Nepheline Gemstone: Properties, Meanings, Value & More
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nepheline gemstoneNepheline (neff-uh-leen) is a glassy, feldspar-like mineral becoming increasingly important in various industries. The stone is better-known for making up a significant part of nepheline syenite rocks, inside which many other gemstones are found.

Is nepheline a gemstone? Yes, though cut nepheline gemstones are scarce because the stone rarely forms facetable, gem-quality crystals. 

Along with gems like ammolite and sodalite, the best source for high-quality nepheline is the Great White North: Canada!

Intrigued? Come along as we uncover nepheline’s history, properties, healing powers, and more!

nepheline gemstone

About Nepheline Stone

Nepheline, or nephelite, is an important mineral sometimes used as a semi-precious gemstone. It’s usually white, yellow, or gray. Besides nephelite, more synonyms for nepheline include:

  • Gieseckit

  • Sommite

  • Oelstein

  • Carolinite

  • Cavolinite

  • Beaudantine

  • Fatstone

  • Oilstone

While not a zodiac stone or birthstone, nepheline is an alternative star stone for the moon and Venus.

Nepheline Uses

Industrial nepheline uses are more widespread than gemstone uses. Fortunately, many of these applications help fight climate change! 

So, what is nepheline used for? The most prominent use of nepheline or nepheline-syenite rocks is as a flux material. Nepheline’s alkalis lower the mixture’s melting point so less energy and time is needed, lowering toxic emissions. 

This beneficial property makes nepheline beneficial for creating ceramics like tiles, sinks, toilet bowls, countertops, and more. 

In a similar vein, nepheline is commonly used as a material in construction (e.g. tiles, railroad tracks, cobblestone pavement). Why? The mineral is durable and highly resistant to weathering or corrosion. 

Likewise, nepheline helps make glass stronger and harder by introducing alumina to the mix. Nepheline is becoming a more common substitute for feldspar in ceramics and glass.

One more eco-conscious use for nepheline is in paints. Not only does paint with nepheline retain its hue and brightness against weathering, it doesn’t need more risky (and environmentally unfriendly) volatile organic compounds. 

nepheline gemstone rough slab with perlialite, aegirine, and yuksporiteImage credit: John Sobolewski |  Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license

Nepheline Specifications & Characteristics

Nepheline is a feldspathoid mineral like afghanite, petalite, or sodalite. Feldspathoids are feldspar-like tectosilicates but with less silica and different crystal structure. Though most are rare, nepheline is the most common. 

What is the chemical formula of nepheline? The formula (Na,K)AlSiO4 was the accepted version, but 2018 updates from the International Mineralogical Association stated potassium (K) is essential to the mineral. The updated formula is Na3K(Al4Si4O16).

The ideal ratio of sodium to potassium is 3:1 in nepheline’s structure of interlocked aluminosilicate rings. Nepheline may have 3-12 percent potassium oxide, though 8 percent is best.

Usually, nepheline forms compact, granular masses. Crystals are rarer and range from short and stubby to large, both prismatic.

Lastly, nepheline optical properties are unique for displaying satellite reflections. These are areas where diffraction (light bending around an object’s edge) is weak, and they surround brighter reflective areas. 

The remaining nepheline mineral properties are below:

  • Mohs hardness: 5.5-6

  • Color: Colorless, white, gray, brown, deep red, reddish-brown, yellow, bluish, greenish

  • Crystal structure: Hexagonal

  • Luster: Vitreous (glassy) to greasy; Waxy or resinous (eleolite)

  • Transparency: Transparent to opaque

  • Refractive index: 1.52-1.54

  • Density: 2.55-2.66

  • Cleavage: Indistinct/Poor on [1010]

  • Fracture: Subconchoidal

  • Streak: White

  • Luminescence: Fluorescence in certain locale’s specimens - Light blue (Germany) & orange (Ontario) in LW-UV

  • Optical effects: Satellite reflections; Sometimes chatoyancy

Types of Nepheline

Nepheline has two varieties: elaeolite and glassy nepheline (or eleolite).


Elaeolite is a gray, green, brown, or red nepheline variety often found in masses or large crystals. It has a greasy luster and is typically opaque. 

The luster and coloring are caused by lots of microscopic spaces filled with inclusions, likely hornblende or augite. The inclusions may create chatoyancy (the “cat’s eye” effect). 

Not all mineralogists recognize elaeolite as a distinct variety, but it was largely considered one throughout the 1800s. 

Eleolite or Glassy Nepheline

Eleolite, or “glassy nepheline,” is a type of translucent, massive nepheline. It’s often colorless with a red or green tint. The luster can be vitreous, waxy, or resinous. This variety forms small crystals or grains, and the best specimens are found near Vesuvius, Italy. 

nepheline syenite rockImage credit: Nepheline syenite from the Pennsylvanian of Maine, USA. (public display, Geology Department, Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio, USA) | Flickr

Nepheline Syenite

Nepheline syenite isn’t a mineral but a rock type often discussed alongside nepheline. 

These plutonic igneous rocks are completely crystalline (holocrystalline) and pale, usually pink or gray though some are dark green.

The primary minerals in these rocks are nepheline, sodalite, and alkali feldspar, usually orthoclase. Possible secondary minerals found in nepheline syenite include apatite and magnetite.

Nepheline vs. Quartz

Colorless nepheline can resemble quartz, as both share a low refractive index and weak double-refraction

So, how can you tell quartz from nepheline? 

With a microscope, you can check the optic sign — nepheline’s sign is negative while quartz’s sign is positive. 

Another distinction is hardness. Quartz ranks at 7 on the Mohs mineral hardness scale, while nepheline ranks at 5.5 to 6. That means materials with 6.5 hardness like a steel file/needle or spodumene will scratch nepheline but not quartz.

Nepheline Meaning & History

Nepheline symbolizes revelation, truth, and self-awareness. 

The name “nepheline” derives from the Greek nephele, meaning “cloud.” Though the reason for this is more scientific, this connection could also be interpreted metaphysically. Clouds symbolize mysteries, deities, and dreams, so nepheline can possess these meanings as well.


French mineralogist René Just Haüy chose the name “nepheline” for the new Italian mineral in 1801. The “cloud” meaning reflects nepheline’s habit of becoming cloudy or hazy when submerged in acid.

Also in 1801, Danish naturalist Heinrich C.F. Schumacher studied nepheline specimens from Norway and named them “gabbronite,” though gabbronite is now a name for a scapolite variety. 

In 1809, German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth and mineralogist Dietrich Ludwig Gustav Karsten also analyzed nepheline from Norway. They named the variety “elaeolite” after the Greek word élaion, meaning “oil” after its greasy luster. 

Canadian miners discovered nepheline in the Havelock area in the 1890s. Mining started in 1932, when Ontario’s Blue Mountain mines were established. It gradually became a full-on Canadian industry.

Remember those industrial uses we discussed? Canada was the first to use nepheline syenite industrially for ceramics and glass. For a long time, they were the only producer worldwide. 

Today, roughly two-thirds of their nepheline syenite production goes toward glass for fiberglass, containers, and panels used for windows or doors. 

Now let’s peer behind nepheline’s glossy surface to uncover its metaphysical properties!

nepheline healing crystalImage credit: Kelly Nash |  Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license

Nepheline Healing Properties

All gemstones can be unique healing stones with properties tied to their vibrations and coloring. The most common nepheline color is white, meaning it’s cleansing and amplifying like other white gemstones.

Yellow and gray are also common undertones. Thus, nepheline serves as a chakra stone for both the grounding root chakra and creativity-boosting sacral chakra.

Some other purported healing properties of nepheline include helping to:

  • Reduce stress

  • Promote better sleep and fewer nightmares

  • Soothe anger

  • Increase self-esteem and self-awareness

  • Boost creativity

  • Release you from a period of melancholy

Next, we’ll discuss some factors to look for when browsing nepheline for sale.

Nepheline Gemstone Properties

Though nepheline gemstones aren’t super common, they’re still graded similarly to most gems, based on color, cut, clarity, and carat weight. Below, we’ll give a brief overview of each of these properties:

  • Color: Most are colorless or white with a gray or yellow undertone. Gray hues may be due to magnesium impurities. Deeper or more interesting colors like reddish-brown, green, or blue may be more valuable. 

  • Cut: Transparent nepheline may be faceted, though these gems are rare. Chatoyant elaeolite must be cut en cabochon to display its “cat’s eye.”

  • Clarity: Inclusions in elaeolite are common, sometimes producing chatoyancy. Nepheline may have mirror-like inclusions or semi-healed fractures, but it’s more valuable if it lacks inclusions.

  • Carat Weight: Faceted gems are only 1-2 carats at most. Nepheline cabochons range in size. Canadian crystals can reach 15 inches (38.1 cm) long.

Scientists have created synthetic nepheline, but it’s not used in jewelry. 

One important warning for buyers: There’s been a rise in Ebay sellers marketing aragonite as nepheline. If you see hexagonal crystal clusters from China with orange to brown coloring listed as nepheline, they’re trying to dupe you.

Back to the real deal, how is nepheline formed?

nepheline syenite thin section raw gemstoneImage credit: James St. John, Nepheline syenite (Ice River Complex, Early Mississippian; southeastern British Columbia, Canada) | Flickr

Nepheline Formation & Sources

Nepheline almost always forms inside igneous rocks that were formed from magma low in silica. The most common rocks are nepheline syenites, phonolite, and foidite.

Glassy nephelines can occur as crystals in young lava. Elaeolite is found in older rocks. 

The biggest group of nepheline-bearing rocks sits in the Kola Peninsula of Russia. Speaking of, where is nepheline found?

Mining Locations

Nepheline is found worldwide, but most locales don’t produce large quantities. One exception is Ontario, Canada, where huge amounts of near-pure material is mined.

Afghanistan is another world-class nepheline locale. Maine, USA, is significant for glassy nepheline, while Norway is important for elaeolite.

Other notable sources for nepheline include:

  • China

  • Finland

  • France

  • Germany

  • Greenland

  • Italy

  • Myanmar

  • North & South Korea

  • USA (Arkansas, Maine)

Before we wrap up, how much does nepheline cost?

Nepheline Price & Value

Transparent, faceted nepheline with yellow coloring can reach beyond $800 per carat because they’re so rare. However, combinations of nepheline and other minerals, faceted together, are much less costly. 

Reddish-brown and white nepheline with water inclusions range from $20-$30 per carat. Gems with biotite inclusions are generally $15-$20 per carat.

Cabochons are generally $2-$5 per carat. Polished nepheline stones mixed with aegirine and eudialyte are pricier, around $150-$200 per carat. Pure nepheline crystals, raw, vary broadly from around $12 to $900.

Lastly, we’ll teach you about gemstone care!

Nepheline Care and Maintenance

Nepheline’s mid-range hardness means you may want protective settings on vulnerable jewelry like nepheline rings. Don’t wear it during impact-prone activities. 

Clean nepheline with mild soap, lukewarm water, and a soft toothbrush. Dry it with a soft, dust-free cloth. Store separately from other gems. Keep the stone away from acids. 

Nourish Your Spirit with Nepheline!

As an industrial mineral, nepheline has only gotten more popular over time. Though it’s not as popular as a gemstone, this crystal is a spiritual tool for rejuvenation and creativity! 

Shop unique gemstones and minerals today!

霞石寶石霞石 (neff-uh-leen) 是一種玻璃狀、類似長石的礦物,在各個行業中變得越來越重要。這塊石頭以構成霞石正長岩的重要組成部分而聞名,在其中發現了許多其他寶石。







  • 吉賽基特

  • 索米特

  • 厄爾斯坦

  • 卡羅萊特

  • 方鉛石

  • 博當丁

  • 肥石

  • 油石









霞石寶石原石板與珍珠岩、綠松石和玉石圖片來源:約翰·索博萊夫斯基 |知識共享署名 3.0 未移植許可證



霞石的化學式是什麼?公式 (Na,K)AlSiO4 是公認的版本,但國際礦物學協會 2018 年的更新表明鉀 (K) 對礦物至關重要。更新後的公式為 Na3K(Al4Si4O16)。

在霞石的互鎖鋁矽環結構中,鈉與鉀的理想比例為 3:1。霞石可能含有 3-12% 的氧化鉀,但最好是 8%。




  • 莫氏硬度:5.5-6

  • 顏色:無色,白色,灰色,棕色,深紅色,紅棕色,黃色,藍色,綠色

  • 晶體結構: 六角形

  • 光澤:玻璃狀(玻璃狀)至油膩;蠟質或樹脂質(eleolite)

  • 透明度:透明到不透明

  • 折射率:1.52-1.54

  • 密度:2.55-2.66

  • 乳溝:[1010] 上模糊/差

  • 骨折:亞貝殼狀

  • 條紋:白色

  • 發光:某些區域樣本中的熒光 - LW-UV 中的淺藍色(德國)和橙色(安大略)

  • 光學效果:衛星反射;有時會說話


霞石有兩個品種:elaeolite 和玻璃狀霞石(或eleolite)。


Elaeolite 是一種灰色、綠色、棕色或紅色霞石品種,常見於塊狀或大晶體中。它具有油膩的光澤,通常是不透明的。


並非所有的礦物學家都承認硬硬質合金是一種獨特的品種,但在整個 1800 年代,它在很大程度上被認為是一種。



霞石正長岩圖片來源:來自美國緬因州賓夕法尼亞州的霞石正長岩。 (公開展示,美國俄亥俄州斯普林菲爾德威騰堡大學地質系)|弗里克









另一個區別是硬度。石英在莫氏礦物硬度等級上排名第 7,而霞石的排名在 5.5 到 6 之間。這意味著硬度為 6.5 的材料(如鋼銼/針或鋰輝石)會劃傷霞石,但不會劃傷石英。



“nepheline”這個名字來源於希臘語nephele ,意思是“雲”。雖然這樣做的原因更科學,但這種聯繫也可以用形而上學的方式來解釋。雲象徵著神秘、神靈和夢想,因此霞石也可以擁有這些含義。


法國礦物學家 René Just Haüy 於 1801 年為這種新的意大利礦物選擇了“霞石”這個名稱。“雲”的含義反映了霞石在浸入酸中時會變得渾濁或渾濁的習慣。

同樣在 1801 年,丹麥博物學家 Heinrich CF Schumacher 研究了來自挪威的霞石標本並將它們命名為“輝長石”,儘管輝長石現在是方柱石品種的名稱。

1809 年,德國化學家 Martin Heinrich Klaproth 和礦物學家 Dietrich Ludwig Gustav Karsten 也分析了來自挪威的霞石。他們以希臘語élaion命名該品種“elaeolite”,意為“油”,源於其油膩的光澤。

1890 年代,加拿大礦工在哈夫洛克地區發現了霞石。採礦始於 1932 年,當時安大略省的藍山礦場成立。它逐漸成為一個完整的加拿大產業。




霞石癒合水晶圖片來源:凱利納什 |知識共享署名 3.0 未移植許可證





  • 減輕壓力

  • 促進更好的睡眠和更少的噩夢

  • 安撫憤怒

  • 提高自尊和自我意識

  • 提升創造力

  • 把你從憂鬱中解脫出來




  • 顏色:大多數是無色或白色,帶有灰色或黃色底色。灰色調可能是由於鎂雜質所致。紅棕色、綠色或藍色等更深或更有趣的顏色可能更有價值。

  • 工:透明霞石可能有刻面,儘管這些寶石很少見。必須將Chatoyant elaeolite 切割成凸圓形以顯示其“貓眼”。

  • 淨度: 硬蛋白中的夾雜物很常見,有時會產生貓眼。霞石可能有鏡麵包裹體或半癒合裂縫,但如果沒有包裹體則更有價值。

  • 克拉重量:刻面寶石最多只有 1-2 克拉。霞石凸圓形面大小不等。加拿大水晶可以達到 15 英寸(38.1 厘米)長。


對買家的一個重要警告:Ebay 賣家將文石營銷為霞石的情況有所增加。如果你看到來自中國的橙色到棕色的六角形晶體簇被列為霞石,他們是在欺騙你。


霞石正長岩薄片原料寶石圖片來源:James St. John,霞石正長岩(冰河複合體,密西西比早期;加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省東南部)|弗里克









  • 中國

  • 芬蘭

  • 法國

  • 德國

  • 格陵蘭

  • 意大利

  • 緬甸

  • 朝鮮和韓國

  • 美國(阿肯色州、緬因州)



帶有黃色的透明刻面霞石可以達到每克拉 800 美元以上,因為它們非常罕見。然而,霞石和其他礦物的組合,刻面在一起,成本要低得多。

紅棕色和白色霞石,內含水,每克拉 20 至 30 美元不等。含有黑雲母內含物的寶石一般為每克拉 15 至 20 美元。

凸圓形寶石的價格通常為每克拉 2 至 5 美元。拋光霞石與綠松石和 eudialyte 混合的價格更高,每克拉約 150 至 200 美元。純霞石晶體(未加工)的價格從 12 美元到 900 美元不等。








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