Siberite Gemstone: Properties, Meanings, Value & More
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siberite gemstoneSiberite is a violet, blue, or red tourmaline gemstone variety. Most people are more familiar with varieties like Paraíba tourmaline or watermelon tourmaline, while siberite tourmaline is not as well-known.

Wait, what is tourmaline in the first place? Tourmaline is a broad family of gems often credited with being the world’s most colorful mineral group (though some may argue this honor goes to fluorite). 

Black is the most common tourmaline color, but what is the rarest color of tourmaline? The rarest tourmaline variety is Paraíba tourmaline, but color-changing specimens along with pure yellow, orange, blue, red, or purple tourmalines are also rare. 

Now, what is purple tourmaline? That’s what we’ll be answering today as we go over the purple tourmaline siberite, discussing its properties, powers, prices, and more. 

siberite tourmaline gemstone

What Is Siberite?

Siberite tourmaline is a semi-precious gemstone often called “purple tourmaline,” though its color commonly leans toward reddish-violet or violet-red. 

As a tourmaline variety, siberite is an October birthstone, Venus star stone, and traditional 8th wedding anniversary gem. Although tourmaline is a zodiac stone for Libras, purple gemstones like siberite also reflect the power color of Sagittarius

Natives of Maine, USA, can also honor their heritage with tourmaline, as it’s been the official state mineral since 1977. 

amethyst gemstone pisces birthstonePictured above: Amethyst

Purple Tourmaline vs. Amethyst

At first glance, you may confuse siberite for amethyst. But the stones are entirely distinct. Here are the differences between the two:

  • Species: Siberite is a tourmaline variety, and amethyst is a quartz variety. 

  • Composition: Siberite is a sodium, lithium, aluminum, borosilicate mineral with the formula Na(Li1.5Al1.5)Al6Si6O18(BO3)3(OH). Amethyst is a silicon dioxide (silica) mineral with the formula SiO2. 

  • Hardness: Siberite is slightly higher on the Mohs mineral hardness scale at 7 to 7.5, while amethyst ranks at 7. 

  • Transparency: While siberite can be transparent, it’s usually opaque. Amethyst is translucent to transparent. 

Color-wise, amethyst is always some shade of purple, but siberite can also be blue, pink, or red. Additionally, amethyst’s purple coloring comes from natural irradiation, iron/aluminum impurities, or both; siberite’s purple coloring comes from manganese and iron impurities. 

Siberite Specifications & Characteristics

The tourmaline mineral group is complex, with various sub-groups and more than 30 varieties. That said, there are three important tourmaline species to know: schorl, dravite, and elbaite. 

Some gemologists also consider the liddicoatite tourmaline species important. Liddicoatite was formerly considered a type of elbaite until 1977 — the only difference between them is that liddicoatite has calcium substituting for sodium. It’s a rare species known for being commonly color-zoned.  

Schorl (black tourmaline) is the most common tourmaline species, making up 95 percent of all natural tourmaline. However, elbaite tourmalines are the most common gem-quality varieties. 

Siberite is an elbaite tourmaline variety. Other elbaite tourmalines include:

Some gemologists consider siberite a subtype of rubellite, which is a pinkish-red, red, or purplish-red variety. 

Elbaite tourmalines like siberite usually form as or prismatic crystals with 3, 6, 9, or 12 sides. They can also form as acicular (needle-like) or rounded crystals with a triangular cross-section. Other habits include column-like, botryoidal (resembling a grape cluster), or radiating aggregates, along with compact masses. 

Some rare siberite crystals may have rhombohedral terminations. 

Below is a list of siberite’s mineral properties:

  • Mohs hardness: 7-7.5

  • Color: Blue, violet, purple, reddish-violet, pink, red

  • Crystal structure: Hexagonal (trigonal)

  • Luster: Vitreous (glassy) or resinous

  • Transparency: Transparent to opaque, typically opaque

  • Refractive index: 1.614-1.666

  • Density: 3.02-3.26

  • Cleavage: None

  • Fracture: Uneven/irregular or small conchoidal

  • Streak: White

  • Luminescence: None

  • Pleochroism: Present & strong, usually light purple to darker purple

  • Birefringence: 0.014-0.024 

  • Dispersion: 0.017 (moderate)

With the mineralogy covered, let’s shift into the metaphysical side as we examine siberite tourmaline’s meaning. 

purple siberite tourmaline gemstone ring

Siberite Meaning & History

First looking at the general tourmaline stone meaning first, these gems symbolize understanding, compassion, and open-mindedness. They also represent wisdom and perspective. 

What do the different colors of tourmaline mean? 

  • Colorless: Purity & rebirth

  • Black: Grounding & protection

  • Brown: Strength & resilience

  • Red: Energy & passion

  • Pink: Love & empathy

  • Orange: Creativity & charisma

  • Yellow: Joy & intelligence

  • Green: Luck & hope

  • Blue: Serenity & trust

The purple tourmaline crystal meaning is one of divine wisdom, spirituality, and self-control.

In Feng Shui, the ancient art of balancing energy flow through the thoughtful arrangement of your surroundings, tourmaline is beneficial for balancing yin and yang energies. Practitioners also use tourmaline for creating an energy shield to block out negativity. 


The first record of tourmaline’s discovery was when Spanish conquistador Francisco Spinoza found green tourmalines in Brazil in 1554, initially mistaking them for emerald. However, Dutch merchants likely started trading black tourmalines around the 1400s, using their magnetic properties to get ash out of their pipes. 

The first discovery of siberite is unclear, but the original specimens analyzed came from Siberia, specifically Mount Soktuj. There are illustrations of Siberian siberite specimens by Jean-Gabriel Caquet dated around 1800.

The name “siberite” derives from the French sibérite, meaning “stone from Siberia.” Some define siberite as rubellite from Siberia. 

purple siberite tourmaline healing stone

Siberite Healing Properties

Like all tourmalines and all gemstones overall, siberite can be used as a healing stone. Purple siberite joins other purple gemstones in bringing greater spiritual wisdom and intuition. Redder siberite specimens, like other red gemstones, offer motivation and energy. 

Physical Healing

Crystal healers recommend siberite for treating or helping with: 

  • Insomnia

  • Hand-eye coordination

  • Concentration

  • Immune system function

  • Digestion problems

  • Vitality

  • Migraines

The crystal is also said to balance the left and right brain hemispheres and strengthen bones. 

Emotional Healing

Emotionally, siberite is believed to bring its wearer serenity, grounding, and relaxation. Crystal healers recommend the stone for helping you let go of emotional attachments that aren’t beneficial to your well-being. 

Additionally, siberite is said to help you recover from heartbreak, trauma, or grief. It may also help calm irritability and improve meditation. 

Chakra Healing

Chakra healing involves resolving blockages of energy flow among your chakras (energy centers) to bring the entire system back into harmony. Siberite is a chakra stone for the third eye chakra, located in the center of your forehead. 

The third eye chakra governs spiritual awareness, intuition, and understanding of the world. If you feel stuck in your thoughts or disconnected, your third eye may be blocked. Opening it with siberite will help you access greater spiritual wisdom.

pink purple siberite tourmaline gemstone faceted

Siberite Gemstone Properties

Siberite’s value as a gemstone is determined by its color, cut, and clarity. 


Despite being widely known as “purple tourmaline,” siberite can also be pink, blue, red, or a mixture of red and violet. Pink to red colors come from manganese impurities, blue shades come from iron impurities, and purple shades come from a mixture of both. 

Siberite gems with blue hues may carry higher value. Strong dichroism — showing two different colors depending on the viewing angle — is also valuable. 


Because tourmaline lacks cleavage and has pretty good hardness, virtually any faceted cut is possible for siberite. Strongly dichroic gems like siberite should be cut with the table parallel to the axis to display this effect best. 

Faceted siberites will carry the highest value. Lower-quality siberite specimens will usually be cut as cabochons or sold uncut as rough specimens. 


Clarity describes the amount of visible inclusions in a gem. Purple elbaite tourmalines like siberite have a Type II colored gemstone clarity grade, meaning minor visible inclusions are expected. 

Some potential tourmaline inclusions are:

  • Long, thin, gas-filled fractures that reflect light

  • Hollow tubes

  • Needles

  • Color zoning

Some siberites also have “floater” crystal inclusions inside. Generally, visible inclusions will lower the gemstone’s value.

Inclusions get inside a gem during its formation. Speaking of which, how does siberite form? 

siberite tourmaline rough crystals

Siberite Formation & Sources

Tourmaline crystals like siberite grow underground in igneous rocks called pegmatites. As magma heats groundwater, other minerals dissolve into the water and the solution fills crevices underground. Gradually, this solution cools and crystallizes into tourmaline.

When manganese impurities are present, pink tourmalines can form. Iron impurities can produce green or blue tourmalines. Manganese and iron impurities produce purple tourmaline. 

Unlike most gems, tourmaline can grow into 3-sided prisms. Plus, some tourmalines are hemimorphic, meaning the crystal’s top and bottom are shaped differently.

Mining Locations

Where does purple tourmaline come from? The best sources for siberite are Namibia and Russia, specifically Siberia. Other sources include Nigeria and Brazil. 

siberite tourmaline gemstone beaded necklace

Siberite Price & Value

Siberite prices aren’t as affordable as black tourmaline, but they’re not as pricey as Paraiba tourmaline. 

Faceted siberite gemstones go for around $30 to $460 per carat at wholesale or $75 to roughly $1,170 each.

Siberite cabochons typically fetch $3.50 to $50 per carat. 

Rough siberite specimens are almost always under $1 per carat, or around $20 to $50 each. 

Siberite Care and Maintenance

Luckily, gemstone care for siberite is pretty straightforward. The stone doesn’t have cleavage planes that break easily and it has decent hardness. You may want protective settings for siberite rings, though.  

You can clean siberite with a soft toothbrush, lukewarm water, and mild soap. These crystals can sometimes be heat-sensitive, so keep them away from extreme heat and don’t store them in direct sunlight. 

pinkish purple siberite tourmaline gemstone faceted

Ready to Soar with Siberite?

Siberite may not be the most well-known tourmaline variety, but it’s no less beautiful than any other tourmaline. Its calming and awareness-improving properties make it a perfect companion for anyone seeking these benefits — or for anyone who loves gorgeous purple gems!

Browse siberite and other tourmaline gemstones today!









美國緬因州的原住民也可以用碧璽來紀念他們的傳統,因為它自 1977 年以來一直是官方礦物。




  • 種類:西伯利亞石是碧璽的一個品種,紫水晶是石英的一個品種。

  • 成分:西伯利亞石是一種鈉、鋰、鋁、硼矽酸鹽礦物,分子式為 Na(Li1.5Al1.5)Al6Si6O18(BO3)3(OH)。紫水晶是一種二氧化矽(二氧化矽)礦物,化學式為 SiO2。

  • 硬度:西伯利亞石的莫氏硬度略高,為 7 至 7.5,而紫水晶為 7。

  • 透明度:雖然西伯利亞石可以是透明的,但通常是不透明的。紫水晶呈半透明至透明。


Siberite 規格和特性


一些寶石學家也認為李迪克碧璽品種很重要。直到 1977 年,Liddicoatite 以前一直被認為是一種 elbaite——它們之間的唯一區別是 Liddicoatite 用鈣代替了鈉。這是一種罕見的物種,以通常的顏色分區而聞名。

Schorl( 黑碧璽)是最常見的碧璽品種,佔所有天然碧璽的 95%。然而,鋰貝石碧璽是最常見的寶石品質品種。



Elbaite 電氣石如西伯利亞石通常形成具有 3、6、9 或 12 面的棱柱形或棱柱形晶體。它們還可以形成具有三角形橫截面的針狀(針狀)或圓形晶體。其他習性包括柱狀、葡萄狀(類似於葡萄串)或輻射狀聚集體,以及緻密的團塊。



  • 莫氏硬度:7-7.5

  • 顏色: 藍色、紫色、紫色、紅紫色、粉色、紅色

  • 晶體結構:六方晶系(三角晶系)

  • 光澤:玻璃狀(玻璃狀)或樹脂狀

  • 透明度:透明到不透明,通常不透明

  • 折射率:1.614-1.666

  • 密度:3.02-3.26

  • 乳溝:無

  • 骨折:不均勻/不規則或小貝殼狀

  • 條紋:白色

  • 發光: 無

  • 多色性:存在且強烈,通常為淺紫色至深紫色

  • 雙折射:0.014-0.024

  • 色散:0.017(中等)






  • 無色:純潔和重生

  • 黑色:接地和保護

  • 棕色:力量和韌性

  • 紅色:活力與激情

  • 粉紅色:愛與同理心

  • 橙色:創造力和魅力

  • 黃色:快樂與智慧

  • 綠色:幸運與希望

  • 藍色:寧靜與信任




發現碧璽的第一個記錄是西班牙征服者弗朗西斯科·斯賓諾莎 (Francisco Spinoza) 於 1554 年在巴西發現了綠色碧璽,最初將其誤認為是祖母綠。然而,荷蘭商人可能在 1400 年代左右開始交易黑色碧璽,利用它們的磁性從管道中清除灰燼。

西伯利亞石的首次發現尚不清楚,但分析的原始標本來自西伯利亞,特別是索克圖伊山。 Jean-Gabriel Caquet 繪製的西伯利亞西伯利亞岩標本插圖可追溯到 1800 年左右。

“siberite”這個名字源自法語siberite ,意思是“來自西伯利亞的石頭”。有些人將西伯利亞石定義為來自西伯利亞的紅碧璽。


Siberite 治療特性




  • 失眠

  • 手眼協調

  • 專注

  • 免疫系統功能

  • 消化問題

  • 活力

  • 偏頭痛






脈輪療愈涉及解決脈輪(能量中心)之間的能量流動障礙,使整個系統恢復和諧。 Siberite 是第三隻眼脈輪的脈輪石,位於前額中央。











淨度描述了寶石中可見內含物的數量。像西伯來石這樣的紫色鋰鈉碧璽具有 II 類有色寶石淨度等級,這意味著預計會有輕微的可見內含物


  • 反射光的長而薄的充氣裂縫

  • 空心管

  • 針頭

  • 顏色分區







與大多數寶石不同,碧璽可以長成 3 棱柱體。此外,一些碧璽是異象的,這意味著晶體的頂部和底部形狀不同。






刻面西伯來石寶石的批發價約為每克拉 30 至 460 美元,或者每顆約 75 至 1,170 美元。

凸圓面西伯利亞石通常售價為每克拉 3.50 至 50 美元。

西伯利亞石原石標本的價格幾乎總是低於每克拉 1 美元,或者每個約 20 到 50 美元。

Siberite 保養和維護







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