Rutile Gemstone: Properties, Meanings, Value & More
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rutile gemstoneRutile is a commonly golden or red mineral known for being an inclusion in other gemstones like rutilated quartz and for having one of the highest refractive index values of any crystal. 

Is rutile a rare mineral? Not at all. In fact, rutile is the most common type of titanium dioxide formed naturally. That said, gem-quality rutile crystals found in facetable sizes are less common. 

If you’ve ever heard of the type of quartz with golden needles piercing through it called “rutilated quartz” or gemstones that display a “cat’s eye,” then you may have come across rutile without even realizing.

But what is a rutilated gem? And what is rutile on its own? We’ll answer all your questions and more as we dive into the world of rutile and rutilated gemstones.

Rutile.jpgImage credit: Ra'ike | Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license

What Is A Rutile Crystal?

Rutile, or “red schorl” historically, is usually seen in the jewelry world inside other gemstones. Individual crystals are considered collector’s pieces. Rutilated quartz is used as a zodiac stone for Gemini and Taurus, though.

Besides being the most common natural type of titanium dioxide, it also often contains two rare metals: niobium and tantalum. 

Given its valuable composition, what is rutile used for? 

Industrial Rutile Uses

The main industrial uses for rutile go toward making or extracting:

  • White pigment  — for paint, paper, plastics, and more

  • Sunscreen  — nanoparticles absorb UV light

  • Titanium metal  — the mineral contains 30 percent titanium

  • Polarization optics  — due to the high refractive qualities

  • Refractory ceramics  — used in metallurgy for kilns, crucibles, and more

  • Welding electrode covering — protects metal from atmosphere and stabilizes arc

Beyond its composition, rutile’s resistance to heat, pressure, and chemicals allow it to be used for applications like refractive ceramics. Its application in polarization optics comes from its extremely high refractive index, dispersion, and birefringence

To further put rutile’s importance into perspective: Rutile is the best and purest natural form of titanium dioxide (composed of 30 percent titanium), and titanium dioxide is used for roughly two-thirds of the world’s pigments! 

That said, rutile specimens are almost always made impure by other elements, which brings us to rutile’s mineral characteristics. 

Rutile Specifications & Characteristics

Rutile is a titanium dioxide mineral with the formula TiO2.  The stone is the most common member of the rutile group of tetragonal oxides, which also includes cassiterite

This mineral is one of three natural forms of titanium dioxide, beside anatase and brookite. All three are polymorphous (same chemical composition, different crystal structures), though rutile and anatase are the main forms. 

Both anatase and rutile are used for white pigments, but the two differ in color and absorbance, so only rutile is used in sunscreen. Plus, among rutile, anatase, and brookite, rutile is used for gemstones the most. 

When it doesn’t form needle-like crystal inclusions, rutile crystals are often prismatic and striated vertically. Multiple crystals (up to 8) can form contact twins together, occasionally creating a loop of crystals. You can also find massive or granular rutiles. 

Below are the remaining rutile properties: 

  • Mohs hardness: 6-6.5

  • Color: Golden, red, reddish-brown, brown, brownish-yellow, green, yellow, pale blue, violet, black, gray, grayish-black

  • Crystal structure: Tetragonal

  • Luster: Metallic, submetallic, or adamantine

  • Transparency: Transparent to opaque

  • Refractive index: 2.62-2.90 (over the limit)

  • Density: 4.20-4.30 (4.20-4.40 in iron-bearing, 4.20-5.60 in tantalum-bearing)

  • Cleavage: Good/distinct on [110], moderate on [100]; Parting on [092] and [011]

  • Fracture: Conchoidal, subconchoidal, or uneven/irregular

  • Streak: Gray-black, light brown, or light yellow

  • Luminescence: None

  • Pleochroism: Present, weak to strong dichroism shades of brown, red, yellow, and green

  • Optical effects: Sometimes chatoyancy

  • Birefringence: 0.287

  • Dispersion: 0.28-0.33 (extremely strong) 

Next, we’ll move from individual properties into its many rutile varieties and rutilated gems.

rutile gemstone sagenite varietyPictured above: Sagenite variety of rutile

Types of Rutile

Let’s start with rutile varieties. Tantalum, niobium, and iron are common impurities in rutile. Iron may replace some of the titanium, and rutile may be up to 10 percent iron. This leads us to the variants:

  • Ilmenorutile / Niobian Rutile: Black, niobium-bearing variant

  • Strüverite: Black, tantalum-bearing variant sometimes containing iron and/or niobium (niobium content must be lower than tantalum content)

  • Nigrine: Iron-rich variant or combination of rutile and ilmenite

  • Sagenite: Variant with a mesh-like network of twinned crystals

“Sagenite” is also used for rutilated agate (sometimes called sagenitic agate) and other quartz or chalcedony stones containing needle-like inclusions of rutile or tourmaline

Types of Rutilated Gemstones

Within other gems, rutile inclusions are typically needle-like crystals or microscopic fibers. These inclusions may point in multiple directions or form dense bundles that cause optical phenomena

What gems can be rutilated? We’ll list them below, starting with the most well-known. 

Rutilated Quartz

rutile in quartz cabochon

Perhaps the most popular rutilated stone is rutilated quartz, or rutile quartz. Usually, this is a clear quartz with golden rutile needles piercing the interior. The needles’ shape, color, and size differs with each stone, leading to a few varieties:

  • Venus Hair Stone: Variety with golden-colored rutile inclusions

  • Star Rutile Quartz: Variety with six groups of inclusions that extend out from a center point, forming a star

  • Graffiti Quartz: Clear quartz with black rutile needles

Though rutilated quartz is macrocrystalline, rutile can also appear in microcrystalline (chalcedony) varieties like agate. 

Corundum (Sapphire & Ruby)

rutile in star sapphire gemstonePictured above: Star sapphire

Inclusions in precious gemstones like sapphire or ruby usually lower the stone's value. However, dense, parallel bunches of rutile fibers called “silk” can produce reflections of 4- or 6-rayed “stars” on the surface of either stone, called asterism, that increases value.

Ever seen “star ruby” or “star sapphire” on sale? Those are rutilated! Though many black star sapphires have hematite inclusions instead, some from Thailand have 12-rayed stars from rutile and hematite needles. 

However, if rutilation doesn’t cause optical effects, jewelers may heat-treat rubies to dissolve the rutile and improve clarity. 

Now, what about the “cat’s eye” effect? 

Cat’s Eye Stones

rutile in cat's eye chrysoberyl gemstonePictured above: Cat's eye stone (chrysoberyl)

If a rutilated stone has one reflected light ray on its surface, rather than multiple rays, that’s called chatoyancy or the “cat’s eye” effect. 

The strongest example is seen in chatoyant chrysoberyl, simply called “cat’s eye.” Other chatoyant stones must follow with their name (e.g. cat’s eye sillimanite). 

Other chatoyant rutilated stones include:

Chatoyancy can also be caused by a stone’s inherently fibrous or layered structure, like tiger’s eye. Even individual rutile stones can be chatoyant!

Other Gemstones with Rutile

rutile in tourmaline gemstonesPictured above: Tourmaline gemstones with rutile inclusions

Plenty of gemstones commonly contain rutile but don’t display optical effects, like the quartz containing actinolite, tremolite, rutile, and mica called “witch’s finger.” Some others include:

Phew, that’s a lot of rutilated gems! Let’s shift gears to examine rutile’s symbolism. 

golden rutile quartz gemstone ring

Rutile Gemstone Meaning & History

Rutile symbolizes enlightenment, intuition, and celestial connection. Interestingly, a now-obsolete 19th-century definition of “rutilate” means “shine” or “emit rays of light.” 

Medieval European fortune tellers believed rutile was a spiritual bridge, using rutilated quartz to see into a client’s past, present, and future.  

The rutile in rutilated quartz is also called “hair of the angels” or “Cupid’s arrows” and is connected to various goddesses. 

To ancient Greeks and Romans, it was “the hair of Venus (or Aphrodite),” goddess of beauty and love. Some legends even claim rutilated quartz was formed when the strands of the goddess’s hair fell and were preserved by mythical creatures or ice.

During the Middle Ages, Vikings believed rutile came from Freyja, one of the central goddesses in Norse mythology. She’s similar to Venus in her affiliation with beauty, love, and the finer things in life.

synthetic rutile gemstone faceted - titaniaPictured above: Titania (synthetic rutile) | Image Credit: James St. John at Flickr


Rutile’s name derives from the Latin term rutilus for “reddish,” after the originally studied specimen’s color. German geologist Abraham Gottlob Werner chose the name in 1800 with his description, but it wasn’t the first name. 

The first description of rutile came from Austrian mineralogist & metallurgist Ignaz (or Ignatius) von Born in 1772, based on Slovakian specimens. He named it “Basaltes crystallisatus ruber,” Latin for “red crystalline schorl.”

In 1783, French mineralogist Jean-Baptiste Louis Romé de l'Isle found a rutilated quartz in Madagascar and named the rutile “schorl rouge ou purpre” (French for “red or purple schorl”). 

Twelve years later in 1795, German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth described titanium (before it was officially known) from present-day Slovakian rutile that he dubbed “hungarischen rother schörl” (German for “Hungarian red schorl.”)

Shortly after in 1796, Genevan geologist Horace Bénédict de Saussure provided a description of a Swiss twinned rutile he called “sagenite” — from the Greek or Latin sagena meaning “net.”

Also in 1796, Irish geologist Richard Kirwan named rutile “titanite” (now used for sphene). French mineralogist René Just Haüy similarly named rutile “titane oxydé” (French for “oxidized titanium”) in 1801. 

Due to various descriptions over time, rutile’s type locality has been debated. Though it was initially considered Horcajuelo de la Sierra from Werner’s 1800 description, 21st-century studies showed Revúca, Slovakia, was the true type locality.

In modern times, rutile was first synthesized in 1948. These stones were sold as diamond simulants (with the name “Titania”) for a few years until more durable options emerged. 

rutile healing crystal with hematite

Rutile Healing Properties

Like the many gemstones containing it, rutile can be used as a healing stone. Red rutile, like other red gemstones, offers vitality, motivation, and passion. Golden rutile joins other yellow gemstones in promoting hope, success, and joy. 

As a chakra stone, rutile benefits the entire chakra system, opening and aligning all seven energy centers so you can feel entirely balanced and receptive to positive energies. 

Physical Healing

Rutile is said to help with chronic illnesses, fatigue, and low energy. It’s also believed to treat fertility issues. 

Emotional Healing

Some purported emotional rutile crystal benefits include dispelling stress, shame, and phobias. Crystal healers recommend working with rutile when setting intentions to better manifest your desires.

Beyond healing, is rutile valuable? That depends on its properties. 

rutile quartz gemstone faceted

Rutile Gemstone Properties

The value of rutile gemstones depends on their color, cut, clarity, and carat weight, along with if they’re synthetic or not.


Most rutile comes in autumnal shades of red, golden, brown, or black, all of which come from iron. Niobium or chromium can create green shades. 

The most valuable rutile colors are vibrant golden-yellow and copper red, though rare blue and violet shades also have a market among collectors. 


With a dispersion 6-times greater than a diamond, rutile with a proper faceted cut can sparkle like no other. This effect is best on synthetic rutile, though, as natural faceted stones are usually too dark in color (or too metallic in luster) to show off the dispersion. 

Attractive, well-colored rutiles cut into faceted gems are extremely valuable. 

If rutile is chatoyant, it must be cut en cabochon to display the effect.


Clarity (the amount of visible inclusions in a gem) can affect transparency. Since transparent rutile is the most valuable, inclusion-free transparent stones are top-tier. 

Carat Weight

Though rutile can form large enough crystals to have transparent, facetable portions, larger faceted gems become too dark. Therefore, most faceted rutile gems are under 3 carats. 

Treatments & Synthetics

While natural rutile is common in collections, synthetic rutile is more common in jewelry because it’s generally more transparent with better color, helping display its dispersion. 

They’re created via the Czochralski process, Becher process (using ilmenite), or flame fusion method. The result is usually free from flaws, though you may see gas bubbles sometimes.

Though natural rutile isn’t treated, a synthetic rutile gemstone may be heated to change pale yellow coloring blue. Synthetic rutiles may also be red, yellow, or brown. 

In contrast to synthetics, let’s look at how rutile is formed naturally.

rutile gemstone rough crystal specimen

Rutile Formation & Sources

Rutile is found in igneous and metamorphic rocks, forming due to high temperature and pressure conditions. Specifically, you’ll find rutile in alpine veins, pegmatites, gneiss, schists, limestones, and detrital grains (pieces of weathered rocks). 

Mining Locations

The most important current producer of rutile is Sierra Leone, supplying almost one-third of all rutile. Switzerland is significant for producing more transparent, natural rutile material.

Other important rutile sources are:

  • Brazil

  • France

  • Myanmar

  • Pakistan

  • Russia

  • Sri Lanka

  • USA (Arkansas, California, Georgia, North Carolina, South Dakota, Virginia)

Of course, price may be the most important aspect when considering buying rutile.

rutile in quartz gemstone pendant

Rutile Price & Value

Rutile is pretty affordable, though the priciest options are faceted gems. Synthetic faceted gems go for around $40-$100 per carat. Natural faceted rutile is similar, ranging from $40-$90 per carat, though some are only $10 per carat or lower.  

Rough rutile specimens are usually under $1 per carat. Well-formed crystals can be slightly higher, reaching around $7.50 per carat. 

Cat’s eye rutile cabochons start from $13 per carat and go up to $125 per carat. 

Looking for rutilated quartz? These stones are quite affordable. Multicolored stones ranging from $0.60-$15 per carat, with most on the lower end. Cabochons are around $5 per carat or lower, though rising demand has led to cabochons costing closer to $20 per carat in recent times.

Rutile Care and Maintenance

Lastly, we’ll discuss gemstone care. Rutile only has moderate hardness, so we recommend protective settings for any jewelry, particularly for vulnerable rutile rings or rutile bracelets. 

Cleaning rutile is simple: Mix lukewarm water with mild soap, then using a soft toothbrush dipped in the mixture to gently scrub the stone. Dry it with a soft, dust-free cloth after rinsing away any soap residue. Store it separately from other gems. 

Reveling in Rutile? 

Though it’s usually a background player against other gems, rutile reminds us that you don’t need to be the center of attention for your golden shine to elevate everyone around you. 

Buy rutile and rutilated gemstones today!





金红石.jpg图片来源:Ra'ike | Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported 许可证


金红石,或历史上的“红色 schorl”,通常出现在其他宝石内部的珠宝世界中。单个水晶被视为收藏品。不过,金红石被用作双子座和金牛座的生肖石





  • 白色颜料——用于油漆、纸张、塑料等

  • 防晒霜——纳米粒子吸收紫外线

  • 钛金属——这种矿物含有 30% 的钛

  • 偏振光学——由于高折射质量

  • 耐火陶瓷——用于冶金行业的窑炉、坩埚等

  • 焊接电极覆盖层——保护金属免受大气影响并稳定电弧

除了其成分外,金红石的耐热、耐压和耐化学性使其可用于折射陶瓷等应用。它在偏振光学中的应用源于其极高的折射率、 色散双折射

进一步了解金红石的重要性:金红石是二氧化钛最好和最纯净的天然形式(由 30% 的钛组成),二氧化钛用于世界上大约三分之二的颜料!



金红石是一种二氧化钛矿物,化学式为 TiO2。石头是四方氧化物金红石族中最常见的成员,其中还包括锡石



当它不形成针状晶体包裹体时,金红石晶体常呈棱柱状,呈垂直条纹状。多个晶体(最多 8 个)可以形成接触双胞胎,偶尔会形成一个晶体环。您还可以找到块状或颗粒状的金红石。


  • 莫氏硬度:6-6.5

  • 颜色: 金色、红色、红棕色、棕色、棕黄色、绿色、黄色、淡蓝色、紫色、黑色、灰色、灰黑色

  • 晶体结构: 四方

  • 光泽:金属、亚金属或金刚

  • 透明度: 透明到不透明

  • 折射率:2.62-2.90(超限)

  • 密度:4.20-4.30(含铁4.20-4.40,含钽4.20-5.60)

  • 乳沟:在 [110] 上良好/不同,在 [100] 上中等; 【092】与【011】分别

  • 断口: 贝壳状、亚贝壳状或不均匀/不规则

  • 条痕:灰黑色、浅棕色或浅黄色

  • 发光: 无

  • 多色性:存在,弱到强的棕色、红色、黄色和绿色二色性阴影

  • 光学效果: 有时 chatoyancy

  • 双折射:0.287

  • 色散:0.28-0.33(极强)


金红石宝石 sagenite 品种上图:Sagenite 金红石品种


让我们从金红石品种开始。钽、铌和铁是金红石中常见的杂质。铁可能会取代部分钛,而金红石可能含有高达 10% 的铁。这将我们引向变体:

  • Ilmenorutile / Niobian Rutile :黑色,含铌变体

  • Strüverite :黑色、含钽变体,有时含有铁和/或铌(铌含量必须低于钽含量)

  • Nigrine : 富铁变体或金红石和钛铁矿的组合

  • Sagenite :具有网状双晶网络的变体

“Sagenite”也用于金红石玛瑙(有时称为 sagenitic 玛瑙)和其他含有针状金红石或碧玺内含物的石英或玉髓


在其他宝石中, 金红石内含物通常是针状晶体或微观纤维。这些内含物可能指向多个方向或形成导致光学现象的致密束。





  • 维纳斯发石:带有金色金红石内含物的品种

  • 星光金红石石英:具有六组内含物的品种,从中心点向外延伸,形成星形

  • 涂鸦石英:带黑色金红石针的透明石英




蓝宝石红宝石珍贵宝石中的内含物通常价值较低。然而,被称为“丝绸”的致密、平行的金红石纤维束可以在任一宝石的表面上产生 4 或 6 射线“星”的反射,称为星光,从而增加价值。

见过“星光红宝石”或“星光蓝宝石”打折吗?那些是发红的!虽然许多黑色星光蓝宝石含有赤铁矿内含物,但一些产自泰国的蓝宝石具有来自金红石赤铁矿针状物的 12 射线星光。







其他 chatoyant 金红石包括:

Chatoyancy 也可能由宝石固有的纤维或层状结构引起,如虎眼石。即使是个别的金红石宝石也可以很活泼!







金红石象征着启蒙、直觉和天国的联系。有趣的是,现在已经过时的 19 世纪“金红石”定义意味着“闪耀”或“发出光线”。





多面合成金红石宝石 - 二氧化钛上图:二氧化钛(合成金红石)|图片来源: Flickr上的 James St. John


金红石的名称源自拉丁语rutilus,意为“带红色”,源于最初研究的标本的颜色。德国地质学家 Abraham Gottlob Werner 在 1800 年根据他的描述选择了这个名字,但这并不是第一个名字。

对金红石的首次描述来自奥地利矿物学家和冶金学家 Ignaz(或 Ignatius)von Born,他于 1772 年根据斯洛伐克标本进行了描述。他将其命名为“ Basaltes crystallisatus ruber ”,拉丁语意为“红色结晶 schorl ”。

1783 年,法国矿物学家 Jean-Baptiste Louis Romé de l'Isle 在马达加斯加发现了一种金红石石英,并将这种金红石命名为“ schorl rouge ou purpre ”(法语为“红色或紫色的 schorl ”)。

12 年后的 1795 年,德国化学家马丁·海因里希·克拉普罗特 (Martin Heinrich Klaproth) 描述了现代斯洛伐克金红石中的钛(在它正式为人所知之前),他称之为“hungarischen rother schörl”(德语为“匈牙利红 schorl ”)。

不久之后的 1796 年,日内瓦地质学家 Horace Bénédict de Saussure 描述了一种瑞士双晶金红石,他称之为“ sagenite ”——来自希腊语或拉丁语sagena ,意思是“网”。

同样在 1796 年,爱尔兰地质学家 Richard Kirwan 将金红石命名为“钛石”(现在用于榍石)。 1801 年,法国矿物学家 René Just Haüy 将金红石命名为“titane oxydé”(法语为“氧化钛”)。

随着时间的推移,由于各种描述,金红石的类型产地一直存在争议。虽然根据 Werner 1800 年的描述,它最初被认为是 Horcajuelo de la Sierra,但 21 世纪的研究表明,斯洛伐克的 Revúca 才是真正的典型产地。

在现代,金红石于 1948 年首次合成。这些宝石作为钻石仿品(名为“Titania”)出售了几年,直到出现更耐用的选择。
















金红石的色散度是钻石的 6 倍, 切面适当的金红石可以散发出无与伦比的光芒。不过,这种效果在合成金红石上效果最好,因为天然刻面宝石的颜色通常太深(或金属光泽太强),无法显示色散。


如果金红石是 chatoyant,则必须将其切割成凸圆形以显示效果。




虽然金红石可以形成足够大的晶体以具有透明的刻面部分,但较大的刻面宝石会变得太暗。因此,大多数刻面金红石宝石都在 3 克拉以下。



它们是通过 Czochralski 工艺、Becher 工艺(使用钛铁矿)或火焰熔融法制成的。结果通常没有缺陷,但有时您可能会看到气泡。









  • 巴西

  • 法国

  • 缅甸

  • 巴基斯坦

  • 俄罗斯

  • 斯里兰卡

  • 美国(阿肯色州、加利福尼亚州、佐治亚州、北卡罗来纳州、南达科他州、弗吉尼亚州)




金红石价格相当实惠,但最昂贵的选择是多面宝石。合成刻面宝石每克拉的价格约为 40-100 美元。天然刻面金红石类似,价格从每克拉 40-90 美元不等,但有些价格仅为每克拉 10 美元或更低。

金红石原石标本通常每克拉不到 1 美元。形状良好的晶体价格可能略高,达到每克拉 7.50 美元左右。

猫眼金红石凸圆面起价为每克拉 13 美元,最高可达每克拉 125 美元。

寻找金红石石英?这些石头很实惠。多色宝石每克拉 0.60-15 美元不等,大部分价格较低。凸圆形宝石的价格约为每克拉 5 美元或更低,但不断增长的需求导致近来凸圆形宝石的成本接近每克拉 20 美元。







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