Epidote Gemstone: Properties, Meanings, Value & More
Epidote 宝石:属性、含义、价值等
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epidote gemstoneEpidote is a commonly yellowish-green to green gemstone resembling the color of pistachios. Is epidote rare or common? As a mineral, epidote is common and abundant worldwide. However, the stone’s fragile nature makes faceted epidote gems rare. 

Besides being a gemstone itself, epidote is also a group of gems which includes stone like zoisite. You may also see epidote as inclusions in other stones.

On the lookout for epidote jewelry? Just want to know more about this lush stone? Stay tuned as we cover all of epidote’s properties, healing powers, prices, and more. 

epidote gemstone

About Epidote Stone

Epidote is a semi-precious gemstone found in yellow to green, though it may appear brown or black because of how dark the tone can be.

At first glance, you may wonder: is epidote green tourmaline? No, green tourmaline (and tourmaline in general) is a separate stone. Though similar in color, green tourmaline doesn’t have epidote’s cleavage and epidote doesn’t have tourmaline’s triangular or hexagonal cross-section. 

Another common mix-up is epidote vs. olivine. Olivine (a.k.a. chrysolite or peridot) is a green magnesium iron silicate. The plainest distinction is that epidote is usually found within or around quartz while olivine is never found near quartz.

Luckily, epidote’s resemblance to peridot means it can also be a more affordable substitute for the traditional August birthstone. On its own, epidote is a zodiac stone for Gemini.

Outside of gemstone purposes, epidote doesn’t have any industrial uses. 

Next, what kind of stone is epidote?

brown epidote gemstone crystal parcel

Epidote Specifications & Characteristics

As a calcium aluminum iron sorosilicate, the epidote mineral formula is Ca2(Al,Fe)3(SiO4)3(OH). The stone belongs to the eponymous epidote mineral group and serves as the most common member. Other gems in this group include zoisite, clinozoisite, allanite, and piemontite.

Clinozoisite and epidote are extremely similar and virtually indistinguishable, so you may see sellers labeling these stones as “clinozoisite-epidote.” Some specimens are composed of both minerals.

The main crystal habit of epidote is column-shaped prisms with lengthwise faces. It often forms twinning crystals as well. 

How do you identify epidote? The easiest test is measuring the stone’s birefringence with a refractometer, since epidote has higher birefringence than most stones. 

Here are the remaining mineral data for epidote, including its birefringence values: 

  • Mohs hardness: 6-7

  • Color: Green, yellow-green, yellow, brown, blackish-green

  • Crystal structure: Monoclinic

  • Luster: Vitreous (glassy), pearly, resinous, or greasy

  • Transparency: Transparent to translucent, sometimes near opaque

  • Refractive index: 1.72-1.77

  • Density: 3.35-3.50

  • Cleavage: Perfect, 1-direction; Good, 1-direction

  • Fracture: Irregular/Uneven

  • Streak: Grayish-white

  • Luminescence: None

  • Pleochroism: Present and strong in yellow, green, and brown

  • Birefringence: 0.019-0.045

  • Dispersion: Strong; 0.030

epidote variety unakite gemstone pendantPictured above: Unakite

Types of Epidote

Epidote has one somewhat official variety. There is another stone mostly made up of epidote along with a particular type of epidote displaying optical phenomena. These are:

  • Pistacite: Pistachio-green epidote variety occasionally faceted into small gems

  • Unakite: Polished rock largely composed of epidote and other minerals

  • Cat’s Eye Epidote: Epidote that contains parallel fibers that produce a single ray of reflected light through the optical effect of chatoyancy (the “cat’s eye” effect). 

With the varieties established, let’s dive into epidote’s symbolism and past. 

epidote gemstone ring faceted

Epidote Meaning & History

Epidote symbolizes manifestation, karma, and personal growth. It’s nicknamed the “attraction stone” in spiritual circles for the belief that it helps attract the energies its wearer gives off to the world. In this way, the stone encourages you to give what you want to receive and focus on positivity. 

One character in Greek mythology has virtually the same name as the stone, Epidotes. Epidotes was a spirit or deity of purification. He doesn’t appear throughout many myths, but he is part of a legend wherein he stops the god of thunder, Zeus, from taking out his anger on a Spartan military general named Pausanias. 


Epidotes’ name translates to “bountiful” or “giver.” However, the mineral name “epidote” instead derives from the Greek epidosis meaning “increase” or “addition.” This reflects the fact that the base of prismatic epidote crystals have one longer side and one shorter side. It may also reflect its many crystal faces.

The first official discovery, description, and name for epidote came from acclaimed French mineralogist René Just Haüy in 1801. You may recognize Haüy as being the first to describe other minerals like euclase, diaspore, nepheline, and sphene. In fact, he also named nepheline and diaspore in 1801. 

Clearly, Haüy was great at naming minerals. But what is an epidote crystal good for? 

green epidote healing crystals

Epidote Healing Properties

Like many crystals, epidote can function as a potent healing stone. Its powers are partly influenced by the energies of its coloring. As a predominantly green stone, epidote joins other green gemstones in encouraging optimism, personal growth, and good luck.

Below, we’ll look at more specific epidote uses for physical, emotional, and chakra healing.

Physical Healing

Crystal healers use epidote’s physical healing properties for:

  • Purifying the body

  • Improving memory

  • Increasing endurance

  • Easing tension

  • Strengthening the immune system

  • Boosting blood circulation

  • Speeding up recovery after illnesses or accidents

Emotional Healing

Emotionally, epidote crystals can enhance creativity while attracting abundance, prosperity, and romance. It’s also great for helping you better understand yourself and your desires. Through this process, the stone can bring repressed feelings to the surface and help you communicate these feelings to others without being overwhelmed by them.

Chakra Healing

One benefit of green gemstones is that they are great for heart chakra healing. Chakra healing is an ancient practice of resolving blockages in particular energy centers along your body (chakras) to bring the system back into balance. 

When your heart chakra is blocked, you may shut yourself off from others, experience low self-esteem, and struggle with changing circumstances. After using epidote as a chakra stone, your open heart chakra will bring feelings of self-love, compassion, and acceptance.

Of course, you’ll have to buy the stone before you can start healing with it. Next, we’ll tell you what value factors to look for so you can ensure you get a great deal. 

orange brown epidote gemstone faceted

Epidote Gemstone Properties

Epidote grading involves looking at where the stone falls in terms of color, cut, transparency, luster, clarity, and carat weight. 


Among epidote’s various shades of yellow, green, and brown to almost black, the classic shades of pistachio or yellow-green are most desirable. Lighter hues are also valuable because they typically show the stone’s transparency, pleochroism, and color better. 

Increasing amounts of iron impurities give epidotes a green to increasingly brown color. More aluminum means lighter colors, which is why clinozoisite (which has more aluminum) tends to be paler. 


High-quality transparent, green epidote is often faceted for collectors. Common cuts are octagons, ovals, and cushions, with hearts or trillions being rarer. Lapidarists (gem cutters) must orient their faceted cuts carefully to properly bring out the epidote's pleochroism. 

Collectors also seek out raw epidote (uncut) when the crystals are long and twinned with a strong glassy luster. Opaque epidotes are more often cut as cabochons, beads, or carvings. Chatoyant epidote must be cut as a cabochon to properly display its “cat eye” reflection.

mint green epidote gemstone faceted

Transparency & Luster

While epidote crystals can be transparent to nearly opaque, the transparent gem material is the most valued. Vitreous (glassy) luster is a sign of high-quality epidote, while resinous luster is a sign of lower quality.

The best transparent material is often what gets faceted into gemstones. 


Clarity describes the amount of visible inclusions in a gemstone. Epidotes may have fluid inclusions or mineral inclusions like titanite and magnetite. If these affect its transparency, they may lower the stone’s value. More often, epidote is an inclusion in other stones like quartz or prehnite

Carat Weight

Facetable epidote is already hard to find, and finding gem-quality material that can yield faceted stones over 5 carats is rare. Any faceted epidote gemstones around 5 carats or higher are very valuable. 

Speaking of finding gem material, how does epidote form and where does it come from? 

epidote gemstone rough specimen

Epidote Formation & Sources

Epidotes can form through two types of metamorphism: regional and contact. Regional metamorphism involves mostly heat (through nearby magma) changing the composition of minerals inside a rock. Contact metamorphism involves both heat and pressure yielding a similar result.

Because of this, epidote is often found in metamorphic rocks like marble, hornfels, and skarns, along with metamorphosed schists and limestones. Less often, you’ll find epidote in igneous rocks like basalt or granite pegmatites. 

Geographically, where is epidote found? 

Mining Locations

The most abundant source of epidote is eastern France. High-quality epidote gem material also comes from Russia.

Additional epidote sources include:

  • Australia

  • Austria

  • Austrian & French Alps

  • Brazil

  • Burma

  • Canada

  • Czechia

  • England

  • Finland

  • Germany

  • Italy

  • Japan

  • Kenya

  • Korea

  • Madagascar

  • Mexico

  • Mozambique

  • Norway

  • Scotland

  • Sweden

  • Switzerland

  • Sri Lanka

  • Tasmania

  • USA (Alaska, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Washington)

Now, what epidote gemstone prices should you expect? 

epidote gemstone faceted ring

Epidote Price & Value

The epidote price per carat largely depends on the type of stone or cut we’re talking about. Faceted gems are the priciest, ranging from $30-$300 per carat at wholesale. 

Epidote rough costs around $0.10-$0.50 per carat at wholesale. Well-formed, uncut crystals with good coloring are around $0.90-$2.50 per carat. Cabochons are usually around $0.40 per carat at wholesale.

Epidote beads for earrings and pendants are around $15 to $25 each. 

Lastly, let’s discuss proper gemstone care for epidote. 

Epidote Care and Maintenance

Epidote’s cleavage and fragility mean you have to be careful when handling it. We recommend opting for epidote jewelry with protective settings.

This stone is sensitive to high heat and hydrochloric acid, so keep it away from both. Also, don’t clean it with harsh chemicals like household cleaners. 

Instead, you can safely clean epidote with a soft, dust-free cloth along with mild soap mixed into lukewarm water. Don’t use ultrasonic or steam cleaners. 

Store epidote in a velvet or fabric pouch separately from other gems. Keep the pouch in a place away from any high heat like direct sunlight. 

dark blue green epidote gemstone faceted

Stay Afloat with Epidote!

Besides its gorgeous twinned crystals perfect for any collector display, epidote is also perfect for attracting good vibes and keeping the good times rolling. Wearing or carrying this stone can help you manifest your truest desires and bring them right to you. 

Buy epidote gemstones today!

绿帘石 Epidote 是一种常见的黄绿色到绿色宝石,类似于开心果的颜色。绿帘石是罕见的还是常见的?作为一种矿物,绿帘石在世界范围内普遍存在且储量丰富。然而,这种宝石的脆弱性使得刻面绿帘石宝石非常罕见。


在寻找绿帘石珠宝?只是想更多地了解这块郁郁葱葱的石头?请继续关注我们介绍了 Epidote 的所有特性、治疗能力、价格等。



Epidote 是一种呈黄色到绿色的半宝石,但由于色调可能很深,它可能会呈现棕色或黑色。













  • 莫氏硬度:6-7

  • 颜色: 绿色、黄绿色、黄色、棕色、墨绿色

  • 晶体结构: 单斜

  • 光泽: 玻璃状(玻璃状)、珍珠状、树脂状或油腻状

  • 透明度:透明到半透明,有时接近不透明

  • 折射率:1.72-1.77

  • 密度:3.35-3.50

  • 乳沟:完美,1 向;好,1 方向

  • 骨折:不规则/不均匀

  • 条痕:灰白色

  • 发光: 无

  • 多色性:黄色、绿色和棕色存在且强烈

  • 双折射:0.019-0.045

  • 色散:强; 0.030

绿帘石品种 unakite 宝石吊坠上图:Unakite


Epidote 有一个有点官方的变体。还有另一种石头主要由绿帘石和一种显示光学现象的特殊类型的绿帘石组成。这些都是:

  • Pistacite :开心果绿绿帘石品种,偶尔会刻成小宝石

  • Unakite :主要由绿帘石和其他矿物组成的抛光岩石

  • 猫眼绿帘石:包含平行纤维的绿帘石,通过猫眼的光学效应(“猫眼”效应)产生单束反射光。

随着品种的建立,让我们深入了解 epidote 的象征意义和过去。


Epidote 的意义和历史

Epidote 象征着表现、业力和个人成长。它在精神界被昵称为“吸引力石”,因为人们相信它有助于吸引佩戴者散发给世界的能量。通过这种方式,石头鼓励您付出您想要得到的东西,并专注于积极性。

希腊神话中的一个人物几乎与石头同名,Epidotes。 Epidotes 是一种精神或净化之神。他并没有出现在许多神话中,但他是一个传说的一部分,在这个传说中,他阻止了雷神宙斯对一位名叫保萨尼亚斯的斯巴达军事将军发怒。


Epidotes 的名字翻译为“丰富的”或“给予者”。然而,矿物名称“epidote”却源自希腊语epidosis ,意思是“增加”或“增加”。这反映了这样一个事实,即棱柱状绿帘石晶体的底部有一个较长的边和一个较短的边。它也可能反映出它的许多晶面。

绿帘石的第一个官方发现、描述和名称来自 1801 年著名的法国矿物学家 René Just Haüy。您可能认为 Haüy 是第一个描述其他矿物(如长石、 水铝石霞石榍石)的人。事实上,他在 1801 年还命名了霞石和硬水铝石。

显然,Haüy 非常擅长命名矿物。但是绿帘石水晶有什么用呢?




下面,我们将看看更具体的 epidote 用途,用于身体、情感和脉轮治疗。



  • 净化身体

  • 提高记忆力

  • 增加耐力

  • 缓解紧张

  • 增强免疫系统

  • 促进血液循环

  • 加快疾病或事故后的恢复














当晶体很长且具有强烈的玻璃光泽时,收藏家还会寻找原始绿帘石(未切割)。不透明的绿帘石更常被切割成凸圆形、珠子或雕刻品。 Chatoyant epidote 必须切割成凸圆形,以正确显示其“猫眼”反射。








刻面绿帘石已经很难找到,找到能够生产超过 5 克拉刻面宝石的宝石级材料也很罕见。任何约 5 克拉或更大的刻面绿帘石宝石都非常有价值。










  • 澳大利亚

  • 奥地利

  • 奥地利和法国阿尔卑斯山

  • 巴西

  • 缅甸

  • 加拿大

  • 捷克语

  • 英国

  • 芬兰

  • 德国

  • 意大利

  • 日本

  • 肯尼亚

  • 韩国

  • 马达加斯加

  • 墨西哥

  • 莫桑比克

  • 挪威

  • 苏格兰

  • 瑞典

  • 瑞士

  • 斯里兰卡

  • 塔斯马尼亚

  • 美国(阿拉斯加、康涅狄格、马萨诸塞、密歇根、新罕布什尔、新泽西、纽约、罗德岛、华盛顿)



Epidote 的价格和价值

每克拉的绿帘石价格在很大程度上取决于我们所谈论的宝石类型或切工。刻面宝石是最昂贵的,批发价从每克拉 30-300 美元不等。

绿帘石原石的批发价约为每克拉 0.10-0.50 美元。形状良好、未切割且着色良好的晶体价格约为每克拉 0.90 至 2.50 美元。凸圆形宝石的批发价通常为每克拉 0.40 美元左右。

用于耳环和吊坠的Epidote 珠子每个大约 15 到 25 美元。


Epidote 保养和维护

Epidote 的乳沟和脆弱性意味着您在处理它时必须小心。我们建议选择带有保护设置的绿帘石首饰。





与 Epidote 一起漂浮!

除了适合任何收藏家展示的华丽双胞胎水晶外,epidote 也非常适合吸引良好的氛围并保持美好时光。佩戴或携带这颗宝石可以帮助您表达您最真实的愿望,并将它们带给您。


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