Andalusite Gemstone: Properties, Meanings, Value & More
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andalusite gemstoneAndalusite crystal is an aluminum nesosilicate mineral that comes in rich shades of orangish-brown, green, and reddish, among other colors. Its popular orangish-brown colors are reminiscent of sweet sap oozing through tree bark or of the burning embers of a bonfire.

Its rare red pleochroism is a wicked site. These tones might remind you of garnet, but is andalusite a garnet variety? Andalusite isn’t from any of the garnet mineral families.

Rough andalusite specimens are big and brown, with an earthy appearance that reflects their practical uses. You can find andalusite as a core ingredient in heat-resistant bricks. Those bricks then act as a refractory for kilns and commercial furnaces that heat the steel used for many cars. 

Andalusite crystal is sometimes mistaken for alexandrite, earning it the nickname “poor man’s alexandrite.” However, andalusite is anything but poor. It comes in rich, lavish shades that make for elegant andalusite jewelry and boasts spectacular healing properties.

Here at Gem Rock Auctions, we pride ourselves on garnering high-quality gemstones straight from the source. Our vast collection features gemstones like andalusite for every buyer!

Craving a solar-plexus-chakra refresh, or a distinguished pear-shaped pendant to wear to your next event? We’ll cover the andalusite uses, meanings, properties, and everything else you need to know before buying some lovely andalusite for yourself! 

andalusite gemstone

About Andalusite Stone

First thing’s first: What is andalusite stone and what’s it known for?

Andalusite is a semi-precious gemstone known for its earthy brownish colors, with more value emphasized in specimens that show reddish, orange, and pink reflections. The stone also has an impressive ability to change colors depending on the angle you view it. Simply turning the stone from side to side sparks a sense of wonder and awe. 

The andalusite formula is Al2(SiO4)O, indicating aluminum, silicon, and oxygen.

The andalusite spiritual meaning is linked to grounding, independence, and self-realization — all classic values of Virgo, who gets to relish in andalusite as their zodiac stone

Andalusite Specifications & Characteristics

Andalusite is found in metamorphic rocks, rocks that have been significantly shaped or altered with intense heat or pressure. With a 6.5-7.5 ranking on the Mohs mineral hardness scale, andalusite isn’t exactly soft, but you should still take care to separate it from other stones. That’s because the andalusite tenacity is brittle, meaning it’s easily prone to breakage should it fall or hit something. 

However, andalusite displays strength in another area — its ability to handle extremely high temperatures. What is andalusite used for if it can withstand such heat? You’ll find rough andalusite made into bricks in the steel-making industry, as well as in the creation of white porcelain and other high-heat ceramics. 

Here are some more specific andalusite properties: 

  • Mineral family: Nesosilicate

  • Composition: Aluminum, silicon, oxygen

  • Color: Brown, reddish-brown, yellow-brown, orange-brown, greenish, whitish, violet, colorless, blue 

  • Crystal structure: Orthorhombic, with prismatic crystals

  • Luster: Vitreous to subvitreous

  • Transparency: Transparent to opaque

  • Refractive index: 1.63-1.69

  • Cleavage: Perfect, distinct on one side

  • Fracture: Even, subconchoidal

  • Streak: White

  • Luminescence: Brown, dark green, yellow-green

  • Pleochroism: Yellow, green, red, or colorless for blue Belgian andalusite

Types of Andalusite 

There are two other andalusite varieties:


chiastolite andalusite gemstone bead

These andalusite crystals have black and gray carbon or graphite inclusions that draw a striking, thick cross along the stone’s body. Chiastolite is commonly found in metamorphic rocks, and was named after the Greek word chiastos, meaning “arranged diagonally.”


viridine andalusite gemstone rough

Viridine is the green variety of andalusite crystal, commonly mined in Brazil. You’ll find viridine in shades of rich olive green that sometimes lightens to the shade of bright green moss. Rough viridine often has a curious shape, with crystals shaped like thick, tubular noodles. Viridine contains high levels of manganese, an essential nutrient also found in leafy greens and pecans. 

Andalusite Meaning & History

Imagine beautiful woodlands spanning miles, with booming oak trees that tower over delicate ferns and flowers. Home to woodlands and wetlands with bustling biodiversity, Andalusia is the southern-tipped region of Spain that gave andalusite gemstone its moniker. Funny enough, the andalusite meaning is inspired by the wrong Spanish region!

Jean-Claude Delamétherie coined the name in 1798 when he took Andalusia as the founding location. However, the andalusite crystal he examined was found in central Spain. Despite his acknowledgment of the geographical mistake, the name andalusite persisted over 200 years later!

andalusite gemstone faceted pear cut

Andalusite Healing Properties

True to its Virgo ties, andalusite is a healing stone that helps ground us in independence, harmony, and practicality. When thinking about andalusite crystal benefits, we must remember that every colored gemstone has its own meaning and healing powers! 

For example, orange gemstones help us feel more grounded, while green gemstones like viridine are great emotional supports for heartbreak and despair. 

Let’s look at the andalusite metaphysical properties and learn how we can use this lovely gemstone to find genuine healing. 

Physical Healing

On a spiritual plane, andalusite helps you find confidence and self-realization. In other words, it helps you see your problems with a calm, objective eye while also giving you the strength to address them. 

Andalusite uses can be quite literal, as that objective eye translates to the physical plane. Crystal healers find andalusite to be a great healing stone for visual impairments, either stemming from stress, blue-light strain, or cataracts. 

This crystal may also soothe intense water retention, which can lead to bloating, discomfort, and insecurity. Finally, andalusite gems may help with common mineral and vitamin deficiencies, like calcium, Vitamin D, and iodine. 

Andalusite crystal healing surpasses our physical health. Let’s explore how it can help support you through emotional strains. 

andalusite gemstone ring with citrine and diamond

Emotional Healing

Modern society riddles us with constant noise from the news, societal expectations, social media, and our own anxieties. For those times when the chatter is so overwhelming that you struggle to hear your inner voice, andalusite offers clarity and self-realization.

Have you struggled with any of the following? 

  • Unhealthy codependency in relationships

  • Overindulgence

  • Anxiety about the future

  • Clouded judgment

Andalusite helps you find yourself, giving you the independence and confidence you need to silence your anxieties and find harmony in the path your heart desires. It also gives you the courage to let go of unhealthy, toxic relationships that are holding you back. 

If you find yourself at a crossroads or feel insecure about a decision, meditate with andalusite and place the stone just below your heart for clarity. Chakra activation, here we come!

Chakra Healing

When aligned, your chakras regulate your emotional well-being and radiate with free-flowing, powerful energy. Each of your major body meridians corresponds to a different chakra.

Do you suffer from gurgling, uncomfortable indigestion? Low self-esteem or self-reliance? Your solar plexus chakra might be blocked! Andalusite is a great solar-plexus-chakra activator that can help you release any insecurities and tension blocking your stifled luminous, yellow chakra. 

Charge your andalusite gemstone under the sun for a few hours to keep it revitalized and ready to heal. Then, place it underneath your heart while taking deep, cleansing belly breaths. It might help to repeat  a mantra, like “Today I’m safe, and tomorrow I’ll find my way.”

Find your “om” and let andalusite open up your solar plexus chakra. After a few meditation sessions, we’re confident that you’ll find the spiritual juice you need to heighten that self-esteem, regulate your digestion, and tackle any goal with gusto and assurance. 

andalusite gemstone faceted cushion cut

Andalusite Gemstone Properties

Not every andalusite gemstone on the market is created equal. Its value depends on certain andalusite crystal properties, in this case: color, clarity, and cut. 


Andalusite graces us with many different hues, often within the same gemstone. Is andalusite a rare stone if it displays multiple colors? Not quite, but the better the cut, the more colors it will show! A favorite range of hues for gem collectors is andalusite’s rich warm palette of brown, red, orange, and yellow - some of which are present in one gemstone if you turn it on its side. 

Value-wise, what is the best color of andalusite? The andalusite gemstone price is higher for stones presenting a bright orange, red, or even pinkish hue.


Andalusite is an incredibly dynamic gemstone when it comes to cut. You’ll see faceted briolette teardrops, smooth cabochons, emerald cuts, the list goes on. Oval cuts are especially popular. The goal with andalusite is to showcase its pleochroism (different colors at different angles or lighting). Skilled lapidaries will use faceted cuts to highlight an andalusite gemstone’s pleochroism and different colors. 

It’s common to see chiastolite cut into cabochons, while traditional andalusite is often faceted. The priciest cuts? Emeralds, ovals, and marquise — these cuts display one color in the center and often shift to a darker color along the edges of the stone. 

bi-colored andalusite gemstone faceted


Clear and transparent or translucent andalusite is most desirable. Inclusions make the gemstone’s body look cloudy, although veil and needle inclusions are common. 

Less common are liquid and hematite inclusions, which are characteristic of Brazilian andalusite. Additionally, the andalusite chiastolite variety has thick, cross-shaped carbon and graphite inclusions. 


Some mining locations subject andalusite to intense heat, altering its shine and color. Irradiation treatments combat these effects. On the other hand, andalusite gemstones receive simple heat treatments to encourage the presence and shine of desirable colors like red or orange. 

andalusite gemstone faceted oval cut

Andalusite Formation & Sources

Andalusite is often found in metamorphic rocks like schist and gneiss that form upon the heat and pressurization of shale, a soft, sedimentary rock. 

Among those metamorphic rocks, kyanite and sillimanite also form. This causes people to wrongfully assume that andalusite, kyanite, and sillimanite are the same stone. While similar, the three have different crystal structures and colors.

But are these metamorphic rocks found just anywhere? Where is andalusite found specifically?

Mining Locations

South Africa is the top mining location for andalusite, with the country’s production being largely dominated by one company: Damrec. The producer owns three mines in South Africa and another in north-western France. 

Other worldwide locations for andalusite offer unique colors and varieties of the stone:

  • Brazil: Olive-green and brownish-pink andalusite in Bahia and Grando do Norte regions

  • New Mexico, US: Bright-green viridine in Sierra County, Albuquerque, and Socorro County

  • Austria: Brownish-red and brown andalusite in Tyrol

  • Italy: Lombardy, northern region

  • Australia: Andalusite chiastolite varieties

Now, how much will an andalusite gemstone cost you?

bi-colored andalusite gemstone pair faceted

Andalusite Price & Value

Andalusite’s range of colors, varieties, and gorgeous pleochroism might lead you to ask: is andalusite valuable? Andalusite price per carat varies depending on color and cut. 

So what is andalusite worth if it displays its renowned pleochroism or coveted reddish-pink hues? These special stones will run you between $20-60 for basic faceted cuts, while untreated stones shaped into baguette or emerald cuts with unique hues can cost as much as $100 per carat.

Chiastolite, on the other hand, is much more affordable. Untreated rough or cabochon cuts go for as little as 50 cents per carat! 

Whether you pick an affordable or pricey stone, you can control how long it shines with proper care and maintenance! 

bi-colored andalusite gemstone faceted

Andalusite Care and Maintenance

Andalusite is relatively durable, especially if it’s free of inclusions, but you should still take some precautions to care for your gemstones. If you’re working with chiastolite or any other andalusite with inclusions, they may shatter under extreme heat. Keep your andalusite jewelry in a cool, dark place separate from other gems. 

Cleaning is simple. Just use mild dish soap or detergent, warm water, and a soft brush to gently clean your andalusite. 

Set Your Sights on Andalusite!

Delight in an autumn dream with the warm orange, brown, and red hues that andalusite flaunts with every piece of jewelry. Andalusite gemstones offer a sultry yet cozy addition to your style, and their splendid healing properties make them a top gem choice in our books! 

Ready to channel fiery wisdom and activate your solar plexus chakra with andalusite? 

Buy andalusite gemstones today!





Gem Rock Auctions ,我們以直接從源頭獲得高品質寶石而自豪。我們龐大的系列為每位買家提供紅柱石等寶石!









紅柱石存在於變質岩中,這些岩石在高溫或高壓下已顯著成形或改變。 莫氏礦物硬度等級為 6.5-7.5,紅柱石並不完全柔軟,但您仍應注意將其與其他石頭分開。那是因為紅柱石的韌性很脆,這意味著如果它掉下來或撞到什麼東西,它很容易斷裂。



  • 礦物家族:矽酸鹽

  • 成分:鋁、矽、氧

  • 顏色: 棕色, 紅棕色, 黃棕色, 橙棕色, 綠色, 白色, 紫羅蘭色, 無色, 藍色

  • 晶體結構:斜方晶體,棱柱狀晶體

  • 光澤:玻璃質至玻璃質下

  • 透明度:透明到不透明

  • 折射率:1.63-1.69

  • 乳溝:完美,一側明顯

  • 骨折:均勻,亞貝殼狀

  • 條紋:白色

  • 發光:棕色、深綠色、黃綠色

  • 多色性:黃色、綠色、紅色或無色為藍色比利時紅柱石




chiastolite 紅柱石寶石珠

這些紅柱石晶體含有黑色和灰色的碳或石墨夾雜物,沿著石頭的主體畫出引人注目的厚十字。 Chiastolite常見於變質岩中,以希臘語chiastos命名,意思是“對角線排列”。



Viridine 是紅柱石晶體的綠色品種,通常在巴西開採。你會發現翠綠的深橄欖綠色,有時會變亮為亮綠色的苔蘚。粗綠色常具有奇特的形狀,晶體形狀像粗的管狀麵條。 Viridine 含有高水平的錳,這是一種在綠葉蔬菜和山核桃中也發現的必需營養素。



Jean-Claude Delamétherie 於 1798 年以安達盧西亞為創始地創造了這個名字。然而,他檢查的紅柱石晶體是在西班牙中部發現的。儘管他承認地理錯誤,但紅柱石這個名字在 200 多年後仍然存在!




例如,橙色寶石讓我們感覺更踏實,而 綠寶石等綠色寶石則是心碎和絕望的重要情感支持。





這種水晶還可以緩解強烈的水瀦留,這會導致腹脹、不適和不安全感。最後,紅柱石寶石可能有助於解決常見的礦物質和維生素缺乏症,如鈣、維生素 D 和碘。






  • 人際關係中不健康的相互依賴

  • 放縱

  • 對未來的焦慮

  • 模糊的判斷












紅柱石以許多不同的色調為我們增光添彩,通常在同一顆寶石中。紅柱石顯示多種顏色是稀有石頭嗎?不完全是,但剪裁越好,它顯示的顏色就越多!寶石收藏家最喜歡的色調範圍是紅柱石豐富的溫暖色調,包括棕色、紅色、橙色和黃色 - 如果您將其中一些寶石翻過來,它們就會出現在一塊寶石中。


紅柱石在切割方面是一種令人難以置信的動態寶石。你會看到刻面的 briolette 淚珠、光滑的凸圓形、祖母綠切割,不勝枚舉。橢圓形剪裁特別受歡迎。紅柱石的目標是展示其多向色性(不同角度或照明下的不同顏色)。熟練的寶石工匠會使用刻面切割來突出紅柱石寶石的多色性和不同的顏色。




清澈透明或半透明的紅柱石是最理想的。 內含物使寶石的主體看起來渾濁,儘管面紗和針狀內含物很常見。












  • 巴西: Bahia 和 Grando do Norte 地區的橄欖綠色和棕粉色紅柱石

  • 美國新墨西哥州:亮綠色 塞拉縣、阿爾伯克基和索科羅縣的綠色植物

  • 奧地利:蒂羅爾州的棕紅色和棕色紅柱石

  • 意大利:倫巴第,北部地區

  • 澳大利亞:紅柱石千層石品種





那麼,如果紅柱石顯示出其著名的多色性或令人垂涎的紅粉色調,那麼它的價值是多少?這些特殊寶石的基本切面切割價格在 20 至 60 美元之間,而未經處理的具有獨特色調的長方形或祖母綠切割寶石的價格可能高達每克拉 100 美元。

另一方面,Chiastolite 更實惠。未經處理的原石或凸圓形切割鑽石只需每克拉 50 美分!










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