Black Sapphire Gemstone: Properties, Meanings, Value & More
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black sapphire gemstoneThe gemstone sapphire comes in virtually every hue, including the lesser-known black sapphire. Do black sapphires exist in nature? Yep! These stones form naturally, and black is one of the most common sapphire colors. 

However, many jewelers consider black sapphires lower-quality options than other sapphires. The one exception for most jewelers is black star sapphires, which are prized more highly for their bright, celestial optical effect. 

Of course, normal black sapphires are still beautiful, unique, and budget-friendly gems. In this guide, we’ll break down black sapphire properties, quality, benefits, and more!

black sapphire gemstone

About Black Sapphire Stone

Being in the sapphire family, black sapphires are precious gemstones. Since they’re not blue sapphires, they’re called “fancy” or “fancy color” sapphires.

Even non-jewelry industries have been inspired by black sapphires. 

One example is the L'Oreal Paris hair dye color called “Black Sapphire.” Another instance is a pure black metallic BMW car color also called “Black Sapphire.”

Back to gems, sapphires are traditional September birthstones, Taurus zodiac stones, and traditional 5th, 45th, and 75th wedding anniversary gems. 

Black sapphire can also substitute for black onyx as a mystical December birthstone and Leo zodiac stone. 

Speaking of, is black sapphire the same as onyx? No, but they do have some similarities — along with key differences.

black onyx vs. black sapphire gemstonePictured above: Onyx

Black Sapphire vs. Onyx

Black sapphire looks similar to black onyx, but there are key differences:

  • Species: Black sapphire is corundum and black onyx is chalcedony

  • Hardness: Black sapphire is harder, ranking at 9 on the Mohs scale while black onyx ranks at 7.

  • Origin of Color & Rarity: Naturally black sapphires are pretty abundant, but solid-colored black onyx stones are so rare, the majority available have been dyed

Luckily, both black onyx and black sapphire are great ring stones, though black sapphires are slightly better. 

This may be why some newlyweds opt for black sapphire engagement rings as non-diamond alternatives.  

Black Sapphire Specifications & Characteristics

Black sapphire is a corundum mineral, which encompasses rubies and sapphires. These aluminum oxide minerals are colored by various impurities, like the iron and titanium impurities in black sapphire.

How can you tell if black sapphire is real? There are some properties to help. 

First is magnetism. Among sapphires, black sapphires are the only ones that are strongly magnetic. 

Second is hardness, which can help differentiate black sapphires from imitations. Sapphires are quite hard, only softer than diamonds and moissanites, so they shouldn’t scratch easily. Almost any imitation will be softer, often around a 7 Mohs ranking.

Here are the remaining black sapphire mineral data:

  • Mohs hardness: 9

  • Color: Black, gray; Very dark blue, green, or purple

  • Crystal structure: Hexagonal (trigonal)

  • Luster: Sub-metallic to vitreous (glassy)

  • Transparency: Translucent to opaque

  • Refractive index: 1.76-1.77

  • Density: 3.98-4.10

  • Cleavage: None

  • Fracture: Conchoidal

  • Streak: White

  • Luminescence: None

  • Pleochroism: None

  • Optical effects: Asterism

Below, we’ll expand on that last property listed: asterism.

black star sapphire gemstone

What Is Black Star Sapphire?

Before we get into black star sapphires specifically, let’s go over some fundamentals. 

Star Sapphire Basics

Many sapphires can display an optical phenomenon called asterism. These stones, called “star sapphires” or “asteriated sapphires,” have star-like rays of reflected light. Most have six-rayed stars, though some rare specimens have 12-rayed stars. 

The phenomenon comes from dense, parallel inclusions that reflect light differently than the sapphire base. 

Typical star sapphire colors are black, pink, and blue. Yellow, orange, or green star sapphires are rarest. 

Black Star Sapphires

Most asteriated sapphires get their “star” from inclusions of rutile or diaspore, but black star sapphires get it from ilmenite or hematite inclusions.  

Sometimes, ilmenite and hematite inclusions criss-cross, creating exceptional 12-rayed black star sapphires.

The black sapphire “star” is typically gold. 12-rayed stars may be white and gold.

Next, we’ll explore the symbolism of black sapphires and their starry versions. 

black star sapphire gemstone pendant with cubic zirconia

Black Sapphire Meaning & History

As a black stone, it’s unsurprising that black sapphire is often associated with the mysterious and mystical. Overall, black sapphire symbolizes protection, prestige, and power.

Is black sapphire a lucky stone? That depends on who you ask. 

Medieval Europeans believed all black stones were lucky and protective. Similarly, an Italian myth claims that touching black diamonds would bring newlyweds good luck.

In contrast, other cultures view black gems as unlucky, sometimes associating them with “evil” (dangerous) animal eyes (e.g. snakes or spiders). 

Black Star Sapphire Superstitions

Asteriated stones, historically called “asteria” or “asterion,” have led to various superstitions over time.  

Some Christians believe six-rayed star sapphires are “Stones of Destiny,” that symbolize destiny, hope, and faith. Other religious folks use star sapphires to ward off the “evil eye.”

Some believe gazing into a star sapphire induces a trance-like state. Some say this “trance” brings insight into the future. Others believe the stone must be holding a living spirit. Furthermore, some would seek out star sapphires for use in necromancy.

black star of queensland sapphire gemstonePictured above: Black Star of Queensland | Image credit: Chatsam, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 1.0 Generic license

Black Star of Queensland

The Black Star of Queensland is an impressive six-rayed black star sapphire found in Queensland, Australia, in 1938. This 733-carat gem is currently the world’s largest black star sapphire. Compared to most star sapphires, the Black Star of Queensland has a larger, brighter star. 

After the original roughly 1,133-carat specimen was discovered by a young boy, his family actually used it as a doorstop for years. 

In 1947, Armenian jeweler Harry Kazanjian bought the stone from Harry Spencer (the young boy’s father) for $18,000. Kazanjian planned his cut for 2 months, eventually removing 400 carats to properly display the star. 

The stone went on various tours, including being displayed at the Smithsonian in the 1960s and adorning Cher in 1971. 

Though the Kazanjian family doesn’t own the stone anymore, Harry’s grandson, Doug Kazanjian, wears a black star sapphire ring. He describes it: “It’s almost as if you’re looking into space… It’s like having the universe on your finger.”

Speaking of the metaphysical properties, what is black sapphire good for?

black star sapphire healing stones

Black Sapphire Healing Properties

Like all gems, black sapphire can be a healing stone. Being a black gemstone, it inherently offers protective and balancing benefits. It’s also a great root chakra stone, balancing this energy center to keep you stable and grounded. 

Physical Healing

Physically, black sapphires are said to treat or help with:

  • Low energy

  • Vitality

  • Pain relief

  • Blood circulation

  • Bone injuries

Emotional Healing

Emotionally, black sapphire benefits anyone who feels lost in their thoughts or disconnected from their emotions. The crystal is said to balance your emotions and ground you to the present. 

Additionally, black sapphires may help you stay calm amidst stressful circumstances, dispel negativity, and relieve anxiety. 

As gemstones, are black sapphires valuable? That depends on their quality.

black sapphire gemstones faceted parcel

Black Sapphire Gemstone Properties

Black sapphire’s value depends on its color, cut, carat weight, treatments, origin (natural vs. synthetic). 

Overall, black star sapphires are more valuable than other black sapphires, though their value depends on similar factors. The only separate factors are the star’s quality — larger, brighter, distinct stars are most valuable. 


Black sapphire’s color may actually be very dark blue, green, purple, or gray. Pure black hues are most valuable, in both regular and asteriated stones. 


Many black sapphires are faceted, often into fancy shapes to make them more appealing and display their luster better. 

Black star sapphires must be cut as cabochons to display their star correctly. The best cabochons have the star oriented at the center of the dome. 

Carat Weight

Black sapphires are abundant, so finding a large one for an affordable price should be easy. However, black star sapphires are less common, so larger stones (above 5 carats) can be pricier. 

Treatments & Synthetics

Most sapphires are heat-treated to improve their color and clarity. Black sapphire’s abundance means treatments aren’t as common, though they’re also sometimes heat-treated to improve their color. 

Treatments are more common on black star sapphires. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) has recently studied a black star sapphire filled with glass and dopping varnish, along with a lead glass-filled black star sapphire.

Additionally, black sapphires aren’t frequently synthesized. Synthetic black star sapphires are more common. 

black star sapphire gemstone rough specimen

Black Sapphire Formation & Sources

Corundum stones like black sapphire form inside igneous or metamorphic rocks. 

In igneous rocks, the stone crystallizes as the rock cools from magma. Longer cooling times creates larger crystals. The igneous rock must be aluminum-rich and silica-poor. 

In metamorphic rocks, the crystals often form when ancient sea beds undergo metamorphism from hot, aluminum-rich waters.

Mining Locations

Where are black sapphires found? Australia is known for producing the best, largest, and most black sapphires. 

Other significant sources include:

  • Kenya

  • Madagascar

  • Thailand

Black star sapphires primarily come from:

  • Australia

  • Cambodia

  • Laos

  • Myanmar

  • Sierra Leone

  • Sri Lanka

  • Tanzania

  • Thailand

With origins covered, let’s talk about prices. 

black sapphire gemstone ring with diamonds and onyx

Black Sapphire Price & Value

First, are black sapphires worth anything? Many gemologists see black sapphires as low-quality — a.k.a, not worth much. Part of the reason is their abundance and opacity, making black sapphires arguably the most affordable sapphires. 

The faceted black sapphire price per carat range (at wholesale) starts at $4 per carat and reaches $290 per carat, with most under $40 per carat. 

Black star sapphires range from $13-$30 per carat from 0.5 to 5 carats. 

Asteriated raw black sapphire specimens are usually under $1 per carat, only reaching around $4 per carat at wholesale. 

Black Sapphire Care and Maintenance

Black sapphire is quite durable and lacks cleavage, making gemstone care simple. You may still want protective settings for more vulnerable jewelry like a black sapphire ring.

Be gentler with fractured stones or black star sapphires by avoiding mechanical cleaning systems. Instead, clean your black sapphire (or star sapphire) with a soft toothbrush, lukewarm water, and mild soap. 

black star sapphire gemstone ring with cubic zirconia

Embrace Your Power in Black Sapphire!

The benefit of black sapphire being generally overlooked is that it’s affordable and unique. Plus, black sapphire jewelry goes with any outfit, black tie or casual. 

Whether you want a go-to gem for pairing with outfits or a mysterious stone that symbolizes power and strength, black sapphire could be the perfect choice.

Buy black sapphire gemstones today!

黑色蓝宝石 宝石蓝宝石几乎有各种颜色,包括鲜为人知的黑色蓝宝石。黑色蓝宝石在自然界中存在吗?是的!这些宝石是自然形成的,黑色是最常见的蓝宝石颜色之一。








回到宝石,蓝宝石是传统的九月生日石、金牛座生肖石以及传统的 5 周年、45 周年和 75 周年结婚纪念日宝石。






  • 种类:黑蓝宝石是刚玉,黑玛瑙是玉髓

  • 硬度:黑色蓝宝石更硬, 莫氏硬度为 9,而黑玛瑙为 7。

  • 颜色和稀有度的来源:天然黑色蓝宝石非常丰富,但纯色黑色玛瑙宝石非常罕见,大部分可用的都经过染色







其次是硬度,它有助于将黑色蓝宝石与仿制品区分开来。蓝宝石相当坚硬,仅比钻石莫桑石软,因此不易划伤。几乎所有的仿制品都会更柔软,通常在莫氏硬度 7 左右。


  • 莫氏硬度:9

  • 颜色:黑色、灰色;非常深的蓝色、绿色或紫色

  • 晶体结构:六方晶系(三角晶系)

  • 光泽:亚金属至玻璃状(玻璃状)

  • 透明度: 半透明到不透明

  • 折射率:1.76-1.77

  • 密度:3.98-4.10

  • 乳沟:无

  • 断口: 贝壳状

  • 条纹:白色

  • 发光: 无

  • 多色性:无

  • 光学效果:星光






许多蓝宝石可以显示出一种称为星光的光学现象。这些被称为“星光蓝宝石”或“星光蓝宝石”的宝石具有星光般的反射光线。大多数都有 6 条射线,但一些罕见的标本有 12 条射线。


典型的星光蓝宝石颜色为黑色、 粉红色和蓝色。 黄色橙色绿色星光蓝宝石最为稀有。



有时,钛铁矿赤铁矿内含物纵横交错,形成非凡的 12 射线黑色星光蓝宝石。

黑色蓝宝石“星星”通常是金色的。 12 射线星可能是白色和金色。












昆士兰黑星蓝宝石上图:昆士兰黑星 |图片来源:Chatsam, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 1.0 Generic license


昆士兰黑星是一颗令人印象深刻的六射线黑星光蓝宝石,于 1938 年在澳大利亚昆士兰发现。这颗 733 克拉的宝石是目前世界上最大的黑星光蓝宝石。与大多数星光蓝宝石相比,昆士兰黑星的星光更大、更亮。

在一个小男孩发现最初的大约 1,133 克拉的标本后,他的家人实际上将其用作门挡多年。

1947 年,亚美尼亚珠宝商 Harry Kazanjian 以 18,000 美元的价格从 Harry Spencer(小男孩的父亲)手中买下了这颗宝石。 Kazanjian 计划了 2 个月的切割,最终去除了 400 克拉以正确展示这颗星星。

这块石头进行了各种巡回演出,包括 1960 年代在史密森尼博物馆展出,以及 1971 年装饰雪儿。

虽然 Kazanjian 家族不再拥有这颗宝石,但 Harry 的孙子 Doug Kazanjian 戴着一枚黑色星光蓝宝石戒指。他描述道:“这几乎就像你在观察太空……就像把宇宙放在你的手指上。”







  • 低能量

  • 活力

  • 缓解疼痛

  • 血液循环

  • 骨伤














黑色蓝宝石储量丰富,因此以实惠的价格找到大颗蓝宝石应该很容易。然而,黑色星光蓝宝石并不常见,因此较大的宝石(5 克拉以上)可能价格更高。



黑色星光蓝宝石的处理更为常见。美国宝石学院 (GIA) 最近研究了一颗填充玻璃掺杂清漆的黑色星光蓝宝石,以及一颗填充铅玻璃的黑色星光蓝宝石。










  • 肯尼亚

  • 马达加斯加

  • 泰国


  • 澳大利亚

  • 柬埔寨

  • 老挝

  • 缅甸

  • 塞拉利昂

  • 斯里兰卡

  • 坦桑尼亚

  • 泰国





每克拉刻面黑色蓝宝石的价格范围(批发价)从每克拉 4 美元到每克拉 290 美元,大多数低于每克拉 40 美元。

0.5 至 5 克拉的黑色星光蓝宝石每克拉 13 至 30 美元不等。

星形黑色蓝宝石原石标本通常每克拉不到 1 美元,批发价仅为每克拉 4 美元左右。









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