Red Beryl Gemstone: Properties, Meanings, Value & More
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red beryl gemstoneRed beryl, formerly called “bixbite,” is a red to purplish-red variety of the gemstone beryl. It’s known for being one of the rarest minerals on Earth, with prices to match.

If you’ve ever wondered: what color beryl is most valuable? The answer is red beryl.

It’s difficult to understate just how rare red beryl is, but we’ll try to put it in perspective.

First, is red beryl the rarest gemstone? Some sources say so. In 2006, the Jewelers Association named it the rarest gemstone on Earth, beating out benitoite.

Red beryl is 100-times rarer than emerald and worth 1,000-times more than gold. One red beryl crystal is found for every 150,000 diamonds, and a 2-carat red beryl gemstone is as rare as a 40-carat diamond.

This guide will discuss red beryl’s properties, meanings, prices, history, and more!

red beryl gemstone

About Red Beryl Stone

Red beryl is a semi-precious gemstone, though it’s sometimes marketed with names referencing the precious gemstone emerald, another beryl variety. Some of red beryl’s nicknames or trade names include:

  • Red emerald

  • Scarlet emerald

  • Raspberyl (also used for pezzottaite)

The stone’s similar appearance to ruby can make it a July birthstone substitute. Beryl gems are zodiac stones for Scorpio and Sagittarius.

Red Beryl Specifications & Characteristics

As a beryl mineral, red beryl has the formula Be3Al2Si6O18. Manganese impurities impart the characteristic red to pink hues. Other common impurities include caesium, titanium, zinc, tin, lithium, rubidium, boron, zirconium, niobium, and lead.

Crystals are usually short and flat, though they’re occasionally elongated and barrel-shaped.

How do you identify red beryl? Be sure it’s inert to UV fluorescence and shows absorption spectrum bands at 4250, 4800, 5300, and 5600-5800 nm.

Red beryl’s mineral properties:

  • Mohs hardness: 7.5-8

  • Color: Shades of red including pink, purplish-red, and orange-red

  • Crystal structure: Hexagonal

  • Luster: Vitreous (glassy)

  • Transparency: Transparent to translucent

  • Refractive index: 1.567-1.572

  • Density: 2.66-2.70

  • Cleavage: Indistinct/imperfect on [0001]

  • Fracture: Conchoidal, subconchoidal, or uneven/irregular

  • Streak: White

  • Luminescence: None

  • Pleochroism: Present & moderate to strong - purplish-red to orange-red

  • Birefringence: 0.004-0.008

  • Dispersion: 0.014 (low)

red beryl vs pezzottaite gemstonePictured above: Pezzottaite

Red Beryl vs. Similar Gemstones

Red beryl may be confused with other gemstones.

Red Beryl vs Ruby

Is red beryl the same as ruby? Nope! Though similar in appearance, ruby is a corundum variety with a higher Mohs hardness ranking.

Red Beryl vs Pezzottaite

Pezzottaite can be harder to distinguish, as it was initially believed to be a red beryl. However, pezzottaite is a caesium analog of beryl, not a beryl variety.

The major differences between the two are pezzottaite’s higher refractive index (1.598-1.620) and higher density (2.90-3.14).

Red Beryl Meaning & History

Beryl stones symbolize wisdom, resilience, and healing. Ancient Greeks would drink water containing beryl stones to treat kidney stones and bladder problems.

Red beryl individually symbolizes creativity, purity, and achievement.


Red beryl was first discovered in 1904 by American mineralogist Maynard Bixby in the Wah Wah mountains of Utah, USA. American geochemist W.F. Hillebrand officially identified it as a new beryl in 1905.

Alfred Eppler named the mineral “bixbite” in 1912 to honor Bixby. However, “bixbite” is no longer used, as it’s easily confused with bixbyite, another mineral discovered by Bixby in 1897.

In 2002, a new gem was discovered in Madagascar that seemed to be a raspberry red beryl variety. It was named pezzottaite after Italian mineralogist Dr. Federico Pezzotta, who was one of the first to examine the mineral. However, further examination showed that pezzottaite was not a true beryl variety but still belonged in the larger beryl group.

Since 2002, pezzottaite has also been found in Afghanistan, but it remains on-par with red beryl in terms of extreme rarity.

red beryl healing crystal

Red Beryl Healing Properties

As a healing stone, red beryl carries the properties of its color and gemstone family. Red gemstones like this are great root or heart chakra stones. Beryl stones have specific physical and emotional healing properties.

Physical Healing

Physically, beryl gems like red beryl are said to help with:

  • Stomach pain

  • Heart issues

  • Spine alignment

  • Kidney stones

  • Metabolism

Emotional Healing

Emotionally, red beryl can help promote:

  • Self-confidence

  • Charisma

  • Motivation

  • Honesty

  • Memory

Some believe beryl stones help you find items you lost.

red beryl gemstone faceted

Red Beryl Gemstone Properties

Red beryl’s price depends on standard properties: color, clarity, cut, carat weight, and treatments. However, virtually any quality of red beryl will be desirable given the stone’s rarity. In fact, under 10,000 red beryl gemstones are cut annually, and over 95 percent of these are used as small accent stones.


Red beryl’s color can range in shades of pink to red, with potential yellow or purple undertones. The most valuable color is pure raspberry pink to somewhat purplish-red.

The cause of red beryl’s color is a combination of manganese, iron, chromium, and calcium impurities. The color is stable up to 1,830 °F (1,000 °C).


High-quality, raw red beryl crystals are often kept by collectors and not faceted. Given the scarcity of material, the quality of the cut is less important than maximizing the rough used in the cut, so many faceted red beryls display windowing or bad proportions.


Like emerald, red beryl has Type III colored gemstone clarity, meaning visible inclusions are almost always present. The best stones will be only slightly included, but this is rare.

Types of inclusions in red beryl include:

  • Negative crystals

  • Long, hollow tubes

  • Chrysanthemums (metallic, flat, and snowflake-shaped)

  • Feathers

  • Fractures (healed & unhealed)

  • Growth banding

  • Two-phase inclusions

Minerals that may be included in red beryl include quartz, feldspar, hematite, and bixbyite.

Carat Weight & Size

Red beryl’s price per carat will significantly increase with higher carat weights. Most faceted red beryls will be under 1 carat.

The largest red beryl crystals are only around 0.79 in (2 cm) by 2 in (5 cm). Most are under 0.39 in (1 cm) long. Currently, the largest faceted red beryl weighs 8 carats and the largest known red beryl crystal (uncut) weighs 54 carats.

Treatments & Synthetics

Red beryl is rarely treated, though some specimens have undergone fracture or cavity filling.

The Institute of Crystallography in Russia has manufactured and sold synthetic red beryl gems since the 1990s. These gems have identifiable features such as:

  • Tabular crystals

  • Internal growth zoning with chevron & subparallel or slightly wavy appearance

  • Sharp absorption bands at 530, 545, 560, and 590 nm

  • Presence of cobalt and nickel peaks under ED-XRF spectrometer

Sellers can also create imitation red beryls from dyed glass or other gemstones.

red beryl rough specimen

Red Beryl Formation & Sources

Red beryl’s formation is unique from other beryls in that it forms in volcanic, topaz-bearing rhyolite. The conditions are usually low-pressure and high-temperature.

The process starts with rhyolite lava erupting from volcanic vents. The lava cools, creating cracks where beryllium-rich gasses escape. The gasses combine and react with oxidized surface water containing silica, alkali feldspar, and iron-manganese oxides, forming red beryl crystals.

The initial eruption occurred approximately 6 to 7 million years ago.

Part of red beryl’s rarity is due to the rarity of manganese, its coloring agent.

Mining Locations

Where is red beryl found? Red beryl has only been found in a few locations in Utah and New Mexico, USA, with the Wah Wah Mountains of Utah being the primary source.

Now, how much is a red beryl worth?

red beryl gemstone cabochon

Red Beryl Price & Value

Red beryl can range from a few hundred dollars to over $20,000. Why is red beryl so expensive? It comes down to its extreme rarity and desirability among collectors.

The price per gram of red beryl gemstones (faceted) weighing below 1 carat is generally $8,000 to $120,000 (or $1,600 to $24,000 per carat). Faceted red beryls over 1 carat are $10,000 to $250,000 per gram (or $2,000 to $50,000 per carat).

You may find some available for as low as $500 to $2,500 per carat.

Is red beryl a good investment? Absolutely! Rare gems tend to only increase in value.

If natural red beryl is out of your price range, synthetic options and jewelry like a synthetic red beryl ring prices are much more affordable, starting at $3 per carat for faceted gems.

Red Beryl Care and Maintenance

Proper gemstone care starts in the store. Despite their hardness, red beryls tend to have lots of inclusions, making them weaker. We strongly recommend protective settings, especially for a red beryl ring.

Only clean red beryl gems with warm water, mild soap, and a soft brush. Store separately from other gems.

red beryl gemstone faceted

Ready to Radiate in Red Beryl?

Red beryl’s extreme rarity matches its beautiful coloring and romantic allure. Luckily, synthetic red beryl for sale makes red beryl gemstones available to more than just investors and collectors, so there’s sure to be a red beryl gem for you!

Buy red beryl gemstones today!




首先,紅綠柱石是最稀有的寶石嗎?一些消息來源是這樣說的。 2006 年,珠寶商協會將其命名為地球上最稀有的寶石,擊敗藍錐礦

紅綠柱石比祖母綠稀有 100 倍,價值是黃金的 1,000 倍。每 150,000 顆鑽石中就有一顆紅綠柱石晶體,一顆 2 克拉的紅綠柱石寶石與一顆 40 克拉的鑽石一樣稀有。





  • 紅祖母綠

  • 猩紅祖母綠

  • 覆盆子(也用於 pezzottaite)



作為一種綠柱石礦物,紅綠柱石的分子式為 Be3Al2Si6O18。錳雜質賦予了特有的紅色至粉紅色調。其他常見雜質包括銫、鈦、鋅、錫、鋰、銣、硼、鋯、鈮和鉛。


如何識別紅色綠柱石?確保它對 UV 熒光呈惰性,並在 4250、4800、5300 和 5600-5800 nm 處顯示吸收光譜帶。


  • 莫氏硬度:7.5-8

  • 顏色: 紅色陰影,包括粉紅色、紫紅色和橙紅色

  • 晶體結構: 六方

  • 光澤:玻璃狀(玻璃狀)

  • 透明度: 透明到半透明

  • 折射率:1.567-1.572

  • 密度:2.66-2.70

  • 乳溝:在 [0001] 上不明顯/不完美

  • 斷口: 貝殼狀、亞貝殼狀或不均勻/不規則

  • 條紋:白色

  • 發光: 無

  • 多色性:存在和中度到強 - 紫紅色到橙紅色

  • 雙折射:0.004-0.008

  • 色散:0.014(低)

紅綠柱石 vs 綠柱石寶石上圖:Pezzottaite





紅綠柱石 vs 綠柱石

Pezzottaite 可能更難區分,因為它最初被認為是紅色綠柱石。然而,綠柱石是綠柱石的銫類似物,而不是綠柱石的變體。

兩者之間的主要區別是綠閃石具有更高的折射率 (1.598-1.620) 和更高的密度 (2.90-3.14)。





紅綠柱石於 1904 年由美國礦物學家 Maynard Bixby 在美國猶他州的 Wah Wah 山脈首次發現。美國地球化學家WF Hillebrand於1905年正式將其鑑定為新綠柱石。

Alfred Eppler 於 1912 年將這種礦物命名為“bixbite”以紀念 Bixby。但是,“bixbite”不再使用,因為它很容易與 bixbyite 混淆,後者是 Bixby 於 1897 年發現的另一種礦物。

2002 年,在馬達加斯加發現了一種新寶石,似乎是一種覆盆子紅綠柱石。它以意大利礦物學家費德里科·佩佐塔 (Federico Pezzotta) 博士的名字命名,他是最早研究這種礦物的人之一。然而,進一步的檢查表明,綠柱石並不是真正的綠柱石品種,但仍屬於較大的綠柱石族。

自 2002 年以來,在阿富汗也發現了銅綠柱石,但它的稀有程度與紅色綠柱石相當。






  • 肚子疼

  • 心臟問題

  • 書脊對齊

  • 腎結石

  • 代謝



  • 自信心

  • 魅力

  • 動機

  • 誠實

  • 記憶




紅綠柱石的價格取決於標準屬性:顏色、淨度、切工、克拉重量和處理。然而,鑑於寶石的稀有性,幾乎任何品質的紅色綠柱石都是理想的。事實上,每年切割的紅色綠柱石不足 10,000 顆,其中超過 95% 用作小配石。



紅綠柱石顏色的成因是錳、鐵、鉻和鈣雜質的組合。顏色在高達 1,830 °F (1,000 °C) 時仍保持穩定。



與祖母綠一樣,紅綠柱石具有 III 類有色寶石淨度,這意味著幾乎總是存在可見的內含物。最好的寶石只會包含少量,但這種情況很少見。


  • 負晶體

  • 長而空心的管子

  • 菊花(金屬、扁平、雪花形)

  • 羽毛

  • 骨折(癒合和未癒合)

  • 生長帶

  • 兩相包裹體

紅綠柱石中可能含有的礦物包括石英、長石、 赤鐵礦和方鐵錳礦。


紅綠柱石的每克拉價格會隨著克拉重量的增加而顯著增加。大多數刻面紅色綠柱石的重量都在 1 克拉以下。

最大的紅色綠柱石晶體只有大約 0.79 英寸(2 厘米)乘 2 英寸(5 厘米)。大多數長度都在 0.39 英寸(1 厘米)以下。目前,最大的刻面紅綠柱石重 8 克拉,已知最大的紅綠柱石晶體(未切割)重 54 克拉。



自 1990 年代以來,俄羅斯晶體學研究所一直在製造和銷售合成紅色綠柱石。這些寶石具有可識別的特徵,例如:

  • 板狀晶體

  • 具有人字形和近平行或略微波浪形外觀的內部生長分區

  • 530、545、560 和 590 nm 處的尖銳吸收帶

  • ED-XRF 光譜儀下鈷和鎳峰的存在






最初的噴發發生在大約 6 到 7 百萬年前。







紅色綠柱石的價格從幾百美元到超過 20,000 美元不等。為什麼紅綠柱石這麼貴?它歸結為它在收藏家中的極端稀有性和吸引力。

重量低於 1 克拉的紅色綠柱石(刻面)每克價格通常為 8,000 至 120,000 美元(或每克拉 1,600 至 24,000 美元)。超過 1 克拉的刻面紅色綠柱石每克 10,000 至 250,000 美元(或每克拉 2,000 至 50,000 美元)。

您可能會發現一些價格低至每克拉 500 到 2,500 美元。


如果天然紅綠柱石超出您的價格範圍,合成選項和合成紅綠柱石戒指等珠寶的價格要實惠得多,多面寶石每克拉 3 美元起。








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