crystal tin”)

  • Needle-tin ore

  • Sparable tin

  • Stannum caliciforme (Latin for “cup-shaped tin”)

What is the use of cassiterite beyond gemstones? As you may have guessed from the names above, the main cassiterite uses have to do with tin. 

Throughout history and still today, cassiterite is the number-one source of tin metal. Why? Well, the mineral is made up of 78.6 percent tin! 

Where does all that cassiterite tin go? The most widespread use of tin worldwide is electronics — including cell phones — where tin is ideal for soldering on circuit boards. Its low melting point makes the bonding involved in soldering much easier.

Other uses for tin extracted from cassiterite include containers and polishing powders.

silver cassiterite gemstone rough crystal

Cassiterite Specifications & Characteristics

As a tin oxide mineral, the cassiterite formula is SnO2. Tantalum, iron, and niobium are the most common impurities. You may also see impurities of:

  • Zinc

  • Manganese

  • Tungsten

  • Germanium

  • Scandium

  • Indium

  • Gallium

Cassiterite is in the rutile mineral group. You may recognize rutile from the gorgeous rutilated quartz stone, where it penetrates quartz as golden needle-like inclusions. Rutile is the most common mineral in the group and joins cassiterite as an important source of metal — in rutile’s case, it’s a titanium dioxide mineral and an important titanium ore.

One prized aspect of cassiterite among collectors is its variety of crystal habits. It forms with rare twinning crystals like elbow twins (bent at 60 degrees), penetration twins (intergrown past each other), and contact twins (joined together at the base).

This tin stone is also beloved for its other crystal habits, like pyramidal or bipyramidal, reniform (kidney-shaped) with fibers radiating out, and botryoidal (resembling grape clusters).

When it comes to identification…

black cassiterite crystal

How Can You Tell If A Stone is Cassiterite?

The easiest identifier is cassiterite’s density, or specific gravity. Cassiterite is quite dense at 6.7-7.1, making it heavier than other stones of similar size dimension-wise. 

Some other distinguishing factors are:

  • Refractive Index: If you’re using a refractometer, cassiterite’s refractive index will be “over the limit” of the tool.

  • Color Zoning: Unlike similar gems, cassiterite may have zones of color. 

  • Luster: Faceted cassiterite gems are usually adamantine (diamond-like), which is a rare luster for most gems. 

While diamonds have a similar luster, they’re much harder (at 10 on the Mohs hardness scale) than cassiterite. However, cassiterite’s dispersion at 0.071 is significantly higher than diamond’s at 0.044. 

Sphalerite also has a similar luster and color, but its dispersion is higher (at 0.156) while its hardness (3.5-4) and density (3.9-4.1) are lower.

Another pair of similarly high-dispersion, high-density stones are cinnabar and stibiotantalite, but both stones are softer and denser than cassiterite. 

Here is the mineral data for cassiterite: 

  • Mohs hardness: 6-7

  • Color: Black, brown, red, gray, yellow, green, white, colorless, purple, yellowish-brown, wine red, reddish-brown

  • Crystal structure: Tetragonal

  • Luster: Adamantine, vitreous (glassy), submetallic; Sometimes greasy on fractures

  • Transparency: Transparent to opaque; Usually opaque, thin crystals translucent

  • Refractive index: 2.006-2.101

  • Density: 6.98 - 7.01

  • Cleavage: Imperfect on [100], indistinct on [110]

  • Fracture: Irregular/Uneven or subconchoidal

  • Streak: White to brownish

  • Luminescence: Rarely fluorescent - yellow in SW-UV

  • Birefringence: 0.098

  • Pleochroism: Present; Usually weak (sometimes strong) dichroism in green, yellow, red, and/or brown; Pleochroic “haloes” sometimes present

The crystal habits of cassiterite aren’t only attractive properties, they’ve also led to different varieties.

wood tin cassiterite gemstone varietyImage Credit: James St. John | Flickr

Types of Cassiterite

Like its nicknames and industrial uses, many cassiterite varieties are associated with tin. In fact, only one of its varieties does not have “tin” in its name. Let’s look at each type below.

Wood Tin

Wood tin is a microcrystalline (or cryptocrystalline) variety of cassiterite. If you’re familiar with chalcedony and quartz, wood tin is to chalcedony as cassiterite is to quartz.

This variety has concentric, color-banded rings of fibrous texture that resemble the rings you see in a tree stump. 

Dough Tin

Dough tin is a white variety from Cornwall, England, that resembles uncooked bread dough in texture and color, hence the name. 

Toad’s Eye Tin

Toad’s eye tin is similar in color and somewhat in texture to dough tin, but it’s set apart by its grape-like botryoidal or kidney-like reniform habits. It also has radiating fibrous and color-banding, making it look somewhat similar to a toad’s eye. 

Stream Tin

Stream tin is a round variety worn down by stream water. 


The only variety without “tin” in its name, ainalite is a type of cassiterite that is up to 10 percent iron tantalum pentoxide (FeTa2O6). Its first source was Finland. 

You’ve got the basics done, so it’s time to get into cassiterite’s symbolism and past. 

reddish cassiterite gemstone rough specimen

Cassiterite Meaning & History

The meaning of cassiterite is associated with manifestation, wisdom, and protection. The stone also symbolizes divine light, nicknamed a “Stone of Divinity.” 

Throughout ancient times, the main source of tin was cassiterite. Specifically, mining cassiterite for tin dates back to the Copper Age (3,500 to 2,300 BC). Cassiterite tin was also among the first metal alloys. 

As far as its name, there are two explanations given depending on who you ask. One is that it comes from the Greek kassiteros, meaning “tin” for… obvious reasons. 

The second explanation comes from the pre-Roman Cassiterides, islands without an agreed-upon location (though probably near Spain). 

In the 1400s, miners started extracting cassiterite from deposits in Bohemia (Czechia) and Saxony (Germany). Mining peaked in these areas during the 1600s. 

German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth published the first description of cassiterite in 1797. By the 1700s and 1800s, Cornwall in England became the new hot spot for cassiterite production.

cassiterite healing crystal

Cassiterite Healing Properties

Like other gemstones, cassiterite’s coloring influences its abilities as a healing stone. Most of these crystals are black, joining other black gemstones in offering grounding and balancing. 

Brown cassiterite, like other brown gemstones, opens the root chakra to bring in protection and stability. Yellow or green cassiterite is also a chakra stone for aligning the sacral and heart chakra, allowing your emotions and desires to harmonize.

Let’s take a look at the specific physical and emotional healing benefits of cassiterite.

Physical Healing

Physically, cassiterite is said to treat the heart and lungs, strengthening breathing for people who struggle with disorders like asthma. It’s also believed to stimulate the brain and improve memory. 

Emotional Healing

Emotionally, cassiterite crystals can help you manifest your goals and solve problems along the way. It’s particularly good for analytical or mathematical thinking. 

Additionally, crystal healers use this stone for increasing optimism, grounding, and resilience. For anyone recovering from the pain of rejection or abandonment, cassiterite can help you have a fresh, brighter start. 

pink orange cassiterite gemstone faceted

Cassiterite Gemstone Properties

Experts determine the value of cassiterite by looking at where it falls on color, cut, clarity, and carat weight. They may also examine for any enhancements. 


Cassiterites with strong coloring are most valuable, not only because they’re more attractive, but also because they bring out the gem’s high sparkle and luster. Even the pleochroism is best in intensely colored gems.

The most common colors are brown and black or brownish-black. Surprisingly, cassiterite is allochromatic, meaning its purest form is colorless. The browns and blacks come from iron impurities. 

Rare hues of cassiterite are wine red, reddish-brown, yellow-brown, and purple. Unlike many stones, pale-colored specimens are often more valuable than darker-colored ones.


The proper faceted cut can make cassiterite sparkle and shine brighter than diamonds. Common faceted cuts are emerald, oval, cushion, and round shapes. 

Wood tin cassiterite is usually cut as cabochons, freeform shapes, or carvings. The banding makes these great decor pieces.

Additionally, cassiterite with attractive crystal habits may be sold rough (uncut). 


Most cassiterite rough contains inclusions

Often, you’ll see veils (healed fractures in the crystals that resemble fingerprint inclusions) or two-phase inclusions (cavities in the crystal filled by liquid and vapor). Bolivian cassiterite sometimes has needle-like tourmaline inclusions.

Though rarer, cassiterites without visible inclusions to the naked eye (a.k.a. eye-clean) are most valuable. 

Carat Weight

Eye-clean cassiterite gems are almost always under 1 carat. Cabochons created from massive material can be larger. 

Bolivia has produced light to dark brown cassiterite material yielding 15-carat faceted gems with good clarity and 25-carat gems with so-so clarity. Colorless cassiterite gems weighing more than 2 carats are highly sought-after. 

Treatments & Synthetics

Though typically untreated, some “star cassiterite” specimens studied by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) in 2001 showed artificial treatment. These stones were scratched with lines resembling the parallel fibers that produce asterism. 

Because asterism is a valuable quality, be wary of “star cassiterite” specimens for sale, as the stone doesn’t naturally display this optical phenomenon.

Scientists have manufactured synthetic cassiterite. It’s mostly created for research purposes, but these may soon emerge in the gem market.

Back to the real deal, how does natural cassiterite form? 

black cassiterite gemstone crystal rough specimen

Cassiterite Formation & Sources

Cassiterite usually forms when water carrying dissolved elements settles into rock veins and evaporates, leaving behind the elements to crystallize. 

Most cassiterite forms inside granite, rhyolite, and pegmatite veins. It’s also found in alluvial placer deposits, where water carries minerals to a new area (common for the stream tin variety). 

Mining Locations

Where is cassiterite found in the world? Today, most gem-quality cassiterite comes from Bolivia, followed by Russia and China. Other major sources are Burma, Nigeria, Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia.

Smaller cassiterite sources include:

  • Australia

  • Canada

  • Czechia

  • Japan

  • Mexico

  • Pakistan

  • Portugal

  • Spain

  • Sri Lanka

  • Tasmania

  • UK (England)

  • USA (Alaska, California, Nevada, South Carolina, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington)

  • Vietnam

Thinking of browsing some cassiterite for sale? Then let’s discuss what to expect price-wise. 

cassiterite gemstone rough specimen

Cassiterite Price & Value

Cassiterite minerals used for extracting tin and facetable rough for gemstones come at very different price points. The former is more abundant and often priced by larger amounts. The cassiterite price per kg for ore material (that’s not gem-quality) is around $3-$5 per kg. 

At wholesale, faceted cassiterite is around $80 per carat. Rough black crystals are much more affordable, fetching between $0.10-$0.50 per carat. However, lustrous, rarer raw crystals can sell for $85 to $400.

Opaque tumbled cassiterite is usually around $3-$5.

Cassiterite Care and Maintenance

Luckily, cassiterite is a relatively hard and durable gemstone, making it great for daily wear. Still, we recommend protective settings for more vulnerable options like bracelets or rings to prevent scratches.

Cassiterite’s durability also makes gemstone care pretty straightforward. The safest cleaning method is with warm water, mild soap, and a soft toothbrush.

Captivate in Cassiterite!

While cassiterite’s importance mostly lies in its tin content, its gemstones are equally beneficial in terms of lifting your spirits and keeping you grounded. Snag some cassiterite jewelry and you’re sure to captivate any passerby!

Buy cassiterite gemstones today!






锡石是一种半宝石,尽管它的色散(火彩)几乎是珍贵宝石钻石的色散的两倍。它是射手座的生肖石,在命理学上与 2 和 8 相关。


  • 锡晶石

  • 红宝石锡

  • Nadelzinners(弗里斯兰语,意为“锡矿”或“水晶锡”)

  • 针状锡矿

  • 备用锡

  • Stannum caliciforme(拉丁语“杯形锡”)


纵观历史,直到今天,锡石都是锡金属的头号来源。为什么?好吧,这种矿物由 78.6% 的锡组成!







锡石在收藏家中的一个重要方面是其晶体习性的多样性。它由罕见的双晶形成,如肘形双晶(弯曲 60 度)、穿透双晶(相互生长在一起)和接触双晶(在底部连接在一起)。





最简单的标识符是锡石的密度或比重。锡石的密度为 6.7-7.1,这使得它比尺寸相似的其他石头重。


  • 折射率:如果您使用折射计,锡石的折射率将超过工具的“极限”。

  • 颜色分区:与类似的宝石不同,锡石可能有颜色区域。

  • 光泽:刻面锡石宝石通常呈金刚石(类金刚石),这是大多数宝石都罕见的光泽。

虽然钻石具有相似的光泽,但它们比锡石更硬( 莫氏硬度为 10)。然而,锡石的色散为 0.071,明显高于金刚石的 0.044。




  • 莫氏硬度:6-7

  • 颜色: 黑色、棕色、红色、灰色、黄色、绿色、白色、无色、紫色、黄褐色、酒红色、红褐色

  • 晶体结构: 四方

  • 光泽:金刚、玻璃(玻璃状)、亚金属;有时油腻的骨折

  • 透明度:透明到不透明;通常不透明,薄晶体半透明

  • 折射率:2.006-2.101

  • 密度:6.98 - 7.01

  • 乳沟:[100] 上不完美,[110] 上不明显

  • 骨折:不规则/不均匀或亚贝壳状

  • 条痕:白色至褐色

  • 发光: 很少有荧光 - 在 SW-UV 中呈黄色

  • 双折射:0.098

  • 多色性:存在;通常弱(有时强)的绿色、黄色、红色和/或棕色二色性;有时会出现多色性“光晕”


木锡锡石宝石品种图片来源:James St. John |弗利克









Toad's eye tin 在颜色和质地上与面团罐相似,但它的葡萄状葡萄状或肾样肾状习性使它与众不同。它还具有辐射状纤维和色带,使其看起来有点像蟾蜍的眼睛。




埃纳石是唯一一种名称中没有“锡”的品种,是一种锡石,其五氧化二铁 (FeTa2O6) 含量高达 10%。它的第一个来源是芬兰。





纵观古代,锡的主要来源是锡石。具体而言,为锡开采锡石可以追溯到铜器时代(公元前 3,500 至 2,300 年)。锡石锡也是最早的金属合金之一。

至于它的名字,根据你问的是谁给出了两种解释。一是它来自希腊语kassiteros ,意思是“锡”,原因很明显。

第二种解释来自前罗马时期的 Cassiterides,即没有商定位置的岛屿(尽管可能在西班牙附近)。

在 1400 年代,矿工们开始从波希米亚(捷克)和萨克森(德国)的矿床中提取锡石。 1600 年代,这些地区的采矿业达到顶峰。

德国化学家 Martin Heinrich Klaproth 于 1797 年首次发表了对锡石的描述。 到1700年代和1800年代,英国的康沃尔成为锡石生产的新热点。


























肉眼干净的锡石宝石几乎总是小于 1 克拉。由大块材料制成的凸圆形宝石可以更大。

玻利维亚出产了浅棕色至深棕色锡石材料,可生产 15 克拉、净度良好的刻面宝石和 25 克拉、一般般净度的宝石。重量超过 2 克拉的无色锡石宝石非常抢手。


虽然通常未经处理,但美国宝石学院 (GIA) 在 2001 年研究的一些“星形锡石”标本显示经过人工处理。这些石头上划有类似于产生星光的平行纤维的线条。











  • 澳大利亚

  • 加拿大

  • 捷克语

  • 日本

  • 墨西哥

  • 巴基斯坦

  • 葡萄牙

  • 西班牙

  • 斯里兰卡

  • 塔斯马尼亚

  • 英国(英格兰)

  • 美国(阿拉斯加、加利福尼亚、内华达、南卡罗来纳、南达科他、弗吉尼亚、华盛顿)

  • 越南




用于提取锡的锡石矿物和用于宝石的刻面原石的价格差别很大。前者更丰富,而且通常以更大的数量定价。矿石材料(不是宝石品质)的每公斤锡石价格约为每公斤 3-5 美元。

在批发价中,刻面锡石的价格约为每克拉 80 美元。黑色原石更实惠,每克拉售价在 0.10 美元至 0.50 美元之间。然而,有光泽的、稀有的原晶体可以卖到 85 到 400 美元。

不透明的滚磨锡石通常在 3-5 美元左右。







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