September’s Birthstone: Unveiling the Splendor of Sapphire
Pierre de naissance de septembre : histoire, significations et utilisations
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The September birthstone is sapphire, a traditionally blue stone that also comes in virtually every color. This precious gemstone is a versatile, beloved jewel with centuries of uses and meanings.

The month of September comes from the Latin septem, meaning “seven,” because it was the seventh month in the calendar back when March started the year.

September often represents the start of autumn, a new school year, and harvesting crops. United Nations holidays in September celebrate charity, democracy, and world peace.

Today, September symbolizes abundance, service, and self-reflection.

Does the month’s birthstone reflect these ideals? Find out today as we cover the history, meanings, properties, and powers of the September birthstone sapphire. We’ll also touch on alternative September birthstones and gift ideas!

september birthstone sapphirePictured above: Faceted colored sapphire ring

Historical & Cultural Significance of September Birthstone: Sapphire

Sapphire is the main birthstone for September, but is sapphire the only birthstone for September? It’s definitely the main birthstone, but birthstones have changed over time.

The earliest birthstone lists, inspired by Biblical lists of 12 gemstones, had peridot for September and sapphire for April.

Modern formalized lists began in 1870, when Tiffany & Co published a pamphlet of birthstone poems, with sapphire for September.

The first official standardized list was created in 1912 by the American National Association of Jewellers (now Jewellers of America), followed by a 1937 list by the British National Association of Goldsmiths. Both designated sapphire for September.

However, the most recent 2013 United Kingdom list has 2 September birthstones: sapphire and lapis lazuli.

Funny enough, the word “sapphire” was originally used for lapis lazuli and other blue gemstones.

Speaking of history, let’s travel back to sapphire’s legendary past!

ancient byzantine earrings with sapphires and pearlsPictured above: A pair of Byzantine (circa 500 to 700 AD) gold earrings with pearl and sapphire stones; Discovered in 1902 at Karavas, Cyprus; Now displayed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York | Image credit: Unforth, Flickr, CC-BY-SA-2.0

Sapphires in Ancient Civilizations & Mythology

The oldest known sapphire source is Sri Lanka, based on sapphire jewelry dated from 600 to 275 BC. Sri Lankans saw sapphires as celestial gifts and the mines as sacred.

An ancient Persian legend claimed Earth sat on a huge sapphire and its reflection made the sky blue. They called sapphire lazvard, meaning “having the color of clear sky.”

Sapphires were connected to the sun god Apollo in ancient Greece.

Ever heard of Prometheus, the Titan god chained to a rock while an eagle ate his liver every day? One version says the rock was sapphire, and Prometheus kept a piece of it, said to be the first sapphire gemstone, on a ring made from his chain after Hercules freed him.

Medieval clergy wore blue sapphires to represent heaven, chastity, and spiritual devotion, like the huge sapphire amulet worn by devout Roman Emperor Charlemagne.

On that topic…

Sapphires in Religious Contexts

Mentions of sapphire in Judaism and Christianity include:

  • Seal of Solomon: Legendary inscribed sapphire signet ring of Israelite king Solomon said to grant him supernatural powers

  • Ten Commandments: Fundamental principles given by God to the prophet Moses, said to be etched onto sapphire tablets in rabbinical Judaism

  • High Priest’s Breastplate: Sanctified “breastplate of judgment” worn by High Priest of the Israelites and adorned with 12 gems, sapphire being the fifth

  • New Jerusalem or Zion: Utopian afterlife society described in a prophetic vision as having twelve gem “foundation stones,” one being sapphire

Mentions of the September birthstone in Islam include:

  • Religious Rings: Worn traditionally by the Shi’a and Imams to indicate being a believer, inspired by the prophet Muhammad’s signet ring; Imam narrations say sapphire rings dispel poverty

  • Seventh Heaven: Dar-us-Salam, the level of peace, last of seven “levels” of heavenly paradise, described in the Quran as having valleys of pearls and sapphires

In Hinduism, sapphires are prominent in Vedic astrology, where certain gemstones are believed to boost the positive effects or diminish the negative effects of different planet placements in one’s birth chart.

Blue sapphire is associated with Saturn, the planet of responsibility and career. Yellow sapphire is tied to Jupiter, the planet of success and personal growth. White sapphire can substitute for diamond as a stone for Venus.

colored lithograph of imperial state crown with st edward's sapphirePictured above: Hand-colored lithograph of Queen Victoria's Imperial State Crown, early-mid 19th century | Image credit: British School, Public domain

Royal Sapphire Crowns & Jewelry

Royals wearing sapphire dates back to ancient kings and queens of Rome and Greece.

Some famous examples of royal British sapphire crowns are:

  • Belgian (or Victorian or George VI) Sapphire Tiara: Sapphire & diamond tiara created from Princess Louise of Belgium’s necklace, purchased by Queen Elizabeth II in 1963 and converted to match George VI Victorian Suite

  • St. Edward’s Crown: Oldest and largest British crown, set with 444 gemstones including St. Edward’s Sapphire and Stuart Sapphire; Original crown worn by medieval king St. Edward the Confessor (with sapphire from his ring); Current version made in 1661 for Charles II (adding his Stuart Sapphire); Only worn during coronations since 1911

  • Imperial State Crown: Contains St. Edward’s Sapphire, part of British Crown Jewels; Made for King George VI’s coronation in 1937; Worn by new king or queen when leaving coronation and attending State Openings of Parliament

lady diana spencer sapphire engagement ring replicaPictured above: Replica of Lady Diana Spencer's sapphire engagement ring | Image credit:  Ann Porteus from Tasmania, Australia; Flickr; CC-BY-SA-2.0

Royal Sapphire Jewelry

Some famous examples of royal British sapphire jewelry are

  • Prince Albert Brooch: Sapphire and diamond brooch set in gold, given to Queen Victoria II by Prince Albert in 1840; Worn by Princess Diana of Wales for wedding-day “something blue” in 1981

  • George VI Victorian Suite: Sapphire & diamond necklace and earrings, largest sapphire later removed and made into pendant; Created in 1850 and given by King George VI to daughter Elizabeth in 1947

  • Princess Diana’s Choker Necklace: Sapphire & diamond clasp with 7 pearl strands; Clasp adapted from brooch given to Princess Diana of Wales by Queen Elizabeth II

  • Princess Diana’s Engagement Ring: Garrard ring with sapphire center stone & diamonds, inspired by Prince Albert Brooch; Presented by Prince Charles in 1981; Presented by Prince William to Kate Middleton in 2010

Speaking of engagement rings, did you know sapphires were the norm before diamonds? Popularized by nobility in the 1400-1500s, engagement rings usually had sapphire center stones until diamonds became standard.

Geological Marvel: The Formation of Sapphires

The sapphire September birthstone is a variety of the aluminum oxide mineral corundum. The other variety is ruby, both being precious gemstones. But wait, is ruby a September birthstone? Traditionally, ruby is a July birthstone.

These minerals are the second hardest after diamond, ranking at 9 on the Mohs scale.

Corundum stones form in metamorphic rocks or aluminum-rich, silica-free igneous rocks. Impurities and inclusions present during formation lead to sapphire’s varied appearances.

So, what is the September birthstone’s color?

blue green peacock mermaid sapphire facetedPictured above: Faceted peacock / mermaid sapphire

Diverse Hues: Unraveling Sapphire's Color Spectrum

Throughout history, “sapphire” has been synonymous with “blue.” However, the September birthstone’s color actually includes every hue except red — that’s ruby.

Corundum is allochromatic, so colors come from impurities. The impurities behind each shade are listed below. You can learn more about each sapphire color at the articles linked:

  • White – No (or minimal) impurities

  • Blue – Iron & titanium (more titanium means darker shades)

  • Pink – Chromium (small amounts)

  • Purple – Vanadium or combination of chromium, titanium, & ferrous iron

  • Yellow – Ferric iron

  • Orange – Chromium & iron impurities or exposure to irradiation (natural or lab-induced)’

  • Green – Ferric iron & ferrous iron

  • Black – Iron & high titanium

  • Brown – Iron & sometimes titanium

faceted purple sapphire september birthstonePictured above: Faceted purple sapphire

Additionally, there are some notable varieties of this September birthstone with gorgeous appearances:

  • Color-Change Sapphire: Usually color-changing from blue or purple in daylight to violet or reddish-purple under incandescence

  • Padparadscha Sapphire: Combination of pink & orange, originally from Sri Lanka; Among rarest & most valuable types

  • Peacock or Mermaid Sapphires: Blue and green with 50-50 hue ratio

  • Bi-Colored or Parti-Colored Sapphires: Distinct colors in different sections, usually green & yellow

  • Star Sapphires: Display multi-rayed “star” of reflected from optical effect called asterism caused by parallel inclusion bundles of rutile or diaspore

  • Trapiche Sapphires: Display 6-rayed star-like pattern internally that resembles wheel-spokes due to carbonaceous inclusions setting between growth zones

Color is just one factor when grading the September birthstone’s quality.

faceted bright yellow sapphire birthstonePictured above: Faceted yellow sapphire

The 4 Cs: Assessing Sapphire Quality

The value of sapphire birthstones depends on the color, cut, clarity, and carat weight. Treatments and formation (synthetic vs. natural) also play a role.


The top sapphire value factor is color. Blue is most popular but also most valuable, particularly cornflower blue.

Bright saturation and medium to deep tone are best. Kashmir blue, Padparadscha, and bright pink hues are most valuable. Black is least valuable.


Sapphires must be cut to maximize pleochroism, color-zoning, sparkle, size, and optical effects (if present). The most popular faceted cuts are round, oval, and cushion. Emerald, marquise, and pear shapes are more valuable.

Optically phenomenal stones like sapphires must be cut as cabochons. The stone may be carved or beaded, too.

faceted blue kashmir sapphire gemstone with velvet appearancePictured above: Faceted Kashmir sapphire


Sapphires have Type II clarity, so minor visible inclusions are common, but higher value goes to stones with fewer visible inclusions. Some sapphire clarity grades follow standard diamond grading — IF for best to I3 for worst.

The best sapphires have VVS clarity, but most are VS to SI.

The exception to inclusions-lowering-value rule is when inclusions cause asterism or a velvety look (e.g. Kashmir sapphires).

Carat Weight

Different colors of sapphire September birthstones range in carat weight. Quality tends to decrease in larger sizes, so the most valuable color (blue) with good quality and high carat weight is exceptional and rare.

Price-per-carat rates will increase at each September birthstone’s size interval, and options over 5 carats are significantly pricey.

Treatments & Synthetics

Around 95 percent of sapphires are heated to improve color and clarity, so heat treatments don’t usually affect value much.

Other potential treatments include diffusion, irradiation, or flux fracture-healing. Avoid sapphire birthstones with thin-film coating, fillings, or oil treatments.

Lab-grown synthetic sapphires have gained popularity among buyers looking for more ethical or affordable gem alternatives.

Value-wise, lab-grown sapphires cost up to $10,000 less per carat than their natural counterparts.

blue star sapphire ring with diamondsPictured above: Blue star sapphire ring with accent diamonds

Sapphires in Symbolism and Belief Systems

Today, the September birthstone’s meaning is often one of wisdom, loyalty, and faith. (Read more about each sapphire color’s meaning in our Sapphire Info Guide.)

Some interpretations of sapphire’s meaning have been more prominent over time:

Oracles & Magic

In ancient times, priests and magicians believed sapphires helped them make and interpret predictions about the future. Ancient Greeks wore sapphire to visit the oracle at Delphi, believing the September birthstone connected them to spirits.

Alchemists, astrologers, and sorcerers also used sapphire’s magical properties, sometimes for accessing their “third eye.”

Divine Protection

Many cultures see blue sapphire as heavenly and sacred. Interpretations of its shine range from the stone not shining on corrupt wearers to dimming if one’s partner was cheating.

Another common belief is that sapphires dispel evil and attract divine favor.

Some Muslims believe blue sapphire brings its wearer success, peace, and enlightenment and protects them from curses.

Some Christians view star sapphires (pictured above) as representing faith, hope, and destiny.

womans hand with faceted blue sapphire engagement ringPictured above: Blue sapphire engagement ring

Marriage & Love

One nickname for sapphire is “Stone of Commitment.” September birthstone engagement rings are thought to represent fidelity and everlasting love.

One saying goes: “Married in September’s golden glow, smooth and serene your life will go.”

Already married? Sapphire is the traditional 5th and 45th wedding anniversary gem! Plus, according to The Knot, September is currently the most common wedding month.

Healing Properties

As a healing stone, some of the September birthstone’s physical powers popular over time include:

  • Poison antidote

  • Increases strength

  • Benefits the eyes

  • Boosts immune system

  • Fever treatment

Emotionally, sapphires are believed to be calming, boost confidence, and facilitate peace between enemies or quarreling lovers.

silver earrings with lapis lazuli alternative september birthstonePictured above: Lapis lazuli earrings

Alternative September Birthstones

Sapphire isn’t the only September birthstone. Ancient birthstone lists actually designated peridot for September instead of August.

Another option for September birthstone jewelry is lapis lazuli, an opaque deep blue gem with golden speckling.

What is Virgo’s birthstone? Ruled by Mercury, September-born Virgos (before September 23) can benefit from planetary stones for Mercury like fluorite or aventurine.

What crystal is for Libra? Ruled by Venus, September-born Libras (from September 1 to 22) might love the Venus stone white sapphire. Other great Libra birthstones include ametrine, peridot, and morganite.

Personalized September Birthstone Gifts & Celebrations

Did you know September birthdays are the most common in the US? According to CDC and SSA data, September 9 takes the top spot.

Chances are, you have a loved one born in September if you aren’t a September baby yourself. If you are, you could even gift a September birthstone ring to celebrate Mother’s Day!

Other September birthstone gift ideas:

  • Personalized birthstone pendant

  • Necklace with their birthstone and your own

  • Minimalist stackable birthstone ring

  • Bracelet with birthstone charm

  • Birthstone themed candle

  • Trinket dish decorated with birthstone

You could even combine the September birthstone and flower — aster or morning glory — in customized jewelry. Like sapphire, aster symbolizes wisdom, love, and everlasting bonds. Morning glory also symbolizes everlasting love, along with resilience.

colored sapphire september birthstone earrings with diamondsPictured above: Gold earrings with orange, purple, and green sapphires with white accent diamonds

Smitten with September Birthstones?

Sapphires are one of the most enduring, legendary gemstones. Though their blue form is most popular, these crystals offer a range of hues and options perfect for any September birthstone jewelry!

Find traditional and alternative September birthstones from our hundreds of gemstones available!

Pierre de naissance de septembre - Saphir Alors que les chaudes journées d'été se transforment en matins frais et que les feuilles d'automne recouvrent les rues, un joyau azur scintillant marque la transition des saisons. Septembre plante les graines de l'équinoxe d'automne, apportant un nouveau départ, une restauration et une concentration. Et quelle meilleure pierre précieuse pour symboliser cette phase de transition que la pierre de naissance de septembre, le saphir ?

Les saphirs sont l'un des bijoux les plus appréciés qui existent. Pendant des siècles, leur teinte bleu bleuet signature a honoré les salles des cours royales et des familles nobles. Compréhensible, étant donné que les saphirs symbolisent la sagesse, la bonne foi et le pouvoir.

À la hauteur des profondeurs bleues de l'océan, l'adoration du public pour ce trésor phénoménal est bien méritée. Plongeons plus profondément dans la signification, l'histoire et le symbolisme de la pierre de naissance de septembre.

Qu'est-ce que la pierre de naissance de septembre ?

Saviez-vous que les saphirs sont l'une des quatre pierres précieuses ? C'est vrai : ils sont un bijou dans une classe prestigieuse aux côtés des diamants, des rubis et des émeraudes .

Ces précieuses gemmes bleues existent depuis des siècles. Le saphir est la pierre de naissance officielle de septembre reconnue par tous les calendriers de pierre de naissance.

Pourquoi le saphir est-il la pierre de naissance de septembre ? Pour répondre à cette question, nous devons explorer la signification et le symbolisme du saphir.

Vous voyez, le terme « saphir » vient du terme latin « Septum », qui se traduit par le nombre sept. Vous vous demandez peut-être pourquoi le neuvième mois du calendrier grégorien porte le nom du nombre sept, et il y a une bonne explication.

Jusqu'à l'adoption du calendrier julien en 45 av. J.-C., les gens comptaient leurs jours selon le calendrier romain. Ce système primitif a mal calculé la vraie longueur d'une année solaire et n'avait que 10 mois. Selon cette chronologie, septembre marquait le septième mois de l'année.

Ce n'est qu'en 703 avant JC que le roi Numa Pmpilius a introduit les deux premiers mois dans le calendrier, repoussant septembre au neuvième mois.

Étant donné que le mot latin pour neuf est "Novem", vous pouvez imaginer les efforts de restructuration nécessaires pour renommer complètement les dix mois d'origine pour plus de précision.

saphir de pierre de naissance de septembre

Origines et signification de la pierre de naissance de septembre

La signification de la pierre de naissance de septembre vient de l'union de deux origines : latine et grecque. Le mot latin « saphirus » et le terme grec « Sapheiros » sont similaires en ce sens qu'ils représentent tous deux la couleur bleue.

Étant donné que la couleur la plus célèbre de ce saphir est le bleu, il est logique que son homonyme représente également sa couleur. Cependant, les saphirs sont disponibles dans un assortiment de couleurs. En fait, vous pouvez trouver un saphir dans toutes les couleurs de l'arc-en-ciel avec une exclusion : le rouge.

C'est parce qu'un saphir rouge est en fait un rubis !

En suivant le fil de l'histoire jusqu'aux temps anciens, nous voyons l'importance des saphirs à travers chaque génération et civilisation - des temps bibliques à nos jours.

L'un des saphirs les plus célèbres au monde tombe dans l'histoire récente lorsque le prince Charles a offert à sa belle épouse une bague en saphir saisissante. La princesse Diana a conquis les cœurs du monde.

Après sa mort tragique, son bijou en saphir bien-aimé a servi d'intersection entre le passé et le présent lorsque le prince William a offert l'héritage sacré à sa future épouse, la duchesse Kate Middleton.

Alors, d'où viennent les saphirs ?

Quatre sites sont responsables de l'approvisionnement mondial en saphirs :

  • Australie : les plus grandes mines de saphir se trouvent en Nouvelle-Galles du Sud et dans le Queensland

  • Sri Lanka : un endroit surnommé le « boîte à bijoux de l'océan Indien » fournira à coup sûr une gamme étonnante de pierres précieuses vives, notamment des saphirs bleus et blancs

  • Myanmar : La région de Mogok fournit la forme de saphir la plus richement saturée appelée « saphirs birmans », ainsi que leur joyau sœur, le rubis, et d'autres pierres précieuses frappantes, notamment le péridot et le jade.

  • Cachemire : Grâce à un glissement de terrain dans l'Himalaya en 1881, des gisements de saphirs ont germé dans la région sud du Cachemire. Cependant, la production a ralenti et maintenant le seul saphir Kashmirpurple

Nous avons couvert les origines, l'histoire et la signification du saphir, mais que symbolisent ces bijoux précieux ?

Signification et symbolisme de l'histoire du saphir de la pierre de naissance de septembre

Symbolisme de la pierre de naissance de septembre à travers l'histoire

Dans l'Antiquité, les saphirs représentaient les vertus de bonne humeur recherchées chez un partenaire, notamment l'honnêteté, la pureté et la loyauté. C'est pourquoi les saphirs font de beaux cadeaux de fiançailles ou d'anniversaire. Les guerriers croyaient tellement aux propriétés de cette gemme qu'ils les donnaient à leurs femmes avant de se lancer dans la bataille, dans l'espoir que le charme inspirerait la fidélité.

Un surnom populaire pour le saphir est "la pierre céleste". Des suppositions quant à pourquoi? Dans l'ancienne Perse, les gens considéraient les saphirs comme un lien avec la divinité et le ciel. Dans la mythologie romaine et grecque, c'était le saphir qui peignait ses coups de pinceau bleus à travers le ciel.

La prévalence des saphirs dans la religion était si importante que les dix commandements ont été gravés dans les tablettes de pierre. De quoi était faite la pierre ? Saphirs, bien sûr !

Signes du zodiaque de la pierre de naissance du saphir

La pierre de naissance de septembre orne deux signes du zodiaque :

  • Vierges avec anniversaires entre le 1er et le 22 septembre

  • Balances avec anniversaires entre le 22 et le 30 septembre

Les anniversaires de septembre reçoivent une protection spéciale du saphir, qui confère à son porteur de la joie, du confort et des pensées positives. Comme mentionné, les saphirs servent de conduit vers une conscience supérieure et une connexion céleste.

L'une des meilleures façons de profiter de ces avantages et d'ajouter une touche d'élégance bleue à votre vie est de porter des bijoux en saphir !

Un saphir pour les anniversaires de septembre

Les saphirs sont incontestablement l'une des pierres précieuses les plus appréciées au monde. Du doigt majestueux de l'épouse de Napoléon, Joséphine, à l'actuelle duchesse de Cambridge, les saphirs ont longtemps occupé une place prolifique parmi la royauté.

Heureusement, vous n'avez pas besoin d'être une princesse ou un membre de la famille royale pour attraper votre propre joyau bleu étincelant. Les saphirs sont largement disponibles et font de beaux cadeaux d'anniversaire personnalisés !

bague pierre de naissance de septembre

Avez-vous un être cher de septembre que vous aimeriez surprendre avec un cadeau attentionné ? Pourquoi ne pas choisir une bague en saphir, un collier pendentif ou une paire de boucles d'oreilles en saphir ?

Envie de personnaliser encore plus votre cadeau ? Choisissez un saphir de septembre dans la couleur préférée de vos proches !

Les saphirs sont appréciés pour leur teinte bleue vive et envoûtante. Quelle meilleure façon de célébrer quelqu'un de spécial que de faire correspondre la profondeur de votre amour avec un bijou en saphir enchanteur ?


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