Aragonite Gemstone: Properties, Meanings, Value & More
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aragonite gemstoneAragonite (uh-RAG-oh-nite) is a mineral related to calcite. It’s unique in forming both geologically and biologically. 

Is aragonite a gemstone? It can be, though it’s more often seen in other gems. Many stones containing aragonite are mineraloids.

Is aragonite rare? The mineral isn’t rare, but gem-quality crystals are rare. Faceted aragonite is more of a collector's mineral given its rarity, though all aragonites are beloved for their various crystal shapes, fluorescence, and phosphorescence.

Ready to learn more? This guide will cover what aragonite is worth, plus its properties, healing powers, variations, and more. 

aragonite gemstone

About Aragonite Stone

Aragonite (sometimes spelled arragonite) is a commonly white or yellow semi-precious gemstone. Other names for aragonite include:

  • Arragon spar

  • Carbonate of lime

  • Tchazar crystal

  • Chimborazite

  • Winnieite

  • Iglite / Igloite

  • Ktypéite

  • Oserskite

  • Conchite (Greek for “shell”)

Being within pearls, aragonite can be a June birthstone and 30th wedding anniversary gem. As a constituent of coral, it can also be an Aries zodiac stone, and Mars star stone, particularly within Vedic astrology.  

Outside of gems, aragonite has quite a few industrial applications. 

Aragonite Uses

Many industrial applications for aragonite use aragonite sand, particularly oolitic aragonite, which is more pure and lacks silica or dust. For example, aragonite sand can be used agriculturally in animal feed or for spreading fields. 

In aquariums, aragonite makes a useful substrate for maintaining the water’s pH. It can also be used for preventing disease and improving growth in aquariums. 

Within the energy industry, aragonite can be used in filtration, coal scrubbing, and drilling mud. It also has use as a polymer. 

It’s sometimes used for creating building materials like cement, and oolitic aragonite can help create very transparent glass. Additionally, aragonite is a part of limestone, a rock used extensively within construction. 

aragonite gemstone pendant with calcite

Aragonite Specifications & Characteristics

What kind of stone is aragonite? It’s a calcium carbonate, making the aragonite formula CaCO3. Lead and strontium are common impurities, and zinc shows up rarely. The mineral is the second most common member of the eponymous aragonite group after calcite.  

How are aragonite and calcite different? It can be hard to tell, as they share the same chemical composition and high birefringence. But the differences between aragonite vs. calcite are calcite’s trigonal crystal system, greater abundance, better stability, and larger facetable crystals. Heating aragonite to 400°C (752°F) alters it to calcite. 

Some of aragonite’s various habits include prismatic, needle-like, chisel-like, or coral-like crystals. Twinned crystals and fan-like crystal clusters are a popular favorite. The mineral may also be massive, granular, compact, or fibrous. 

The remaining aragonite properties are:

  • Mohs hardness: 3.5-4

  • Color: Colorless white, gray, yellow, brown, green, blue, red, lavender

  • Crystal structure: Orthorhombic

  • Luster: Vitreous (glassy) to resinous

  • Transparency: Transparent to opaque

  • Refractive index: 1.530-1.685

  • Density: 2.93-2.947 (3.0 if lead is present); 2.947 when pure

  • Cleavage: Distinct/good on [010], Poor/very indistinct on [110] and [011]

  • Fracture: Subconchoidal

  • Streak: White

  • Luminescence: Fluorescence often present – Light pink, yellow, green, tan, or blue in LW-UV; Yellow, tan, white, or pinkish-red in SW-UV; Phosphorescence often present – green

  • Pleochroism: None

  • Birefringence: 0.155

  • Optical effects: Chatoyancy

Is there more than one type of aragonite? You bet!

Types of Aragonite

Aragonite has a few varieties, mostly defined by their impurities or crystal habits:

  • Flos Ferri (“Iron Flowers”): Geological type with thin, intertwined branches of crystals (a coral-like habit called coralloidal)

  • Piso Carolina: Oolitic or pisolite-like variety

  • Tufa: Variety with trapped organic matter, formed by deposition or precipitation

  • Mossottite / Strontian Aragonite: Strontium-rich variety

  • Nicholsonite / Zincian Aragonite: Zinc-rich variety

  • Tarnowitzite / Plumboan Aragonite: Lead-rich variety, often from cerussite

  • Stillatitius Lapis: Latin name (meaning “drop of stone”) for color-banded variety

  • Onyx Marble / Mexican Onyx: Trade name for layered, color-banded, marble-like tufa (doesn’t contain onyx)

 The stone can also display chatoyancy, called “cat’s eye aragonite.” 

Though not a variety per se, aragonite with copper inclusions or aragonite-copper pseudomorphs are quite popular, displaying emerald-green coloring.

canadian ammolite gemstonePictured above: Canadian ammolite

Gems Composed of Aragonite

Many gems composed of aragonite come from the ocean, namely pearls and coral. Both organic gemstones can be made up of aragonite or calcite, but aragonite is more common. 

Mollusks form pearls with alternating, overlapping layers of aragonite platelets and conchiolin, a binding organic material. This combo creates the signature pearlescent surface called “nacre.” Pearls may be aragonite, calcite, or both. 

Coral is a marine animal that forms hard calcium carbonate exoskeletons. Stony coral exoskeletons are a mesh of interwoven, needle-like aragonite crystals, but soft coral only forms calcite exoskeletons because of an extracellular protein called ECMP-67. 

Canadian ammolite is another mineraloid composed of aragonite. This iridescent fossilized ancient mollusk shell is mostly aragonite, along with other minerals like calcite, silica, and pyrite

A non-organic gem containing aragonite is septarian, a tri-colored rock commonly colored brown (from aragonite), yellow (from calcite), and gray (from limestone). 

What about aragonite’s spiritual meaning?

blue aragonite gemstone pendant

Aragonite Meaning & History

Aragonite symbolizes honesty, empathy, and stability. 

Each aragonite color can carry its own symbolism:

  • Red Aragonite Meaning: Motivating & positive

  • White Aragonite Meaning: Cleansing & peaceful

  • Green Aragonite Meaning: Stabilizing & calming

  • Brown Aragonite Meaning: Nurturing & grounding

In various folklore, aragonite is believed to treat flu symptoms, increase confidence, and enhance the power of magic or prayer. 

Many Native American tribes use aragonite-containing abalone shells for sage smudging for purification during ceremonial rituals. 

German geologist Abraham Gottlob Werner chose the name “aragonite” in 1797 to honor the first identified aragonites’ source of Molina de Aragón in Spain, though many mineralogists mistakenly thought it was the Aragón province, not village. 

Local monks reportedly used carved aragonite beads in their rosaries to promote mental clarity. 

Nowadays, what is aragonite good for? 

aragonite healing crystal

Aragonite Healing Properties

Like all gems, aragonite can be a healing stone. White aragonite, like other white gems, offers purification and cleansing. 

What chakra does aragonite help open? Most aragonites open the foundational root chakra, though blue aragonite is a third eye chakra stone, which governs intuition and spiritual awareness. 

What is aragonite good for physically and emotionally?

Physical Healing

Crystal healers recommend aragonite for treating:

  • Vitamin deficiencies

  • Immune system function

  • Broken bones

  • Infections

  • Restless leg syndrome

Emotional Healing

Emotionally, aragonite benefits looking for clarity, understanding, and positivity. It’s said to help you trust yourself and persevere through trying times. The crystal can also promote organization, self-discipline, and emotional stability.

Of course, paying too much for a gem can pose a risk to your emotional stability. Next, we’ll help you know what factors to look for when shopping for aragonite.

white aragonite gemstone crystal

Aragonite Gemstone Properties

What is aragonite worth? Each aragonite’s value depends on where it falls in terms of color, cut, clarity, carat weight, and treatments.


Aragonite is most often colorless or white, but impurities can create colorful hues. Colored and color-banded specimens are often more valuable (when untreated).


With facetable crystals being scarce and aragonite’s hardness being low, faceted aragonite is a rare and valuable find usually reserved for collectors. More often, aragonite is sold as cabochons, carvings, or raw specimens. 

Clarity & Transparency

Clarity describes the amount of visible inclusions in a gem, which usually lower a stone’s value. Most aragonites have veils, or small, layered, bubble-like inclusions. Many also have sand inclusions, creating a brown coloring.

Transparency-wise, transparent aragonite is less common and more valuable, moreso without visible inclusions. 

Carat Weight & Size

Most faceted aragonites are colorless and under 15 carats. The largest is a 110-carat gem from Czechia. Massive material can yield larger cabochons.


Some aragonite may be dyed to display attractive colors like pink or blue, which can lower value if the treatment is disclosed. Remember: reputable sellers should always disclose any treatments the gem has undergone. 

Back to nature, how does aragonite form?

aragonite gemstone raw crystal cluster specimen

Aragonite Formation & Sources

Unlike most minerals, aragonite can form through geological and biological processes. 

Geologically, aragonite usually forms inside rocks undergoing high-pressure metamorphism or via hot water depositing dissolved calcium carbonate that cools. Common places to find it are hot springs, limestone caves, and ore deposits. 

Biologically, mollusks and coral form aragonite by extracting bicarbonate and calcium from their surroundings. Aragonite is essential to many sea creatures and helps balance the ocean’s pH. Unfortunately, climate change-induced ocean acidification can harm these shells or exoskeletons. 

Aragonite often transforms into calcite, helping preserve shell and coral fossils for millennia.

Mining Locations

Where is aragonite most commonly found? The top sources for gem-quality aragonite are Czechia, Germany, and Austria. 

Additional aragonite gem sources are:

  • Chile

  • England

  • Greece

  • Italy

  • Japan

  • Morocco

  • Mexico

  • Namibia

  • Pakistan

  • Peru

  • Slovakia

  • Spain

  • USA

Bohemia, Spain, and England are noted for their transparent aragonite crystals. 

aragonite gemstone crystal clusters

Aragonite Price & Value

How much does aragonite sell for? Most aragonite is pretty affordable. Faceted gems are the priciest at $26 to $260 per carat. 

Cabochons go for around $40 to $50 each. Aragonite rough prices at wholesale are typically $0.03-$0.30 per carat. 

Lastly, we’ll cover gemstone care

Aragonite Care and Maintenance

Aragonite is soft and brittle, so it’s unsuitable for everyday wear. Any jewelry should have protective settings

Is aragonite water-safe? Yes, you can safely clean it with lukewarm water and mild soap. Use a dust-free cloth to dry it after, then store it away from acid and other gems. 

Amazed by Aragonite?

From keeping ocean acidity balanced to balancing our emotions, aragonite is an underrated rock star. Calcite may be more widespread, but aragonite is more unique and having a crystal allows you to hold an essential part of nature. 

Buy aragonite gemstones today!

文石寶石文石( uh-RAG-oh-nite )是一種與方解石有關的礦物。它在地質和生物學上都是獨一無二的。







  • 阿拉貢晶石

  • 石灰碳酸鹽

  • 查扎爾水晶

  • 山姆石

  • 溫妮特

  • 伊格萊特/伊格萊特

  • 類型

  • 奧賽輝石

  • Conchite(希臘語為“殼”)

在珍珠中,文石可以成為六月生日石結婚 30 週年紀念寶石。作為珊瑚的組成部分,它也可以是白羊座的生肖石和火星的星石,特別是在吠陀占星術中。




在水族箱中,文石是維持水體 pH 值的有用基質。它還可以用於預防疾病和改善水族箱的生長。





文石是什麼石頭?它是一種碳酸鈣,使文石配方為 CaCO3。鉛和鍶是常見的雜質,鋅很少出現。該礦物是僅次於方解石的同名文石組中第二常見的成員。

文石和方解石有何不同?很難說,因為它們具有相同的化學成分和高雙折射。但文石與方解石的區別在於方解石的三角晶系,豐度更大,穩定性更好,晶面晶體更大。將文石加熱到 400°C (752°F) 會將其變為方解石。



  • 莫氏硬度:3.5-4

  • 顏色:無色白色、灰色、黃色、棕色、綠色、藍色、紅色、淡紫色

  • 晶體結構: 正交

  • 光澤:玻璃狀(玻璃狀)至樹脂狀

  • 透明度:透明到不透明

  • 折射率:1.530-1.685

  • 密度:2.93-2.947(如果存在鉛,則為 3.0); 2.947 純時

  • 乳溝:[010] 上明顯/良好,[110] 和 [011] 上差/非常不明顯

  • 骨折:亞貝殼狀

  • 條紋:白色

  • 發光: 經常出現熒光 – LW-UV 中的淺粉色、黃色、綠色、棕褐色或藍色; SW-UV 中的黃色、棕褐色、白色或粉紅色;經常出現磷光——綠色

  • 多色性:無

  • 雙折射:0.155

  • 光學效果:Chatoyancy




  • Flos Ferri(“鐵花”) :具有纖細交織的晶體分支的地質類型(一種類似珊瑚的習性,稱為珊瑚狀)

  • Piso Carolina : 鮞粒或類似橄欖石的品種

  • 凝灰岩:由沉積或沉澱形成的具有捕獲有機物的品種

  • Mossottite / Strontian Aragonite : 富含鍶的品種

  • Nicholsonite / Zincian Aragonite : 富鋅品種

  • Tarnowitzite / Plumboan Aragonite :富含鉛的品種,通常來自白鉛礦

  • Stillatitius Lapis : 色帶品種的拉丁名稱(意為“石滴”)

  • Onyx Marble / Mexican Onyx :分層、彩色帶狀、類似大理石的凝灰岩的商品名(不含縞瑪瑙







珊瑚是一種海洋動物,會形成堅硬的碳酸鈣外骨骼。石珊瑚外骨骼是由交織的、針狀的文石晶體組成的網狀結構,但軟珊瑚只能形成方解石外骨骼,因為有一種稱為 ECMP-67 的細胞外蛋白質。


含有文石的非有機寶石是septarian ,一種三色岩石,通常顏色為棕色(來自文石)、黃色(來自方解石)和灰色(來自石灰石)。






  • 紅色文石含義:激勵和積極

  • 白文石含義:清潔與和平

  • 綠色文石含義:穩定和鎮靜

  • 棕色文石含義:培育和接地



德國地質學家亞伯拉罕·戈特洛布·維爾納(Abraham Gottlob Werner)在 1797 年選擇了“文石”這個名字,以紀念西班牙第一個確定的文石產地 Molina de Aragón,儘管許多礦物學家錯誤地認為這是阿拉貢省,而不是村莊。










  • 維生素缺乏症

  • 免疫系統功能

  • 骨折

  • 感染

  • 不寧腿綜合徵









由於刻面晶體稀少,文石硬度低, 刻面文石是一種稀有而有價值的發現,通常留給收藏家。更常見的是,文石以凸圓形、雕刻品或原始標本的形式出售。





大多數刻面文石是無色的,重量在 15 克拉以下。最大的是一顆來自捷克的 110 克拉寶石。大塊材料可以產生更大的凸圓形。








在生物學上,軟體動物和珊瑚通過從周圍環境中提取碳酸氫鹽和鈣來形成文石。文石對許多海洋生物至關重要,有助於平衡海洋的 pH 值。不幸的是,氣候變化引起的海洋酸化會損害這些貝殼或外骨骼。





  • 智利

  • 英國

  • 希臘

  • 意大利

  • 日本

  • 摩洛哥

  • 墨西哥

  • 納米比亞

  • 巴基斯坦

  • 秘魯

  • 斯洛伐克

  • 西班牙

  • 美國




文石賣多少錢?大多數文石都相當實惠。刻面寶石最貴,每克拉 26 至 260 美元。

凸圓形寶石每個售價約為 40 至 50 美元。文石原石的批發價格通常為每克拉 0.03 至 0.30 美元。








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